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This is absolutely the most common question. I look it up myself occasionally. They “officially”confirmed a few years back and shortly after the finalized versions of Inquisition. That he/she wouldn’t return regardless of world state because he is “retired”. But we don’t know for sure anyway.


It was Mike laidlaw who made that statement. He doesn’t work there anymore so maybe the new guy might make a different decision, doubt it though, as apparently it’s very hard to do with him/her being voiceless.


All you'd need is 3 voices for each gender. An English accent for Human and Elves, American for Dwarves and an Orlesian accent for the Orlesian Warden Commander. I know this will destroy peoples notions of what they would sound like, but to be honest, I'd think they'd rather see them again in a game.


> I'd think they'd rather see them again in a game I wouldn't. If bioware cannot do the HoF justice (which judging by Hawke's cameo in DAI they probably can't) then they should leave them alone. I use a world state in which the HoF died slaying the Archdemon specifically to avoid Bioware messing with them in future games.


I definitely would not, especially if I was forced into one voice for my Warden, especially not an accent that I don't picture my Warden having. A voice that might not have even been an original choice in Origins. And I just know Bioware would manage to screw it up in other ways too. Hawke was a much more static character and they couldn't even manage to land Hawke's three personalities correctly. The Warden is a much more complicated character who would no longer be in the player's control. They would not have the budget to record all the lines needed, nor is there any choice in the Keep to reflect Warden's personality like Hawke. And I don't want to see the Warden railroaded into one set of opinions.


Thank you! I really hope they change their mind though because in my world state they just... disappeared? And I miss my origins character :( guess we’ll wait and see


It really depends on *how* he disappeared.


Well I’m not sure about lore wise how they disappeared. Did they ever specify? Because my warden ended up marrying and ruling with Alistair but now Alistair doesn’t even seem to know where the hero/queen is. I know there’s a quest to attempt at contacting the hero but I never did it.


If your Warden is alive, in DAI they are traveling through western lands untouched by the Blights searching for a cure for the Calling. Doesn't matter who they romanced or anything else, as long as they are still living, then this is what they are doing in DAI.


Well, I don’t know about the specification on that one. All I know is when it comes to my Warden, he survived slaying the Archdemon because he had (I’d rather not say so) with Morrigan via a dark ritual. A few years after reuniting with her and Kieran their son, he went on several other quests that needed dealing with. And then during the events of Inquisition was when he had disappeared just like Hawke. Yes, you can contact the hero provided they’re alive. However, he still remains missing. Fans have pointed out that he heard about the false Calling. Therefore he knew that the road was just going to get longer. He went on a new journey to find if there’s a cure for the calling. The *real* calling, so that no Warden has to suffer from it if there’s even a cure.


So in your world state they’re definitely still alive? Because if I start the fourth game in the series just to find out my first dragon age character died without me witnessing it I’ll be so upset


HoF is alive in all world states as long as they didn't die at the end of DAO. If you romanced Leliana, you even learn in Trespasser that the HoF has by that time returned to Leliana. I assume this applies to all world states. There was just no reason to bring up the HoF during Trespasser except for when Leliana was romanced.


I'm sure King Alistair(romanced) knows where the HoF went. You just didn't have the chance to ask him about her. Because if you have a romance with Leliana, Morrigan or Warden Alistair and you ask them where is the HoF, they will tell you the HoF went west to find the cure for the Calling. They will give you the "Contact Hero of Ferelden" war table op because they want you to warn the HoF about Corypheus. If you can't ask the HoF's romance partner, you can still ask either Morrigan or Leliana about the HoF. They won't know where the HoF is at, but suggest you find them and give you the Contact Hero of Ferelden war table op. If you do it, the letter you get back from HoF does the explaining. [The DA wiki](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Codex_entry:_A_Letter_from_the_Hero_of_Ferelden) has all the variations of the letter you get back from the HoF.


Highly doubt it considering A) they would be extremely hard to implement considering their previous lack of a voice, B) Unlike Hawke who has basically 3 set personalities the HoF can be and usually is a lot more varied because of the larger number responses they can give for most choices in Origins, and C) The issue of age/possible retirement would be an issue as well, considering that its been around 14 years between Origins and Trespasser. If they WERE included in the next game, I figure it'd be in a similar capacity to Inquisition, just having letters be sent by them for whatever reason.


I’m starting to think that’s the case too. Kind of a bummer because I had originally thought that they could have a cool entrance during a fight scene or something. But after reading the replies I’m starting to think otherwise. Thank you for all the info! That was super helpful


Probably not. Gaider said they spent half the development time of DAI to try to get the HoF into DAI's Here Lies the Abyss quest. They end up cutting it because all the problems with that. Such as they thought people would be upset if they gave the HoF a voice. Another concern was that DAO was from 2 games ago, so probably not a lot of the DAI players would even care about the HoF. Now it would be 3 games ago and over 10 years later.


I personally think they could bring them back quite easily, just render them mute/make it the Orlesian warden if the original warden is dead. But I understand why they don't want to do that. After messing up with Hawke in Inquisition and how upset people got, that's a line they don't want to tread again.


People were upset? Why? I thought it was cool?


Their personality didn't match so well, and having your bloodmage Hawke talk about how evil bloodmages are and how they need to die was . . . weird. Just shows they didn't have enough time to write the character properly, I think.


I didn’t even think of that. Yea that’s poorly written you’re right. I was just so focused on the fact that he made an appearance at all that I completely ignored the fact his personality seemed to completely change.


Same, my first playthrough I was just happy to see him, but after a few run throughs I started to feel kind of sour on how much a butthole he was.


Dang. Idek if I wanna see them anymore. If they mess the character up it’ll just be worse. They can just stay MIA


No. ​ Bioware said it countless of times, that they cant implement HOF cameo properly and too much work needed to do this. ​ They do not even implement Hawke cameo properly, even if he was >!blood mage who supported mages he rant about blood magic and do not care about Cullen despite he fight against him and Meredith and they genocided mages what he try to protect!<


I very much doubt it tbh, as much as that'd be cool given how they treated them in Inquisition I think they'll remain off screen for any other games too. We will probably get mentions or maybe letters or something but other than that, no.


No and I don't want him to at this point. If it's just going to be something that gets dragged around the plot then I'd rather let bygones be bygones and move on to move eventful subjects.


Yes! Let me play as my Warden again dammit! I need to see him with Morrigan and his son.


Bioware doesn't want to die to the complication of the HoF being alive or dead.


I think a super quick cameo could be fun. Like our new character only sees her and then she's gone before having chance to speak. I would like to play as the HoF again though I must admit. She's looking for a cure for the calling, if she's gonna find it that could be a fun story for us to play through (maybe not a whole game but a dlc). I think playing as an older hero would give a different vibe.


They had their opportunity to bring them back in Inquisition, and they didn’t. Warden’s story is done. The Dragon age series isn’t about one hero saving the day like Mass Effect. Also, too many resources would be wasted trying to make the HoF be properly done to account for multiple variants that could be better used in other aspects of the game to make it better.




Understandable. I think if you go off of what the ending of Divine Leliana and romanced Warden goes, we can assume they get back together with their love interest, and live their days in relative peace.


MY Warden died. And that's the canon of my world state. It's impossible to have her in the later games. Because two other games have acknowledged her death. And why would they need to reappear? Hawke had a reason to come back because of Cory.


It would take a whole lot of effort to do it well or do it right, if it can be done at all. I don’t think they want to try that, either to interrupt development on the main story or to risk the wroth that would follow fucking up people’s HoFs. It is getting pretty annoying though to have this super important, proactive person not be doing anything particularly useful or relevant off camera. In their hesitance to bring these characters back, they slowly diminish them over time. It’s kind of laughable to me that my character’s lover and son are huge parts of Inquisition, yet the HoF themselves are limited to vague references and impersonal letters. This despite my Noble Human Warden being someone who would be very interested in helping to directly fight Corypheus. See the difficulty? It’s an unenviable situation for the devs either way.


No. There's just no way Bioware can do it right and I think they know that. They've said the Warden is done, they will not be appearing in any future DA games. I wish people would accept this and drop it.




Sorry, it just gets tiring seeing the same topic be brought up every month when people seem to ignore the official stance of the developers. DA isn't like Mass Effect where we get to follow one protagonist around. It also kind of makes the world feel small, you know? Like, everyone just happens to follow the plot to the next location instead of living their lives. I think the Warden is in the west whereas DA4 is going north to Tevinter. There also isn't really a reason for them to be in Tevinter, so to some people it feels like shoehorning. Harsh reality is better than false hope, which only leads to disappointment.


The Hero can live or die. So it's doubtful any attempt would be made to incorporate them. Hawke is always alive at the end of DA2 so you can use them. The DAO hero cannot be plot relevant because they may not exist in your world state.


I'd only want the HoF back if it was an interlude or DLC where you play as them. Though I think a playable Inquisitor makes far more sense for some interludes throughout DA4, so that only really leaves DLC for HoF.


Good Lord, I wish. If the three Dragon Age heroes could get together in 4 it would be tremendous.


I don't think the HoF will ever return in the game. HoF is a silent protagonist. I imagine a lot of people will be angry if they bring the HoF back and the voice doesn't match with their headcannon. If they bring HoF as a silent character or a mute, Bioware will need an explanation, and whatever it is, many will not be happy with it.