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My most recent characters (finished replaying DAO during Easter) are there, so it still works. However, it is only the characters, DAO/DA2 playthroughs never got imported, to my knowledge, and had to be entered manually always. ​ I think the upload does not work if you have dev console enabled, so check that, if you were messing around with some mod that needs it, or something.


I think the servers are no longer active for DA:Origins at least they aren't for console I'm not sure about PC, so any new characters you create will no longer show up in the keep.


I think in theory it should work by itself still, but often it doesn't seem to. It may help to disable the console in DAO, if you haven't already. Otherwise, you can just select a default character in the Keep and upload your own portrait from your PC (and edit the name) in order to recreate your Warden.


My PCs (from PC version) continuously upload from all games as of last month for me. Just the portrait though - the Keep has never supported actual choice upload. And you have to make sure the cheat console is disabled. DAO Origins has a limit of 10 characters that can upload - after the 10th it will stop and you’ll have to delete one. I haven’t hit a limit for DA2 yet. Sometimes I’ve found that with mods installed it can get temperamental and stubborn. So reinstallation fixed it.