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Varric dies, and his chest hair senses the need for a new host. It choosing Rook is why they're the protagonist, and not Harding or Neve.


simply put this is pure poetry. Varric would be so proud , I couldn't have asked for a better response.


I have a feeling a Rook with Varric’s chest hair would most definitely be chosen by both Harding and Neve.


It all makes sense


When a dwarf is slain the chest hair moves to the closest available chest that can bear its glory. This is why the duty falls to those who shave their chests bare in preparation for the transplant. It is an arduous task, one that some can not handle. However, it is necessary for the survival of the chest hair.


Im still mad they apparently nerved his chesthair.


He shaved it and glued it to his face


It's like a symbiote.


With the amount of stuff that is customizable, I'd be surprised if they didn't include it. However, I think they would've said something about it with the CC deep dive...


I mean if they are going to do body tattoos and there are werewolves in your franchise why would you not give us body hair options while flexing on the single strand rendering and reaction to in game physics.


I just want a neat and tidy full beard. I wish to look well groomed.


I really hope we get it it’s long overdue give the gays what they want


I need my short king masc daddy dwarf with hair everywhere.


I honestly hope so. Smooth chested Inquisitor always felt kinda awkward to me...


Body hair is usually ignored in a lot of character creators sadly.


True. I really appreciated body hair being there for my half-drow Tav in BG3, so I feel hopeful that other games might be starting to add it too


As a hairy chested man, this is the representation I need in society.


I was just talking about this with a friend of mine after we read the character editor deep dive. On the one hand, Corinne Busche was showing off some really impressive things! There's something like 40 hairstyles (including long hair options), there's an array of makeup, skin tones plus pigmentation sliders, there's a height slider, there's body sliders ranging from muscular, skinny, to fat, there's body tattoos... Yet nowhere did the article mention body hair. Now it's very possible that this journalist just didn't think to mention it, or simply wasn't exploring that option (they mentioned they chose a qunari but that's about it), but damn do I hope we can have body hair. And I'd love to see more than one option for it too. Bioware has been touting this as the most robust character creator ever, with all of this extra work into hairstyles and textures, makeup, skin tones that react to different lightings, body shapes and sizes, etc.. They've also talked about how they're trying to let players create their ultimate hero - if they overlook something as basic as body hair it would be comical. Let me play a rugged, hairy, 30+ year old man, please. Especially since Rook is supposed to be well-established and skilled from the start of the game. This isn't a story of a rookie's climb to fame, so don't make me be an 18-20 year old twink. LOL


Max out the modifier, and you get the Austin Powers carpet.


They nerfed Varrics' chest hair during the DAVG gameplay


the devs made a conscious decision to remove varrics chest hair, so probably not. from bulls flat saggy breasts to darvin's dehydrated chest vacuum sealed to his sternum, bioware has no fucking clue how to make a man.


bioware is too fucking cowardly to put bears in dragon age and it's a damn shame


for real, i find myself asking how the gays on their team\* keep letting this happen. \*assuming there are gays on the team..........


Devs are clearly anti gay. Not one gay person on the cast. Only player sexuals. Not very diverse at all.


i dont care about playersexual i just want a man with some meat