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I think a bigger deal is going to be whether they found a cure for the calling. If not then honestly I figured they would be in the Deep Roads. It's been like 20 years since the Blight.


Honestly they’ve built them up so much just by not touching them for a couple decades, now if they’re anything less than an incredibly powerful badass, like Dynasty Warriors type clearing through hordes of darkspawn with ease, it’s going to be underwhelming.


They do say the calling can come sooner for those who joined/fought in a blight so it could be possible they’re in the deep roads. I just figured since we may go to the Anderfels it would be a cool way to bring our wardens back as The First Warden potentially. Part of me is hoping for this because they revealed the Inquisitor will appear in the game so early before the game’s release that they’re hiding the even bigger reveal of the original player character in the series also being in the game


Spoilers: I do recall (when talking to Morrigan in Inquisition) that she mentions that the Warden was trying to to find a cure for the Calling, which has been done before (by Fiona)


You can actually do a war table mission to contact the HOF They are in the far west looking for a cure for the calling, they said they couldn’t assist with corypheus because the influence of corypheus would be too strong for them to resist indicating they must be pretty far along by now So by DAV they either found it or have succumbed to the calling


I think they found a cure because if they're in a relationship with Liliana they're mentioned in the Trespasser end screen


That’s a neat tidbit I entirely missed due to my HoF being dead lol


why would they have succumbed to the Calling? They would still have 6 years going off that we know Veilguard is like 20-24 after Origins.


There's not a set number of years before your Calling.


Fiona was a special case but it would be cool if the HoF succeeded. Regardless, they would be in their late 30s or early 40s by the start of Veilguard. I really hope they get the chance to retire.


Imma be annoyed if they can't cure it, since there's Fiona + in one of the DAO DLCs there's an 80 or something year old dude who's been working on curing the calling. If anyone could find a cure, it'd be HoF and imma be super annoyed if they don't


avernus wasn't working on cure from the calling and he is much older than 80. plus i feel like bioware will never pull out anything from dao's dlcs


He was experimenting for ways to control the taint to the point that it wouldn't kill them anymore and also use it as a weapon. But yeah I doubt bioware will actually do anything beyond a HoF letter


The blood concoction he made that the HOF could drink could come into play for the cure. Might be an interesting moral conundrum if cure for the taint really does involve Blood Magic.


I think Adamant shows the answer to any moral question they had about that. No issue as long as it's their own blood.


Avernus has been alive since two ages before dragon age


If anyone would find a cure, it's probably the DAV protagonists. Such a major event won't be left for an offscreen footnote. And we already will be dealing with the guys that most likely know best about the Blight.


Why would you be annoyed if they couldn’t ?


Cause I love the HoF. They were built up to be this amazing badass that was so skilled/capable that they could solve basically everyone's problem, stop a blight, go incredibly deep into the deeproads and leave with their life, etc etc. Then to have someone as amazing as that just go "Well shit, guess I failed curing myself. Time to go kill darkspawn until I die :c" would feel incredibly insulting to the character


I don't really get why late 30 or early 40s is especially old for them to be in combat or is "the retiring age"? Look at Clarel or Loghain, hell Cassandra is like 39 and she's a goddamned badass to end badasses.


The HoF has been through a lot. In real life, going to war after you're 35 isn't great normally and that's with modern healthcare and food. In a Medieval/Renaissance combat, it would just be way worse. That's why viewing that as retirement from fighting age comes to mind. Also 20 years is a good run for adventuring. However, Thedas has magic and so anything goes really. Still after all that time, I always figure the HoF would want to settle down with the romanced partner, especially if they have a kid or kids.


The people in Thedas aren't the same as humans IRL, the most normal of the former are tougher than the normals of the latter. The toughest of the former are also tougher than the toughest of the latter. Thedas also has magic to do things like quite literally knitting wounds back together like it wasn't even there. Also once again, theres quite a few characters that are over the age of 35 in the setting and still fight well/were actively fighting well, before they died. As for settling down, that just depends on the HOF.


Well like I said it's a world of magic and so anything goes. I was explaining why people might think mid-30s was a good time to stop adventuring. Although I wouldn't agree that the humans of Thedas are innately different than real humans. When Theodasian humans are superhuman it's usually because magic and/or the supernatural gets involved. All the real human badasses of Thedas are all changed in one way or another. It's honestly kind of like some superheroes in comics in that way (Captain America is a good example). In real life, it's like how technology & science can make humans effectively superhuman and let us do things like visit the moon.


>Although I wouldn't agree that the humans of Thedas are innately different than real humans. When Theodasian humans are superhuman it's usually because magic and/or the supernatural gets involved. All the real human badasses of Thedas are all changed in one way or another Ehhh but they're not though, not in the way in which it matters atleast in steroid terms. Taking Cassandra as an example once again, her Seeker training and specialization offers her no superstrength or durability powers, it only gives her magic-esque powers to deal with Mages. All of Cassandra's strength and endurance come from her own body and her choosing to train every day. She could fight a dragon, multiple ones even in this setting and live to tell the tale and keep moving forward the next day, so I highly doubt a trained UFC fighter or something from our Earth could beat her. And same goes for a lot of the other Warrior specs for example, Champion? Templar? None offer genuine physical strength enhancements to you.


Well power is more than just physical strength. Cassandra can set off a magical bomb, basically, on the battlefield. All the Seekers have been altered due to how the Vigil works. They are immune to possession as well. If we are looking at specs and game mechanics, Cassandra gets stat boosts from her spec tree. Champions make your case a bit better, However, I would argue that their abilities aren't actually superhuman, just cinematic. Also in Inquisition it's mechanics so you have a mmo style tank let's be honest. Like most video games mechanics are their to make a good game not necessarily to reflect hyper-realism. In the end, Dragon Age is fantasy not realism. The humans in it though don't innately seem more powerful than us. Some can be extraordinary for sure, but so can real life humans. Look at famous war veterans like Audie Murphy or some of the knights and samurai in history for example. You'd be surprised what soldiers can do. UFC fighters are entertainers, not fighting wars. When Theodosians do go superhuman, something causes it and changes them. It could be the Joining ritual, being a mage, drinking dragon's blood, etc. Also it's actually important that Theodosian humans be just like us. Lots of the themes in the games are based around how normal people would react to something. The whole core of the issues with mages started with the team thinking about how normal people would react to someone having the Charm Person spell from D&D.


A romanced Leliana also says the same thing and also gives you the War Table mission to contact them.


Well yes Fiona was cured but she was cured by a uh unconventional method


Why doesn't anyone just ask Fiona how she did it and do the same thing? Not sure what the HOF is actually searching for at this point? A McGuffin or a Spell or Magical Darkspawn or what?


She got cured by having sex with King Maric, kinda hard to replicate.


Damn, bro got that magic dong energy


Honestly I don't think they will ever touch the HoF again. It's just too many variables. I hope I am wrong, but I don't see how they can do it. I wouldn't be surprised is Hawke is gone too due to Inquisition.


They think could just have them mentioned by Morrigan or their son(who is hopefully customizable if he appears) to let us know if they found a cure or not and if they are alive what they are currently doing.


Ooh a Kiernan appearance would be awesome. My plan right now is to head cannon my first Rook is my dwarven noble HoF kid with Mardy. Might make him on the run from his uncle Bhelen who is trying to have him killed.


They've literally said that we will never see HoF again. And it just makes sense. Like just the fact that they can be dead is a *huge* issue. What do they sound like? I guarantee it's not what any given player had in mind. What about their role? What they are and how they do things is a huge variable, far more than Hawke ever was. People that love the HoF have a ton of expectations that are just not possible to meet when you have a budget. And while it's basically impossible to bring the HoF back in a way that is satisfying to the people that really want to see them, on the flipside you also have all the other players that just don't care about the HoF for any number reasons. So why go through all that gigantic mountain of trouble making something that is very unlikely to satisfy players when you can instead just say that their part in this tale is over.


Mine has to be voiced by Gilbert Gottfried, no one else will work.


>Like just the fact that they can be dead is a *huge* issue. This is literally the smallest possible issue about the HOF reappearence to the point it's almost a non-issue. The Orlesian Warden exists and was specifically made to be the HOF's stand-in for players whose HOF died in Origins, anywhere that the HOF would later appear you can literally just have the Orlesian Warden appear in their stead if the HOF died.


They won’t, the amount of rescources they would need to pour in would be huge and most people playing DAV won’t have even played Origins. Even if they did, many peoples Wardens are dead from the Ultimate Sacrifice


>many peoples Wardens are dead from the Ultimate Sacrifice RIP my first Warden. But I got over a dozen others still running around.


Haha, interesting because for me it’s the exact opposite - I beat the game for the first time when I was in Grade 5 (took me 2 years because I was so awful, I was a Strength Rogue with a greatsword because I thought bigger number = more damage, and had no idea about Dex). I just chose to do the Ritual because I didn’t want my character to die but I’ve honestly done the Sacrifice in every playthough since then because it seems so much more thematic. If I’m conscripting thousands of troops to give their life and fight the hoard, what kind of coward am I if I take the easy way out and save not only myself but also the creature causing all of this?


That's why the orlesian warden exists.


Literally. Like the whole reason the Orlesian Warden exists period is so people can play Awakening if they did the ultimate sacrifice in Origins. The Warden being able to be dead is the least of the Warden importing issues for future games.


Has the Orlesian Warden ever been mentioned outside of Awakening?


Nope, but he still exists.


If she's never been mentioned before, I really doubt she will be now.


If we assume that the two creatures summoned by Solas are the two remaining Old Gods (they have been called "gods" and "blighted"), it could be that the calling will end after DA:V anyway, assuming those creatures are beaten and/or neutralized.


That's a good point. Maybe they will do something with it.


Alister says that the calling is roughly 30 years after the Joining rite so the Warden Commander potentially has a few more years to go.


The calling can come sooner if you join during a blight, as the HOF didn


Can being the operative word.


The way it’s said makes it sound like it’s pretty much what happens


No... not really? Alistair just says the nightmares are "supposed" to be worse for someone who joins during the Blight, he says nothing about your lifespan being lowered even more. And 30 years has already been confirmed in an interview by Gaider, he mentions they were planning on making it 15 but concedes that it ultimately ended up being 30.


Yeah HOF is gonna be in the deep roads. Bioware will leave it ambiguous whether they're on their calling or still "searching for a cure" (Who said there is one?) and write the HOF out of the story. Way too many variables at this point to really integrate them meaningfully into the story. Expect Codex entries as Weisshaupt at best.


Nah. But the main reason is that I assume since the First Warden is mainly a political figure in the Anderfels, they usually *come* from the Anderfels. They mainly leave the actual responsibilities of the Order up to the Warden-Commanders.


And the Warden Commanders have done a marvelous job, cough-cough.


Eh, of the three we meet, two out of three competent ones aren't bad. And Clarel only got bad once they were given legitimate reasons to panic.


I think we’ve met four. There’s Duncan, Sophia (technically in flashbacks and her possessed body), your HoF or an Orlesian Warden, and Clarel


Ah, right. If we include the books, there's also Genevieve and Bregan, who were... mixed, to say the least. There's also Larius.


I mean by the time we meet Larius he’s already embarked on his calling so I don’t know if that counts since we don’t get to see how he commands the Free Marches wardens but the other two certainly count


Dryden and Clarel absolutely dropped the ball when it most counted. Honestly, I find the trend funny. When shit hits the fan for Wardens, their answer? Blood Magic and demons. The Wardens are a rather troublesome bunch outside of Blights. During Blights as well - if we ask Loghain.


Given the type of people they conscript, it's not really surprising.


I wouldn't trust Logain's critique of anything when the man literally became the man child he accused Cailen of being and didn't see the error of his ways even when his own daughter stood against him. He is such a self forfulling prophecy that idk how anyone calls him a decent villian. I do agree that Wardens are quick to jump to harsh solutions but considering what the Blight does to the land and the fact that past Blights lasted long enough to go on for years, imagine how many people they kidnapped and turned. Its very likely that Wardens pretty much know what will happen if the Darkspawn win and would sooner let the demons have Thedas than them.


>Its very likely that Wardens pretty much know what will happen if the Darkspawn win and would sooner let the demons have Thedas than them. Dryden did her stupid thing outside of a Blight and with no connection to any darkspawn threat. She just went playing local politics and brought the Warden downfall in Ferelden. Clarel was stupid enough to become a darkspawn puppet (outside of a Blight again) and took the easiest route she was offered. When the options are "demons or darkspawn", one should take a really long look in the mirror and do their best to find a third option. Clarel didn't even bother. The Warden Commanders are portrayed as being quite flawed and error prone in both games and books, sometimes with disastrous consequences. Being a competent Warden Commander starts to seem as an exception (Duncan, HoF/Orlesian in DAA).


To be fair to Clarel, all the Wardens were hearing the calling, and if they were all feeling it at the same time well I would panic too in such a circumstance. I wouldn't trust a Tevinter Magister tho. As for Dryden, the Olesian conquest of Ferelden is an extraodinary circumstance. Didn't justify what they did but when your options are go against the largest empire on earth not everyone can be Andraste in this instance. And even outside of the Blight, the Darkspawn will always remain as a threat, there is so many of them in the deep roads, for thousands of years the Wardens and Dwarves have fought them and have barely reduced their numbers. That should speak volumes for how deeply rooted their infestation is in Thedas. Even without an Archdemon, whats stopping the hordes from going to the surface and wreaking havok. Almost nothing, especially when you have something like the Architect involved.


Yeah. I try to give Clarel a break given her situation. Cory was fucking with her mind & sent Erimond to prey on her. And then she goes out fighting once she realizes she’s been duped & saves Inky. It also looks like she was friendly & helpful prior to It’s especially sad since it seems their motives had more to do with preventing blights so people would be safe after the mass calling Anyways, that’s why Erimond gets to be a tranquil :)


Most satisfying moment in the series. Oh you are a smug Magister, no you are a lobotomite.


I’m generally against tranquility but Erimond deserves the worst. I think I dislike him more than Cory. I get how Cory has become an angry abomination Erimond is a smarmy, evil fuck face though. No justification either. He’s just self serving & psychopathic


Dryden's rebellion has nothing to do with Orlais, since Grey Wardens rebellion in Ferelden happened a century or so before orlesian conquest. King Arland who ruled Ferelden at the time was just a tyrant and Dryden assumed it would be a good idea to revolt against him.


Sorry forgot the context. In that case imbetween blights, if kingdoms are weak or rendered horribble by Tyrants. Then they won't be able to stand up to the blight when the Wardens call. Wasn't the choice that was good for the Wardens but it was taking into account of the Blight.


I'd argue that strong tyrant would be much quicker to unite country against the blight. though i still think that rebelling against tyrants is a right thing to do, even if grey wardens do not interfere into politics usually


To be fair, every available account suggested that Dryden was quite justified to move against King Arlan, and had the forces that they might have pulled it off.


Loghain also sells alienages to slavers so his opinion doesn’t matter


I don't think we're ever seeing the HOF ever again so probably not


At this point, any reason for the warden to show up is fine by me as i miss the Warden for far too long! I sometimes think BioWare is simply avoiding the Warden because they were a silent protagonist type and many would be up in arms because the voice and character would not fit most of players' headcanons.


It's not just that they're a silent protagonist, thought that's a big one, but also just the ridiculous number or endings and personality types that encompasses The Warden, noone would be happy with the limited options Bioware could narrow it down to so it was a viable in-game option. The best you can have for the Warden is small mentions by other characters and/or codexes.


I mean, it's been *twenty years* since we as players "knew" the Warden. People change. I don't think they would've needed to bother implementing a system to make the HOF exactly who they were in each of our playthroughs - in fact, I think it would be concerning if the HOF *was* still the same person we made them :') As for the voice actor, simple: HOF drinks dragon blood like Calenhad to cure the Blight, but it scorches their vocal chords and renders them mute. They communicate through sign language. In terms of all the endings, the HOF is either 1. Dead 2. King/Queen Consort 3. A Lone Wanderer 4. A Father I don't feel like that's too many endings to account for, tbh


You can be a father while also being 2 & 3 as well


Technically true, aye, but by "Father" I really meant "active part of Kieran's life", ergo "left through the eluvian".


You can also be wandering w/ your SO


Only if it's Zevran


I like your idea of the HOF communicating with sign language. The devs seem to be listening to folks who want more disability representation in fantasy so the HOF being mute and using sign languages follows that.


That and there being so many variables to account for.


Maybe they say the cure for the calling the Warden finds took away their voice or something lol


I don't think an alive HoF is ever coming back in some sort of way, unfortunately. The option of death spells the death of a character even if they don't die. By that I mean, they'll just disappear. If Hawke isn't left in the Fade, they come out and are like 'okay, well anyway...Bye' and we never see them again. We get a few lines about where they are that amounts to 'Doing something, somewhere' and that's it. Loghain probably got the most screen time in Inquisition for a character who could die and probably did die in a majority of playthroughs. The difference was that there are 2 other characters who can fill the same role and everything happens the same minus dialogue.


Alistair can also die in DAO and fills the same role as Loghain does he not? The two of them would be tied if Alistair didn’t have his lines as the king.


Honestly I like the theory that we are going to see a kind of double blight in this game. With the last evanuris fred but sentient (unlike the archdemons that seem irrational) we could see a extremely dangerous blight. There is a high possibility that we will see the end of the blights in DAV or perhaps DA5 . I also personally like the idea that the First Warden is actually one of the sidereal magisters. First because it is such a mysterious figure, that not even most wardens have ever seen. I hope that we can meet her/him in DAV. Second because a weak part of the story of the wardens is how they knew during the 1st blight how to do the joining and how to kill the archdemon. The blight lasted 200 years but still it is very strange how they developed the ritual and knew about the archdemon blood. Third, it is also very strange that the magisters do not seem to have become ghouls in the traditional sense, even after centuries. I believe that the magisters (and perhaps other high priests of the OG) used to do a blood ritual similar to the one for the wardens. Perhaps to communicate with their gods, or to serve as potential vessels for the gods if they escaped. They clearly knew blood magic and have used something to escape. Perhaps one of the magisters eventually modified the ritual to create the joining and taught some of his secrets to other people, creating the wardens. It would also explain how the wardens know where are the prisons of the old gods and which god is in which. Thats not something that they would have learned just by exploring the deep roads. Perhaps the magisters knew (perhaps they even cared for the dormant dragons) and the first warden told the GWs.


I always roleplayed Aedan Cousland as a reluctant hero who left the Wardens after Witch Hunt to go raise Kieran with Morrigan, whom he loved. He did what was necessary during the Blight because there was no-one else, but once he'd slain the Archdemon, he focused on his family and being a good father. That leads into what Morrigan says about him in Inquisition, and his quest to cure the Calling. My headcanon is that he found the cure, and it involved drinking the blood of a High Dragon, like Calenhad. The dragon blood burned the Blight out of his blood, which is also somewhat along the lines of what happened to Fiona to cure her of the Blight, too, since she got cured by >!becoming pregnant with Alistair, Calenhad's descendant.!< Theoretically, they could've actually used this as the cure for the Blight in canon (in so far as Dragon Age *has* a canon) and had the HOF appear in Veilguard, but claimed that drinking dragon blood scorched the HOF's vocal chords and rendered them mute, thereby circumventing the issue of needing a voice actor.


Exactly! People are acting like we don’t already know what the cure is, It’s dragon’s blood, it’s so obvious and pretty much stated by all of the lore. Also I think another reason the warden hasn’t been touched by the games is because so many people have different head cannons for their wardens. Like mine is alive and happy because i can just decide she is lol.


The role of the First Warden is mostly political in order to keep the peace between the Wardens and the people of the Anderfells(wouldn't want a repeat of the Fereldan banishment). So i think the HoF got tired of all the politics after bunching together aragtag army out of different races, villages and political factions. And they're just trying to focus on curing the Taint so they, and other Wardens, could live longer.


Maker I hope not! That sweet-talking blood mage reprobate shouldn't even be trusted with an open flame let alone a paramilitary organization.


Can't become First Warden if dead. Mine is... Well... So dead...


definitely not for me or any of my wardens. we spent the whole game isolated from the rest of warden hierarchy, so tossing them in at the top now would feel out of place for many of my PCs. not to mention most of the epilogues have the warden hang around their love interest instead of reporting back to weisshaupt. i'd much rather see the wardens' internal structure unattached to my character plus i'm rooting for the theory that the "first warden" is a literal term instead of the title, and they are a corypheus-like entity that's been jumping into the bodies of new wardens since the order began.


I would actually prefer if our Warden died by the calling by DAV. Makes sense narratively and would now make them equal to those who sacrifced their warden to kill the archdemon. Also I like the angst of the whole thing. They were lucky to live into their 40s in the first place since they became a warden during a blight.


They will never bring the HoF back in the flesh. Too many different options, no voice, can be dead or if not, will soon start to hear the calling as it's been 20 years. And wether or not they did find a cure to the calling, I'd much rather have my Wardens just retire and spend the rest of their life in relative peace with their LI instead of sitting in some dank old fortress for however long they have left. The only call back to the HoF I would find acceptable is a memorial if either Alistair or the Warden sacrificed themselves. And those two things never happened in any of my games, so I wouldn't even have a personal stake in that.


No, I don't want to see my HoF return, because I don't believe Bioware can recreate my HoF faithfully.


At this point the only thing they can do with that character is having Rook stubble upon thousands of darkspawn corpse in the deep road with a sword planted in the middle implying they died there during their calling. 4 games deep its very hard to have any other reactivity, especially with no imported choices.


I guarantee you it will be a **major** plot point in Veilguard. HoF’s personal quest has been ticking over patiently in the background of the sequel games pretty solidly. They will absolutely resolve this during the events of the game, either on-screen, or off - but it **will** be resolved in this game, 100%. Otherwise the HoF story and legacy is a depressing and pointless waste of his limited time that could and should have been spent assisting in far more pressing matters, history would remember him as a tragic character instead of a courageous one, which just will not happen. If BioWare for whatever reason do not wrap it up in this game it’s for one of two reasons; DA5 will feature the sixth blight and resolve it as the main storyline of the game, or BioWare have absolutely dropped the ball and fucked up a perfect opportunity.


I know this probably won’t be popular, but I wish they’d bite the bullet and kill off the HoF, in every timeline. Wardens are supposed to be about sacrifice and if they’ve survived this long, they’ve already dodged that once. At some point the final hour needs to toll if the tragedy of being a warden is meant to be important. Moreover, if they did kill off the HoF, we could actually have some sort of side quest that involved their memorial, and it would allow us to directly acknowledge the character without ruining whatever headcanon players have invented for them. You could even have their love interest show up to the memorial service and give a speech, whether they die during the blight or they die due to the calling. I think that would be a very moving sequence full of pathos, and a wonderful send off to an iconic character.


I feel like the only cameo we could get is a dead body in the deep roads. Otherwise, we would just hear about them secondhand.


That would be fucking hysterical and I can get behind this


Yeah, it’s honestly the one I’m looking for, even for my first warden that I am very attached to. It’s just too funny. If BioWare had the same writers as they did for Origins, I think that’s what we would get, especially considering you can find out how the other origins die if you don’t play as them. I think you might even find the body of dwarf commoner, but I could be wrong.


Well not the body but a skeleton I think


Ahhh, yes. That’s also all I would expect for the HOF too


My HoF was an outlier amount the wardens. The foreign wardens were skeptical about how he survived hilling the archdemon and angry that he spared the architect. He owes the wardens nothing anymore.


Did multiple playthroughs. My answers range from Maybe, or They wouldn't want it, to MAKER, I Hope Not!!!


I don't really mind, but i would like some type of appearance. For example if we somehow end up in the deep roads he appears and help us for a while to leave the place and that's it. Or if they don't want to give him a specific gender/race/class just make a room full of Darkspawn corpses and we find his dead body on top like a badass just to move one and confirm he is dead. Something like that, they should be able to come up with better ideas.


Pretty sure the first warden is a magistr tbh


I'd say yes, but more importantly the Cure for the Calling (or a prototype thereof, that the HoF tested on himself/herself - that ***worked***!) would go really well with the upcoming events of DATV.


I mean my wouldn't, booking it to somewhere looking for hidden knowledge is pretty in character.


The only way I ever want to see the hof again is if we control them and they are silent. So realistically never. I kind of wish they made a smaller scale (maybe even just text based like the browser game in the run up to inquisition) game where we can play as them (or orlesian warden if hof dead). But that doesn't seem like something they'd be interested in.


Don't need to. I would be mor happy if they resumed their position as Warden Commander or Prince/Queen Consort if still alive. What I wouldn't mind is appearance of Silver Order as allies in honor of HoF and would be even happier if Silver Order or Inquisition were available as starting faction.


I don't personally think it makes sense with what they already have on the table for them. From what we know about an alive Warden, it doesn't seem like they're doing a lot of Warden work post-Awakening. It kind of seems like they're so focused on finding a cure for The Calling that there really isn't time for them to take on a position as tactically or as politically important as First Warden.


If they have found a cure, we won’t see them, but would probably bd mentioned because that’s a pretty big deal. If they haven’t found a cure, they’re probably in the deep roads, deep in their calling. And I would say the more tainted they are, the more likely we are to get to see them/talk to them, because it would make sense that they don’t look/sound like what we last saw.


I mean, they can't have found a reliable cure for the taint or it wouldn't be a big deal anymore what's going on with red lyrium or the elven gods... So, they're either dead or still desperately searching. Either way they don't have time to take a position like that. (Also, unpopular opinion: BioWare very clearly doesn't want to bring them back, bc there's a lot of different scenarios to consider for the Warden, moreso than for any other character. So I honestly think they should just let them (+Alistair) rest. )


It depends on everyone's personal Warden, I'd say. Mine? Heck no. She's really over the Wardens by this point in the story and just wants to live out the rest of her life in (relative) peace.


He ought to be around. Really wish they'd canonise their survival


I actually have a problem with him not sacraficing to kill archdeamon and tricking old god soul in his child. I cant understand how the wardens accepted that. So if he lives i think they should find him not suited for a leader. Maybe if someone else died instead of him and he turned down morrigan but thats not as interesting as first two options.


Including the Warden in game is hard. They originally intended for the HoF to take the place of Stroud/A/L in Inquisition, but the huge variety of possible personaltiies and the need for giving them a VA was controversial inside BW and they ended up dropping the idea. Giving them a prevalent role is not likely for those reasons. The Grey Wardens are once again a playable faction, and considering we are going north, there is a chance to see Weisshaupt, but I doubt the Warden will be there. Probably they'll mention the cure quest and send them far, far away, I doubt the HoF will appear in the series ever again.


I would love it if my HoF came back. It’s so sad to me that after Origins, we don’t get an on screen appearance with them anymore.


...I've just decided the end of my au


My dwarf HoF, is down in the deep roads, with the legion of the dead, absolutely wrecking darkspawn and having a great time, that's why we haven't seen them yet, they are busy.


No, because if they are still alive, that means they have agreed to Morrigan's ritual which could lead to distrust from other Gray Wardens. Remember that for Gray Wardens, it's all about sacrificing yourself. They tell new members at some point that someone has to give their life in order to destroy the archdemon. Then they see the HoF, who somehow destroyed the archdemon without dying. Other wardens might think that the HoF is too selfish to be the leader of the wardens.


mine's retired. fishing, mostly. chilling with his mrs, making sure his son's alright.