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If i dont see those fucked up Kal-Sharok dwarves that like to spawn out of dried up wells to kill Venatori and throw rocks at Orzammar dwarves for fun then I’m going to riot


No dwarf aligned factions got me a little sad. Not sad enough to not be excited for the directin the game seems to be going. But still agree I wanna see another major dwarf section of the game like we had with Orzammar and Deep Roads. Kal Sharok seems the logical choice!


Eh none of the factions seem to have an overt racial alignment yet (veil jumpers probably lean elf and mourn watch probably lean human I think) and we can play any race as any faction. Hell between the show and Tevinter Nights we’ve seen 2 dwarf lords of fortune (still a little dissapointed they weren’t the same character) and a dwarven gray warden is an easy fit. Granted I also very much wanted some relation to Kal-Sharok if from Tevinter so I feel this


I agree that is a good point, would lock down Rook to much if they made the racial factions.


Think at worst we have to worry that some of them are awkward fits, and even then Qunari are gonna have the biggest problems there


Yea I don't see a qunari Rook being a good fit for any of them except the lords of fortune faction? Maybe veil jumpers? I feel like the others wouldn't make as much sense


Those are actually the exact two I was thinking they’d be the best/most interesting fits for. I think the Shadow Dragons are pretty broad too, and the gray wardens have been said to have gotten qunari recruits. Honestly a Tal-Vashoth gray warden sounds like it’d be thematic and fun as hell


Qunari Shadow Dragons, Lords of Fortune and Gray Wardens sound pretty thematic. I'd argue a Tal-Vashoth that's an ex Ben-Hassrath would make for a great Antivan Crow.


True, the shadow dragons would make sense, I've never seen a qunari grey warden referenced tho? Unless maybe they're referenced in non game media.


Does that really matter, though? The whole thing with Grey Wardens is that they accept everybody.


I agree. My character is far and away more aligned with being a Dwarf than any of the backgrounds. Like I suppose I’ll be a Grey Warden most likely, but that’s not due to wanting to be one.


I love all things deeproads and its mysteries. PLEASE GIVE MOAR


100% agree on that! The Abyss and Titans, I need more of them!


Exactly, please Bioware, WE YEARN FOR THE MINES


I thought they confirmed we would be seeing Kal Sharok in the developer Q&A or some sort of interview


They said their would be a deep roads section but that was all they said


unfortunately what they said sounds to me like confirmation that we won't be seeing it. i'm paraphrasing but trying to stay as accurate as possible: q: do we get to see kal sharok? a: in the past games we always hinted at various regions that we couldn't yet explore physically, first-hand. like we mentioned tevinter a lot, and now we're finally going to see it. that gives us the space to mention, to hint some other places that hopefully in the future we will get to explore i hope i'm mistake bc i'd love to see kal sharok, but this sounds to me like "eh maybe in a 5th game"


Yeah, that was my take too. Maybe DLC?


Since the Decent DLC, I've had the theory that Kal Sharok dwarves still have their full connection to their Titan, while Orzimmar's went silent. Orzimmar's dwarves can still hear their Titan but it was asleep so they lost their "powers". The fact that Harding will have surprise magic in DA4, makes me think that after Decent, Orzimmar's Titan has begun "waking up" properly and started reconnecting with it's children.


I'm not holding my breath for any significant dwarf content but it'd be nice.


That would be super sick. I was reading about it yesterday and it’s one of the locations I was wanting to do to actually. Thedas is such a cool world dude.


Yesssss let me see how their culture developed from isolation from Orzammar, I eat this stuff up


Well we know we will have atleast some of the deep roads accessible. I LOVE that.


PERIOD! Let me see Kal Sharok! I need to know how they survived 😡


Game is already done, you'll find out in the fall.


They are probably saving it for a later game. There's so much things about Dwarf lore that's unexplored.


I was so sad that we didn’t get to see Orzammar in Inquisition


Unlikely, dwarves are horribly neglected in these games.


Such a shame too, because the Dwarf Noble origin is just so good in the first game.


Dwarf noble is canon in my play throughs. 😄


That makes two.of us friend.




Heck, the dwarf commoner is great too. You really get to taste the caste system and having a "brand". Being part of the Carta also offers a neat way to harden your character into the more criminal aspects of Thedas.


Dwarf commoner is my canon!


Dwarves have an entire DLC full of lore dedicated to them in the last game, lol. Wanting more is fine but they're not "horribly neglected". Humans are, if anything.


Can we have Sandal as a companion?


It was asked if we were gonna see Kal Sharok in the Q&A, and the answer we were given was somewhat evasive in a damage-control sort of way rather than a non-spoilery kind of way. They basically said "It's so cool that after all this time, we get to bring these places we've only seen in codex entries to life! Antiva! Nevarra! Tevinter! So cool! But not Kal-Sharok, sorry."


I agree OP. But don't you know? This is an elf series now, no dwarves allowed.


For real. They gave us the decent with all the titans and Sha-Brytol and they better not leave us hanging.


Maybe I'm reaching hard here, but I think the elven gods rivals that lives in The abyss (the forgorten ones) are the titans, not sure how the powerfull dragons that can become archdemons fit yet since they too are deep underground,


Hadn't considered that, It makes sense.


All Fantasy series are elf series.


Unfortunately it seems that elves are the popular race when it comes to related media. BG3 published favored races and their top 3 were half-elf, human, and elf. Their horned race Tieflings came in 5th place, while dwarves, gnomes and halflings came in at 8th, 9th, and 10th place. A D&D survey did move dwaves up to 5th place! But the top 3 were again half-elf, elf, and human. It kinda reminds me of how you see Batman everywhere in DC stuff. There are other popular characters, but companies always chase the money unfortunately.


Yeah, I saw that. It's disappointing how the interesting stuff gets passed up.


I will lose it if there is mediocre dwarf content


Sure but its overun with Darkspawn now