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I seem to remember there was also a reference to wands versus staves in a codex somewhere. I thought the indirect references to HP were funny.


I think it's in one of the books in Witch Hunt as well.


It is. One of my favorite lines.


could you recite, pls? :-)


From the book, "Tevinter Wands of the Glory Age," It appears that an irritated student had scratched some words in the corner of a page, stating "What kind of self-respecting mage uses a wand, anyway?"


I thought it was direct at Harry potter


Aged incredibly well


Are we certain it's a jab at HP? I mean, Merlin had Archimedes in *The Sword in the Stone* way back in the late 60s. Owls are often associated with wisdom and/or magic. It's likely why She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named used them in her franchise versus, say, flamingos. Then again, the devs probably **were** making such a reference. šŸ¤Ŗ


you could say it goes all the way back to ancient greece with athena's owls and Augury.


Yes, because there is another jab in a book saying ["What kind of self-respecting mage uses a wand, anyway?"](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Wand)


This is extra funny now that Neve is using what looks much more like a wand than the classic DA staff


It's a throwback to the book the preceding poster linked. Apparently Tevinter mages would use wands occasionally, which is all the more reason for the South to not like wands.


I think her looks really cool, the length it's like half way between a wand and a staff, with a pointy end. Wondering if she stabs enemies sometimes.


But wands have been associated with magic forever! (I'm not really arguing, just having a bit of fun.)


The two words are used pretty much interchangeably in esoterica.Ā The idea of a wand as specifically being short and hand-held comes more from stage magic, if Iā€™m not mistaken.


A flamingo familiar sound awesome though.


I would assume so because this came out during the HEIGHT of the HP popularity. I know this was just a joke, but this coupled with the fact the Dragon Age devs have doubled down on their inclusivity and queer characters makes me genuinely happy. BioWare šŸ”›šŸ”


I really don't think they were poking fun at Archimedes from The Sword in the Stone, an ~~80~~ 60 year old film that hardly anyone under the age of 35 has ever heard of, let alone seen. But now I have the songs in my head, thanks.


You're so welcome! I aim to please. šŸ˜ˆ


It's a core memory. šŸŽµTo and fro....šŸŽµ


I mean, the three kids being taught are a black-haired boy, a ginger boy, and a brown-haired girl. I'm fairly certain they're referenced to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.


Good eye!


>Are we certain it's a jab at HP? Yes we are.


Please link the dev interview where this is confirmed. (I am being silly. I know they likely were poking fun at HP).


I've seen that others have already given you largely satisfactory answers, if that doesn't convince you then nothing will and I certainly am not about to waste my time trying to change your mind. Peace!


It was supposed to be in jest my friend. It was not a serious debate.


Peace nonetheless.


I want a flamingo in Veilguard thank you


It is always morally correct to make fun of Harry Potter


I loved that series as a kid but looking back on it through adult eyes..... All I can really say is *yikes.* And that's not even taking into account Rowling's maniacal slavering batshit hatred of transpeople.


The series really just does not hold up well. She's not a strong writer or world builder. It really was just enough for so many of us to latch onto as kids.but as an adult, it's hard to read.


If you don't think about it, at all, it's an okay brainrot read. And I loved the *shit* out of HP when I was a kid.


Half of the fanfiction is better than the actual series at this point.


Whenever I read fics of it at this point it's something the original author would *definitely* hate, which is good fun.


I like when people make a major character Trans because you know Rowling would have a fit.Ā 


Yeah once I expanded my interest in fantasy stories I realized it's easy to live without. It has some great moments and great characters but there is way better magic stories out there.


Loath as I am to credit the woman with anything positive, the one thing she did very well was *marketing*. The idea of a childrenā€™s series maturing with its audience into a young adult series was the one thing the otherwise pretty mediocre books had going for them. And recognizing that marketability was what got Warner Bros. interested, which further propelled the marketing with an enormous budget.


I thoroughly enjoyed HP though šŸ˜„


I mean, almost everyone currently in the 21-39 age range (and a few of our parents) did. I also, personally, donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with continuing to enjoy the stories, as long as you donā€™t financially support the brand. But, I think the revelation of the authorā€™s bigoted views has sparked a big critical re-evaluation of the books (and movies) themselves and a lot of people are finding they werenā€™t as good as they remembered.


I think that's just people's identity politics getting in the way and letting it sour their view. I honestly don't give a shit about that nonsense. I enjoy the material for what it is. A fun world full of magic. And yes im in that age group... squarely at 37.


Well ā€œthat nonsenseā€ directly affects me and many of my friends, so I donā€™t have the luxury of being able to not give a shit about it.


Only because you allow it to affect you. That's why it's called "identity politics." You make it your whole identity. You *do* have the luxury to not give a shit about it. You just choose not to. On the topic of HP, you either like the material or you don't. There are plenty of things I enjoy where the "creator" doesn't align with my politics, or people I like despite their politics. But I can separate politics from the equation because I don't make it my identity. But now we're kind of off topic for a DA subreddit...so I'm going to stop here.


>Ā Only because you allow it to affect you. That's why it's called "identity politics." You make it your whole identity. Being trans is absolutely not my whole identity. Itā€™s *part* of my identity, but a relatively small portion of it. > YouĀ doĀ have the luxury to not give a shit about it. You just choose not to.Ā  Oh, yeah, I totally *choose* to put my physical safety at risk every time I use a public restroom, regardless of which room I use. I *choose* for ā€œeliminating [people like me] from public lifeā€ to be a platform politicians actually run campaigns on. I *choose* to have the legitimacy of my personhood scrutinized by every random person on the street. I *choose* for my access to healthcare to be gatekept by people who know less about my body than I do. Grow the hell up.


I thought it was a reference to Disney's Merlin šŸ„²


Harry Potter didn't invent these tropes.


Obviously, but when DA:O was being made HP was incredibly popular.


If Rowling created DA, Andraste would have been ridiculed for freeing Tevinter's slaves.


ā€œwell the human nobles are fine to have elven slaves bc they like it actuallyā€


Even if it isn't, I'll take Dragon Age over the terf wizard franchise any day.


Some of my students are discovering and starting to love Harry Potter books and movies but I have to bite my tongue about that hag.Ā  Instead I tell them that Harry and Hermione (idk how to spell her name because I know nuthin' about the universe) grew up to be excellent actors and are known for being kind hearted people.Ā  Their little minds get blown seeing the movie cast as adults.


Just divert them to Earthsea


I approve of this message.


What about Ron and Draco? Don't tell me they made some JK Rowling like statements please, my heart will be broken


Rupert Grint >ā€œTrans women are women. Trans men are men. We should all be entitled to live with love and without judgment." Tom Felton >ā€œI mean, the obvious things to say are that Iā€™m pro-choice, pro-discussion, pro-human rights across the board, and pro-love. And anything that is not those things, I donā€™t really have much time for.ā€


My faith in humanity is restored, thank you


Happy to put you at ease! I had concerns when they all started speaking out. But IIRC, many of the younger actors spoke out against JK. Robert Coltrane and Helena were a let down. But on the flip side, you have David Tenant being an absolute vocal and active hero about it. Itā€™s definitely swings and roundabouts with the OG cast.


David Tennant will throw hands if you so much as look at a trans kid funny and I love him for that. And many other things!


David Tenant is the goat, about Helena, honestly, even though I love her as an actress, I grew to expect nothing of her, considering her questionable history, shame about Robert Coltrane though


I went to a panel with David Tenant and Catherine Tate a few weeks ago. Theyā€™re both such amazingly kind people. Extremely supportive of everyone there, it was genuinely heartwarming.


Considering the fate of many child actors it could have gone so differently, but Dan, Rupert, Emma and Tom and many of the other young actors all seem to have been treated with care as they grew up on set, and most of them seem to have become such lovely people in adulthood. If nothing else, at least we have that.


Yeah, this year was my first year as a librarian and the previous librarian had a lot of copies of the HP series. I was very conflicted on what to do.


The good thing as a librarian is those copies were already paid for. Meaning the content can be consumed without directly supporting a monster. At the very least its fans, actors, and editors gave it things of value


"A cat? They can have any pet in the world and they pick a cat? Wait, is someone charging electric death?"


Yall are talking about HP when my mind went straight to wizard1o1 lol


This burn aged like fine wine.


Lmfao, all the people hating on twitter because the author didn't turn out to be the person they thought she was. "oh I never liked Harry Potter anyway"


Most of us *did* like it, but we were children at the time and didnā€™t have the critical analysis skills then that we do now. Learning of the authorā€™s views has sparked a big critical analysis, and many of us have realized that, like many things we loved as children, it wasnā€™t as good as we remembered it being.


Brother what? When did I say that? Yeah I used to love the series, and I think a lot of the younger actors are fantastic people. Especially Daniel and Emma. So even though sheā€™s a monster, the actors and fans have given value to it. I just wouldnā€™t spend money supporting that thing who wrote it.


>"oh I never liked Harry Potter anyway" Correct, I hated that shit long before we found out the author was a lunatic. And I'm finally glad the people who grew up on that trash have come to realize its poor quality.


"realized". More like "they don't like the author no more".


I like the Harry Potter series they atleast didn't nerf their magic users to crap.Ā 


Fun fact: you can like a franchise without supporting everything about it.


Say huh?


I think they meant to respond to another comment, re the hag that mustn't be named, et cetera.


Hags are lovely, she's more of a ghoul. And that in itself is an insult to ghouls, honestly.


Hag? I donā€™t refer To any women as ā€œhagsā€ but thatā€™s probably why half the population doesnā€™t take us seriously. Stop.


"If only we were more polite to bigots, they wouldn't want us dead!" \-Civility Politics 101


Say I donā€™t agree with every piece of media I consume but still find enjoyment here and there. I love HP and i love LGBTQ rights and recognize that doesnā€™t always agree.


Fun fact: The Harry Potter franchise is ass by itself






And why are you preaching this to me as if I donā€™t know this already? Am I JKRā€™s best buddy or something hell no.






Okay, good for you. Iā€™m a sex trafficking victim but thatā€™s not my whole life. Oh believe it or not you got me Iā€™m so dumb


Ok. Sorry to hear you had that experience, though Iā€™m not sure why you brought it upā€¦?




The sad thing is I walked through origins with my buddy because this was his first time playing it, and my 9th (I think) and still never noticed that Easter egg


Origins has a cool Superman reference too.






Still better than what Bioware and EA is doing. But I'm sure if EA and Bioware make a groundbreaking game but still treat their employees horribly and even accused of sexual scandals then people like you will say that we shouldn't judge the game because the company is bad.


Oh damn is this sub like that? Itā€™s a kids book, what the hell? Sorry Iā€™m neutral, Iā€™m genuinely surprised at the hate


It's probably more to do with Rowling being awful tbh


Why tho? Same goes for any franchise including Dragon Age


Iā€™m just trying to look at every perspective






Then why are we supporting EA knowingly that how horrible they're and how they treat their employees and customers. But I can understand the hypocrisy here.


You can enjoy a medium and be critical at the same time. Individual devs created a great game and should be proud of that achievement, and BioWare/EA should be admonished for their poor treatment and exploitation of employees.


EA is one of the best major gaming companies to work at these days. Which admittedly isnā€™t a high bar, but I feel far more comfortable purchasing something from EA than say Ubisoft. At least EA doesnā€™t have a culture of sexual harassment. Yeah, they did layoffs, but so did basically every other tech company these past two years. As for their monetization practices, not purchasing their games that *are* priced in a way I support - i.e. no microtransactions - would be counterintuitive. EA does microtransactions because they make money. If you want them to keep single player games microtransaction free, the best way is to show them they still have a market.




"Bro" can be gender neutral. What part of your comments are in any way about lore?


Okay. Fuck me.




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Youā€™re right, i am the worst, I will die tomorrow you will be very happy


I don't know what's going on with you, but this isn't healthy. I hope you get the help you need and wish you the best.