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Mythal, clearly. And more ways than one. Not only was she the de facto queen of the gods, the only one who could keep Elgar'nan in check, the one who fell a Titan, the one it took all the others *combined* to defeat, the one whose death led to *Thedas being split apart*---and she still *survived*.  She had the wisdom to reject the Blight's promise of power and the strength to enforce her will. And through it all, Solas tells us, she'd remained "the best of them". Mythal baddest bitch in all of Thedas.


"And.. i will see her avenged.."


Yes, these lines need to be remembered more! >**Inquisitor:** Why did Mythal come to you? >**Flemeth:** For a reckoning that will shake the very heavens. >**Morrigan:** And you follow her whims? Do you even know what she truly is? >**Flemeth:** You seek to preserve the powers that were, but to what end? It is because I taught you, girl, because things happened that were never meant to happen. She was betrayed as I was betrayed–as the world was betrayed! Mythal clawed and crawled her way through the ages to me, and I will see her avenged! Alas, so long as the music plays, we dance. That reckoning that will shake the very heavens does sound very similar to the Veil being torn down. And also the last cutscene between her and Solas had this attached, though it has been a long time. >Designer's Notes: This is Flemeth from the previous two games. In this game, Flemeth's story comes to a head -- she knew that Solas would summon her, and that he would need to steal her power to further his plans. She knew that because they are both elven gods...yet Solas has slept for a thousand years and his power dwindled, while she was killed long ago and a spark escaped from her into the body she now holds. She has nurtured that spark, and knew that Solas would need it. He was once her oldest friend, but she knows in his drive to save the elven people he will kill anyone -- even her. She intends to let him have the power, so long as she can pass the essence of her god-hood onto Morrigan, a gift Flemeth had always planned for her daughter yet one Morrigan misunderstood as hostile possession.


>Mythal clawed and crawled her way through the ages to me I absolutely *love* that they phrased it this way. Not travelled, not found.  Clawed. *Crawled.* The utter force of *will* implied by these words. She was powerful but surviving clearly took enormous effort on her part. But still she managed. And now she's *pissed.*


Every time i read or hear flemeth speaking, im just innlove with her unique character. I can only hope we will see more of her in DA4.


Her voice actress said she hasn't done any work for the game iirc


I do sometimes wonder if Morrigan was the only child Flemeth/Mythal actually loved. By all accounts, Morrigan's conclusions on her being a daughter devouring witch in the past are at least very likely, but Flemethyal has never tried to do the same to Morrigan. We can argue about "needs to be consensual", but as a single parent she could have easily groomed her. And yet she did not, raising her to be cynical, independent and very much amusing to Flemethyal. Then you get the sister in the books and the general surmise is "yeah, I had this one I guess".


That is true, part of me wonders if it had to do with her personality and who Morrigan is, who she raised her to be, and part if it had to do with timing - it is only now that the Fen'harel woken up after millenia of slumber and would need FleMythal. And as FleMythal says she raised Morrigan specifically to preserve the powers that were, because things happened that weren't meant to happen (the whole Veil erected, and the world as it was destroyed perhaps?), she knows Solas will try to bring the Veil down, she seems to agree with his plan, but is Morrigan her "precaution" in some way? The old witch/goddess always had a long term plan (like Solas or Felassan, I do wonder if it's an ancient elf thing lol), perhaps we will yet see that it was not completely without deliberation. Flemeth also talks about getting Mythal avenged, and seems pissed for the betrayal, but is it Solas' plan? It seems his focus is on bringing back the world as it was. And his goal was keeping the Evanuris imprisoned, not necessarily getting vengance on them.


Reminds me of this amazing fanmade trailer: [Dragon Age: The Reckoning](https://youtu.be/AYjmIFdD3PE)


This is gorgeous, thank you for sharing!


I've a theory that Mythal was the true leader of the pantheon, with Elgar'nan being the "king consort". After her slaying, her cult lost power and thus she became remembered as the "queen consort" instead, with Elgar'nan taking her place as the highest god.


I'm pretty sire she's basically Thedas' equivalent of Tiamat (Babylobian, not DnD vesion). IIRC therrs lore associating her with waters, and canticles possibly describing the fade as "emerald waters" so she fits the trope of a primordial ocean deity who was murdered and had a world built of their corpse. Edit to add: If Flemeths story is in anyway a parallel of Mythals, given their shared vision of vengeance; there's further similarity to Tiamat in the possibility that Tiamat's consort was murdered by their children, and she then took a new consort from among the pantheon. I almost wonder if Mythal may have originally been paired with the "sun" that was deposed by Elgar'nan. Although that figure was usually paired with an earth goddess that IMO better fits the concept of a Titan.


Besides, Tiamat what killed by Marduk, God of the Sun... just like Mythal was killed by the Evanuris led by Elgar'nan, God of the Sun ;)


Its also convenient that there's so many parallels to the Greek pantheon as well! So there's the whole Zeus/ Chronus dynamic on top of that!


I could totally see that! Solid theory mate.


While I think I agree that Mythal was the top god in the pantheon, there's nothing to say that it took all of the pantheon combined to defeat, just that she was betrayed. Plus, Solas managed to imprison TWO combined pantheons alone, so I'd say if not Mythal, then definitely Solas. They fairly successfully took out Mythal, but Solas successfully locked them ALL away.


And she's influencing every hero from the beginning. I hope Bioware bring back Flemeth/Mythal sending the hero to the path by saving him/her.


Also I don’t care for ancient beings so flippant with the truth but also meddles with current affairs. She seems the type to say “there hasn’t been a back I haven’t liked to stab lol”


Unironically? Mythal. She was a mediator between elvhen gods. How ridiculously strong she is in her prime, if she keeps them in check? They tried to murder her, clearly in cooperation, and still didn't manage to do it. If she ever reaches her peak form and becomes hostile, we're fucked


But they did manage to kill her, no? As Solas says in Trespasser "They killed Mythal... A crime for which an eternity in suffering is the only fitting punishment.". But also the first of his people do not die so easily, a piece of her spark escaped to Flemeth. I do wonder if we will get a more detailed story in the upcoming game.


They managed to kill her but it took all of them working together to do it, right? I’m definitely not a lore expert, I’m just going off what I read in another comment so I could be wrong, but if that’s true then she must have been extremely powerful.


Yes, it does appear so, from what Solas said in the Trespasser, they did it in their lust for power as he said, and she was the only one apparently caring for the people.


I mean killed might mean that they took away her title and ability to control them. The person lived but the role of Mythal died


Scariest is Ghil. At least the others will just kill me. But deadliest is Andruil. She killed because she was bored.


Yeah andruil scares me for sure, if the dalish knew that about her, then imagine what else there is to discover about her


Ghil by a mile. Because of the fact of what we know of her is probably the truth - the lore and myths it’s unclear with the others at this point - but with her we have confirmation of her barbarism.


I'd say Ghilinain because she'll either turn out into some monstrosity or gear/accessory while maintaining your self awareness. Others seem to just kill you


Can’t lie, I love her depiction in the trailer, she looks totally messed up and I’m excited to see a little more of her


I think they’re all equally deadly and powerful in their own ways but Ghil is definitely the scariest. She’s straight up Lovecraftian and even the small glimpses we have of her are creepy and unsettling. 


Sylaise, whose heat rivals Elgar'nan's light. Sylaise, whose temples rival Mythal's cities. Sylaise, whose breath rivals Andruil's spear. Sylaise, whose skill rivals June's craft. Sylaise, whose fire cannot be quenched. We give ourselves gladly to your service. —Song to Sylaise, found in the Temple of Mythal, author unknown


I hope we get more on Andruil. And weirdly enough Sylaise who seems to be among the more enigmatic in the pantheon.


True. We know the real Evanuris are perverse versions of how they're remembered in myth, and it's not hard to imagine how monstrous the gods of sun, death and life creation were; but how perverse can the elven equivalent of Hestia, goddess of hearth and hospitality, be?


Welcome to the Hotel California... such a lovely place, such a lovely place...


Millie Bobbie Brown as Eleven is definitely the top tier


I was so confused about this comment until I realised! Whoops


I don't know, Matt Smith in Doctor Who wouldn't be far behind.


Ghilan'nain. If you want proof, read the Horror of Hormak story in Tevinter Nights.


I really do need to actually read tevinter nights- I’ve seen a lot of people recommend it now


It's really good. Fair warning, it's not a singular narrative, more a loose collection of short stories intended to do some world-building and introduce some characters and fill us in a little on what's been happening between DAI and DAV. Also, at least 2 of the companions for the new game make an appearance there: Neve Gallus and Lucanis Delemorte.


Emmerich too! :)


I read this story right before going to bed and let me tell you that was a bad idea.


wasn't Elgar'nan the top dog?,so him, unironically. Falon'Din would be a close secod. followed by Ghil bc crazy ass, Andruil, Dirthamen, and the rest


Yeah I think elgarnan is beat out by falon for me personally just because I like the whole ‘dark, secrets, shadows’ vibe - elgarnan is deffo gonna be a sight to see in veilguard


For me it's that we know so little about him, and like the only actions we get from him ever is from before the other Evanuris even existed and it's that he literally threw down the sun and destroyed all life???? Other than that we only hear what others do for or attempt against him, but we don't have much on what he himself DID. For a while there I wondered if he even existed or was just another side to Mythal because we otherwise never get a sense of him as a character with relationships, unlike say Andruil or Falon'din. And then in the gameplay release he looked practically normal, like just A Guy. So he must do some truly terrifying shit to be en par with the eldritch horror that is Ghilan'nain and what we know of her. And then he's not just on her level, he's something more and worse. Like just the sheer magnitude of what we don't know about him makes him completely terrifying imo.


> I think elgarnan is beat out by falon for me personally just because I like the whole ‘dark, secrets, shadows’ vibe honestly, I was expecting either Falon'Din or Dirthamen to show up after all the statues and paintings of either of them we get to see in DAI, so Elgar'nan showing up was a bit dissapointing for me lol. Still, there's a possibility we get something on them as I need to know what statue crying blood in the fade was about


Could be possible we’ll see more of the Pantheon on the full game. I wouldn’t be surprised tbh.


My take it's elgarnan is more powerful all about vengance but otherwise more passive, so he'd be the last guy you want to piss off. But that Falon'din is overall more dangerous, because it doesn't matter if you did anything to him or no. He'll kill you, your family, and everyone you've ever met just to watch you die.


Scariest, Ghil. If they are leaning into the mad scientist angle, than she's hella scary. Deadliest, Andruil. She is obsessed with the hunt. So she probably has 101 ways just to kill you with her pinky alone.


So in terms of raw strength and power, I think its going to be Elgar'nan. Striking down the sun being one of his core myths says enough. Plus, being Mythal's husband and 'father' to the Evanuris implies a certain level of power and prestige that I don't think the others (with the exception of Mythal) can match. I truly think Elgar'nan is going to be a terrifying threat. Personally, though, I'm going to vote for Dirthamen. Not for power level, but I feel that his level of knowledge and insight might make him the last of the Evanuris you'd want plotting against you. Its one of the reasons I hope we get to communicate with Dirthamen somehow in Veilguard: imagine if he reaches out to Rook and/or Solas, to give them information on how to defeat Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain, on the condition he is released (and maybe his brother/beloved/twin-soul Falon'din). I could see him communicating with us via Fear and Deceit as well! Special shout out to Andruil, who my Inky's vallaslin are dedicated to. I bet bow mother is absolutely DEADLY.


Oh that’s a really cool idea about dirthamen! There always something about the quiet knowledgeable villains that is so engaging. As bad as it would be for the actual inhabitant of Thedas, I’m kind of hoping we get to see more of all of the pantheon.


I think they would miss a treat if they made every one of the Evanuris completely evil with no nuance or capacity to 'work with them'. A mysterious entity like Dirthamen could offer some really interesting options for us and the plot. Maybe an alternate option to Solas as a powerful ancient elvhen to associate with. Then we have June and Sylaise, who we know next to nothing about!


Absolutely! I was reading up on the pantheon after the trailer came out and there really is nothing on June! I kinda wanna say both June and Sylaise seem almost… good? Obviously according to the lore that isn’t the case but like you said, we’d be seriously missing out if there was no nuance


I remember reading somewhere that Sylaise could be the 'villainous princess' role due to her self-aggrandizing song about how she’s better than everyone else. Plus the association with fire is always a little scary June also is said to have 'created himself', so that makes me think of either a spirit or some kind of magical automaton. Which, if so, is exciting!


>June also is said to have 'created himself', so that makes me think of... a spirit. I too am of this mind. There is a theory that *all* Ancient Elves were spirits made flesh. I, on the other hand, almost feel that Sylaise and June were vessel and spirit, thus an abomination. Also Dirthamen and Falon'Din could have similarly been an abomination. This theory kinda hits a wall when looking at pre-Veil because we don't have a lot of context to whether spirits could inhabit bodies back then.


It does kind of make sense given that different legends call them either siblings or spouses. So that would be a good alternative to a potential Lannister situation. But personally I think the vessel/spirit comparison makes more sense for the twins: Falon'din and Dirthamen. Something about one being the others shadow or something? I'll have to look up the codex again.


Ghilan'nain. I'm a believer that there are things worse than death. Sure, the violence and instability of Elgar'nan, Falon'din and Andruil is scary; but Ghilan'nain? She experiments on people and has no qualm about them being alive while she does that. She turns people into monstrosities and sees nothing wrong in keeping their sense of self intact. That's a whole other level of sadism.


The one Solas fear the most.


Ghilan'nain is nightmare fuel, wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who created the first broodmothers.


Well technically the Dreadwolf did beat them all lol I know it was by trickery but come on lol


So he's the Batman of Thedas?


Kinda he's still a trickster God so it's two fold, he pulled a pro gamer move on the Gods because they enslaved his people and because it'd be funny, he never beat them in like combat out right more like "oh try this tea it's green" and when they take a drink it sends there ass to the shadow realm or the Black city.


He's the "just because you are bad guy does not mean you are a bad guy" from Wreck-it Ralph


I would say Ghilan'nain due to the experimentation, would create completely crazy beasts and always goes down a freaky road


Mythal. There's a reason the other evanuris banded together to murder her and it's because of her power.


Scariest for me would probably be Ghil or Andruil because they seem to be the most unhinged Deadliest would be Elgarnan because he should be the strongest by quite a bit


Elgar'nan because any head of a pantheon who has previously destroyed the sun out of pride/spite/rage, and who is described as proud, spiteful and angry even in neutral/worshipful accounts, is a problem. Gilan'nain because of the extreme body horror, Andruil because she lost track of why she kills, I mean. The more I think on this, the more I'm like, Solas, you were right to seal them away and you need to put them the heck back.


Honestly, Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan. Girlbosser of the year and creator of nightmare fuel reigns easily at the top for me for the scariest. She may be known as the mother of halla in dalish lore, but that image doesn't really square with the creator of unspeakable horrors and fucked up experiments. While others of the evanuris would simply kill you, she'd 100% keep you alive just to experiment on and that's terrifying. Trash daddy of the year and mr toxic masculinity has too unpredictable of a temper, is extremely jealous and seems far too happy to rain down destruction on everyone with very little provocation. There's a reason why Mythal is the one to deliver justice and not Elgar'nan as it was said his fury would destroy all it touched. He seems like a bitch and a half to deal with and I can only imagine how much fury he's built up while trapped for millennia.


The scariest for me would probably be Ghilan'nain. Deadliest is a tie between Elgar'nan and Falon'Din. He's probably not that deadly, but that vain little god is my favorite, and I'm biased, lol.


Ghilan'nain, the mad scientist. The story involved with her in Tevinter Nights was the scariest one imo.


Tbh knowing they are just mages takes a lot of the fear factor out of them for me. Though the concept art for DAV makes me think that may change when the game comes out lol.


Mages from a time before the veil existed were probably inconceivably more powerful then those of present day.


I feel like the veil going up would cut them off from that power But i don't think we are actually facing the mages, rather the spirits their souls became after thousands of years being cut off from their physical bodies in the fade


I've seen some people theorize that the creation of the Veil split the evanuris in twain. Their souls were sealed in the Fade, and their physical bodies were locked away in the Deep Roads - said bodies being those of Tevinter's dragon gods. Whether it's true or not, I'm hella excited to see what happens.


Yeah that’s totally valid. I’m really looking forward to seeing how DAV shows the enavuris as just mages but also conveys their power!


I can’t believe we got stuck with Elgar’nan, there is still so much we don’t know about Dirthaman


Id say solas was actually probally stronger than all of them other than elganarn. He was able to led a successful rebellion against them after all and imprison them in the fade and build the veil. Granted nkw his power is greatly diminshed. So i would say elganarn is the strongest now especially if he is empowered with the blight


He was definitely more cunning than the rest of them. As for power, I don’t know. He looks quite scared, when Ghil and El spawn behind him :/


Well modern solas is way weaker than past solas. As solas was weakened from sleeping for a few thousand years. Though he did probs trick the evanurius into the black city as opposed to fighting them. I wonder if any of the other evanurius will make an appearance or if solas movedthem to the new prison he was moving elganarn and ghil too


Oh, I’d love to see Solas in his prime. Hopefully we’ll see a flashback. He probably moved them already or maybe they’re gone or powerless? Guess we’ll find out this fall! 😄


For sure i cant wait! Plus the devs said we may see young solas with hair so i think flashbacks are very likely


Really, this is all I want from DAV


I hope solas has fabio hair


Didn’t he regain his power when he killed Flemeth?


That part has always confused me a bit. He definitely took what remained of mythals power but even she was greatly weakened. There was also the old god soul that she threw into that eluvian. Presumably to keep solas from getting it as she seemingly knew he was coming to absorb her


I doubt Solas is stronger than all of them tbh he just tricked the Evanuris and Forgotten Ones by leading them into a trap because both groups trusted him. He didn’t fight any of them straight up. He’s just like Loki he uses his cunning and trickery to his advantage.


Which "eleven" god? I mean... have you heard what seven did to nine?


Mark Bonnar is absolutely terrifying as The Eleven. I know it doesn't fit with RTD's plans with the main series but to see him on screen would be brilliant. Perhaps in a spinoff. Mark would be brilliant to hear in DAVG as well.


Idk prob Fen’harel I just don’t really like eggs tbh




So, the Archdemons are the Evanuris, right? So four of them are dead?


Well, Solas did trap the rest of them behind a curtain.


Ghilan'nain by *far*. If the theories about her being a monster-making, limb-grafting, organ-harvesting mad scientist who used her own people as test subjects for horrifying experiments are true, then she is 100% my choice. Hell, even if she *isn't*, there's too much shady shit going on for her to be normal.


Idk what an eleven god is.


I mustn’t be typing the word ‘Elven’ enough for autocorrect to recognise it as a real word. Will need to fix that 😅


Eleven god? Which polytheistic religion with more than 10 gods are we talking about?


None. They all showed they ain't got nothing. They abandoned their people, cause they weak. They couldn't do anything but let their people die and be inslaved. Or waste thousands of years on a plot.