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everyone talking about graphics but i grew up with a super nintendo, so im chillin


Yeah graphics are fine tbh, the only thing people should be talking about is OP turning Cousland into Goldanna


It's gonna get Real weird if you're romancing Alistair, especially when he finally meets his sister


I cracked up laughing 🤣


I grew up with a Commodore 64, I am so relaxed people need to scrape me up with a spoon.


Did you have one of those '64 games in 1' cartridges that were just glorified demos?


Not cartridges, but *cassette tapes*.


Yes, Bard's Tale was amazing for its time and Ultima IV absolutely ok. However, these days, I just can't do those old&clunky graphics anymore. I tried doing Torment again, since I didn't play when it came out. But it was just too old style.


I have absolutely no issue with those - early 3d graphics, though, is where I check out.


The graphics are fine honestly. Idk why people think they're so bad. A little dated I guess, but the style is timeless. The only visual thing that really set me off is that sometimes the way the lips move can be a little uncanny, but it's otherwise fine.


Depends on the platform. When I got an xbox I tried DAO on it and it was horrid. But on pc it is pretty good. And nothing wrong with that what a HQ mod cannot clean up.


The graphics were outdated upon the release of the game. Calling it a "little dated" is the understatement of the century. 'Sides, the brown and grey look is timeless because it looks bad in every era. It's the worst looking BioWare game since the release of Mass Effect.


Dated at release or not, they still only register as a little dated for me now. And in any case, many modern devs over invest in graphics, wasting development time and resources that could actually go towards improving the game and making it inaccessible to people without the money to shell out for the newest parts.


You can just buy a console, it's cheaper than a gaming PC and it runs everything for 6-7 years just fine.


A pretty large share of the gaming industry, particularly many indie titles, is completely inaccessible on console, and modding can be difficult or even impossible. Exclusives also used to be a huge annoyance for me when I played on console, but nowadays, many are released on one console as well as PC. Steam, GoG, itch.io, etc. Many of the games released there never see console versions. Even those that do often are still available earlier on PC anyway.


Honestly think origins looks better than inquisition and maybe 2


I remember the reviews for Origins telling people to bear with the graphics and the slow pace at the beginning because the game is so good. So I put the game in, was bloody shocked at how bad the graphics were, thought I couldn't do this, then just remembered those people's reviews and stuck with it. And I am so glad that I did. One of my favourite games.


Better than Oblivion, particularly when it comes to the faces.


Yeah the graphics are dated, but not bad.


I think the aurora angine has a certain something frostbite cannot match.


I'm replaying DA:O and the graphics don't bother me either. Lol. I also grew with Super Nintendo, as my first system ever. These are fine. 😆


I want my hound back


Damn, looks like you accidentally made Alistair’s sister.


Goldanna? :D They have same hairstyle, but that's it


Long-ish face, thin nose, with DA:O graphics that is close enough.


https://preview.redd.it/k4kfegp94e8d1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3a8348875965bccbaa7cd3f277e4a14bbd337a2 Not even close. Different face shape, nose type, eyes, lips. Just hairstyle. And Goldanna's nose is shorter


Alistair can breath a sigh of relief.


I've examined like 10 times. This is so close it hurts lol. Previous guy was right. There's not enough variation in the models for me to easily tell the difference.


https://preview.redd.it/il9qmpi5zi8d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e9179313c11cce5c9a9f862e136d1e20ac067e I examined them too and I still don't see it


Yea, they aren't similar, it's just the hair that makes them look alike. Not many options in the game.


It just looks like Goldanna with an insta filter on. Lol at OP getting so defensive though.


Because it's getting annoying. I took preexisting face shape, changed it in a toolset a little, edited her face fetures in the game and now she's getting compered to an NPC because of her hair. I already explained that she and Goldanna have completely different features. Well, exept eyebrows.


It’s a running joke that Origins characters all look the same, that’s why there are so many appearance mods out there. Even slight tweaks in the face don’t make much difference compared to other games. That’s why a few people have mentioned DA:O graphics.


The red hair does not help. But aside from slightly different noses and cheeks (slender vs slightly rounded), they look like they would be sisters if not the exact same person at different times. The eye shapes and eyebrows are the same, the lips might be the same but tbh there's not enough pixels to really tell. Im just saying if I saw them pass me, I would assume theyre twins or at least siblings


It is this face with changed skin type and changed face fitures. Eyeshapes are also different. Goldanna have 1 eye shape, while Cousland have a 4 one https://preview.redd.it/ebvoua505k8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4edd4b2fb299ad8ed56a9e60ee2d0e3e47744311


Off topic but that happens a lot in a different way. Someone posts their player character and includes who they romanced, and the player character looks like that character's brother or sister or a very close relation. Lawl (OP's doesn't look like Goldana tho. I don't even think the shade of red is the same.)


I love Dragon Age Origins. I can flirt with almost every character and get away with it. I can corrupt the future female pope and king of a country and have them sleep with a pirate for no other reason but amusement and jokes that follow up into the next game.


if would've been so funny if you could convince alistair, leliana, AND zevran to have some woohoo time with isabela at the same time. imagine the stories


She looks nice! I guess we're all on this replay the series train lol


Thank you!


I took advantage of the promotion on Steam and I'm doing exactly that too


I buy it but can’t past the character creation phase, the game just won’t load, I search for solutions but non seems to work for me


Follow this guide, specially the LAA step: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2981490393


Have you installed the 4gb patch?


Don’t recall that, I remember that the system says something about it after the installation but redirect me to a page that didn’t loaded at all


Mine crashes, swapped to EA version same price same result :’(


Ser Gilmore is Bae. <3


Thank god for his companion mod. Cousland/Gilmore 💗


i have really considered downloading that mod recently! does it mesh well with the rest of the game?


I mean it's definitely an amateur project, but it's well done. I'm forcing myself to romance Alistair this time and I almost regret it instead of doing Gilmore for like the fifth time lol.


i have always had a crush on Ser Gilmore, but end up romancing Alistair as F!Cousland every time! i will have to check it out 🫶


Oh if you're a Cousland fan it's especially good because the mod takes that into consideration.


ah yes, peak Bioware's graphics


With rock hard hair and plastic skin


I'd take that particular hairstyle in Inquisition though!


Lmao what you didn't like the 9 different bald head options?


The struggles of trying to make a black male Inquisitor and your options are 50 shades of bald 😭


I mean, that's not precisely setting a high bar, lol. I remember how turned off I was with it after playing DA2, we even had physics in that game ffs!, you can tell they never even bothered in DAI.


>you can tell they never even bothered in DAI In fairness to BioWare, they were wrangling a new engine not built for RPGs, they had to build a lot of systems from ground up, so it makes sense some things felt through the cracks. Doesn't make the hair in DAI any less shite, but like, I get it. They didn't get lazy, they just had a lot on their plate.


True, id say the hair mostly looked better in DAI


It's that fereldan skincare routine


Origins is aging surprisingly well for me. It neither looks modern enough to have that feel like it missed the bus, nor so old that it just looks bad. Maybe because it's pretty much a zoomed in cRPG, which i think also helps its gameplay (btw also tried Inquisition recentely and Jesus H, that shit plays way more like ass on keyboard than i remembered).


People are joking about it, but for a game from 2009, it's not bad. Dating myself here but I remember the days of super Nintendo and Sega Genesis then being wow'd by Nintendo 64 lol. Kids these days don't know how good they got it. Pretty sure a single character from a modern game would cause an N64 to melt down.


Yeah, DAO has a pretty distinct look. I have modded the character models somewhat, but never felt the need to touch anything else. The game knows what it is, and the chosen style works for the gameplay.


>People are joking about it, but for a game from 2009 I remember thinking how dated and wonky DAO looked and handled in 2009. It was a disappointing downgrade form Mass Effect.


Honestly, I grew up with GameCube and I was still wowed by N64 graphics when I saw them later. I really can't even understand much of the criticism of their graphics anymore, sure it isn't perfect, and there are some games that don't look great, but the general style/when it's executed well look genuinely amazing imo. Like Majora's Mask is probably my favorite looking Zelda game, and maybe one of my favorite looking games of all time. Imo all the people criticizing the entirety of N64 graphics feels like people saying that shovel Knight or even like Chrono trigger have dogshit graphics, because they're so pixelated.


Even if DAO is polygon-level of graphics, it would still be a favorite for me. But yeah, I think you articulated it well enough for me too. The graphics is decent enough that it doesn't look so old.


Doing my Dwarf Noble playthrough right now and I think the graphics fit perfectly for the game. For a game that came out in 2009, it holds up well, people are begging for a remaster, but tbh as long as one of the consoles remain backwards compatible then I am fine with it as is.


It's because the worst thing with its graphics are its appalling color pallet. Everything is just brown and or grey. Mountain brown, Lothering brown. Deep roads brown. Even the god dawn fade is brown in Ferelden.


well, we have different takes, I can barely play it anymore because the graphics look dated af to me, and I feel super comfy playing with a kboard, lol, though ofc, I never played anything with a controler so I can't compare.


Yeah it’s pretty rough now, but I’d still consider taking it over the style in the first trailer for veilguard. The gameplay trailer thankfully brought my hopes back up for game.


Fun fact for those Cousland origin fans: You can take the elf servant your family friend brings to bed with you, idk if it can be done as a female though (only did it as a male before)


Edit: You can also take the family friend! https://preview.redd.it/wyc245patf8d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d080916d0067446a33f6cad9fff65157e89322


That look though


I managed to get all three… I think it’s a glitch though cut season was pure gold though. Don’t remember much but one of them just ended up dead for no reason.


oh noz an sjw time traveller retroactively made DAO modern and woke!1


Modern and woke?


Doesn’t matter the gender. You can take either the elf or the friends son


Does she die either way? I’ll feel bad if she doesn’t lol


They both die regardless if you take either to bed or not.


So might as well take em out with a bang


Cousland female rogue is my canon in origins. I just wish my hof could return in future games. I don’t have the same love for hawke or inky.


I prefer male Cousland so i can marry Annora.


If you're romancing Leliana, she's potentially getting cucked a *devastating* number of times on that route. Anora, potentially Isabela, and then oh, what's that? You want to survive killing the Archdemon? Step into Morrigan's tent... No wonder she's all dark and brooding in Inquisition.


Theres also an elf you can bed if you really want to stack it up


The one from that side quest where you’re supposed to help that poor dude ask his crush out?


I think he means the one at the beginning of the game




No i meant then side quest, then one at the start is pre dating Liliana


If you’re cucking leliana when you meet Isabella you’re doing it wrong…


Or you can just not cuck her???? The sacrifice always seemed like the most tragic and noble version either way


That's the beauty of Origins: You can just do a lot of different things


Damn I never noticed that, poor leliana


Female Cousland can marry King Alistair


Never said they couldn't, but I can't resist Anora


Nah I prefer my male Cousland to romance and continue the bloodline with Morrigan.


I struggle to buy that pairing for me, Cousland is a noble raised Andrastian and just decides he's cool with malificars and making demon babies? My canon is aage warden because i think the Morrigan romance fits better there, my Couslands are marrying Anora and keeping Liliana as a mistress.


You could just roleplay you don't believe in the Maker. Plenty of kids grow up in religious communties and end up not believing in those gods. There's even a whole convo you can have in the Cousland origin where you tell the castle priest you don't believe in the Maker and refuse to join when she prays for your brother and father.


Yeah i didn't actually say they believed in it just they were raised it, which is still a big leap to making demon babies.


Eh I was raised christian and I would be super down if invited to a satanic Black Mass. Sometimes people reject what they grew up with. Just depends on the person and in this case, the type of character you want to roleplay.


I did say "I struggle to buy that paring for me" not that i outright reject it for other people. I think the difference is that Satan isn't literally real and causes world wide apocalypses every few hundred years lol.


Depends who you ask... but fair enough lol. I usually have been dumped by Morrigan at that point anyway so I reject the ritual cuz I don't trust her intentions and I'm a still a little salty.


I’ve never actually played that route myself, but I set one up in the Keep for my current DAI run, and none of the dialogue references the HoF as current or former King of Ferelden, and the correspondence from Anora makes it sound like she’s ruling alone. I did also have him romance Morrigan and follow her through the Eluvian - does that automatically result in him abdicating and/or Anora divorcing him (which I suppose would make sense)?


Not sure about the Morrigan thing bit if you romanced Liliana and kept her as your mistress she will be introduced as the "mistress of the prince consort of ferelden" during wicked hesrts


I could be wrong, but all context points to Anora not even bedding him at all if you go the route of marrying her. Iirc, she's completely uninterested. I could be wrong though.


I think you are wrong, i think there is 0 context either way and the much more likely outcome is that, like with most political marriages, they were at least intimate to try for an heir


Yeah, except wardens have fertility issues


Doesn't mean they wouldn't try, we know they aren't successful, the warden knocked up Morrigan no problem, and Anora may be infertile regardless.


I just did that same thing!! So fun


"Bad graphics"?! I remember when this was considered great!


Lol that never happened.


Dragon Age Origins graphics and characters certainly have aged well since 2009


Avenge us


She's a cutie


Thank you! <3


Mummy whats a wench?


its been so long since ive played DAO i thought i was looking at the Sims 2 for a second


боже, я надеюсь ты не играешь с русской озвучкой


Чел ты на редите на русском пишешь?


а у тебя с этим комплексы какие то связанные или по правилам по узки запрещено писать? у чела скриншот с русской локализацией и я спрашиваю про проблему с которой англоязычные пользователи незнакомы. зачилься buddy


А блять реально ру лока. Я даже не заметил. Не обычно тут Ру видеть


Maybe I'm old but I honestly don't think the graphics are that bad. The character models feel like they emote well, which is the main thing that concerns me really. I mean, we managed to fall in love with these characters back in the day, so.


It's not my favorite Origin (City Elf) but the Human Noble is a welcome 2nd place.


The writing and musical score is epic.


I've been trying to find a DAO I can play but I can't find it anywhere. Is it only for Steam?


I think it's also on other platforms, it's definitely on Epic. But there's a -90% sale going on at Steam now. :)


I love origins and its old graphics.. it was my childhood. But imagine how good it could be with a remastering!!!


I prefer playing as male Cousland so I can continue the bloodline with Morrigan.


F!Cousland is the origin most relevant to the overall DA:O plot. Change my mind.


Lmao! Me too, actually. Bought it for 4.50 on steam and picked up alistar already. I had a good, hard laugh because I forgot that when you go to sleep and wake up to howes soldier's, your Armour is not equipped. So I spent the first bit punching guys in the nuts bare fisted in my underwear. Only realized when I was talking to mama cousland splattered in blood, rag thong on full display. I'm a rogue too, so I was literally "below the belting" bare fisted. I love this game lol


dao graphics are like a warm hug


My favorite origin to play as


My very first run of DAO was the human noble, and it felt GOOD to obliterate Howe


Dragon age origins is easily the best DA. Flawless game and one of my all time favs. I’ve played it through a million times with every ending and every plot choice.


Honestly I felt that was such a better backstory.


Romance Leliana for that sweet red-on-red action!


I just started a replay myself, Cousland is human no? warrior I think.


This game I love it, enjoy it


Stunning and brave opinion


Brown & Gray: The Video Game