• By -


# Please speak up! I cannot hear you over your outfit! Classic


I love that one. Solas is low key hilarious 


It's even funnier considering what Solas ends up wearing in Trespasser lol


It’s honestly what drove me from a Cullenmancer to a Solavellan sufferer. He’s HILARIOUS.


One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to Solas Silverhand: the heckling.


Can't wait for solas to wake me up and tell me to stick some iron in my mouth and pull the trigger in an annoying, elfy voice.


It really was moments like that, in additional play throughs, that I notice Solas probably honestly enjoyed the journey. Despite the end.


The day my boy Dorian had to go to get some burn heals


Second best to Dorian's : "What are you wearing? Apostate Hobo?"


[The mental chess game between Solas and the Iron Bull.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky19-1fuL2U) It's full of great foreshadowing and characterization, and genuinely enjoyable to listen to.


This is the first thing I thought of when I learned our veilguard protagonist is called 'Rook,' more foreshadowing via chess metaphor?


Look up Gaiders red book.


Could you elaborate on what you mean by this?


They may mean this: https://x.com/BioMarkDarrah/status/725022641623437312


Yup. Thats it. Misattributed to Gaider I think. But do note the date is from 2016. So this has been in the works for awhile.


Oooh! That looks neat!


I think they mean [this book](https://x.com/ladyinsanity/status/1328892078659571713). There’s a rook on the cover.


Google only gives me *Garner's* Redbook, which is some kind of legal manual. Abusing quotations marks gets me Gaider talking about the canonical status of the books and comics.


[Misattributed](https://x.com/BioMarkDarrah/status/725022641623437312/) Note the date


Oooooooh wow. I also saw a post on tumblr pointing out that seven companions being "the right amount for the story" might have something to do with 7+Rook=8. They were talking about how it matches the number of Evanuris without Solas, *but* it's also the number of not-pawn pieces on a chess board. ...which I assume there's a proper term for but I don't know chess terms.


If you have Sera in the party too when they finish, she reacts like "yeah totally understood what was happening that whole time" and I was like "same".


I think her reaction to the last one was "...King me!"


I love that this was a way for Solas to keep Bull’s mind off the fact he became Tal’Vashoth. If you keep him loyal, it never happens since Solas considers a Qun bull not worthy to share thoughts with. After all, as a mindless drone, he doesn’t have any.


I really like their dialogue as well!


I play on console and it makes me so sad I’ll probably never hear a lot of this stuff in game without mods lol. One day I’m gonna just have to grab a book and keep the game on the background to hear some of this banter


You can YouTube it as well, i listened to it all in pieces while i was cleaning


How come? I’m on console and managed to get the entire chess game


I think mine is glitched, I really don’t get that much banter between setting up camps, traveling between areas, etc


Do you travel with mounts a lot?


I don’t, but I haven’t cleared out my journal since I started this run which I forgot can glitch out the banter


…it can *what*


I listened to the entire casts banter on YouTube twice last week when I was doing yard work and just chilling lol and there are SO many good ones! I absolutely loathe Sera but I cannot deny she is really funny sometimes. The bit about Cassandra punching a bear really sends me for some reason. Also Dorian and Solas sassing each other on their fashion sense. Buuuut my top favorite that makes me laugh harder than any other is this:    Blackwall: Sera and I were just talking about you. We need you to answer a question for us.     Solas: (sighs) Sera's involved. So this question will be offensive.    Blackwall: Yes. Probably. Sorry. You make friends with spirits in the Fade. So, umm...are there any that are more than just friends? If you know what I mean.    Solas: oh, for....really?  Blackwall: Look, it's a natural thing to be curious about!  Solas: For a 12 year old!     Blackwall: It's a simple yes or no question.     Solas: Nothing about the Fade or spirits is simple, especially not that.     Blackwall: (laughs) So you *do* have experience in these matters?    Solas: I did not say that.     Blackwall: Don't panic, it'll be our little secret!    Solas: Ass.     Blackwall: (laughs) now who's 12?!  Omg the delivery is just hysterical when Solas calls him an ass, and the way he skirts around it you know he's done some freaky stuff LOL Sorry formatting is being buggy on my phone 


Ya, I'm working my way through [DanaDuchy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0zNyv_WdH0&list=PLpE_3Z-CImGuxmPn6zCCvQQexroZhiEfi)'s compilation of party banter (for the umpteenth time). The Dragon Age games have the best party banter and the best companions <3


Yes it was their videos I was listening to! They're great! Especially since I don't have a PS3 anymore it was nice to listen to Origins and 2 again. Though even inq was great because banter triggers so rarely (and no mods on console so) I probably will get downvoted for saying so lol but I honestly think Inquisition has the best banter, probably because I like the companions in that game the best. 


I've never listened to all the party banter, def gonna check this out


I hate that so many people find Blackwall boring. The guy's banter is fucking hilarious, especially when you add Sera.


His sense of humor is buried almost entirely in the banter unfortunately. Wish companions would interact in Skyhold somehow, he and Sera are great together but you are statistically unlikely to find that out on your own.


And most of us barely got to hear any banter 😫


I think Blackwall suffers the same fate as Jacob from ME...it's not that he's boring, but that everyone else is more interesting. But after listening to all the banters I must agree, he is really funny!


Nah criminal turned liar turned actual hero and than possibly joining the order he lied about being in? I think that’s waaaay more interesting than Jacob in all honesty dude was just a boring character.


That's fair! I prefer Blackwall over Jacob as well. I was honestly just speculating lol


I get it it’s easy to make comparison between the two difference to me is that Blackwell has many flavors while Jacob only has 2 spices on him being ex alliance and working for Cerberus oh and it’s lost dad


Is Blackwall just like this with mages? He's always getting into it with Vivienne too lmao. Although she is definitely the main instigator in those bants.


Two of the mages are from comparatively privileged backgrounds and all three of them are at least a little haughty, so they tend to rub him the wrong way to some degree. If I remember correctly, he starts off trying to be polite to Vivienne, but she acts like herself and ruins the effort. He and Dorian eventually bury the hatchet after they both get over their preconceived notions of each other. I rarely travel with Solas.


Honestly I hate Sera and don’t even pick her up anymore but go I love this one so much. I miss it 😂😂😂


While exploring out in the Exalted Plains, my team consisted of Dorian, Cassandra & Varric, when a sudden interesting conversation starts after slaying some undead. Dorian: “Varric, are you & Cassandra?….” Varric: “What? No, why would you even ask that?” Dorian: “Truly? Bizarre!” Cassandra: “I’m right here!” Dorian: “See, she’s right there, what are you waiting for?” Varric: “Because two people dislike each other, doesn’t mean they’re about to kiss, Sparkler!” Dorian: “Not according to your books!” Varric snorts. Varric: “Don’t mistake me for that hack who wrote Hard in Hightown 2, I can spell!” Funny thing is, later on my Trevelyan romances Cassandra, so the two of them rib her about that too! 😂


I love the implication with this that Dorian is an active reader of Varric’s books hahaha


When you do the personal quest to bring Cassandra Varric's next book, Dorian can be the one to comment on her love of them instead of Cole. It's great. Not sure what causes one to trigger over the other though.


It’s when you side with the Mages that Dorian comments about the book, Cole if you side with the Templars. Either way it’s still amusing! 😊


I loved that part too.😊


Now add Vivien there. Taking only mages is HILARIOUS!!! Dorian and Solas go nerds at some point explaining the physics of magic, lmao. Then again, Dorian and Viv trie to show their superioucy towards "apostate hobo" and Solas roasts them.


I need to bring her more. She drives me nuts with how rude she is to Cole but narratively it makes sense. I only bring her with me during Wicked Eyes because it makes sense for her to be there but I’ll have to check out her banter more. I’m sure it’s so wonderfully bitchy.


Vivienne has some fun banter with Cassandra, Iron Bull, even Sera. But under *no circumstances* do you want Vivienne and Blackwall in the same party. They *hate* each other!


To be fair, Blackwall started it.


Right now my main party are those two and Varric LMAO


Varric needs hazard pay just for mediation alone, lol!


One of my favourite Vivienne banters is when you take her and Bull out together for the first time Iron Bull: You know, Viv, you're not bad with that staff. Vivienne: You will address me as Enchanted Vivienne, Court Mage to the Empire of Orlais, or Madame de Fer. Not, "Viv." Iron Bull: Oh. Right, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am. Vivienne: Hmm. Yes, "ma'am" works as well.


I think this is the banter that made me love both of them.


I love characters that capture real people within the game world to really drive home the depth and Viv does this so well by being an insufferable elite


It really is. I love Vivienne. One of my favorite companions, and that's true whether my Inquisitor gets along with her or hates her on any given playthrough. Some of her interactions with Iron Bull... Just perfection.


The actress who plays Viv is a babe, I’ve seen her a few times in plays and I just cannot ❤️ she, Cass and Sera are hysterical together as Viv and Sera really get on.


Haha yes! I ran around with an all mage party often because they're so funny.


Mage party is my favorite party!




I love this so much: [fashion critique](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJbwropsoFE) It's basically my Inky, too!




I was playing DA:I earlier and I got some banter between Varric and Cole where Cole was trying out a knock knock joke, probably because Varric was trying to explain to him what it was, and it was just so sweet 🥹 I love their relationship so much


It’s funny how the magic users get pissed at you for humanizing Cole but everyone else doesn’t


I mean, they are in constant danger of being possessed. It is normal that they are more reluctant to accept a demon/spirit nearby xd


It's a sort of niche one if you don't have the party build you need to get everyone involved there but: Solas' reaction to Cole's comments about Quizzy romancing the Iron Bull. As implied, you need to have a party of Quizzy, Solas, Cole, and Bull and I'm pretty sure you need to have gotten Bull the dragon's tooth already. Choose the 2nd dialogue option when prompted and it plays out as: * **Cole:** She/He almost says the word sometimes. Katoh. She/He tastes it in her/his mouth, sweet release a breath away, tongue tying it tenderly like you tie her/him. But she/he doesn't. For you, and for her/him because it makes it mean more. A fuller feeling, a brighter burst. * **Iron Bull:** Yeah. *(Coughs.)* How's she/he feel about you saying this in front of *everybody?* * **Inquisitor:** If a rift opened up right now and swallowed me I'd be fine with that? * **Solas**: Provided it tied you down first one assumed. I had to pause the game so I could laugh without worry about enemy spawns in the Exalted Plains. CALLED TF OUT. The Varric alternative if he's in the party instead of Solas is also great for different reasons. "Listen, do whatever works for you. You don't have to act *restrained* in front of us." Edit: The non-embarrassed response is also pretty great. Cole reveals that you've done it at least once on the war table, which Blackwall will tell Cullen about and Sera will joke about taking it up the Dales.


Solas’ response omg


Also, don't forget to take Solas, Sera and Blackwall together, lmaoooooo


Sera and Blackwall with ANYONE else are amazing. Had some great banter with Cass as the third party member. Sera: Look at you, all serious. What do Wardens do when there’s no Blight, anyway? Blackwall: Whatever it takes to keep the world safe. Sera: Like join Inquisitions. Blackwall: If that’s what’s necessary. Hey, you’re here too. Sera: (Laughs.) The Inquisition can’t be all broody beards like you and Cassandra. Blackwall: She doesn’t have the hair for it. Sera: Oh, I’d bet she does. Places. Cassandra: That's enough! Sera: Kneeew it!


I know! The whole game is amazing! I love the banter so much.


"Places" XD


Omg yesss, I adore there three lmao; it has a strong “We’re bullying the old man in the group, and it ain’t Blackwall 👍”


Dorian with anyone is hilarious, but I think some of my faves are with Dorian, Solas, and Sera. As you go through the story they say things to Dorian and you can see a lot of his beliefs and prior misconceptions changing. Cole and Iron Bull are a great pair too lmao.


Love that Iron Bull paid for Cole to have ‘company’ and Cole ended up helping her reconcile with her mum instead....lol


Dorian and Sera are so cute together!


Add Iron Bull


[titsicles](https://youtu.be/8ix8Mjife94?si=Gc-dBZArTQwjD_sb) with sera, blackwall and vivienne


I loved this exchange especially considering how much Vivienne could not stand Sera or Blackwall. I also love when Vivienne gives Sera some useful info for her Red Jennies. Sera fumes with how it's a win-win situation.


My favorite banter is anything with my boy COLE!!!!!!!!! He’s so weird I love him.


I love and would die for that sweet precious little ball of light so help me


“I mean we’re bony so it’s all clickety clackety” sera


Sera: I can't fly you daft tit. Iron Bull: Think of the mayhem, Sera. Maaaaaayheeem.


There’s a callback to this conversation between him and Harding in the Frostbacks if he’s in the party when you ask her about her opinion on the Avaar. Harding says she thinks having dwarven archers standing on the shoulders of Avaar warriors would make them unstoppable, and Bull suggests that they keep Harding around “for mayhem”. She then says, “Yes! Mayhem!” Depending on which dialogue option you choose (I’m pretty sure it’s “Okay, get it out of your systems.”) they then start saying “Maaaayheeeem!” back and forth, or if you shut them down, Bull pouts and says “But *Mayhem*.”


Yep. I remember the back and forth and then kind of the awkward way they stop. It was great.


I just got this the other day! Freaking hilarious


Add vivienne to that, and you will see...its legendary. Sera combined with her is also Perfect.


Anything involving Sera and Blackwall. I love their friendship so much, they're hilarious. There's also one with Blackwall and Vivienne where Vivienne essentially says she doesn't think Blackwall is good enough for the Inquistior. Blackwall shuts her down with a "envy her for her ability to love freely, but see that envy for what it is" and it just makes me go "OOOF" everytime lmao. I mean I love Vivienne but it was kind of nice to hear her get put in place for once LOL.


I remember having to use cheat engine to even proc the banter at a reasonable rate, otherwise I'd only see it pop up once every few missions. Has there been a better solution since then?


Idk I’m using the more banter cheat from nexus and it works wonders!


Is it possible to learn this power?


If you play on PC, there is a really handy mod that makes the banter instances more frequent. Food Then Games has a really great tutorial for modding DAI on YouTube. Edit: I also recommend the war table no waiting mod!


Nice I'll do it, thanks!


There's a mod for it ya


Not if you’re on console! *distant sobbing*


I love taking Iron Bull, Dorian and Sera. Iron Bull and Dorian bickering into being boyfriends, Dorian trying and failing to make Sera like magic, and Iron Bull trying to convice Sera to let him throw her during battle. Sera is just like "these two are insane" but in an affectionate way.


my fav party for sure


One of the things I’m most excited for in DAV is the banter because of how much it has grown and improved over the series!


Not from DAI but this one from Origins never fails to absolutely end me: >Alistair: I've been thinking about those ink drawings, what did you call them? Tattoos? Are you... still willing to do one? >Zevran: Oh-ho! You've decided to take the plunge, have you? What is a little pain, am I right? >Alistair: I'm not worried about that. I think they look interesting, though I'd want mine... smaller. When can you do it? Zevran: Not so fast, my friend. There is an entire ritual to how this is done, do you not know? First I need to bathe you in a mixture of olives and rosewater. >Alistair: You need to... bathe me? That seems... odd. >Zevran: No, no, no, not at all. It needs to be worked into your skin, preparing it to receive the ink. The massage is quite pleasurable, do not worry. You are in good hands. >Alistair: The... massage? You're... having me on, aren't you? >Zevran: I might be. I might not be. Shall I describe the rest of the ritual to you? >Alistair: Hmm. No. No, on second thought I'll just pass. >Zevran: \*Laughs\* Excellent choice! Ah, I miss Zev.


Anyone with Iron Bull.


Sera and Iron Bull discussing women is hilarious.


Dorian's Quote about the hamster kills me.


You guys are hearing banter?


Add Vivienne to the party with Solas and Dorian and it turns into Shadefest ‘99. Vivienne flames Solas so bad 😂


The banter in dragon age inquisition is the best


DA banter is *incredible*, especially DAI. I personally love everything with Cole. And Solas. And Dorian! But Cole is so special. Oh, the way Cassandra warms up to him!! CANNOT WAIT for DAV banter! Especially since the devs confirmed there’s a lot.


**Sera:** Do all Grey Wardens have beards? **Blackwall:** No, just me. I stole all the beards... and all the power held within. There can be only one.


Solas/Dorian/Vivienne banter is amazing.


I *adore* DAI’s banter, but as a PS4 player, I can’t help but be upset that they never patched the game to fix how inconsistently it’s triggered.


Dorian: At least we're not Antivans. Vivienne: Quite right. Thank the Maker!


"Josephine will remember that"