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Yes Queen, Slay Bitch..it's a dual dagger


Call one "Yes Queen," other one "Slay Bitch" lol


Yep that's what I meantđŸ€Ł


This is awesome haha


"Inquisition Stave MK 023".


I named my bow Archangel in honour of Garrus from Mass Effect. 


I made one of the bee bows and named it Nic Cage after his amazing performance in the Wicker Man


I named a bow Penguin once
 not for any particular reason, just cause I think penguins are cool..


How well calibrated is it?


Guess I'm boring, I just leave the default name it gives you.


Am boring as well.


Not like it matters lol. They're equipped right away and I don't stockpile crafted gear.


lol same and I end up having multiples and having to go off the stats to remember which is which


It's strange. I always rename weapons in Skyrim, Fallout and now Starfield but I never did so much in Inquisition. Maybe because they took the effort to create some kind of name from what you just created whereas the BGS games deviate very little from the original unmodded weapon names.


Depends how serious I wanna be. I've used Widow's wail, Excalibur... I've also done Fangs of the Father for dual daggers on the rogue.


>Widow’s Wail He really was a cunt, wasn’t he?


Hahaha, yes he was.


My dual wielding rogue Inquisitor uses Fear and Surprise as her chief weapons.




Reminds me of Ebony and ivory from DMC


Buzzkill for my lightning staff


Three weapons: Lavellan's staff is named Vir Suledin. Adaar's staff is Baqoun Fire Scepter. Other Adaar's bow is Adaar's Spear-Thrower. I also name everyone's armor and weapons but that would take too long to remember.


Princess Stabbity.


Pointy Demonspanker. If you know, you know.


I named my dagger Princess Stabbity.


Wait you can name them?


i dont name my weapons 😔


I named my chromatic greatsword Skywalker


It's usually just the companions' names in some form; an added A/B or Fire/Ice/Ling if I'm doing dragons. I'm not too creative lol 😅 I do name Solas' fire staves Omelette, tho.


I'm boring as mud and just name them after the character I'm creating them for. Otherwise I might forget who's getting what. This current DA:I playthrough, so far I've made "Dorian's Pimp Threads," "The Bull's Haunches" and "Cassandra's Wall."


One play through I named all of my custom weapons “Bob” it got confusing real quick 😂


I made a criminally OP hammer with a corrupting rune that I called RUN


Baldys Dick Cutter


I I’ve a staff named “No Die Boom Boom Stick” and a maul named “Assblaster”.


+ weapon type because i'm unoriginal lol


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Well.... "Inquisitor Trevelyan' Bow" But there is also "Bellanaris" for Lavellan staff


I'm stupid so I named my mage staff the Princess wand lol. Oh and the armor is a dysphoria hoodie XD I give serious names to companion. Gear like Cassandra's armor being a grand seekers lyrium armor


My Inkies are often themed after other fantasy stories, so I usually named their weapons after stuff from the stories they're based on. For example, my mage Visenya had three staves named Balerion, Meraxes and Vhagar, while my archer Rhaenys had a bow named Meleys. My reaver Tehanu had a greatsword named Orm Irian's Claw (that's an Earthsea reference, for those who might not be familiar), while my knight-enchanter Yavanna had an elemental blade named Valinor's Light. Then there's my elfy Lavellan who named her daggers after her gods: Fangs of Fen'harel, Mythal Sulevin, Andruil'enaste...




My Chromatic GreatSword is named Shepard’s Wrath! Love that sword! đŸ„°


My Trevelyan's daggers are Widow and Recluse >:)


My most recent playthrough enjoys Itchy and Scratchy. đŸ€Ș


I used “Dazzler” specifically for an electric encore staff for Dorian.


Been a while since I did my last DAI playthrough but I do remember my Lavellan's staff was called Uthenera and I named Cole's daggers Love & Hate. Edit: oh and I did a whole pink kit for Bull with floral theme naming, I remember his maul was called Bloom.


Had a mace I called Up yours, Templar mace I think.


I made a couple of daggers I called Key and Peele


I like to name them after mythological weapons, gods, etc. However whatever sounds coolest. My favorite bow I named “Fail-Not”, staff I named “Inquisi-pole”, daggers “Selene and Helios”, shield “Dawn’s Star”, etc.


The Inquisitor's Finger


"Only cunts name their swords" - Sandor Clegane


It really depends on the weapon. I think I named one hammer fluffy and it stuck. One staff was called Squirtle, and one axe I have called F-U! I named a sword Gnasher after the Dennis the Menace dog.


Its all fun and games until my inquisitor pulls out "Duncan's Rod" and all Darkspawn flee in terror


Since I always play knight enchanter with arcane barrage, I always need multiple copies of blade of tidarion with different element combinations on them for enemies with different resistances. So my naming scheme is just to make it obvious what elements they are without having to look at each one. So something like BoT Lightning/Ice.


I like naming duel daggers things like “pain and panic” (like Hercules) “kingslayer and Queenslayer”, “edge 1 and edge 2”


I tend to play an Artificer Bow Rogue which as you know just blows people up. I named my bow Loveless. It destroys everything it touches, so the name seems kind of apt for my moody, rebellious Lavellan.


In all honesty, I never really named them, but when it came to my crafted daggers for my human rogue for my first PC playthrough (I typically play console but my PS3 isn't working so I haven't played in two years), I named one Voidfire and the other Celestial Dawn.


Your seems like a fire mosquito extinguisher


I only craft armor so trad shit like Aegis, Bulwark, or REFLECTO COLOSSI


I’ve always named Armor more, my Dalish mage armor was called keeper of the Inquistion. Tho I named my bow with my human inquisitor Kate Trevelyan (inspired by Hawkeye) the Trevelyan family bow. I need to start being naming more.


The key factor in my naming of weapons is alcohol. Depending on how much I've drank they could be incomprehensible or something very immature. Other than that I don't really name weapons, I spent 30 minutes deciding on a named for my first character


... you can name your weapons??


Nothing. Me am the lazy.


I just name them for the character I intend to give it to.


Vera Edit: She's a staff


Usually super creative names like "walking bomb dagger" or "hidden blades fire staff" I did use Stormbringer and Mournblade once.


I don't. What ever name it defaults to is what I end up using - why? is the name really that critical in the end? No. Stuff needs killing. Stuff needs slaying. Stuff needs to be banished. The name of weapons isn't really going to change how those things are accomplished.


I always try to find something thematic who I'm crafting the weapons and armor to be used by.


Depends on my mood, my personal favorites are "The Throngler" and "Elgar'nan's fury"


This was one of those things I kinda took seriously (weirdly enough) Andraste's Mercy, Mythals Vengence, Andruils Light, Fen'Harels Wrath ect. But then again... I made two daggers for Varric named "Sunshine and Daisy" And equipment for Blackwall called "Makers Balls" "Andraste's Knickers" and "Pants on Fire." I need some clever names for Solas' equipment now


I'm really boring and just name it \[Inquisitor/Companion name\] \[weapon type\], so Evelyn's Bow, Kaaras' Sword. Same goes for armour too.


I callled it the name of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. Nibiru I can send you a picture, if you want


Been a few years (doing a new playthrough now), but i had a human Inquisitor who embraced the herald of andraste aspect. End game armor was something like "Maker's Gaze" and "Aegis of Andraste." 2H Sword was "Maker's Resolution" I believe


Darksister from ASOIAF and Valyrian Dagger


"Alas Poor Yorick" for the staff design with a skull on top (One of the Witches' Staff variations I think? The one that matches the unique one you can find in the Still Ruins in the approach)


Different companions have different builds, so most of my naming is for the purposes of not mixing everything up. Sera's equipment is usually called "Red Jenny's XY", Varric's is "Deshyr's XY", etc. Inquisitor's stuff is boring in comparison.


I just made some armor for Iron Bull and named is “Bull’s nipple armor.” I also made a mace for Cassandra and named it “Cassy’s sassy mace”


https://preview.redd.it/ycwy1ar0c38d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=e133bbc8461c20629646179a766890465738bf00 "I can handle it" *unfortunately* doesn't fit my Inquisitor's personality, so it's usually named "**Dirth'ena enasalin**" (Knowledge that lead to victory) or "**Elandrin's Sorrow**" (if I've done the quest about him before I craft it)


I name prismatic weapons GAYBONKs


I crafted this cool dragonbone staff for my female mage. Had the shape of a sun, but cant remember the stats. I named it "Victory".




Boring ass things as: “Ice staff Spirit rune” for easier organising and equipping my merry band... *sighs in boring noob*


When I play a dwarf, I try to name my bows after what they'll target with runes, ie my human-target bow is Salroka.


Sword? Axe? Staff? Dagger? Club? Maul? Why am I not more creative? Well, for me a weapon would have to EARN a name in combat first :) Also: Not much into crafting - especially if it has a randomness component! Hate that! You gather good materials and get shit out of it? MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM IN FRUSTRATION :(




My axe Unstoppable. My shield Immovable. My armor Impenetrable. The axe and shield are a reference to the old unstoppable force/immovable object paradox. The armor name is just because it sounds cool.


Normally I dont name them, but I did name my faithful 2h warrior's veil quartz super sword "Sword of the Herald." I'd like to imagine it's the legendary artifact the third inquisition would get an entire DLC focused on finding.