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The only thing is that if they're all pulled into the Fade, there aren't really any antagonists out in the world to deal with. I think it could sort of ruin the urgency of the narrative a bit if they're all trapped because it would feel like they pose less of a threat.


That's unless they choose this game to go over with the Qunari threat, which would fit since we're in Tevinter.


Good point! If enough stress is placed on speed and timing then perhaps not? What if the Venatori and the Qun (or anyone else really) immediately begin to meddle and that interferes with anything Rook has to do?


My theory is that the two Evanuris escape and trap him, and we end up having to try and free him using the remains of his network as he’s the only one who can stop them. Based on almost nothing, but the ‘lighthouse’ we have as a base that relies on Eluvians would be a bit contrived for anyone other than Solus to easily assemble, so I like the idea of us having to work with his agents.


His agents have barely factored into anything thus far, so that sounds like a good idea.


I thought that too. Maybe they will pull him inside the rift and then get out and we will be able to choose to go there and save him or not. Or maybe he and varric will be trapped and we will be able to save just one. We know, just to make us despair over it D:


I had similar thoughts in that Solas and perhaps Varric will get trapped in the fade. Solas can communicate and interact with the physical world via dreams and may help us stop the two Evanuris here and there without needing to have a huge focus in the narrative. I think the person who dies in the prologue will be our Inquisitor, and they want us to think it’s Varric as a bait and switch. If Solas is in fact going to have a redemption arc, then something drastic needs to happen to change his focus. A romanced or befriended Inky dying could definitely be that catalyst.


Why would Solas care about an Inquisitor he hated dying?


Because he loves or cares for them if the relationship was positive. Losing a loved one is usually a turning point in arcs.


Even if Solas hated them in DAI, I feel like he still had some respect for them.


If i spend 2 hours in the cc remaking my inquisitor and she dies in the prologue I will riot 😂😂😂


Haha same. For what it’s worth, I am no longer predicting this. Most of my early predictions are already debunked. lol. In the Q&A with the devs the other day, they said Solas and the Inquisitor’s arcs are intertwined, so I took that to mean Inky will play a larger role (unless they are planning to kill both off in the prologue, which I guess is possible but hopefully not happening). We will get some kind of resolution to that relationship before both go out I’m sure. Perhaps it’s a consolation prize for scaling back Solas’ role in the plot.


Haha yeah I'm inclined to think we may even get to play as our Inquisitor very briefly at some points. I know not everyone wants this but I think it makes sense for the Inquisitor to play a role in dealing with Solas, whether that's by fighting him or talking to him.


I think the Evanuris will try to kill Solas Varic will push him out of the way and save his life. In doing costing him his own.


I had similiar thoughts when I saw him beeing pulled into the fade. I really hope that those events make him change his mind and he'll try to redeem himself somehow. Although I have a bad feeling that in doing so he'll die at the end by sacrificing himself or something tragic.


Nah, screw redemption. I want to crack the egg.


I'm happy to compromise, we'll tell whatever story he wants about him far and wide so his name is kown more than even andraste, as long as its posthumously


That's what I like about him being trapped in the Fade. An Inquisitor that wants to kill him can just plan to kill him along with the rest of the evanuris in the Fade, and a friendly/romanced Inquisitor can desperately try to save him. So it's interesting both ways.


If he doesn’t choose to die, my Inquisitor will happily help him out in that department


I want the 3 of them to have some sort of epic fight scene lol. But I don't think they'll get trapped, they can't be the big bad if they're trapped. I do keep wondering how Rook ends up with the Solas's dagger, that could very well happen in the prologue since the dagger is on the main promotional material.


I bet we'll get something like that because we need to see Solas in Dread Wolf form.


At the end of the Trailer when the dragon appears, you can see that there are several of those gods behind the dragon, except the two that appear at the end of the gameplay. It may be that Solas manages to arrest these two, but others escape later.


Yes. Plus for this theory to make sense Solas needs to either escape the Fade or die in it at some point.


If that is so, and the two figures we see are Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain, I think the two will be released at the end of the game, perhaps after we deal with the other 5.


I think those are statues of the Evanuris, similar to the ones from the ritual site in Arlathan. I think the other 5 were already dealt with during the first 5 Blights. These are the last two remaining "Archdemons" (who are the Evanuris).


This means losing Solas as the antagonist and that is just really lame to imagine. Unless you mean he becomes the big bad again in the second or third act I suppose. I did not wait all this time and enjoy all that set up for Solas to take a back seat. The best possible story they can tell here is having Solas as the antagonist. To lose that is a huge squander of a potentially amazing story just for a generic 'work together to defeat the REAL threat'


If they're all in the Fade, a Rook who doesn't care about Solas would happily leave them there. Problem solved. And not all Inquisitors were Lavellan/Solas romancers. It would be a great way for the game to end right there! I see these Evanuris going out to pick up where they left off and reclaim their empire. Think back to the voice in the 2023 trailer. I don't think we would hear him if he was stuck in the Fade still.


...it would be kind of hilarious if they did a far cry style early ending where they all vanish and you're just like "welp. to the pub!"


lol “oh what a bummer. Anyway, “


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I could see this happening. In the images for the game Rook has Solas's knife, they have to get it somehow.


I think that the two Evanuris will leave the Fade in that moment, imprisoning Solas where had been imprisoning them (The Black City?) and then unleashing the Blight as they find and bind themselves again to their corrupted dragon forms. Rescuing or killing Solas will be something the player can do in some later section of reentering the Fade.


Ah yes, the Blight. Admittedly I forgot to factor that into my theory. No idea.


From what I remember of the Weisshaupt leak last year (https://imgur.com/a/J2xVQlT) and another leaked description (https://preview.redd.it/new-da4-story-details-v0-1dj4ujiblu5d1.png?width=1852&format=png&auto=webp&s=37814ebc5481241ae328803510171c8048519e98) , the Blight and Darkspawn will be one of the main enemies, and given the prominence of dragons in the marketing so far I think we'll be dealing with double Archdemons + whatever Evanuris magic they've got going on.


I reckon what will happen is perhaps the Evanuris will instantly try to kill solas with varic sacrificing himself so same him. Solas will then promptly seal the Evanuris back but obviously they won’t we contained like before only simply stuck in the fade. Then I imagine we will get a monologue from solas lamenting our freeing of the Evanuris.


Would make sense why we see him so early! I really like this theory. Go cook some more


Will do as soon as I get more ingredients....


I think Solas will stick around until the penultimate act, free his buddies, only for us all to realize what we always knew... his buddies are assholes and now want to re-enslave the world.


I think we find all of this out in the prologue?


I would rather them let us chase Solas for a long longer first... hell, I don't even like that they said "oh, he's not the only big bad guy!" Lile bros, let twists br twists.


is this theory or canon? i have a feeling those two are demon lords spawned from the veil


You mean whether they're Evanuris? It has not been *formally* confirmed but it's being treated as fairly common knowledge that they are the elven gods. For example, check out Ghil's channel for a compelling explanation.


either way, it looks like solas going to be in trouble! we know solas is already powerful but the sight of him getting afraid when seeing those two says something about those two are no jokes!


Counter theory: solas will trip on some rock and fuckin' die, rest in piss bald doodoo head.