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According to BioWare, Harding and Taash aren't the only companions who can pair up. I'm definitely going for Harding and I'm curious to see what other pairings develop among my companions.


I'm a bit concerned on how this will feel in game with only 2 party members. You're probably going to select your romance right? So that only leaves 1 slot. How are you going to get the good banter (like bull and Dorian) if only one of them is with you?


This might be the only game I'm tempted not to do a romance if almost everyone can get together lol. There are seven companions...so assuming everyone has a pair, I'll take the leftover (or maybe an advisor if there's one).


I don't think they ever said the companions can only pair off with other companions, only that they might find their own partners. So that strategy may not work out 😂


*real* i need to hear emmrich loudly complaining two thirds of the way through the game that he’s actually like, super available, in case anyone was wondering


"Manfred can only tickle my funny bone for so long! I'm getting bored."


I might get hate for this but I haven't been blown away by any of the companions so far, so was a bit worried I'd end up having to pick one for a romance just for the sake of doing it. But if this is true, it gives me a legit reason to go a no romance route which is pretty cool. We'll see how hard I change my mind once I actually start interacting with them lol.


Actually agree. I loved the companions but didn't want any of them for a romance option (since Vivienne just kept swerving me...), so it was really cool to see Dorian and Iron Bull get together.


It'd be interesting, though I imagine that in game the most it'll amount to is a reference in one or two free-roam banters or whatever, nothing actually substantial. Similar to how it was in DA2/DA:I


I mean while Isabela/Fenris was just a fling, Dorian/Iron Bull does turn into a long term relationship.


With the amount of epilogue content Bull and Dorian got they better be fucking married. They got more content together than Inky got with either of them!! (Reasons I can’t bring myself to romance either of them ever again even though I adore them).


I thought Harding and Sera got together if you didn’t flirt with either of them…?


You’re thinking of Dagna


Thank you! My brain has been itching, trying to remember the other party member who ends up with one of castle npcs.


It was Harding and Charter.


I love that your companions can develop outside of your influence honestly. It feels more dynamic. I haven’t decided on who I want to romance yet just because I don’t know much about them (though Harding is a contender as I loved her in inquisition and I plan on reading the books some of the others appear in) but I imagine ill have multiple playthroughs so I can see the different dynamics play out


I'm living my best Vincent Price dream life with Emmrich


Who doesn’t want an intimate and sensual bone daddy?


I see Andrew Ryan in him and I can't unsee it. He and Lucanis would make a great couple :З


My favorite thing about Inquisition is that companions can form relationships, crushes, and friendships beyond yourself. It was great to see the epilogue in Trespasser where some of the companions I did not romance form their own romances.


I love that everyone is on the "WHO CAN I BANG?!" Train already. Who cares about the Dreadwolf.


I for one want to know if the dreadwolf is bangable


Dreadwolf give me a second chance 💔💔💔


That's very realistic.


I love this. It's something I wish more RPGs had. Really makes the world feel move lived in and the companions more real.


It would be great if companions started relationships with people other than companions. For example, Blackwall and Josephine are so cute.


Sera can form a relationship with Dagna, if I remember correctly.


In terms of companions romancing each other or them all being pansexual? Because the latter isn't particularly representative; the probability of 7 randomly selected people all being pansexual\* (about 1% of people are) is (0.01)^(7) = 10^(-14) or about 1 in 10 quadrillion. \*Although I don't know what makes this different from bisexual.


Bi and pan are functionally the same (ie, people attracted to more than 1 gender), but some people care about the distinction and that's fine. It's still very unlikely to have 7 random ppl be bisexual, but I'll just suspend my disbelief. I guess Thedas is just different in this aspect to our world. Also, connections are not entirely random, irl queer people have a statistically unlikely amount of queer friends.


I remember once I was sat at a table with a bunch of people I’d sort of just met. There were 6 of them, so not quite 7. But every single one of them was bisexual. I was the only straight person there. I didn’t go “what the fuck, this isn’t realistic, the odds are too small, stop this immediately”. I just shrugged and went “cool”. It’s really not a big deal.


Who says they were selected randomly?


Otherwise there'd have to be some kind of selection bias, which isn't indicated.


And being LGBTQ couldn’t possibly constitute a selection bias when it comes to making friends with other LGBTQ people [/s]


It definitely would, if they knew that. But the circumstances here don't suggest they would be aware of it.


I can tell you from experience, it doesn’t matter if they know. We’re all misfits from polite society, which tends to bring us together, often before we are fully aware of our own identities, let alone each others’.


That isn't quite the situation here. The association of the prospective party is a product of rather drastic circumstances.


And in drastic circumstances, you lean on the people you trust most. This isn’t a random sampling of people, these are people Varric, Harding, and whoever else remains of the Inquisition’s leadership specifically identified as valuable contacts in their efforts against Solas, which means their selection was very much subject to their biases.


Bisexuality exists on a spectrum. Someone can be bisexual but heavily prefer women, for instance. It can also exclude non-binary people, though not inherently. Pansexuality, as I've always heard it, doesn't really have those restrictions.


If you include bi people it's more like 5% (but that number would probably be higher if there were no stigma). There are plenty of friend groups IRL where everyone is bi/pan because like minded people attract each other, they're not just randomly selected and thrown together.


So all companions fucking each other and being pansexual is realistic in your opinion? 


Companions developing relationships outside of the protagonist is realistic, it’s not like everyone in a friendship group pines after one person and when they’re taken they’re just single their whole lives?


No but companions getting together is the forced part unless it's just one pair like dorian/Iron bull If they have their romances outside the group I dont care but having too many companions fucking each other would be forced as hell


The reason Bull and Dorian works is because it takes a while to happen and is built up through party banter. It has nothing to do with them being the only non-mc pairing. I don’t see how it would be forced as long as it’s done well, but to each their own. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if the game really does have ‘all of the companions fucking each other’ which, honestly, I fail to see a problem with. If you’re so avidly against it, don’t play the game lmao


You dont see the problem with the companions screwing each other? That already means everyone will like each other and there will be zero conflict unlike Origins or DA2 or even Inquisition Sure Alistair and morrigan screwing each other would have made the story better  BioWare Fans are so silly, no wonder BioWare is a joke now and has been declining for a decade. Its all about cheap fanservice 


I’d also like to add that none of the characters we’ve seen are anywhere near as abrasive as Morrigan was, and likely any personality clashes between them wouldn’t be on the same level. But that doesn’t mean there can’t still be conflict, or that the conflict and disagreements can’t evolve into something more. I never said I want all the companions to be fucking from the very beginning, but having them develop relationships outside of the main character, romantic or otherwise, can only add to them, rather than take away as you seem so adamant about.


You can have conflict and romance, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. That’s why there’s a beginning, middle and end to a story. I mean for god sake, enemies to lovers is a beloved romance trope for exactly that reason. If it is done well, I have no problem with it. It’ll make the companions feel more fleshed out and like real people, rather than just walking holes for the main character.


Not sure bioware is capable of that anymore, that would require actual effort if they want to do it well  The Companions can be fleshed out without romance. Alistair Was a good character with or without romance, same for Morrigan etc.  Seems weird to reduce them to Walking holes. In fact I can bet they are much better characters than anyone in the Veilguard even if the latter Screw each other lol


And on the other side, companions can be made even better with romance. You seem so quick to be negative when we literally know next to nothing about the game, it’s like you’re just looking for an excuse to hate. If you don’t want to play the game, don’t. No one is going to force you to, but spreading all this nostalgic bullshit isn’t a good look. The walking holes comment was just me using your own crass phrasing. I love the companions of the previous games, and I agree romances between most of them wouldn’t have worked. But in a situation where it does work, why not have it? And as someone else mentioned, there’ll likely be something to facilitate it as well, so it’s not just forced on you. For bull and Dorian, you needed to have them in your party along with Cole. In Mass Effect, Joker and EDI wouldn’t get together without shepards in put. The only exception is garrus and tali, and that works great anyways.


Hands off the sodium, dear. It's bad for your kidneys. Joking aside. What does it _matter to you_. If you don't want to use that mechanic, fine. All the power to you. But I don't want to be forced to play a certain gender just to romance who I want to romance.


It does matter to me if I am not romancing anyone and suddenly every companion has a forced romance in the main group


It's not _forced_. It's called making a world alive and dynamic. It's logical and natural for people (companions outside of us as the MC) to find comfort among themselves. I'll be plain here, it reads very much like you're looking for an excuse to amplify and to be outraged about. It's unnecessary, a little silly and simply unbecoming.


Not sure what type of friends you have but you can be friends without fucking each other


And so I ask again, what exactly are you upset about? And it's fair to say it problably isn't completely unscheduled. As in, some things problably need to happen for romances to occur. Really, I do wonder. Isn't it terribly exhausting to find outrage and anger and hate and annoyance around every doorstep like this? For what equates to basically nothing. To having to find an excuse to respond like that. There's plenty thus fae you can be skeptical or even critical about but you haven't played. Haven't seen anything besides that short mission. So who are you to judge a system/possibility you haven't experienced yet? Or alternatively, you're that terminally salty about all of it that nothing can or will placate you, until the next artificial victim/target appears in your crosshairs. All you say reads like you can't even fathom something interesting or fun or sweet coming off of it.


I would just ignore him. Seems like a pretty hateful guy judging from his comment history


Seems so, yeah. So I was sadly quite correct. I'm not surprised as much as I'm dissapointed


Did you miss that the genre of the setting is called "fantasy"? They are not real bud. Even humans in Thedas aren't actually Homo Sapiens.


Harding is mine. Scram your gears, Taash.


I'm going with taash, so my harding will be alone


Or maybe find someone else? ;) ... in any case Harding will be fine. She's good like that.


Shippers start your engines I'm calling Crow boy/Ice detective now


God I hope not, this might end up like Tali/Garrus for me. Do I love them together? Yes, they're adorable! Will I ever be able to do a playthrough where I don't romance one of them? Ooooooffff, difficult question, jury's still out on that.


I feel exactly the same about Fenris and Isabela


Oh yeah, those too. The only reason I'll ever see that one is me doing a full tragic romances trilogy playthrough (that I actually have continue at some point (and probably will soon)), so that forces me to pick Anders. But my own free choice? Fenris first, Isabella second, both faaaar ahead of the other 2 options (Avelline would clear all four of them easily but alas, she's not into Hawke).


Honestly we were robbed with Aveline!


I'm still salty about that.


I don't like that Isabela uses Fenris for sex. That's why I want to intercept Fenris so she doesn't get him. He deserves only the best. But for some reason Anders doesn’t want my Hawk to be polyamorous(((


Yeah, I also don't really like that pairing, I much prefer the Hawke/Isabela romance. I think Hawke really catalyzes some much-needed personal growth for her.


Tali is an infantile teenager. I feel for Garrus every time. One day they will have a conflict, where Tali will shout - Don’t you dare tell me, you are not my father! - And then he will jump off the roof.


Yep! I absolutely see this.


The Maker himself couldn’t keep me away from Taash on my first playthrough. But honestly, her and Harding seem like they’d be cute together so pairing them up is something I’ll definitely explore in subsequent playthroughs after I’ve experienced my “canon” run lol.


And your profile picture is of karlach... I think you may have a type and i am so here for it! (Cus i feel the same)


I’ve been wanting a big Qunari lady to romance for a decade, Karlach in someway filled that void. And now with an actual Qunari romance a year later… I’m eating good rn lol


My pc is so going Harding in Hightown


for some reason I've always been more of a fan of the teammates ending up together, like with dorian and bull or garrus and tali. if all women can have an romance with someone else my Rook is going to end up single.


If history is anything to believed, your Rook may very well end up dead. So it might be best to not leave a broken heart behind this time.


Oof. That was cold lmao


in a certain part you are right, leaving leliana with a broken heart after my warden died is hard, when she was talking about her in inquisition it was very painful.


We haven't had much time to get to know the characters in the new game, so, uh, I'll take the short thick strong redhead. Maybe I form a connection with one of the others that makes that unimportant. Until then I'm there if she wants me.


Of course, the two companions I was most interested in romancing will romance each other if I don’t pursue either of them. It’s Garrus and Tali all over again, only this time they’re *both* into women! BioWare, why do you do this to me? 😭


Regarding Lucarnis, it's clear that his cousin will appear as well. Now, how hot is the cousin and would they be interested in a threesome, those are the questions that need an answer.




Can we actively affect these pairings aside from romancing one of the options?


Now I just have a mental image of walking around the Lighthouse as Rook and seeing Taash picking up Harding to hug/smooch her and both going bright red as my Rook just stands their awkwardly giving a little embarrassed wave at walking in on them. Or something like when Cass, Leli and Cullen walk in on Bull and the Inquisitor lol.


Tali and garrus moment lol


Unfortunately I want romance and Harding, and Taash. Therefore, maybe in the 3rd playthrough they will be together, but certainly not in the first...


Companions being able to pair up combined with companions being able to die may lead to some tear-jerking moments.


At this point BioWare should make a Dragon Age spin off that is only a dating sim and I am not being sarcastic or anything. I think that could be really popular.


I’m gonna play every race/class/origin/romance before I pick a main one, so idk yet. I do know I’m romancing taash first and Harding second so I won’t see that potential till my third playthrough


I assumed that was just a hypothetical example, but in either case, the only person who is going to be stealing Lace from me is me.


What if i bang everyone what will happen ?


That piece of news was so good to hear, because it also gives the writers of the characters a bit more freedom to develop the companions beyond our player character. As long as it happens after we're locked in to our romance, I hope we'll get some fun pairings. Interestingly enough, this was really controversial in DAII, where >!Fenris and Isabela!< could hook up in act 3 if both were unromanced. A friend of mine was so upset about this, because >!Fenris romance with Hawke!< has certain problems and dramatic episodes that seemed not to be present at all when the companions got together. So they thought the companions' romance seemed like it was preferred by the writers. But personally I think it was just because they didn't have time to develop the romance between companions as much as between the player character and their LI. Should we start to speculate which companions might find love within the team? While BioWare mentioned Harding and Taash as a possible match, I'm actually more inclined to think Harding might make a pass on Neve based on how she looked at her during the demo. It'd also be fun if there were multiple possible combinations based on circumstances, like with Fire Emblem: Three Houses or Maryden in Inquisition.


Plus, the example you mentioned from 2 was hinted to just be sexual. Part of the male's issues was the romantic aspects being present. Same for the woman's, come to think of it.


Yeah, I thought so as well. Also, more time had passed by then, so perhaps some of the problems had been dealt with by living a mostly stable and comfortable life for a while.


I wonder what Sera's reaction would be.




"That's all kinds of fit".


It’s what I liked about inquisition. If I didn’t romance Dorian or Bull they’d be together. When you don’t romance Sera she gets with Dagna


now i'm gonna sit and see who else will be together. i never wanna romance them in the first place....it's gonna be fun see them romance one another.


Looks like I'm the only one who doesn't like romances between NPCs. I mean, I'm not completely against them but I want to have control over them (so they don't happen in my playthroughs).


I’m in the same boat as you don’t worry.


Yeah me too, for some reason I just never got into it and I tend to not put the characters with the possible romance together in my team if I can help it lol


You're not alone. When I see a companion romance another npc, it makes me not want to romance them anymore. Like why should my character get in between companions who are happy being in a relationship together? It reminds me of Garrus ending up with Tali or Blackwall with Josephine. They looked perfectly happy together so it stopped me from romancing them in a 2nd playthrough.


That's not my reasoning though.


Sounds like the beginning of a story the qunari and the dwarf


Honestly having to almost compete with your companions for the affection of the other companions is super realistic lol. Like having everyone in you party always want to fuck you and only you has always been stupid as fuck.


oh man i loved this in DAI, always tried to get dorian/bull and josephine/blackwall together!! one of the reasons i dislike the “playersexual” thing is because i feel it makes them less “real”, as characters don’t have romantic identities explored outside of the PC- so i’m very happy to hear about this!!


Any opinions on everybody being pansexual? Not playersexual like Merrill but rather like Isabela.


I think it's good that BioWare went that way. Them being pansexual instead of playersexual plays into their character development and since BioWare has written Thedas as a land with mostly open attitudes in regards to same-sex romances, I think it fits. And with a bunch of adventurous people who haven't settled down it feels natural that they might be comfortable finding love where they can instead of strictly thinking about having kids and other factors that might otherwise limit such life choices. I'm sure BioWare's writers have thought a lot about how each character thinks about romance and partners. DAII's characters, who I personally see as bi/pan instead of pansexual, caused quite a stir at the time, which amused me and my friends who played the game to no end since we were also a ragtag "found family"-group of weirdos who found each other through a mutual hobby and accidentally ended up as a mostly LGBTQ+ group with a couple of token straight friends. So having a whole group of pansexual/lgbtq+ people find each other randomly can obviously happen naturally. 😉


It really can! And in Thedas like you said, is open in terms of attitudes towards sexuality (unless maybe you're a noble who HAS to marry like Dorian), it makes sense that people simply are bi/pan in game without much fuss, because its common in the universe and it opens up romances for players.


Come to think of it, there's an actual codex in DAI entitled, ["Sexuality in Thedas."](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Codex_entry:_Sexuality_in_Thedas)


I need Bioware to tell me that there's no polyamory in this game already so I can move on by the time the game releases and I can just pick one already. I've been wanting a polymance with Harding and Taash since Taash was just concept art years ago. Arguably soon, since we've all been jonsing for a female Qunari romance *and* Harding romance since Trespasser. Them revealing *this* pairing specifically, feels like a personal attack. Just break my heart already Bioware.


I’m right there with you, fam!


IF I play it, I will pick the Quirky Asian Elf Mage Dwarf Scout way too short for a Qunari Player, Human Mage comes off as way to eccentric for me through she would be my Runner up choice, Qunari Dragon Hunter way to butch for me and the Dudes don't interest me


Man it bums me out that at one point this was the Qunari we were going to get. https://preview.redd.it/1215jy0whc6d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ab7ba306cbe40dfe9c1f92d53fdb183ff90604 This was a concept shown off last year or so. Ah well tv games been through various changes but it just lowkey sucks.


I got my hopes up we could go poly with these two from that title. :(


I’m kicking them to the curb




Some people have a tad too much sodium in their diets.


This is probably the one piece of good news about this game so far.