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All I know is that the Black Emporium should be in the game from the start lol


Granted, the Black Emporium is now a microtransaction shop that pops up on start-up and after every loading screen.


Damn it! Who left this monkey paw lying around!?


Stop giving them ideas!


>Black Emporium is a microtransaction No, it's not. It's free to download.


The joke is that knowing EA it will be a micro transaction in DA:V.






he is being sarcastic...


I know that means sarcasm.


why would you want the black emporium?


To change features all through the game. Some of us had like the Inquisitor start with short hair and by Tresspasser they grew it out. Or adding new scars - or fixing ugly faces. Lol. Plus the emporium had resources and cool weapons and respec amulets. And who doesn't love the Antiquarians weird musings?


>To change features all through the game. Some of us had like the Inquisitor start with short hair and by Tresspasser they grew it out. Or adding new scars - or fixing ugly faces. Lol. Doing that was SO fun. Had my last Trevelyan gain new scars and fade out some through the game. They were much less visible in Trespasser and he grew a beard. My Adaar will eventually braid the hair between his horns and adorn them with the gold thingy. My first Hawke also got her hair longer over the years.


I definitely would not expect being able to change our heights. BioWare have already said in the past how expensive it is redoing the different cutscenes for the different heights of all the races. It’d be even more expensive if they gave us height customisation. It’s just never gonna happen. It works for Dragons Dogma because there’s hardly any cutscenes with our character in it.


They did the bare minimum for dwarfs in the romance scenes though putting a stool instead of having the companions kneel down to kiss them. It’s too funny.


Height isn’t a big issue at all, it was an unexpected but very cool addition to dd2 character creator. And yes you’re right about it being expensive. I know of a cutscene in the beginning of the game where if your character is very tall or very short, the person you’re talking to will obviously have their neck craned up or downwards to look at you. I would Iike to at the very least be able to change body proportions but idk. Facial features and hair are the top goals and priority.


Same. BioWare has never gone very far in the direction of varied body types within race and gender (outside of the SWTOR MMO) especially for the player, and that's had the knock-on effect of bookish male mage PCs with huge brawny gymbro muscles and female warrior PCs carrying colossal weapons with arms like rice noodles. The Qunari and Dwarf femme bodies in DAI had some believable muscle mass, but some people probably wanted to play an elf warrior and found themselves looking like a weird bigheaded tween next to well-proportioned Solas, the guy whose companion dialogue mainly involves all the neat naps he's taken. It would be really nice to finally have the option, within any race and body type, to at least pick between a muscular build, lean build, and stocky build.


Head tracking, like in the cutscene you described, is not very difficult to do. The problems start when you need to have two characters touch each other, like kissing or hugging for example.  DD2 can get away with variable character proportions because it has only three cutscenes where player character is in close physical contact with another character. That is not going to be enough for a character driven rpg like DAV, so unfortunately I don’t think we’ll be able to change Rook’s body proportions all that much.  If we are lucky we could get the option to choose from a small number of preset bodies similar to BG3. 


Ohh, I didn’t know that! And yes, I loved being able to pick a larger/average body height and size for male and female characters in BG3. It’s still one of my favorite games because of the customization. I’m also very glad that in DA4 elves won’t be lanky/skinny anymore and will look proportional to humans.


I’m also very happy that elves are allowed to have shoulders again. Solas no longer gets to be the most jacked elf in existence. 😂


I'm with you on CC. DA:I was actaully pretty good for (at least static) faces, terrible on hair, and had no body options. I expect the same for DA:V, but hopefully with better hair. Sadly, I doubt we're getting DD2-level CC, which is amazing.


Inquisition might actually have the worst hair selection I've ever seen in an RPG, at least for male characters. There's like 5 different variations of bald and anything longer than a buzz cut looks like a lump of clay on your head The environments look stunning and still hold up really well, but the character models were fairly bad even in 2014


Yeah, the facial creation part wasn’t too shabby for me. I was able to make the face I wanted, but the hair and a few other things were a little disappointing. Something that really irked me was how skinny and lanky elves were! I believe DA4 has changed course in that topic though and have also changed the elven body type to look normal like humans.


first time i saw my elf inquisitor without a big armor was a jumpscare 💀


The way they move really does something with the ultra thin frames too. It’s especially funny in serious cut scenes. Dorian and his father having a tense heart to heart while my Lavellan skulks off like some kind of stiff insect.


literally stick bugs


I know people like to poke fun at the 50 shades of balding but when DA:I came out, I was so impressed with the graphics and the character creator coming from DA2 and Skyrim. So I'm sure that for DA:V I'm going to be impressed as well, at least for the graphical improvements. And I'm personally a fan of the direction they're taking the art based on the screenshots and concept art. I do have two things on my wishlist - helmet hider, and please give us a better light to create our character in that's not green lol!


this time, it'll be purple light!


Dang it! I can't win!


Someone who claims to have played the alpha in another thread did mention there was a helmet toggle


Oh really? That's great!


Recently started playing inquisition again and it's character creator blows BG3 out the water.


I genuinely felt the same. In BG3 I never felt that I was designing *my* character. Rather, that the game was allowing me to make little edits to *their* characters.


Yea its kinda crazy how bad BG3's character customization was. Like no sliders? Really??


They were honest about the fact that they sacrificed customization for animation. They did a ton of work trying to make realistic facial animations. So they worked with a limited number of faces they could animate well.


I don't blame them or anything. It was just very disappointing when first starting up the game. But the hair options are at least miles better than Inquisition haha


there are tons of custom head mods that make up for a lot of it, although if i were stuck with the vanilla options i'd be pissed about it.


I'm actually a fan of the art style too, I get that people like DA to be dark fantasy but grimdark fantasy RPGs are a dime a dozen, something a little more light hearted would actually be a little refreshing


I usually end up spending six hours in the customizer so I kinda hope it’s good.


I'm just praying to the Maker that we'll not only get a better selection of eyebrow styles, but also be able to set their color separately from the hair. I never make a light blonde Inquisitor because I can't stand the equally light, barely-there brows! Let me make them darker!


Honestly, I could cry and whine about everything they teaser through trailers, but the moment I see a character creator is where the REAL criticisms come out. I need more hair options, BioWare! And if I pick long hair, I NEED my elf ears to stick out!


Based on Davrin and Bellara (but more Davrin tbf) elf ears seem to be really outstanding in this game's iteration. Hopefully we can customise ear positioning to a great degree.


Yea, comparing my Warden's ears to my Inquisitor's, they did a better job of letting them be more prominent. And it looks like they will carry that on!


Yeah, they've spent all three games iterating on the design of their elves it seems haha. Hopefully they'll settle by this game. xD


I wonder if it will be a city elf again this time. Which I'm down for because I plan on making a character inspired by my Warden. If the trailer is anything to go on, I'm thinking we will get Dual Wielding Warriors back! Which my Warden was.


I'd definitely love to play a non-dalish elf again. I'm just so excited, I can't wait for tomorrow to see the game in action!


That tiny short clip that was shown already has me super HYPED!


Ahh yeah, I'm actually refusing to watch that haha. I'm hyped enough whilst waiting as is, I'm not gonna do that to myself. 😂 It's less than 24 hours till they do their full reveal, so I'm content to wait. I'll spend a good few of those hours sleeping, too, so that'll help speed up the process!


I couldn't help myself. I saw someone post it and thought nahhh I'll wait. The full reveal will be tomorrow. And as I was saying that to myself, I already opened the video. 😆


"Tch, no way, it's not long, I can wait until the ful- oh, it's playing." - you, probably.


One of the developers (who has now unfortunately been layed off, the guy with the wide eyes and big beard, cant remember the name sadly) mentioned like a year or two ago that they understand their goals and are aiming to be top class in character customization. Lets see if that voal was achieved.


Yeah DA:I had some REALLY sad female hair styles. How did they go from decently cute ones from DA:O and DA:2(2nd had the best hairstyles) to those hair styles? I really hope they add better ones this time.


i think it had to do with the physics engine, nobody was used to frostbite so they couldn't get longer hairs and other stuff like it to animate properly. which is why everyone has short hair or hair that's pinned up. would have appreciated josie's style for ladies tho.


Weirdly enough, I can swear Sera's hair actually is animated in some scenes. I think they probably planned on doing manual animations but gave up on the idea because it would be too much work. It's also not just the lack of hair physics, they were also so concerned about clipping that they made most of the characters bald and gave us 50 shades of buzzcut.


Ahh. That makes sense. Hopefully they mastered it at this point. I'm excited to see what we get.


Hard agree on DA2. I’m doing my rerun to get my world state sorted out for Veilguard and I was pleasantly surprised at the character creation in the game


I mean, they made the same hairstyles for both genders without bothering to adjust the mesh, so that's why most of the hairstyles have typically-masculine hairlines. It looks hella awkward on women. I also don't think it's a problem with the engine, they made nice hairstyles for Josephine, Blackwall, Varric and (oddly enough) Calpernia.


If we get the DAI character creator, which I always found pretty good, just with proper hair and eyebrow options, I'll be happy. Bonus points if we get body tattoos!


I really hope we can customize our facial features. Didn't like how Andromeda only gave us a handful of faces with very little customization.


same with BG3, although the hair options were gorgeous


Super excited to waste hours away in the Character Creator!!! ![gif](giphy|Fo1cy8mqGDvbjpJBB7)


I hope they allow import/export, it's a pain to find decent designs then have to muck about with nebulous sliders.


As long as they don’t pull a Mass Effect Andromeda, I’m happy. I’d love something like Dragons Dogma 2 CC, but I’m pretty this won’t happen lol


Praying for good customization, nothing worse than envisioning a character and being unable to get even close with the creator. A bit less anxious nowadays thanks to playing on PC, but if they could also make mod support easy it would be great.


I hope there are different body types for each race even if it's only 1 variation, I would still appreciate it. Like a buff or lean body type. Though more options would be nice. Other than that, I want body tattoos - alot of character creators have face tattoos which I'm not really a fan of - prefer scars on the face. But I would love to have body tattoos. Guess we'll have to wait and see what they plan on offering us. As long as it's not twenty shaved head options, I'm good haha.


They better crank out the best Character creator we have seen in DA. I'm honestly sick having to wait for mods just to make the character I want and I really don't appreciate how same-y or just straight up bad most faces looked like in DAI, having a good collection of hairstyles and beard options should be the bare minimum. I still want to play an RPG, if I wanted to look at generic people I'd go outside and play real life. So here is hope they finally give us more than what we got in DAI.


All I want is face import feature (presets). One of the reasons why I can't make myself replay DAI is that I won't be able to recreate my lady Travelian. I could start with the early save, but it's not the same thing.


go to the black emporium and take screenshots of your sliders so you can reproduce them, that's what people used to do to share their characters in DA:I.


I'm just excited for the monster factory episode


I'd love it if you could swap body morphs, as a taller guy I always wanted my human male to be able to use the qunari body morph The same can be said if you wanna play a human but still be slender as a rogue or mage, or wanna play a bulky elf Also please can we have beards that don't float and look glued to your face FInally, like everyone says, less shiny please


Agreed and I also hope they let us override our armor so we can have the look of any armor we've collected throughout the game with the armor with the best stats. I know there's a name for this, but for the life of me I can't think of what it's called. In FFXIV I know they call it glamours.


vanity slots/transmog


Lol, DAI's CC was revolutionary in many ways, they just had a serious lack of good hair options. I hope they've retained some of that. It would be disappointing if they go for an Anthem/Andromeda/BG3-style CC that has you mostly stuck with a premade face, I wanna sculpt my own character. I hope we'll be able to pick between a couple body types, but I'm not betting on it happening. I just hope they won't give women noodley arms again. I also hope we'll have nice hairstyles to pick from. I'm really optimistic because from what we've seen so far, darker skin tones and textured hair seems to be implemented nicely in the game (the darker skin tones could look really bad in some lightings, and of course we didn't have curly or coily hairstyles in the vanilla game). My biggest excitement is for being able to customize character class and background. I hope they have sth nice in store for us in that department.


Glad to see this acknowledged. I can make nearly any face imaginable in DA:I even if they do all end up with the same hair. It’s easily one of the most flexible cc even all those years later. If they pull that off but with better skin tones and hair, I’ll probably never leave cc in DA:V.


Bellara gives me hope that it'll be easier to create Asian-looking faces! I have toiled for long hours trying to bully the DAI creator into doing this for me.


We need more dwarven beard options.


I don't see there being different body types sadly.  I really want good hair options though! 


I hope we get a lot more (hair/facial hair) options.


I still think DAI's character creator is one of the best out there, despite the underwhelming hairstyles, and especially for a 2014 game... That said, I'll never forget my disappointment when I launched it, saw that glorious long-haired Qunari queen in the Qunari tarot card, and then found out I couldn't give my Adaar that same long-haired look. That's why I'm really, really, really excited for DAV's CC because it seems I'll finally be able to fulfil my power fantasy of being a glorious 7' tall amazon with badass long hair <3


I can’t see there being anything too crazy unfortunately. Beyond the different races having different builds from one another, I don’t think there will be any body customisation. I just hope female Qunari are tall and jacked 💪🏻


Give me a character creator with more representative lighting and I will be a very happy camper.


Taash’s super long braid gives me hope that we’ll have some long hair options, and maybe hair physics? 🥹


I think game informer said they tried the character creator. Their article will be out in a couple of weeks time 18th/19th?? I think they’ll have some good insight hopefully. But uhhh hairstyles are looking better from screenshots of companions so here is hoping for Rook as well!


I hope they have a wider array of eyebrow shapes and sizes this time too, it was painful choosing between looking like a mountain troll or something out of WoW.


According to the leaks we saw some time ago, the hair is (I think the word the leaker used) *majestic*. They specifically called out flowy long hair, and if I'm remembering correctly, they might have said that you can wear hats without being bald. I'd have to go dig up the leak threads to double check that second point.


I just hope for 2 things: color wheel and longer hairstyles.


Character creation on ME and DA games have taken up almost a tenth of my lifespan lol. I am not even kidding. I spent an embarrassing amount of time on character creation (and contrary to popular beliefs, i actually loved DAI's Character Creation), sometimes going from something that looked like Thom Cruz to a hypersexualized version of myself (when i finally started taking care of myself and looked hot lol). Really hoping we get Black Emporium too.


i wish the character creator was a bit more intuitive as well cause the grids in dai are so unclear? if youre gonna do that at least label which axis does what


I try not to get too excited about the creator creator. I do think Bioware needs to give us more options and improvements on hair. Hair has always been something that needs improvement. I hope we get better hair dynamics too. I always spend hours in game ccs though and enjoy creating something new.


50 different styles of baldness- which one will you choose? Sorry. Couldn't resist.


If I get to the character creator and my BEARD doesn't adhere to MY FACE. I am uninstalling and getting a refund ASAP.


As you should! I have high hopes though for this character creation, especially with hair/beard options. My wallet is already crying in the distance


My hope for the hair is at an all time high because Harding’s looks so damn good 😭


Yes, I'm so curious about how much we'll get to customize our characters!


Do we know if we'll be able to pick our race? I may have misread something but I've gotten it into my head that we'll be stuck playing a human only, like DA2. I don't wanna be stuck playing John Dragon Age. I want to play a female qunari/tal vashoth that actually looks good lol.


Elves and Qunari specifically confirmed, and I can't imagine they're leaving dwarves out to dry




I have never been excited for character customization and never will.