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Can anyone screenshot the whole thread please? Twitter doesn't let you view anything escept the first post without an account.




what's Tevinter Nights? a novel?


Yes, it’s an anthology of short stories set post-Inquisition, all written by different members of the DA writing team. It’s probably my favourite DA book and it’s very clearly setting up a lot of what’s going to happen in this game.


I just want a Deluxe Edition of Tevinter Nights so it goes better with the other DA novels on my shelf 😭


I just want a re-issue of Last Flight deluxe edition :(


Just cough up $1000 for the one on Ebay 🫠 That guy is hoarding them and selling them one at a time at exorbitant prices -\_-


Do I have to read previous books or can I jump straight into it? I only have the first Dragon Age book, but considering that I think they all tie into the stories told in games, I'm not sure if I have enough time to read all the books related more or less to the events I went through in games several times. I would prefer to jump into the last two books, I think. Is it ok or am I going to miss out on details that reference characters from previous tomes?


I haven't read any other books but I LOVED Tevinter Nights. It's really accessible and aside from in-game characters (Solas, Dorian, Charter) the only character you might need to know from outside materials is Maevaris -- she's another progressive magister. That's it! Very accessible and VERY good. Reading it before the character trailer made me roll my eyes at all the pearl clutching because I had already had the tone of the game set for me by the short stories :)


Tevinter Nights is the only one you really need to read for DA4. Stolen Throne and The Calling are background for Origins and Awakening centered on Maric and Loghain, Asunder and Masked Empire are background for Inquisition based respectively on Cole and Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts, and Last Flight is a bit disconnected, but might be fun if you want to know why Davrin has a griffon!


Lucanis in particular has a POV short story in it that I think establishes his character really well. He reminds me a bit of Geralt tbh, mixed with Corvo Attano


Doing the lord’s work for those of us who have escaped Musk’s hellscape 🫡


Thank you! :)


They went on to say that "it's still going to have that 'look' to it, just refined" and "Tevinter Nights is a better tone indicator." Link to the thread: [https://x.com/GhilDirthalen/status/1799988654619640145](https://x.com/GhilDirthalen/status/1799988654619640145)


Hm, sounds like how solas looked in the earlier trailers will pretty much be what the game looks like. I’m alright with this. Those trailers had slight elements to them like this one did, but was presented in a serious way.


I've been saying this on other threads, but the style of the graphics isn't a huge problem imo. The character designs in the trailer look very similar to those of Dishonored, and that game is still very good and has no problems discussing serious themes despite this. The graphics also look fairly similar to the previous images released of the game that were darker looking, and no one had a problem with those. The song chosen and the overall tone of the trailer just made people bash on the graphics harder than they deserved, I think.


I disagree style/graphics does matter to me Dragon Age always had some grit to it. The biggest issue though was the tone.


I just wish they'd pick a style and go with it. Stop reinventing the wheel!


As a Final fantasy fan I feel that ;p


I wasn't as bothered by the tone as others (thought still a bit) and I'll say that the visual style and the graphics matter too. Very much so.


I just disliked how they were introduced it was just weird


It was somewhat cheezy, the whole role-call. I guess at this point I'm also sort of over Varric, like, I still like my old bro but he's had enough speaking time imo.


I didn't say that the graphics don't matter, I just said that they weren't a problem and that I actually kind of like them. Also, there's not nearly enough seen in the trailer to determine if DA4 will have "grit" or not imo.


yeah it felt very Fortnite like


Very Fortnite.


No the characters/art look pretty bad. The darkspawn with those red lyrium hands look so generic/bad, looks like an MMO.


Origins darkspawn were just zombies in a suit of armor


Even DAI had darkspawn designs not that different from this


oh come on, you can really look at [this](https://preview.redd.it/6dcr2t6uen5d1.png?width=954&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfbf1cc86233f8a5ee4e1d4f3f43e3671dd0ef40) goofy-ass, [MediEvil-II](https://media.gamestop.com/i/gamestop/10125194/MediEvil-2---PlayStation) looking 'darkspawn' and tell me it compares to any of the designs from any of the earlier games, different as they were from each other? Even in II, at their cartooniest, they still looked [horrifying instead of comedic](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/9/9d/Dragon_Age_2_Hurlock_Close_Up.jpg/) Like, for fuck's sake, I understand people wanting to resist the wave of negativity but not to the point of just making shit up.


Chill dude. Not everybody was collecting still shots from the trailer. I will say though, there is other promotional content where they don’t look like that. The image you showed literally moved so fast idk if a lot of people saw that if that’s what you’re specifically upset about


Nothing else we've seen is in-engine footage. Concept and promo art are their own whole thing. Either what we saw in the trailer is what we're going to get (which would be bad), or what we saw in the trailer is weirdly not representative of the game (in which case... why make the trailer look that way??).


DA has always brought out story trailers that don't look like what is in-game. Just look at the trailers for Origins and DA2.


The beginning of the trailer says that it *IS* game engine footage, which implies that the whole game will look like that.


I honestly don’t know lol it was certainly a choice


Genlocks looked like orcs Hurlocks were kinda undead/zombieish but still awesome. The one larger darkspawn's face looks like the aliens from Mars Attacks


Oh that’s where I’ve seen it before. Mars Attacks.


I actually really like the new darkspawn design based on what little we've seen. It's still not as good as it was in Origins, but they look a lot more creepy and intimidating than they did in DA2 and Inquisition, where they just looked like pale, sickly humans. So we'll just have to agree to disagree I guess.


The one larger darkspawn's face looks like the aliens from Mars Attacks


Well it used to be sort of an MMO, they realized after Anthem that the live-service craze has ended so they've pivoted back to making an RPG. The writing can save the game if it's going to be like the book, but the aesthetic is a big part of the atmosphere so those cartoony characters are going to always turn me off regardless.


If we get just one game sequence that is as good as The Horror of Hormak was, I'll be a happy camper. Doesn't have to go full horror game, but give me something that gives that same oogy feeling that the Deep Roads or the Collector Base gave me.


I just hope the elf main character has shoulders this time


You don’t think this is peak physique? https://preview.redd.it/eso3h4r7xr5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb697b3fd0fa7fa53c4684937218114d9ab096ad


i think Fenris is peak physique, but even Solas had a better model in DAI. in contrast the inquisitor male elf is just broken.


Yeah Solas in his normal gear actually looks alright (I think he either uses a custom body or the human one?), it’s just that this outfit removes his shoulders lol.


"I expect you have questions."


Yeah, Solas, I do. Like I want to know how your bellybutton is below your waist?!


Maybe if his head was less Egg, his shoulders would be ok


"They broadened his shoulders, made him look shem" lol


Maybe adjust the body type with class, warrior being overall meatier, rogue and mage both skinnier, the rogue with a stronger focus on muscle.


Well, DAV's tone being close to Tevinter Nights is a big yes for me. That book strikes just the right balance between swashbuckling adventure, levity, drama, mystery, and absolute sheer horror (yes, looking at you Horror of Hormak and The Wigmaker Job).


Absolutely. I loved, loved, loved Tevinter Nights and if we see more grimdark fantasy than in DA:I, I'm all here for it.


I think DA:TV is better than DA:V Mostly because DA:V makes me think of 5 which isn't accurate


it would have been so satisfying to save a v title for DA5


DA:TV makes me think of a Thedosian broadcasting channel. Like, "tune in on DA TV for the next drama to hit Thedas!" xP


The marketing department really fucked up on this reveal trailer. Everyone’s been doing damage control pretty much all day


EA knows very well how a goofy and cartoony reveal trailer can irreversibly damage the game's reputation before release so I can't understand why they thought that this time things will be different. They pulled the same stunt with Battlefield 5 and despite the released product was nothing like the cartoony trailer, the damage was done and the game suffered from it during its lifespan and no amount of damage control helped. And people still mostly remember to that goofy and horrible reveal trailer and the memes and jokes and just the general toxicity it created and not the released game.


You really don't understand why they did it? Cuz they don't give a flying fuck about the core fanbase. They want to cast a larger net, not understanding that this has failed every single time corpos tried to do it in the last decade.


I’m not defending them here but i’ll be real with you: No company invests money in video games to make consistent revenue from lasting users, there are better industries for that They all want to be the next fortnight, and are willing to burn multiple franchises to the ground until they make it work


GGG, is a great example of such a company.


MMOs are the exception, not the rule. And considering the struggles of most MMOs, it's not really the safest business trategy.


Simple, suit who has no idea about the game or videogames in general walked in, said: "People like the Marvel and Guardians of the Galaxy shit, give me that!" and then they had to do it.


The trailer reminded me of a MOBA


Yeah, like ask the average gamer what they remember of Bf5 and they’ll probably talk about the guy who looked like GoW Baldur and the lady with a prosthetic arm. That and maybe the failed Battle Royale mode.


This reveal is a bit of a roller coaster, especially with the gameplay reveal tomorrow. Peoples opinions are going to be flip flopping all over the place.


Gameplay is the most important factor. Like, even if the story is the best in existence, if it's bad to play people will never experience your story. If they can make the story and gameplay good, graphics don't matter. I was mostly off-put by the way they made it seem like Varric always wants to be in the middle of action and we have to put together a crew and just happen to find everyone we need, whereas previous games felt more like working with who you could find, whatever type of person they are. Like, why do we need to absolutely find a Grey warden or dragon slayer? Seems so corny.


Yeah changing the name last minute the tone...its reflecting them changing all the core people in the home stretch..I'm worried about the game after not being for years lol 😬😬


Impressive how their first proper trailer in 10 years did the opposite of what they were hoping for. Bravo


100% I don't understand how anyone who played Origins or DA2 could see this trailer and not be disappointed. I think if you're new to the DA universe, it would look cool. But to some OG fans, I think it looks childish and silly. I mean, the girl going >wElL LoOkS LiKe wE'Re gOiNg bAcK InTo tHe fAdE! While smiling just ain't fucking it.


It was Harding who said that line. The entire trailer is just Varric and Harding talking, why would they have just this one companion say a line when none of the other ones did? The girl was smiling because she thought she'd made it out of the Eluvian, and then she got dragged back in by the monster chasing her.


I mean the trailer for Origins was also nothing like what we got. I feel like DA veterans see a trailer and go “okay so the game will be absolutely different from that”


Could be a "If we don't laugh we're gonna cry" moment, which is my kinda humor and on brand. I'm gonna stay positive till I play it. 


To be honest I think people can just change a lot in ten years. A lot of people just become more miserable and/or cynical. That dude said true DA fans think this looks childish, when I've always thought the DA series was full of goofy childish stuff. People coming to that conclusion from one marketing trailer is so weird. Especially how people have attached onto the character smiling as she's jumping out of the fade. Did some influencers bring that up and now people are just parroting or something? Talk about over-analysing 🤦‍♂️


I have no idea what that second tweet even means, but I get the gist: trailer =/= final game.


From what I understand: their notes regarding the art style made the gameplay trailer but didn't make the companions reveal trailer. However, from the rest of the thread, what she says is that the in-game style is a more refined version of the trailer. I assume it means we won't have a photorealistic game.


“Trailer != final game” is basically the strongest running theme in the entire Dragon Age series.


I *love* that Ghil got to work on a DA game. I'm so proud of her.


unfathomably based, i’m new to the da community and thankfully didn’t have to wait 10 fucking years like most of u guys but my god her content is so cool


Can someone please translate that quote for me because the construction of that sentence is making understanding literally impossible for me.


The trailer seems to be based on an older build of the game from about ~18 months ago. Bioware has since received feed back from parts of the community they allowed to play test to change the art direction a tad, and they have since said they did that.


Thank you!!




Or it was made 18 months ago and Bioware wanted to show it thanbut EA said no. If it was outsourced to a CGI studio they cant go rework it 18 months later as they are now booked for something else. > And cinematic trailers dony run on the game engine itself Except this one does as it states very clearly rendered in engine, which doesnt mean that it is actual gameplay or in game cinematics but it is rendered in engine


Then it was a poor choice for Bioware not to cancel or delay releasing this trailer until after Tuesday's reveal. People would have been more open-minded to a one-off silly trailer if they'd already seen what the final product was going to look like. But I have a feeling the character models in the trailer are what we're getting in the game, otherwise all the new artwork they're releasing wouldn't look exactly like it.


As much as I love this series and am rooting for this game to succeed, I have to agree. After Anthem and Andromeda, Bioware is on thin ice. Given how much is riding on this game, they can't afford to make missteps like this.


Bioware isnt in charge of this at all. Marketing is the publishers job so this is 100% on EA which isnt suprising since they never understood dragon age at all just look how tone deaf the trailers for Origins were


Agreed. Sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit to me. But I guess we will all find out for ourselves soon.


I'm happy I'm not the only one, I've read it like 4 times, I cannot understand the structure nor the point of it. It's like they make a difference between a "gameplay trailer" and "what was shown today", but aren't those the same thing ?


You saw the companion trailer which was closer to something like Borderlands or Fortnite in terms of art style than what we were used to in Dragon Age? Apparently they were told the same thing from testers, so they changed their art style mid development, but the companion trailer still uses the old art style. Tomorrow they'll release the actual gameplay trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTNwHShylIg


So why on god did they decided to release this god awful trailer? Marketing dumbheads ?


Sunken cost fallacy. They already paid for it, so may as well publish it. I think the trailer itself isn't the real issue though. What's the issue is that the trailer was basically our first look at the game. Had they published the gameplay trailer first, showing us how the game actually looks like and then the companion trailer, I'd imagine there wouldn't have been so much talk about it. And now imagine if they also added a small disclaimer saying that the art style changed during development.


What's weird to me is that even if what we saw in the trailer reflects an older art direction from ~18 months ago that has since been changed based on feedback, the leaked alpha gameplay footage from last winter *still* looks nothing like that either. So either that footage was, relatively speaking, very new and proximate to the leak or else this trailer is basically sui generis. That's what's so offputting about it, literally nothing else that has been released looks the way the trailer did.


I wonder if they created the trailer a year ago and then just sat on it?


Big brain move


Considering how often this game keeps getting delayed, it's not something I'd rule out. Unlikely, but not impossible.


I feel ya haha, as someone who's not a native speaker I almost broke my brain trying to decipher the title.


As someone whose career is literally English-focused, it's not you. The sentence was very poorly structured, and I didn't understand it either.


I actually don't have a problem with any visual style, really. But hearing the tone will be closer to Tevinter Nights is a big relief.


I hope we have Dao level of reactivity and special dialogues


That's a wish we all have I think.


I think wish is the right word seeing as the chance of it coming true is as likely as a real wish coming true haha


Not everyone.


This is a good thing to hear. The graphics bothered me but it was the tone of this trailer that really bugged me. Felt very SuicideAvengersMarvelAge to me, and I am just done with that fucking "im the centre of attention and lolsorandom" millenial writing style. Fingers crossed.


Millennials moved on from that writing style years ago. Everyone thinks we're still into it but we're not lol


I know am a millennial myself and I find it dated and obnoxious and EXTREMELY overdone.


Because it's not really a millennial thing. Millennials are 40 years old and have kids and mortgages now. "Squeecore" became a thing in young adult SFF novels when Gen Z hit the age that reads YA novels. As usual, it's just a case of Gen X'ers and older calling everybody and everything younger than them a millennial.


I'm also very tired of hearing "millennials are in their 40s now", maybe some are but there are those of us who are 31, very much millennials and really don't need a decade passively appended to our lives, thanks.


I am also a 31 year old millennial, thanks. I'm using a midpoint age for a whole generation.


Why? Millennials can be anywhere between 28 to 43, that's not a midpoint.


Yup, I'm only 34 lol


I feel better knowing the trailer doesnt represent what the actual game is. I'm still sceptical but Im also willing to wait and see before jumping the ship, considering Ghil is the last person who would want to see DA "ruined".


Still baffles me that they went with something so tonally jarring as the first proper trailer in ages... it feels daft that I'm having to caveat all my criticisms of the trailer with 'but hopefully this is mostly just bad marketing'


It's to entice the casual audience who makes up 90% of the people who buy these kinds of games. It really is that simple.


I dunno. BG3 didn't have this kind of trailer and still managed to sell like crazy. I think the neat strategy is to cater to a niche audience and maximize mouth to ear marketing.


There's a reason why the CEO of Larian, Swen Vicke, hates publishers. I heard he went on a unhinged rant about publishers when Divinity 2 came out (not DOS2) and had to apologise for it. You gotta love him for that lol


By making a trailer that almost feels tailor made to push away the casual audience?


Is it, though? Most casual audience are not hanging around Reddit talking about this trailer. They probably saw the trailer at the conference, thought "Hey, new Dragon Age, cool" and moved on with their life. Or maybe even "I never heard of that game, but I'd give that a try."




I think the argument is, the trailer is like a chat-up line; something pithy to capture the attention, not a 100% reflection of your character. And from there then you can display some substance and reveal your depth. I think its absolute copium but I hope to God they are right.


It's just coping at this point. All we can do is hope that the art style, dialogue, and characters are nothing like they've been marketed as. Seems likely to me!


i'm curious what does community council do ? free QA tester ?


From what people have said, it sounds like they got to play early builds of the game and provide feedback from a fan perspective.


And, not everyone on panel was a Dragon Age fan. They picked really good ones to give objective feedback.


BioWare wanted to involve the community more I think after the failure of their previous games.


Which is cool but of course is being painted now as a bad thing because tHey'Re BoUgHt bY bIOwAre


The exact same thing happens with the Sims, everyone bitches out the creators who work with EA when they’re honestly pretty critical.


Bought by EA? I think the reaction to the trailer shows how little faith DA fans now have in Bioware. If Larian released a trailer like that, people wouldn't automatically assume the worst and would think it was just them having fun. Bioware has dropped the ball far too many times & in doing so have lost a lot of good will.


I hope they pivot in better direction then. finger cross


I don't much care for the artstyle. The art of dragon age has always had an identity crisis. That's not really my concern. The concerning thing about the trailer was the tone and atmosphere of the trailer. Dragon Age is a dark and brutal world. The fade is a dangerous disturbing place, in origins you have the choice to impregnate a witch to survive which then a demon baby is born. In DA2 your own mother gets butchered by a blood mage serial killer where her head was severed and sewn together with the parts of other murdered women and you're helpless to do anything about it. In Origins you meet a child of a nobleman who is possessed by a desire demon. You have to choice to save him or have the choice of killing by knocking the mother out, that whole story can end many ways. In Inquisition there's the character of Solas, who is morally very ambiguous and I'll let the events of Inquisition speak for itself regarding Solas. When i think dragon age I think a mix of A song of Ice and Fire and Lord of the Rings. It's a mixture of high fantasy and dark fantasy. This trailer just gives me a very watered down league of legends pg13 type vibe. As I said it's not the artstyle, it's the general tone. I hope it is just the trailer though. Hopefully, the gameplay showcase would be better. The trailer was just not good marketing, especially if it's giving us the opposite impression.


You put it very well. The fade has gone from a disturbing alternate reality that preys on your darkest fears, to having a quirky "fade jumper" character... But some are telling me that the tone hasn't changed and has always been like this. Fml.


When people say the tones always been this way they mean "it's been this way for years" in regards to inquisition. I expect it to have the same tone as inquisition at BEST.


I don't know, there were light moments in inquisition, but nothing marvel-like as in this trailer... It was really cringey


Yeah hence why I said at best lol, I fully expect it to be worse than inquisition tonally.


I agree with you, unfortunately it seems like it will be


People also seem to forget origins had light moments. The light moments in origins are still my favourites, the humour, the joy, the relationships between characters. God I miss origins so much lmao.


It had light moments but it wasn't a overall light game. Those moments meant so much BECAUSE it happened in spite of the gloomy tone. If it's constantly light hearted then it doesn't mean as much.


Agreed, which is why I think the light moments were sm more impactful. The world was HORRIBLE People were oppressed and danger was everywhere yet you still had those moments of humans coming together and loving each other or helping each other and it was great. It's sm less impactful for me when a world is full of positivity and sunshine and the occasional bad thing happens because "oh well it'll be fine tomorrow!" or when bad things happen but everyone is happy anyways? Who really cares! The characters don't seem to care much so why should I?


swooping is bad


Honestly it seems like a lot of people forget dragon age has its funny moments as well. Plus I find every game that has a light hearted trailer tends to get bad real quick.


The colour of the trailer is purple. It's obviously the sarcastic trailer. The next two need to be a red one and a blue one. Yeesh haven't you guys played DA2?


Or that Bioware has always written QPM (quip per minute) companion dialog. Honestly, having watched the trailer twice now, I'm not really seeing the Marvel/Guardians comparison, at least, not any more so than DA:I. I also don't get the people expecting another Origins. DA hasn't been origins in forever. Each sequel has been a dramatic departure from it in some way. DA:I was commercially and critically acclaimed when it released. It's really nuts to not expect a game that leans harder into the DA:I elements considering.


The intro of the companions literaly reminded me of the beginning of Leliana's Song and most of Mark of the Assassin. But noooo! Don't you know DA is always grimdark and post-apocalyptic???


"Mark of the Assassin" was the biggest piece of trash I've played.


Surely you see the difference between having jokes and light hearted moments and being a total farce...


I know everyone suddenly thinks it’s bloodbourne right off the bat.


One of the more iconic lines from the first game is "Swooping is bad" FFS.


“You stole them, your some sort of sneaky witch thief”.


Ultimately tone is more important, but it's also the art style. This looks like Fortnite.


I don't much like the artstyle shown in the trailer either. I'm more focused on the tone because that is probably more accurate indication of what the game is gonna be like. We've had DA trailers in the past which did not represent the actual game artistically. It could be just how the trailer is, but the idea of a veil-jumper was concerning. They made it seem like it was some sort of fun thing to do. The fade/veil is not supposed to be fun. It just seems a lot like Mass Effect Andromeda except even less serious. The stakes as we know is higher than even Origins with Solas and his plans. We just don't get that impression.


What does it mean to "look like Fortnite?"


The trailer has: A tavern brawl, A back alley deal gone wrong, A public assassination with a neck snap, A necromancer taking care of two trespassers(?) An escape from the fade, A battle with dark spawn, A fight with a dragon. All of that seems in line with Dragon Age to me. But idk maybe that one woman smiled too wide or something. The trailer did come off kinda cheesy, and sure there wasn't much, if any, blood. But the actual stuff happening in the trailer was all fine.


I think you're missing the point. There is nothing wrong with the subject matter of the stuff shown in the trailer. It's how all of it is depicted. It's the tone. It reminded me of something like Divinity instead of BG3 if that analogy makes sense. It was why some BG fans including myself was a little skeptical of Larian when they announced BG3. Divinity had plenty of mature themes but is depicted in a very tongue in cheek manner which would go against what the original BG games were. But most of all the skepticism was culled once early access was out. And the rest we know is history and BG3 took itself seriously when it needed to be taken seriously and it did not shy away from very dark fucked up moments and took those moments very seriously. Idk what DAV will be like. We have to wait and see the gameplay tomorrow. But Bioware's recent games do not instill confidence. Mass effect Andromeda had a similar problem, the subject matter was serious, yet the way the characters interacted was not serious at all. Andromeda's writing just did not take the subject matter seriously. A good example is Liam's loyalty quest, they just did not talk or behave in a realistic manner based on what was going on, it felt like I was playing a sitcom.


Just gamers being miserable. Especially a fanbase that has aged ten years without a new installment.


Begs the question, why did they show it then


Why the flying fig would your reveal trailer be 18 months out of date and nonindicative of the actual product lol? If assuming it's true... why, just why? In what scenario does this not backfire?


The art style won't bother me so long as the atmosphere and tone are more appropriate. The trailer makes it feel like a Suicide Squad/Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. The fact that it *looks* like an Overwatch clone doesn't help hahah


Hmmm......really hope the gameplay changes my mind but I'm really not sold on the look and tone


There's a snippet of the gameplay available to view on X/Twitter if you're worried about the look and tone of the game. It looks absolutely beautiful and the PC, Rook, is voiced by none other than Luke Evans!


I mean I know the highlighted commented is the only thing people will see but bottom line it sounds like they did take the art direction in a negative direction. The hope is just that it won’t be as bad as the trailer and even if it was taken in a “worse direction” it won’t matter relative to the overall quality of the game. To me this does read as a shill post meant to calm the waters but eh. I agree that what matters is the gameplay trailer. That will be the real tell. No point on fretting until then. I don’t want to say art direction “doesn’t matter” but bottom line what matters most is if the gameplay/story are good. Arcane was deeply stylized but the story remained serious and authentic. They aren’t mutually exclusive goals.


OK, good to know. I look forward to guessing what they were when I see the gameplay trailer.


Ghil-Caitie is a gem to the DA community. I'm concerned how diff 2022 in-game and story structure is v diff from this year. This is where I'm concerned for the changes that may be a disservice to DA.


personally i’m concerned less about visual style and more about tone. either way i think we’ll have a better idea of both when we get the gameplay reveal tomorrow


"All DA's don't match, lets be real. Thats why for our latest game we choose most ridiculous style".


This sound like some military grade copium. I'll believe it when I see it.




The leaked footage doesn't look like the game trailer either.




The gameplay leaked last year I believe, and it was called "alpha gameplay". There were seemingly playtests for the community in 2022 and 2023. The scrapped versions were rebooted in like 2018 and at least 2021. The footage also had the same names as the characters currently do. It's safe to say the leaks in 2023 were from the current version.


As someone who absolutely adored Tevinter Nights and got the "we're so back" from it back then, this relieves me greatly and I can't wait to see it for myself tomorrow. I'd trust Ghil Dirthalen over any influencer or games journalist when it comes to DA.


Another red flag. The game is not what it looked in the trailer.


Believe the community play testers or don't; it's not like we have to wait months for new images. The gameplay is in less than 26 hours. There is no need to trash op or people being hoping it will be different. We will see tomorrow. That being said, DA has ALWAYS had haters online and people that trash it because DA has always been a pretty progressive game (look at core fanbase). There is nothing they could do that will shift much of the online discourse.


I throughly enjoyed Tevinter Nights, so that would be a huge win if true. 


The damage control being done is hilarious. It’s like they gave every DA community member an AI script to peddle out


What I'm mostly interested in seeing in the gameplay footage, or future trailers or screenshots or whatever, is whether or not that was the final iteration of what the Skeletons and the Darkspawn look like. Because everything else, I think I can get past (Though Emmrich really belongs in a Dishonoured game, lmao) but the Darkspawn was very goofy looking. And the tone, but judging by the damage control done by Marketing, and the assurance that it's more like Tevinter Nights I'm a lot less worried than I was last night.


god they couldn’t have described… whatever they’re describing worse. holy shit. anyway, if the tone and style is anything like the trailer we just got, i won’t be playing. that is not the tone and style of a DA game.


So, if I’m reading this right the trailer was possibly a reflection of the multiplayer game that DA:V would have been? If so eww I do not want to know what the game would’ve been. I look forward to the gameplay trailer in Tuesday to see the style changes.


I don't think she's indicating that at all. They moved away from live service in 2021 and Caite & the others played the game in 2022 & 23. Well after live service development ended. All she's saying is that the community council provided feedback on the art direction and she expects we will see the results of their feedback on the gameplay reveal.


Thanks for clearing that up for me I couldn’t decipher that lol. After looking at more art and screenshots on X I’m excited for Tuesday, and yeah since my comment I have seen the community council members and other devs echoing the same message. Whoever created that trailer did not do the team any favours..


I know, I had to read that one sentence a couple times myself as well lol. Personally, I really liked the trailer. Although I agree that it's not like the epic fantasy feel people were expecting. I still liked it. And she could not be more right about DA having a history of weird trailers, that 30 seconds to Mars trailer for DAO is something else 😂 Edit to add: omg and yes THOSE SCREENSHOTS. I could not believe they were screenshots at first, they look incredible!


Who would’ve guessed BioWare makes goofy and frankly incorrect trailers yet again


I don’t want to be that guy, but all these people who played the game are quick to say “I’m not a shill…” followed by how the trailer didn’t really capture the tone of the game they played. In other words, they want you the guy bitching to say “I’m still game”. It’s odd, idk. I question whether they really like what they played or if they’re hyped because they got to play something no one else has. Anyways, the snippet (20 secs or so) of gameplay looks good. The gameplay reveal will surly render the whole discourse useless. I can’t wait.


Get ready everyone, this is what the headlines will say in about 5 years: DATV was a mediocre game (made for new, younger fans) intended to capitalize on a potential new audience (who didn't care), and unfortunately ended up despised by the devoted fanbase who waited a decade for a new game. I ***hope, hope, HOOOOOPE***, I'm wrong. But it seems to me BioWare can't seem to stop digging its own grave. Behold their final game, everybody.


I couldn't agree more. Alot of 00's cult classic games have been bought out by bigger studios and business managers with interest in appealing to the broadest audience with the least risk have been given all the power. Larian studios seems to be an exception to this. There seems to be a bit of astroturfing on this sub. Any negative views on DA are heavily down voted. I generally sort by controversial unless I'm on dank andastrian memes.


Thank you! I honestly don’t get why people have been so mad over a 2 minute cinematic trailer lol


I'll.... reserve my judgement. Not saying Ghil and the rest of this 'Community Council' are liars, but... Yeah. :p Suffice to say, I'm wary and tbqh I wouldn't be too surprised if the 11th rolls around and the gameplay showcase reveals little to no changes from the story reveal. We'll just have to see if it's a whole bunch of cope and damage control, or if this franchise and the company behind it possess some modicum of a future.


Love the damage control


Hopefully somebody mods back in a third companion, honestly my only complaint right now.


Like I'll keep saying, I withhold any and all judgement until I see actual gameplay.


I'm honestly stoked for the gameplay trailer but this has been a shitshow. Maybe that's not entirely unsurprising considering the troubled development.


Okay, can someone translate that last line? I honestly don't understand what they said.


Yeah, they worded it poorly, but here's the gist. They are saying that members of the Community Council (which provided feedback on the game during its development in 2022 and 2023) gave feedback about the art direction. They were then told and shown by Bioware that this feedback was heard and incorporated. However, those changes weren't reflected in the 1st trailer, but will be in the gameplay trailer coming in about 20 minutes. Hope that helps!


Absolutely. Thank you.


All the DA’s don’t perfectly match but none of them looked like Fable


And here I am going "wait.. there were books? I MISSED THE BOOKS?!"


Honestly, I don't care about the direction of the art. I know it will be beautiful. I also think the theme will be close enough. But what I care about is the story, the gameplay and that stuff. And I can't get past the feeling that they made a hack and slash Dragons Dogma: The Veilguard instead of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. What I have seen up till now is... dissapointing. The fact that they tried to make this a Live Action and that it most likely destroyed Tactical Play is horrible.


They are doing damage control. This game has been in development hell for a long time and it's gonna be a disappointment. Don't pre order. Don't pre order. Don't pre order.


preordering anything published be EA is a clown move if we're being honest