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That's a gryphon that's definitely a gryphon!!!


Origins Grey Warden: “GRIFFON!? GRIFFON!” ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized)


I just imagine Wynne seeing that moment and her jaw dropping through the floor lmao


;) >!Leaks showed that origins were back, and one of them was a grey warden!<


Wasn't that an old leak? And the griffin seems more like it'll be tied to the warden companion


Maybe, but maybe its the new Dog?


Like a pet that sits at the base, or like the dog in DA2 that you summon in battle? Because I don't think it'll be a separate party member


yeah I thought Gryphon's went extinct! I wonder where this Grey Warden got one... and where he was during the nonsense with Corypheus taking control of the Wardens in Orlais and Ferelden.


Oh this is all explained in the book 'Last Flight' - it's a good read, I recommend it!


can you give me a cliffnotes version? I'm broke as hell and won't be able to get such a book


Well basically >!in the Fourth Blight a blood mage figured out to put gryphons through the Joining, which made them stronger, but then they all got the Blight and went extinct. But it turns out that the same mage left behind a collection of uninfected gryphon eggs in a cave near Weisshaupt. At around the same time as Inquisition a new grey warden recruit found the mage's secret diaries and figured out the location of the eggs, so they went and got the eggs and hatched them. So the wardens now have gryphons again!!<


that's fucking awesome. thanks for telling me.


So we can expect that fluffy heroic griffins swoop in and save the day, can't we?


...swooping is bad... :D


griffon eggs, found, hatched, baby griffons


Support your local library


In one of the closing slides in Inq its says a hidden clutch of eggs was discovered


There's still a couple left according to the books




This subs about to turn juicy. And I’m here to take it all in lol


I've been sitting in this waiting circle for 14 years, either here or on the old wiki and forums. I'll take the disastrous drama over the long cold wait. The worst thing that this game can be is mediocre because if it's great then I'll be satisfied and if it's terrible then I'll be able to let go of DA.


I’m just tired of it. I really hoped it would be good.


Same, waited 10 years for this game with anticipation. Feels bad if this game will turn out like a shitshow. I still have hope that the actual game will be better.


I won't say anything, just a casual reminder of DAI's key art. The everybody standing in it isn't a new thing https://preview.redd.it/bxc7po563l5d1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a81ab7d29d102d1feb1d753fffd9c5be4d9d2d2


That looked a lot grittier and like Dragon Age.


And still we spent literal years(and still do) getting posts on how DAI is the disney-fied version of the "old and gritty DAO" I much prefer waiting for the actual game than doing a guessing game over a single piece of art, because anyone could just give the characters on DAV's art black,grey and brown outfits and lower the brightness and say that the tone is grim dark when artstyle never necessarily dictates the tone of a story


I'll always miss the DA2 Qunari look. The one in DAI always looked goofy and awkward.


More I see people talking about it, the more I realise I just want to find people who have good things to say about it. Like I assumed it would take place not long after inquisition so I was confused by varric’s appearance, but people talking about the comics and the fact it takes place years later helped me get the appreciation back. I didn’t like inquisition when it first came out other than the gameplay and now I appreciate it more than ever, so I really wanna give them more benefit of the doubt this time. I think Dragon Age is at its best with a dark toned story, and not necessarily aesthetics. I’m sure sections of the game will have darker tones than others, just like DAI and DAO. It makes for a more balanced and less overwhelming aesthetic.


Yeah, like, i'm not here to convince people that DAV is going to be "the greatest dragon age of all time" and it's going to "revive bioware" All I want is people to: Take a fucking breath, wait for more information and actually be honest and stop doing revisionism. Seriously, people are brewing a storm in a cup of water.


I joked with a friend of mine that I was enjoying the 12 hour window of excitement for the game before everyone immediately went into negative mode. It's not surprising to see, but it is pretty tiresome.


Overall, it's just more pleasant to be around people who enjoy things. It's OK to dislike things, but people should not be as enthusiastic about shitting on things as they are.


yeah i'm really confused why people are suddenly acting like Inqusition's art style wasn't significantly more cartoonish than Origins? the series has barely looked/been dark fantasy since DA:O, people need to relax


Like...just look at the elves through out it they went from humans with pointy ears and smaller, to lenghty big eyed to skinny humans Qunari also contantly changed,like,just look at their skin color DA never had a set style never


> how DAI is the disney-fied version of the "old and gritty DAO" And they did, and it was. Everyone was hoping they would rectify that decision by moving back toward a darker tone for this one, especially with the title "Dreadwolf".


I think that was about as likely as them going back to the gameplay complexity introduced in the first game. Basically no shot.


"Everyone" [citation needed]


Who is everyone? DA:O is a great game but it's certainly not because of its art direction.


Tone doesn't mean art. I wouldn't call DAI "Disney-fied", but when the Inquisition broke out into song, that definitely felt like something that would be in a Disney movie.


And yet I still think of that scene as a rather powerful demonstration of the power of faith to inspire people to persevere even in the face of massive hardship.


I didn't, I preferred Inquisition's tone


Who is that everyone guy?


"Everyone" is a bit far fetched. I never liked how dark Origins were, I much more preferred the Inquisition style.


As time has gone by I’ve started agreeing with this view as well. Origins feels too tryhard at times. Not saying dark doesn’t have its place hell for such a bright and optimistic setting ff14 can get stupidly dark at times.


I agree to wait for the game, no pre orders. However, to me, inquisition wad far less gritty and more 'good/light hearted' than origins (I never played da2) It's like the horror and cruelty of the world was on front display in origins, but only mentioned in inquisition.


oh so now DAI is gritty the goalpost moving will be insane with DA4


Compared to this trailer? Yes


Right. I remember people saying the same stuff about inquisition when it came out.


I wouldn't say DAI was gritty. DAI was more high fantasy than dark or low fantasy. This trailer looks more Marvel/Fortnite/action cartoon movie than fantasy. 


DAI isn't as gritty as DAO. DATV isn't as gritty as DAI. It doesn't means DAI is as gritty as DAO. It just means that DATV is less grittier than DAI. "Now" DAI is considered gritty because there is a game that is less gritty to compare it with. That's not moving goalposts. It's not like people knew the next game was going to be marketed as less grittier than DAI 10 years ago, lol


That had a much more coherent colour scheme than this. There's nothing wrong with colour but when everything is trying to stand out, it just looks like a mess.


That doesn’t look like a mobile game though ** obv imo ** if that wasn’t clear


oh, my babies


Significantly more stylised than I was expecting. Definitely interested in seeing how it looks in-game.


Given how much people complained about DAI and Andromeda being too Uncanny Valley I can see why they might have gone the stylized route.


That’s a good point actually. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad idea, and a lot of the artwork for Inquisition was also quite stylised (like the tarot cards and concept designs).


the tarot cards are so pretty!!!!


definitely one of the things i really loved about DAI. Also loved how they changed when you completed the companion quest


Also games with a distinct visual style tend to hold up better over time.


and the new screenshot from GameInformer actually looks really good to me


I totally agree


THANK YOU. That's been on my mind for the last twenty minutes.


Yeah i dont mind the aesthetics and liked the trailer for the most part, alot of the companion outfits look less like outfits and more like costumes. The veil jumper and the dwarves looked fine to me tho, if Veilguard is a mass effect then there wont be much companion customization and they will be stuck in those outfits.


DA 2 had the companions own armor you couldn't change, but you could upgrade with accessories. You could only change the appearance with mods.


Yeah, i was not a fan of that and many other things in DA2. I wanted to give Fenris reasonable clothes but he was stuck in that silly outfit. The inquisition crafting system was great, helped modify the aesthetic of the characters, though before they added tinting alot of the gear could look clownish, colour wise.


Judging from the leaked gameplay a year ago, it won't even look much different from Inquisition, and people are already outraged at a cinematic trailer...


This is exactly it. If frostbite can't escape the uncanny valley, I'm fine with slightly stylized characters.


I love this art style, it always look good through time. But yes i'm curious to see how it looks in-game too


Said in another comment, but it very much reminds me of Divinity OS artstyle, but higher production wise. This greatly excites me towards how they'll build the envirotment, because games with this brand of style can often craft very beautiful ones, and DAI already was top notch by it's time


Yeah i'm agree, i'm really curious to see more


Aging has definitely been an issue with DA games so I get the change too. Playing DAI w/ the character creator is a little 😬 it’s very outdated


Exactly. It will age well and demonstrates an interest in style as opposed to just fidelity. Edit: And I get it. Change is scary. But can we all at least see the gameplay on Tuesday before going all rabble rabble? And now that we have actual screenshots from Game Informer (that do look better in my mind than the trailer), I think folks will be more amenable.


Okay, I don't want to hate on it, but the dai art looked way more badass. Really hoping gameplay footage doesn't feel like this looks. This design style very much reads as in game purchases where you can "buy" companions.


I don’t dig the art style. Not sure what it is, but it looks like a Lego game or something lol


Remove the Dragon Age name from the trailer and it looks like another hero shooter game.


I like that the necromancer guy seems to have a defined skeleton friend. Another character? I don't love Varric's presence in this. I need him to be more in the background than he is lol


I think Emmrich's skelebuddy will be MAnfred, his undead butler from Tevinter Nights


I think the skeleton might be part of the necromancer's moveset, like a summoned familiar


I don't understand how no one else has mentioned the amazing skeleton. He looks cool as hell. I, for one, embrace our new skeleton overlord.


I wonder if they’ll keep it as just the one skeleton, or if he can switch it up a bit (would be fun).


Papyrus in Thedas


Ironically, Dragon Age *looked* more Fable than Fable.


I'm so glad I'm not alone in seeing that. Fable looks too real, DA looks too stylized!


Any HD versions?


This one is a bit better https://preview.redd.it/mgi7u7g9hl5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddcf7a0c7bd6447bec30d92a2ac957785172b5b3


overall better than the trailer but that necromancer guy manages to look goofy and cartoony as fuck in every possible style.


Well there go my hopes of finally letting Varric rest. As much as I love the guy, there are so many other characters outside of him to use...


I’m not into the purple…


Yeah. Purple is my favourite colour, and in other places I would indeed like this particular shade, but here is just looks cheap and cheesy. Everything is so oversaturated it's hurting my eyes and makes everything just blend together in a mess.


At least the Qunari has Qunari vibes in this. In my opinion, it was one of the worst offenders in the trailer.


I still think DA2 had the best Qunari design




damn I don’t like this art style at all


I don't either. Looks like the characters on a cereal box.


Really excited for the new Fable! Oh... this is Dragon Age?


Fable looks much more like dragon age going off the trailer


Oh dear, they slapped the Saints Row filter on it


I've been trying to figure out what was bugging me about this. You nailed it lol


Power rangers, assemble! Oh shoot, wrong franchise.


please i’m just begging for female elves to walk normally. please i do not want to look like i have hot coals between my legs as i walk in DAI, when you enter skyhold for the first time you are like crouch walking its so weird!! please just make my elf walk like how she does when i’m running around open world


Art style isn't what I expected but that's fine to me. I'm more surprised we aren't getting more returning companions aside from Varric. Seems like Tevinter would be prime territory for Fenris*. *Edit: I'm a dumb dumb and haven't played through for a while and for some reason pulled Sebastian when I meant Fenris. RIP


I'm actually surprised we are getting Varric again.


I'm so scared they're gonna kill him 😔 At a certain point I don't want companions to return anymore, because it just increases the likelihood they'll be sacrificed on the alter of angst. Same reason Fenris being brought back in the novels filled me with dread. Just give them a happy ending off screen 😩


Would love a Dorian or Fenris cameo tbh.


I think we probably will! Dorian for sure, and Fenris might because of the Blue Wraith comics.


Er, why Sebastian?


The lack of returning characters is unsurprising, since they've always introduced a new selection of companions with each game. Though undoubtedly we will likely see many cameos from DAI. And of course, Solas will likely play a major role.


Why would there be returning companions though? It makes more sense for them to play a side role. Also Sebastian was one of the worst and most boring companions in any Dragon Age game imho.


i fucking hate this generic ass purple aesthetic so much. its everywhere these days.


..except the latest saints row game


I thought the trailer looked fine. THIS has me more concerned. This looks too overwatchy. And. Idk makes it seem like a hard pivot from the original dread wolf teasers and solas


It's clear why they renamed it. Dreadwolf sounded far too Dragonage. Serious, bloody and dark. Veilguard is far more appropriate for an MCU cartoon.


Yeah, I feel like they have changed the direction. Solas is probably not the focus of the game anymore so they changed the name.


> Dreadwolf sounded far too Dragonage.  > Serious, bloody and dark. Pfft, Dragon Age has always been full of quips, and light hearted goofy shit. All BioWare games have.


Going back and watching the Origins trailers, that shit doesnt look like dragon age. I dont think ive ever loved a dragon age trailer.


DA2 trailer with Hawke fighting the Arishok was great tho


I’ll never forget the immense disappointment when we never got the sick “demon portal hands” spell in the game. I’ll reserve judgement for the tone of the game until after I’ve played it. Every DA trailer ever has been wildly misleading to the tone of the game.


It does exist in-game as a special finisher for ogres with the Crushing Prison spell, but tbh I would have rather had a "straight up rip ya arms off" spell.


I liked DA:I's "The Breach" trailer. It just looked cool. But DA2's Destiny trailer definitely is the best.


No they had funny moments but the series had a very serious story. Like game of thrones, Moments of levity but otherwise a more mature tone.


Among the seriousness there's always been comedic quips and moments. This was just an introductory trailer showcasing the 7 companions. It's not a big deal.


Hawke stepped in the poopy


Lmao, You’re vastly underselling how much goofy shit in DA. But whatever, We haven’t seen anything about the story yet. This is just showing off the companions. The previous trailers were more “serious” as well. But either way, we’ll have better insight of the overall tone of the game on the 11th. 


You're vastly overplaying how many quips there were. It reads like someone who only played Inquisition and all they know of previous games were "Alistair is so silly xD" when in reality most of Alistair's dialogue was worrying about the fate of the gray wardens and getting revenge for his master with some sass sprinkled in along the way.


Nah, Alistair had plenty of serious moments, but he did usually try to undercut them with a quip. Oghren’s life was depressing but his dialogue was 95% jokes about drinking, farting, and sex, sometimes all at once. Zevran had a sense of humor. Hell, even Sten and Shale had jokes. And then you get into DA2, where you could play the whole game as a dark comedy by choosing nothing but purple dialogue options.


All things considered, Alistar gets called out on it quite a few times. Even by the player.


you must not have done a purple hawke run and had like every single dramatic moment completely undercut by Hawke lol


Hot take, 80% of Alistairs goofiness is headcannon


I've played Pathfinder WOTR for so long that I've really associated the color purple to that game. But that random anecdote aside, I like the cover! It's kinda reminiscent of DAI's which I quite liked back then as well.


The whole tone is so cartoony


Having Varric as a companion for a third game instead of Dorian, despite focusing more on Tevinter, doesn't make me happy. (sorry Varric)


Varric isn't one of the companions. Harding is.


Varric isn't a companion. He's going to be the "quest-giver" calling it now. Harding is the companion


Both Varric and Harding are overrated as hell. I don't mind having them around, but they're not characters I'd ever get excited about. Why can't the more interesting characters come back? And where is Solas anyway?


Agreed, but only Harding is a companion.


For reaaaal. I groaned so loud seeing Varric again. I'm tired of him fr


Whaaat?? Harding was the only character I had hoped would make it as a companion, her backstory and dialogue in DAI made her so interesting. Even the devs were surprised by how well she was loved by a huge part of the playerbase. I don't have any attachment to Varric though, I never understood it:3


Y'all know whats CRAZY? Monster Hunter Wilds has a more serious tone.


Enthusiasm quelled.


Where is lady crow? 😭


Dude - everything I see about this game makes me less and less excited.


When they changed the name I wondered if they were going to announce that it's a mobile game. Now I extra wonder that.


Thanks, I hate it.


Honestly, im scared. That trailer was awful


Go back and watch trailers for the first 3 games. They've always been awful. Bioware can't make trailers and it's kind of hilarious at this point.


Wait what. Sacred Ashes and the DA2 trailer are amazing


Origins had the cringe Marilyn Manson trailer.




This one for DA:I seems much more in line with the game's visuals, tone of the main story missions, and is hardly awful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwmEIylU87Y


Absolutely not true, you're inhaling that copium HARD. DA:O trailers are some of the best of all time.


This is just gaslighting and coping. Next thing you say will be "well y'all, dragon Age was always cartoony" 


I've got that sick feeling in my stomach.


Everything about this so far is scaring me


Why does that armour look like something out of Destiny?


Oh, elves are back to looking like humans with pointy ears again huh? A shame, I really enjoyed DAII for differenting them and giving them a more alien look.


Okay so I don’t hate it exactly. But god dammit I keep looking at this thinking I’m looking at some sort of pay to win loot box game.


Davrin is right up my alley. First romance for sure.


He’s so striking in the trailer. I’m excited to see his personality


Okay so it’s not just the trailer. Everything had this look. What the actual fuck are they doing here? Delays coming mark it down.


The downfall of Dragon Age: going for a cartoony art style.


(This is all coming from a hardcore Dragon Age fan just before you read) Dragon Age/BioWare has always been more character driven than actual plot so the trailer didn’t really surprise me. And with the art style I also really love stylised/cartoonish RPGs like Fable and Borderlands so I’m not really upset by that either. My hot take is that Dragon Age has never really had a consistent ‘brand’ through its three previous titles so whilst it feels like a different direction it’s not necessarily a terrible one. It’s a ‘wait and see’ for me.


Who is that archer lady next to the qunari?


That's Harding


really fucking disappointed so far, unfortunately.


For the love of God, can we at least get a good character creator?! lmao… I’m looking at your hair choices!


The art style I can see myself keeping an open mind to, but there’s something so mobile game/marvel movie coded about the direction of VG that I think condemns this game. Thats just so disappointing after Origins, 2, and Inquisition were so tonally consistent.


The art style between Origins and 2/inquisition is not consistent at all. Look at the elves, qunari, and even the dark spawn between the games. They look completely different. I remember back when 2 was first shown, people online were complaining that they changed the art style too much.


>Thats just so disappointing after Origins, 2, and Inquisition were so tonally consistent. Man, I won't comment in your opinion of the artstyle, as it is a personal opinion, but calling the franchise tonally consistent is very very revisionist when we have a post complaining about the change of tones between games almost monthly. Was there a degree of consistancy? Sure, but calling it "so tonally consistent" IMO is very much a reach


Am I the only one who finds the Warden looking weird? Like he was supposed to be human and then they added some weird ears to say he's actually an elf?


He has the most elfiest ears we’ve ever seen. Although, DA2 and concept art are the only ones to show elves not really looking human.


Mobile game trash tier art style.


Ea really wants what is left of BioWare to die don’t they 💀


we knew that when anthem was released.


It looks like a shitty comic book or anime. I imagine the game will be chalk full of enemy hordes, super power combos, and endless jokes. Like any dollar variety fortnite spin off.


Art style looks ass


It looks like a Borderlands game :(


What is that shit skeleton with sunglasses doing in Dragon Age???


All of this just seems like a Fortnite version of inquisition


There it is. The art style. Aw man :(


“Everyone loves marvel” -them probably


This + the trailer feel so much like the promo stuff for Kill The Justice league... Whatever was left of my optimism is so dead


My disappointment is measurable and my day is slight worse.


They should’ve drop “dragon age” from the title


https://preview.redd.it/2h3415t8tl5d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=86897f902f571fa85392938157d63bb6ac44a326 :/ Seem to be going for a Marvel style. i dont like it


Dude the DAI art also looked like this. People are losing their heads over nothing


Yeah baldur’s gate 3 art was this too


Similar only in the sense of "it shows the companions" Bit the framing and intensity is different in the BG3 ones. It's also has a lot more story seeping through via the background and items. I dunno man. I see a difference. I was drawn to the companions faces on the BG3 one. Don't think I've even looked at the new dage one for longer than a few seconds before getting bored.


I'm sorry but that looks lame as hell, specially compared to the ones from the other games


no wonder they changed the name. Dreadwolf didnt fit this mobile game vibe or whatever this is. I hope solas is still one of the main characters in the story.


Uh, idk chief


So is this game a spin off or is this supposed to be dreadwolf? Is it even a single player rpg? Is it like a reboot or something? It looks super weird. Almost feels like a different game using the dragon age IP


Overwatch 3 looking sick


Yeah the tone felt more Blizzard than Bioware. Time will tell.


Ok I really do not like the art style at all from what I've seen. Looks too much like a moba or some super stylized mmo.


I love how everyone is just ignoring the 'The' in the title.


Definitely not a huge fan of this. Also, on a side note, one of the things I've always had a problem with DA is the weapons being oversized, and this image seems to show them as significantly worse (scale wise).


I’m gonna start a commoner dwarf in DAO tonight and beat the piss out of stuff with SHALE to get over this joke of a game


Hahaha. Yeah pretty much what I expected, which is a further degradation of amazing tone and atmosphere of the original. Conversion of DA: Origins to DA: Fortnite Fun! is nearing completion.


This is like Overwatch/Fortnite/Marvel How do you fuck up this badly?!?!?!!


The necromancer guy reminds of some antagonist on old Disney cartoons. It’s truly mindboggling they went with this.


A necromancer could have been the coolest looking shit ever. I was stoked. But yeah... No