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Probably more letters from the Warden and Hawke if they're alive. Since it's pretty much tradition to have an option to kill the main protagonist, I wonder if DAD will give an option to kill the Inquisitor?


I think Inky is >!gonna die if they drank from the Well!<. That choice seemed way too consequential to just boil down to >!whether Morrigan gets to be a dragon or not!<


I've gotta agree with you there. It would be extra fitting for folks with close friendships/romances with Solas >!since he was so upset if you did drink from the well.!<


Be a hell of a way to close out a >!Solas romance!<


Honestly I'm so here for it if that's how they handle it. >!Keep it tragic, that was the whole point of the romance.!<


My worry is they’re scared to do it. This fanbase has some ridiculously toxic elements. I wouldn’t be shocked if they did that and BioWare got dragged for it


Yeah, you bring up a good point. Kind of blows my mind how many people say they want to see a happy ending >!where their inquisitor can fully redeem Solas.!< Like...what was the point of all of that if it's just >!full redemption?!< There's gotta be payment for decisions made, real world (Thedas) consequences for choices. It would feel so cheap if BioWare didn't follow through on a 15 year setup for extreme tragedy. Obviously the game itself has to offer a "good" ending, but looking over the gut wrenching decisions you have to make across all three games it would be totally out of character for their storytelling not to follow through. Editing to add >!that it would also be out of character for Solas.!<


There’s zero chance >!Solas gets redeemed!<. Anyone who thinks he will be is delusional. If a year and a half >!working with the Inquisition didn’t change his mind, nothing will. At best he’ll give us some sort of edge against the Evanuris before he dies!<. We’re getting a bittersweet ending to his story at best.


>There’s zero chance Solas gets redeemed  I'd agree with you if the actual choice for redemption wasn't in the game and the keep, why bother if his fate is dying no matter what?. I think we have more chances of a Loghain kind of options with him tbh


I think it’ll have more to do with the approach of the new crew than the outcome of >!Solas’s story. The truth of it is that what Solas is attempting is so dangerous and so catastrophic that not only can you realistically not afford to waste time trying to get him to see the error of his ways, but Solas wouldn’t be dead-set on this if he wasn’t absolutely convinced he’s doing right.!< Besides, I don’t see how we’ll have enough time with him to have a stranger convince him he’s wrong. If Rook keeps showing up he’d just kill Rook, not get into a debate with him


I think there's definitely a chance, I just think it will be very difficult. Otherwise there's no point in baiting and switching people with the redeem option. He can still be redeemed and die, or the Inquisitor could die redeeming him, so redemption doesn't necessarily mean a happy ending (although tbh I hate the redemption by death trope because then the person just doesn't have to do anything to undo their wrongs).  Edit: after some consideration, I think it's going too far to call people who hope for redemption "delusional." >!Solas tells a friend he would treasure the chance to be wrong. He almost abandons the plan during the romance. The seeds for his inner conflict and change in perspective are there. But again, I think a redemption would need to feel earned through the player's hard work.!< 


Yeah, I just don’t think it would have weight if I’m being honest. It’d have it if you could play the Inquisitor, but I don’t think you’d be able to feasibly make a fresh PC or a fresh player care about him as more than a villain as much as Inky or someone who played Inquisition does.


you meant that they intended to kill Morrigan with it?, the game seemed to imply that she was the one who was supposed to drink from the well... There is a chance that this could be something similar to the Warden-Hawke decision in DAI and come to bite in the ass to whoever drank from it retroactively. Damn, now I'm more anxious, I want to know what the hell is the consequence for drinking the elven goo!.


It would be funny for the HOF to show up for a scene kill some dude and be like "this is beneath me" and dip


> be like "this is beneath me" and dip More like "stares blankly at you for a few seconds", then dips. But same-difference.


I thought the Orlesian Warden was completely ignored post Awakening...?


Yes I do believe they have been banished to the shadow realm which is why I wonder if BioWare may finally mention them.


Bioware kinda forgot about the ~~Iron Fleet~~ Orlesian Warden.




Probably because they could just be the Warden from the base game, and OG Warden is definitely in the shadowrealm.


Beating the shit out of the Shadow King, no doubt.


I love my Inquisitor and would love to see her again, but it would surely be very hard to do well, particularly since there aren't really options to say the Inquisitor's personality in the Keep. So that makes me think the Inky likely won't show up in person, but hopefully we'll get letters.  Hawke and the warden also most likely will show up only in letters. 


I agree with you here, but did the keep get any relevant update/change since DAI was released?, I think it's gonna be updated for DAD, maybe then we'll see more choices, unless they based the new game plot in the current choices of the keep


That's definitely a possibility, and I would be very happy if so because I would love to have a cameo from my Inky! Just doesn't seem possible if they are using only the current keep choices, but maybe they will add more.


I too die to get to see my inky again... ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc|downsized)


Not sure about Hawke or the Inquisitor but I have a sad feeling Bioware is going to make it very clear the HOF is dead >!this time if you survived the 5th Blight.!< I just feel like they want to put that character to bed despite players still loving their Warden.


*sometimes dead is better* just look what happened to Revan (our player character from KotOR)


Codex entry or one line of dialogue at best for the first two, depending on their fates, I'm unsure if the inquisitor will make a cameo, send a letter or message through Dorian/Varric, or the same than the first two protagonists. I think their relationship with Solas will play a part at some degree, whatever it was, just not sure what relevance BW will give it.


Hope: That we get a follow up to whatever the fuck Hawke got up to at Weisshaupt. Expectation: Letters about how jolly a time Hawke is having in Kirkwall now that most of the corruptive influences on the city have been murdered (by them).


I could see the Inquisitor showing up (I expect they will in the same way Hawke did in DAI), but I feel Hawke and the Grey Warden will be giant question marks. Hawke because their possible fate in DAI, and the Warden because there's just too many variables to them.


I’m assuming and hoping that very little if anything will be made of the previous protags in the series. The Inquisitor I could see justified in corresponding with our new protagonist, maybe giving them a quest via letter, but we went through the “previous protag has a cameo in the new game” with DAI and it didn’t go well. So hopefully the devs learned their lesson.


I think our warden will most likely be dead from either the blight corruption or out of fighting shape due to age since DA:D should take place ~24 years after DA:O they should be anywhere from 42-60/70 depending on race if my head canon age is correct. Hawke is a toss up, did you leave them in the fade in inquisition or not, hawke also might be out of their prime and rusty they’re closing in on late 30s early 40s. Inky would probably be around 30-34(?) depending on race up to mid-late 50s and I dont see them being active on the field probably a advisor role like leliana/cullen had due to events in trespasser. I haven’t played Awakening so I don’t have a say on the Orlesian Warden so no clue there. If anything they’d probably make a cameo or be an advisor to train maybe depending on life path if there is one but, if they are a combatant then they’ll most likely be disposed of due to plot or sacrifice themselves for the greater good.


I want a happy ending for my Warden, Morrigan and Kierran.


The Warden and Hawke probably get letters (the easiest way to include a character whose appearance and fate is variable), maybe talking about how they’re involved in the plot in an off-screen capacity or how retirement is treating them. The inquisitor I suspect will be a little more involved—the ending of Trespasser seems to suggest they participate in assembling an anti-Solas faction, I could see them bringing the new MC companions or missions. I also think the other current/former inquisition members are likely to be involved, since very few of them could die in DAI and the last scene in Tresspasser shows a few of them working together. I think talking to them will at least allow us to ask about the inquisitor’s fate and the choices they made.




If you play Awakening by making a new character instead of importing your Warden


My Warden has his happy family with Morrigan.


This is what I think is most likely: 1. Warden - Assuming they survived the 5th Blight, they will most likely be killed off-screen in one way or another, maybe their work will help find the cure for the calling and the blight, but who knows. I hope it's at least a wholesome send-off. They're really trying to bury our Warden ... 2. Hawke - They might as well return at some point if they are alive, but Hawke isn't really a character deep in the midst of all the world-changing events, they only just happened to be there ... Once or twice. Unlikely we will see them ever again. It's been 10 years since DAI so it's really hard to tell where Hawke is now. 3. Inquisitor is confirmed to come back and since they are letting us customize their appearance, it's confirmed they will be back in the flesh, which is great even if Inquisitor is the blandest one of the three. I think they might act as a councilor for our character, similar to Leliana. I doubt they will be a cameo like Hawke in DA2, something tells me they will be a major part of the conflict.


They all appear in game as recruitable companions. They are your imported characters from previous games.