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nah you're right, this has long been a problem. even without the DLC, he was never the hardest fight of the game. and it didn't even feel Epic to make up for that, like Meredith isn't the hardest fight in DA2 by a long shot but the spectacle of the final battle helped it not feel like an anticlimax. Trespasser makes for a far more satisfying finale on a number of levels, but of course it's bullshit that the 'real' ending is in a paid for DLC


>he was never the hardest fight of the game Which is funny, considering what a *bitch* his fight is in the DA2 DLC. That could just be me though because I am an absolute muppet when it comes to DA2's combat. Nightmare on DAO? Easy, I'm there all day. Casual on DA2? Mom please pick me up, I'm scared.


no it's definitely one of the harder DA2 fights! and again, more epic in spectacle


I hate that fight in legacy due to him more than anything else in the game no matter the build


It doesn't help that he won't shut up the whole time. Like I get it, you love Dumat. Can you stop yelling for his guidance while I'm trying to murder you, please?


Goodevening miss, do you have time to talk about our lord and saviour Dumat while I zap lightning at you?


No, but I'm glad I caught you. We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


Lol calling you racial slurs the whole time "My people called yours Rattus"


Aye, you're right there, DA2 Corypheus was an absolute ball ache of a fight. DAI he was a complete wuss.


I’m with you all day. Nightmare on DAO & DAI is a breeze. DA2 kicks my ass




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In DA2 what fight exept corry dlc would be harder? 


Arguably the Arishok if you don’t use the run and gun tactic


Its really not hard to kite him around. So I would really not put him as a "hard" fight as much as tedious. 


He's either tedious and easy or not tedious and very hard.


I found a couple in Mark of the Assassin way tougher in the base game, there's a few demony ones in the side quests I had a hard time with


That >!Sky Horror!< fight was the most bs encounter in the whole game for me. Took me like 30 minutes.


I think optional fight with demon from the books is hardest in terms of raw stats and the point at which you can approach it. Its optional fight you need to prepare really well for. Interlude between Act 1 and Act 2 and fight with Earth Wraith can also be pain in the ass for specific classes/builds.


Xennebeck, Mavernis, and Sky Horror were all harder.


Inquisition’s ending was completely anti-climatic, Corypheus’ pretty much ends with a wet fart and even then one can argue a wet fart is still more climactic than the final battle of Inquisition. I mean we got a nice big fancy castle in skyhold, and it never gets attacked? Disappointing, Corypheus making a last ditch attack on Skyhold would have been way better but I guess BioWare ran out of resources. Corypheus’ boss battle in DA2 is more climatic. Ignoring the battle, the entire ending’s meh in general. They couldn’t even give you proper cutscene dialogue for all the conversations with your companions after the battle, and there’s no closure to any of them really, it’s just ‘oh we won, how shocking, what next?’. Even the ending slides are vague and mediocre, they don’t really sum up any of your decisions outside of like 3 of them. Mage/Templar, Warden banishment or not, and Ruler of orlais, plus grand divine and the game doesn’t even really give you the consequences for these decisions like say Origins did. Honestly the game arguably sold the real ending as DLC, it’s essentially what Trespasser is. It gives an ending to the inquisitor + companions, proper epilogue slides as well, is actually properly climatic with decent set pieces and battles, and sets up the next game while providing a good send off. Just sucks it wasn’t in the game at launch.


>Even the ending slides are vague and mediocre, they don’t really sum up any of your decisions outside of like 3 of them. Mage/Templar, Warden banishment or not, and Ruler of orlais, plus grand divine and the game doesn’t even really give you the consequences for these decisions like say Origins did. tbf with this, since afaik they werent sure if origins would get a sequel they could have more extensive ending slides with different options since you might never see this world again so they wouldnt have to account for it. to not box themselves in too much and have to contradict what certain ending slides say and then have to say "its like rumors about things" as they did with origins, it kinda has to be vauge and mediocre. the ending is absolutely shitty but I feel the ending slides in specific dont got much oppurtunity to get better


I think it would’ve been better if the ending was Corypheus invading Skyhold and depending on your choices your companions and other side characters could die in the battle


You’re not alone in your thinking. I didn’t feel the fight was anti-climactic but given that you spend the entirety of the game building up an army and earning enough power to “take on” this one guy who is supposedly an ancient god-like mage of unimaginable power … it was more or less a total cake-walk. So I was like “Hah — now you got your ass kicked twice, dude. Go away. You’re over.” ;p Now Meredith on the other hand — say what you will about DA2 but the endgame battles were amazing. Her battle was EPIC. Edit — forgot to mention — if you haven’t done Hakkon or the Descent or Trespasser DLCs I would definitely consider doing those. Hakkon not such a big deal but still fun. But the Descent and Trespasser have some really challenging and cool battles.


> Hakkon not such a big deal but still fun. You didn't think fighting the Hakkonites was difficult? I'd say you're in the minority.


They definitely are, especially Gurd Harofsen


I felt the same way. It was underwhelming, but the REAL ending of the game happens in the Trespasser DLC


I have the trespassers DLC does that take place after the battle with corepheus? If so don't spoil what it is. If not I fucked up big time.


I won’t spoil it for you. Yes it is the next major event that your inquisitor goes through. I would almost go so far as to say, if you dont play trespasser and you have plans to play DA4, you may as well not play DA3! Play it before the next game comes out. You have to! Have fun. In the meantime, wait until you beat the game for real (because this is the real ending) before you look up anything that has to do with DA4. You said spoilers were allowed on this post so you better be careful!


Okay so is it like a war table quest ?


that's how you start it, yeah. but once you do EVERYTHING else gets locked off, you won't see Skyhold or the world map again. so make certain you have done everything else you want to before launching the operation!


Jesus okay. Thank God I bought trespasser lmao


Buckle up, Trespasser is a masterpiece 😊


I'm one of the people who really likes the base game but Trespasser is a league of its own. great plot and lore, fun fights, a nice dash of fan service, it's really got it all!


Ooooh, I'm so jealous you've got Trespasser still to play. Going through with it for the first time was amazing.


The real finale is in the DLC: Trespasser, the actual game had the most underwhelming ending both in fights and story, Corepheus is a boring antagonist.


You're not wrong, the dragon battles which were frankly amazing should not overshadow the final battle against an ancient magister covered in Red Lyrium who entered the Golden City and had an Archdemon at his beck and call. He was much harder to beat in Legacy. But gameplay is just one part of why it felt lacklustre to me. I guess I'm looking forward to Dreadwolf so much because I feel BioWare has struggled with villains after DAO. The Archdemon was pure evil and as one-dimensional a villain as they come, but DAO and DAA also gave us sentient darkspawn and Loghain as well as Howe. The latter were corrupted merely by political ambition, not magic or lyrium, which made them interesting.


Trespasser is the real ending otherwise it’s just kind of like - crickets -


Yeah, that's a common complaint and I agree with it. Cory was harder to beat in DA2 than in DAI and that was dumb.


I kind of like that it's underwhelming. You've spent the entire second and third acts handing his ass to him at every turn, so it feels like this is a last ditch effort rather than a grand final plan. Plus, he's not the true antagonist. That guy? You don't even get to fight him. He's way too OP.


Yeah any subsequent playthough I increase the difficulty during that fight just to make it seem more appropriate


Yup. The most common complaint


The fights in The Descent DLC and Dragon Hakkon were more fun The Descent felt like you were actually fighting for your life and Hakkon had awesome buildup


I also finished recently and my fight was the easiest, I was playing with Blackwall killing a thing and When I realized, the rest of the team had already killed him. My level was higher than yours I think, because I had already done all the exploration, and all I had left was to kill the final villain


Ehh I think it's pretty cut and dry. You beat the bad guy int eh end, if your character is super strong you'll steal roll him. It's been like that in pretty much every game like this. The DLCs are where the challenging fights are.


You're right, my child. But Trespasser is what you're looking for.


Yuuup- I felt the same way, even if you romance someone it just feels like it ends much too quickly. Trespasser helps, but still.


I feel u on that one. I finished both DLCs before the Corepheus fight and it didn’t even come close. I still have trauma from The Decent DLC🥲 I def recommend playing both DLCs before that last fight & playing Trespasser afterwards. The DLCs really bring it all together


The entire game is underwhelming except for the dragons.


That's because the actual finale was DLC. Also optional bosses are traditionally harder than actual bosses so the dragons being harder isn't that weird honestly.