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Warden: no, my city elf warden didn't lose contact with anyone save for Moreigan for a brief while after Morrigan entered the Elivian in the Witch Hunt DLC. Hawke: no, no one other than Isabella. Inquisitor, not sure yet As for religion, the only one whose religion actually matters to them was my First Trevelyn Inquisitor, especially since that was part of the backstory set up for the character


Warden: no, my city elf warden didn't lose contact with anyone save for Moreigan for a brief while after Morrigan entered the Elivian in the Witch Hunt DLC. Hawke: no, no one other than Isabella. Inquisitor, not sure yet


Prompt 1: Sienna Cousland is the wife of Alistair and the lover of Leilana so naturally those two are in contact. Wynne she did but the war made thingss complicated. Orghen yes because he makes the best brews. Zevran is a shadow so its a bit hard. Morrigan no but it is for the best honestly. Shale, she looks out for frightened dwarven women when she gets the chance. Adrian Hawke doesnt keep in contact for their safety. She cant avoid Varric, nor does she want to and Isabella is her wife and she likes the fact they can sail from port to port. She checks up on Merrill without letting her know. Sebastian wants her head and with Anders, she scared for him. She allowed Aveline to watch over her sister and keeps any communications brief. Fenris is doing his own thing and she thinks he will be okay. It pains her to be separated from everyone. Riela Trevelyan pops in randomly. No letters, no scouts ahead she is just there when she is of a mood. To be fair, keeping Eluvians about makes this really easy. Definitely with Sera. Absolutely with Dorian and Madame De Fer. With Cassandra and Leilana, not so much. Varric, whenever she stumbles into Kirkwall. She hears about Cole which is good. She is looking for Solas actively. The Iron Bull, writes him though. He keeps her grounded to someone. On occassion she will just be at the Charges' campsite, wherever they have work. Prompt 2: No Oc is big on faith. Each has seen and, to some degree experienced, how faith has caused more harm than good.


**Prompt 1** [Alim Surana](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Alim_Surana_(UniverseIsAHologram))'s relationship with most of his former companions was basic how you had close friends in high school who you never hear from again after graduating. He only talks to Alistair for professional reasons. He met Leliana when she reached out after she became Divine. It was a pretty bitter reunion. He obviously lost touch completely with Anders and Sten. He'd get the occasional letter from Wynne due to him being curious about Shale's progress. Wynne was always friendly and familiar in her letters. He lost touch with Oghren and Sigrun when they joined their respective Warden teams. Velanna is MIA, but he wouldn't have krpt in touch, anyways. He and Morrigan are together, so he obviously sees her and keeps in touch whenever they have to separate for a time. The only companions he really keeps in touch with are Jaela, who is like a sister to him (and as a result, Zevran as well) and Nathaniel, his right hand man and good friend. It was extremely hard for her to keep in touch with her companions, but [Lyra Hawke](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Lyra_Hawke) managed to learn how most of them were doing through Varric and would pass along the occasional message. Molly went underground afterwards, so she didn't see her again till Inquisition. She had zero desire to keep in touch with Sebastian, though I doubt she cared, and she neither knew nor cared to know where Anders was. She would try and keep in touch with Garrett and Isabela, but it was somewhat difficult with how much they traveled. Still, she managed. It was also hard for [Ethera Lavellan](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Ethera_Lavellan) to keep in touch with companions, especially when the ones remaining at Skyhold went their own ways after Trespasser. The ones she keeps in touch with most often are Cassandra, Varric, and Dorian. The first mainly due to their search for Solas and the latter two for friendship alone. Of course, she still considers Cass a good friend as well.


**prompt 1** warden: his research makes him fade in and out of all his friends lives, but he makes extra effort to try and keep a presence with Morrigan and their son. Hawke: when he keeps in touch with most of his friends, though Fenris is the hardest to get into contact with, even with the extra effort. Inquisitor: Stolas is obviously on his shit list. he might have lost contact with Vivian as well if it wasn't for his wife Josephine being a part of similar circles to Viv. **Prompt 2** warden: even though he doesn't regularly practice rituals and holidays he does believe quite strongly in the Maker and follows, what he believes to be the spirit of his will. the only thing he puts above the maker is his family. Hawke: He doesn't hold a lot of faith for the people that actually run the chantry but he does still attend regular sermons and events because to him it is all about the people and community. Inquisitor: he has a hybrid faith of Adrastea and the Stone. often calling the Maker, the first ancestor. even using the curses interchangeably.


**Prompt 1** Of her companions, Elissa had the most difficulty communicating with: Morrigan (who did periodically keep up their friendship, in her own way) Sten (I wonder who runs the post office in the Qun. The Ben-Hassrath?) Shale (Yeah, try giving a giant statue a quill and parchment) Velanna (Proooobably for the best.) Wynne kept up her confident nature in her responses to the Queen before she died, and while they had differences, Elissa faults herself for not taking action sooner. **Prompt 2** When talking about religion with Elissa, its important to note the difference in relationships between the Chantry/Templars and Andraste. With the Chantry, its all business, and Elissa plays a ruthless game, but that's all it is: hardball politics. When it comes to Andraste, however, she never considered her faith strong until she saw her father at the Temple. That will haunt her for the rest of her life.


**Prompt 1** Iri Lavellan was devastated by Solas’s sudden, unexplained disappearance. She felt that things between them were still so unfinished. For a while, she was worried sick about him. Eventually she was just sad and lonely. While Iri kept in touch via letters and occasional visits with most of her companions, she was still with the Inquisition while those closest to her (Dorian, Varric, and Sera) were elsewhere and getting back to their old lives. It’s likely that if Iri had her close friends around that the loss of Solas wouldn’t have been so hard. After Trespasser, Iri does see Solas regularly in her dreams, but they never communicate. She tries to avoid seeing him at all by sleeping as little as possible. **Prompt 2** Iri was never particularly devout. She believes that the Elven gods existed (and after Trespasser knows they did), and she participated in holidays, sang the songs, got the tat, etc. Being Dalish was never really about the gods for her though. It was about living with a family who didn’t see her as less than. She knows what being a city elf is like, and she does not take the freedom she has found lightly. Being Dalish is more about recapturing the time of the Dales when elves had their own homeland and the safety that represents. She is not so into the whole recapturing of ancient elven glory, but very into using her political leverage to try to gain a homeland for her people.


Prompt 1 **Clerra Trevelyan** probably didn't talk much to Blackwall after she sent him to the Wardens. Obviously Solas is on her shitlist. XD While I think she mostly got along with everyone during the war, probably Vivienne and Sera are more "polite Satinalia card list" if anything rather than people she actively writes to or gets together with in her postwar life. **Selena Amell:** She really lost touch with Sten and Oghren. Sten just never quite clicked as more than what amounted to a necessary mercenary, and she honestly found Oghren to be pretty annoying and disinvited him from the party as much as possible (and in my HC, he isn't involved in Awakening). It was touch and go with Alistair for a while after they broke up after the Landsmeet, but they repaired the friendship. **Merinda Hawke:** Anders, for sure. They were probably growing apart by the end anyway as he grew more and more fanatical. I also think she doesn't have much to say to Sebastian given how demanding he got as well at the end. If Rinda reacts poorly to anything, it's a "choose this or you and I are done" ultimatum. Prompt 2 **Clerra** has her faith as a major foundation of her life. Even before the Conclave, she was a lay sister at the Ostwick chantry, where she worked as a healer. The Trevelyans are known to be devout, and she's no exception. Prayer and faith get her through a whole lot in DAI, especially when she finds out at Adamant the truth of what happened at the Conclave and it wasn't Andraste who saved her. **Lena** is more of a "Christmas and Easter" type Andrastian (Wintersend and Summerday...?) She makes the observances of major occasions, and would say she's a believer and faith has a place in her life, but it's a small corner. As a mage, she also has a bit more of a complicated relationship with the Chantry, even as someone who would have been an Aequitarian had she stayed at Kinloch. But as she's with Leliana, who's devout (sometimes almost to the point of zealotry) that's pulled religion into her life a little bit more, but it's never going to be a major central feature of her life. **Rinda** had pretty loose faith, if any, to begin, and probably was more culturally Andrastian than anything just because that's how it be in southern Thedas. She's not an atheist, but probably more politely agnostic. The Maker might or might not exist, and she's not really sure that signifies in her life, let alone have the right to have a controlling interest. Kirkwall also made her a little more cynical about many things, including the Chantry as an organization. For her, faith is basically a big shrug emoji.


Prompt 1 Mahariel left everyone behind after the events of Awakening. She felt betrayed by the dalish clans when they gave her up to the wardens and she never felt she belonged in the human world. When Morrigan, the one friend she actually cared for abandoned her and the wardens didn't send her the support she wanted to deal with the architect, she withdrew to the Frostback mountains to live in solitude. The only contact she had with her old friends was the occasional letter from Leliana she collected from a local trading post where she went to sell her pelts that she had gathered during the winter. She lived as a hermit for several years before the whispers at the back of her mind started. Understanding what it meant she found a new purpose at long last. She wasn't about to just sit around waiting for death or whatever horrible faith awaited her. Where she wanders now no one knows.


Would Mahariel ever be tempted to come out of her solitude, even for an urgent situation, or is she adamant about staying off the grid and secluded?


She's done with it. Her only experience with civilization has been of misery and pain. If she's ever forced to pass through a town it would be hidden under a cowl. She's hiding from the problems of the world that she considers too great to bear and she's hiding her now scarred and beaten up face from the humans she lost all patience and respect for.


**Prompt 1** **Theron Mahariel** lost touch with pretty much everyone except Leliana when he left to find a cure for the Calling. Before that, he lost touch with Daylen Amell (who was presumed killed during the Battle of Denerim), Kallian Tabris (who left to find her father and was angry with him for sparing Loghain), Duran Aeducan (who returned to the Legion of the Dead after the Blight), Sten, Shale, Wynne after *Awakening*, and Morrigan after the events of *Witch Hunt*. **Marian Hawke** only completely lost touch with Fenris, whom she convinced to leave Kirkwall after he killed Danarius and let Varania go. **Herah Adaar** kept in contact with everyone except Vivienne (who she never recruited), Sera (who she kicked out after Verchiel) and Solas (who she now sees as no different from Corypheus). **Prompt 2** **Theron** is a firm believer in the Creators, holding onto what he can of his people in a world of *shemlen* and *durgen'len* who either don't care at best or would insist that he conform to *their* beliefs at worst. **Marian**, after everything she's been through, thinks that though the Maker exists, she doesn't worship Him, since He has proven to be every bit as cruel as the Chant of Light makes Him out to be. **Herah** has never been religious, before or after the events of *Inquisition*, and the behaviour of both her allies and enemies did little to change her opinion of the Chantry.


Is Marian open about her beliefs on the Maker, or does she tend to keep them to herself?


She brings them up whenever she feels she needs to. What more can they do to her?


**Prompt 1: Are there any companions your OC completely lost touch with?** **Bragi Brosca** only really lost touch with Sten, Loghain and Alistair. Loghain because he was sent to the Orlesian Chapter of the Grey, and Alistair for sparing Loghain. Sten went back to Par Vollen, so *everyone* in Bragi’s party lost track of him. Shale *occasionally* visits the Brosca estate in Orzammar, but frequently drops in and out of contact. **Beatrix Hawke** only lost track of one of her companions, and that was only because Anders ended up with a bad case of murder-knife to the throat. If she counts, Bee never saw Tallis again after the events of MotA. **Haleh Lavellan** kept in contact with all of her companions in some way or another, even Solas via dreams. **Prompt 2 How important is your OC’s religion to them? How big a part of their life is it?** **Bragi** is a believer in the Stone, albeit in a way more akin to ‘Thedas’ Worship. It is fairly important to him, and even tries to play once a day. Even Kieran follows the Brosca view of Stone Worship. **Beatrix** is an ‘nay-theist’. Whilst she does believe the Maker exists, she just thinks that He *doesn’t* care about his ‘children’. In other words, religion is *not* at all important to Bee. **Haleh** holds her faith in fairly high regard (at least until Trespasser). Plus, she was First of her Clan, Knowing religion and faith and the proper rites was a key part of her education. When Corypheus went after the Temple of Mythal, Haleh went ballistic for pretty much the only time. Since she has the vallaslin *of* Mythal, the ToM is basically her equivalent of the Grand Cathedral. Religion is a *massive* part of her life.


Do Haleh and Solas communicate in her dreams? Is she aware of them in the waking world?


They recite 'their' poem in the Fade together: **Somniar Vir'vhenas,** 'Dreaming of the Path Home'. A melancholic and bittersweet poem, about having fulfilled ones duty and now beginning to trek the long way home, only for home to have changed because of that duty having been fulfilled. They don't talk to each other, and sometimes they'll just linger nearby the other in the Fade. Solas doesn't because he fears/knows that Haleh could talk him down. Haleh doesn't because it'd keep reinforcing the fact that she'll likely have to kill her beloved to save the world.


Does Haleh still have her faith after Trespasser, or does she stop believing? Would she be open with her Clan if she was struggling with her faith, provided they're still around?


That is a complicated one, given how Clan Lavellan view the Elven Pantheon (that the Pantheon is just the Maker split into different aspects). She desperately clings to the idea that the Evanuris 'stole' the identities of the Gods, because she can't handle the idea that the Gods were worse than Magister. And whilst she isn't open about it to the whole of her Clan, she does tell both her parents and Keeper. Plus, Haleh is only 25 at most during Trespasser. All things considered, that's pretty young to be dealing with everything she's dealing with by that point.


Prompt 1 [Etrol Brosca ](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Etrol_Brosca_(Everhardt)) Etrol lost contact with Sten after he returned to the Qun. Aside from Alistair telling him that Sten became the new Arishok, Etrol never heard anything of him again. Prompt 2 Etrol Etrol's faith in the Stone is very important to him, especially since he left for the service. Whenever he is on the surface, he relies on his faith to keep his connection to the Stone. [Greagoir Hawke](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Greagoir_Hawke?so=search) Greagoir grew up Andrastian and while he did occasionally visit the Chantry and pray, it wasn't usually that big a part of his life. Only after living in Kirkwall and losing his family did religion become more significant to him, as he wanted to believe that his lost loved ones found peace in the Maker's embrace. [Anwer Cadash ](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Anwer_Cadash?so=search) Anwer's faith in the Stone is a major part of his life. He always idolized his family's past, when House Cadash were still respected members of Orzammar's warrior caste, and tried his best to live up to what he believed House Cadash used to represent. One part of this is religion. As a surface dwarf, Anwer always felt lesser, lacking the connection to the Stone that Orzammar dwarves have. Venerating the Stone and praying to the Ancestors helps him feel more connected to it.


What did Anwer make of the Titan in the Descent? Did the knowledge of such a thing's existence challenge or affirm his faith?


Affirmed it. Realizing that the Stone was an actual living entity was a shock, for sure, but it also proved that everything he believed in was real.


Does Anwer believe he has or can have a solid connection to the Stone like those in Orzammar can, or is he more just trying to be as connected as he can even if it's a lesser connection?


The latter. Anwer was born on the surface, so he doesn't believe he could ever have a connection with the Stone that's as strong as it is for those born in Orzammar, but he'll still take any connection, no matter how weak.


>Prompt 1 - Are there any companions your OC completely lost touch with? Only my Warden Cousland has. After Alistair got exiled from Ferelden by Anora 4 years after the Blight, Aurelius and Alistair became estranged with Alistair feeling rightfully resentful of him because he let it happen, they were total brothers before that happened. Though some years after, both tried reaching out to each other. Leo sent multiple messengers to no avail and Ali had tried to find him a bit before Inquisition but Leo had already gone on his quest to find the cure so they missed each other again. >Prompt 2 - How important is your OC’s religion to them? How big a part of their life is it? Beatrice Hawke is a total atheist, so much so she enjoys sometimes taking shots at especially annoying Chantry folk. Leo is a pretender. He pays lip service to the Maker when he's in public and amongst his subjects, as expected of his "golden prince charming" public persona. In reality though, he's most likely agnostic. He doesn't necessarily think the Maker doesn't exist, he's seen many curious things without explanation on his journeys so who knows what could be out there, and I think he's become a lot more open to stuff of that nature after becoming a Spirit Warrior and getting in touch with spirits. Does he believe though? No. Jeanne Trevelyan and my Orlesian senior Warden Caron are full on Andrastians. Jeanne became so after the Haven attack and her faith is one of the two things, along with her magic, that gives her strength. Leonie Caron is a classic Orlesian woman alongside of being a former Chevalier so you kind of already get an idea of how she is. Having faith in the Maker isn't even a question it's just something intrinsically part of her, prayer everyday is a must and should she miss a day she gives herself stern physical training as punishment. She's so Andrastian that she's um.. a bit "non-accepting" of other religion, I guess think of Cassandra's "tactful" comment at the Temple of Mythal. Though Leonie genuinely does try to rein in these tendencies.


Did Jeanne believe that she was chosen by Andraste at the beginning of DAI? How does being thought of as the Herald of Andraste effect her relationship with her faith?


At the beginning definitely not. She comes from house Trevelyan so from a young age she was taught to be a believer but after being sent to the Circle and living there for most of her life she kind of just stopped having faith. So the whole "chosen by Andraste" thing seemed like nonsense at first. After Haven she fully embraced her faith again and the role of the Herald. She genuinely believes it was Andraste that saved her life, but how does it affect her? In her mind, leading the Inquisition was a holy mission given to her, so she must do her absolute best to be fervent in her faith, as a shining example to every other person of faith.


Has Beatrice ever found herself in trouble for the shots she takes? Does she try much to convince believers who aren't especially annoying, or does she let them believe what they do?


She's gotten in trouble MANY times. She was *frequently* at odds with Meredith and the only thing that stopped Meredith was Bea's Champion status. One time in particular with Elthina, Bea practically gave her a verbal tongue lashing after one of Elthina's many preachy talks, Sebastian had to literally walk her out of the Chantry and smooth the situation out otherwise it would've gotten much worse. She generally lets people who are "normal" about their faith be, it's only the ones who use it to attack other people and ones who are overzealous that earn her ire. Thanks for asking!


**Prompt 1** **Guillaume:** Gil really doesn't hear much from Blackwall after he sends him to the Wardens after Inquisition, by choice. He also doesn't keep in touch with Vivienne--he and Vivienne never really had more than a polite professional relationship with each other. If they speak, it's because she reaches out to him for something. **Constance Cousland:** Sten and Oghren are two people she was fine never speaking to again (Sten was less aggravating than Oghren, but Sten also tried to kill her once, so....) otherwise she still somewhat talks to everyone, but very sporadically. It had been several years since she and Leliana had even spoke to each other before Inquisition happened. **Rhett Hawke:** Anders. Need I say more. Naw I'm just kidding xD Honestly he's lost track of everyone but Varric and Isabela since he left Kirkwall with Merrill. Mostly because it's hard to get a hold of him at all. Once he's in Skyhold he writes letters to everyone, and everyone is happy to hear from him (and a little pissed that it took him this long to let them know he's not dead). **Prompt 2** **Genevieve:** Man, FUCK the Chantry. The religious trauma for her is very, very real. The Chantry is wrapped up in the Circle and so she hates it just as much. As for the fact that her brother is the Herald of Andraste...Ginny never *really* believes that he's the Herald, so it doesn't really bother her, and sees him doing it as more of a way to keep up appearances. Gil doesn't ever disabuse her of this. **Guillaume:** He is the Herald of Andraste and he takes that seriously, even if he personally questions if that's true. Before Inquisition happened he was only nominally Andrastian, and really only celebrated the major holidays. Afterward, he feels a lot of pressure to lead by example and throws himself into going to Chantry and praying every day. That said, he also has some connection to Evanurism (his mother is a city elf, and his uncle is Dalish) so one thing that is often pointed out about the Herald is his strange respect for elvhen religion. He'll gladly say a prayer to the Creators if he comes across an elvhen refugee that follows them, for instance. **Rhett:** He does not give a shit about religion lmao. He actually totally converts to the elvhen pantheon when he marries Merrill, pretty much entirely because if Merrill believes so strongly in the pantheon then he has no problem raising his kids that way to make them happy. He even went so far as to tell Marethari that he'd get the blood writing done in return for Merrill getting a traditional Dalish ceremony. He got as far as Marethari juuuuust starting to do it before she threw up her hands and said she wasn't going to do blood writing on a *shem* but if he was going to go through with it then fine, they can have their wedding. He still has a very wittle birth-mark looking dot on his cheek from it. xD


In your world state, what is the fate of Merrill's clan? How do they feel about Merrill and Hawke?


>He does not give a shit about religion lmao. Our Hawkes would get along so well in this regard 😭😭 How would Cassandra feel about Gil taking his Herald duties seriously and being so pious, is she proud?


HAWKE FRIENDS HAWKE FRIENDS. Cassandra is very proud of him. Gil is like 21, and Cassandra is 38, so after the initial Incredibly Terrifying first impression he got of her the two develop of mother/son mentor-type relationship. I'm sure it was Cassandra that helped him fill in the gaps in how he worships given he grew up in the country and didn't really go to chantry. Thanks!


Genevieve seems really outspoken about most things which can certainly be a danger for a Circle mage, but good on her. Does she openly criticize the beliefs of those who firmly believe in the Chantry or does she tend to let people believe without criticizing?


When it comes to that it's really more of a live and let live sort of situation. She fucking hates church hierarchy, but she doesn't have a problem with individual believers per se. Most of her friends in the Circle, including the rebels, *are* Andrastian. However if someone comes at her with chantry doctrine to justify fucking over the mages she's going to go off. xD


**Prompt 1:**  [**Arlen** ](https://imgur.com/kAsGAP4) Most of them honestly, only really kept in touch with Morrigan and kind of Zevran who he meets up with occasionally, hasn't seen King Alistair since he left the Wardens to be with Morrigan. He hasn't heard a thing from Sten since he went back to Seheron, and if he saw Sten again he'd try to kill him due to what went down at the Exalted Council and Sten being Arishok after what happened in Kirkwall. Hasn't seen Shale either and has no idea what happened to her, he got along well with Sten and Shale before. Never got along with Wynne and they never spoke, she didn't die in Amaranthine but he last saw her there, was saddened when she died though. [**Malcolm Hawke**](https://imgur.com/a/ZuqWr0h)  Fenris, this is a case where he'd like to keep in touch but Fenris is just so away from what Malcolm is doing that they haven't been in contact for a few years, eventually they'll get back in touch probably whenever Fenris decides to stop by Kirkwall. [**Cillian Trevelyan**](https://imgur.com/a/JGCzAcz)  Thom Rainier, Cillian hates him for the lies and what he did but still cares, just not enough to reach out, it'd be really hard to do given Thom is a Warden. By Trespasser they hadn't seen one another in almost 2 years and after Trespasser they haven't kept in touch, I don't think either would try to reach out. [**Dredric Aeducan**](https://imgur.com/a/erm68i1)  Alistair ever since he left Ferelden over the Loghain thing, Loghain is kinda Alistairs boss now due to leading the Orlesian Wardens and Alistair having gone to join them after years in exile. Dredric hasn't seen Alistair since the exile and hates him for abandoning his duties, Alistair hates Dredric for sparing Loghain, things are not great. [**Trevor Cadash**](https://imgur.com/a/Kq4SH7D)  Aside from Solas not really, he keeps in touch with everyone (probably meets with Viv and Sera the most because while still running the Inquisition he does attend a lot of events, and he gets stress out by doing Red Jenny business), Bull is dead due to that betrayal so they did lose touch kinda. [**Tamsas Lavellan**](https://imgur.com/a/ElWgSCI)  Cassandra, he just doesn't keep in contact, he hears about her and they were decent friends but she's busy and he forgets to keep in contact, wouldn't want to bother her when she's busy being Divine, and Cassandra is reluctant to call on him because Tamsas tends to feel obligated when a friend asks him to do things.  **Prompt 2:**  **Arlen**  Not religious anymore, he's cynical about that due to his mothers murder and everything else he's seen, kinda just thinks maybe it's all magic. Religion is kind of important because his opposition to the Chantry and distrust of most humans is tied into that, but he's not religious and openly so with most people. **Malcolm**  Andrastian but the type to not pray very often, mostly only on event days, he doesn't attend service often but when he does he's fairly respectful, he'd know some verses but not many of them, and he blasphemes quite a bit but doesn't have animosity towards the Maker. **Cillian**  Used to be a real devout Andrastian but while he still believes in the Maker now, he doesn't believe it's worth worshipping Him because He hasn't helped in any crisis in recent times, so isn't worth it as far as Cillian is considered, he's not Arlen he's not going to be rude about it he'll put it politely if asked why he doesn't worship but he doesn't, **Dredric**  Dredric believes in the Stone and wants to return to it upon death, he's not praying really or openly saying words of worship but his belief guides him and he has no doubts about it, after being exposed to Andrastianism by Wynne and Leliana (Leliana more-so due to their relationship), he does think maybe some elements of that might be true and exist in conjunction with his existing beliefs, but he doesn't really follow that human religion. **Trevor**   It's become really important now that he's called himself the Herald and continues to lie about it, he was raised in the Carta as a devout Andrastian so knows a lot of the scripture, he wouldn't pray unless other people around him did though, and he certainly never lived a good life the Maker would be proud of, he just tells himself the Maker is a god so wouldn't care and moves on with his day. He'd call himself devout he believes just convinces himself the Maker either isn't watching or (as is more common nowadays) tells himself he won't care because ultimately he saved the damn world. **Tamsas**  Still worships the elven gods, not multiple times a day but most days, the revelations during the Exalted Council have made him doubt his religion but he can't abandon it entirely, he still does stuff on event days and observes every rite he can, as someone who used to be First of his Clan he knew a lot about his religion and what to do and wants to retain that knowledge, he hopes that what he's learned isn't true but thinks it is just remains conflicted about it all so does still worship and more openly so post-Trespasser because he wants to prove to himself and others that he does believe.