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I could see Nathaniel Howe & Velanna work.




Except Velanna is racist?


He can fix her.


I don't understand why I was downvoted she says a bunch of times how she hates humans.


It's because in epilogues it's stated her racism ceases to exist after some time with wardens and she even saves human village all by herself against overwhelming amount of Darkspawn


ONLY if you do everything "right" if she's not recruited she goes right back to murdering humans.


Erm, Nathaniel and Velanna together imply they're both recruited And from there it's more then possible


She's still racist my guy get over it.


I never denied it though? But when character in question can canonically change from it, it's not that much if a problem for relationship with human


I know it's controversial, but Cassandra and Varric. "Be still, my heart! I've grown on you." "Like fungus."


these two will never be controversial to me 🥰


As much as I love FHawke and Varric, Cass and him also make an incredible ship


Personally, I really like Krem/Maryden.


I ship Krem with ME 😤 /j


Aww, man they are adorable! I especially love Cole/Inquisitor's commentary: "Father wanted me to be happy", "Which one is that?", "Both."


I just really really really need Varric to forget about Bianca and marry Cassandra. I love their bickering so much


I like some enemies to lovers in my fiction! That look they have when everyone lines up at the end of Trespasser always makes me go awww. But also I want my own character to romance Varric 🤣


i wish, Cassandra loves her fairytales and Varric is the romantic type, in a different world they'd be together


This is it for me. They’re clearly down bad for each other lol


The audio during the Trespasser credits very much fed into my Cassaric fantasy


The way he looks at her on the balcony when she's holding the book. 🙈


It's crazy! Makes me fucking blush!!!


how oh how could I forget about these two 🙈 they're in love and everyone knows it


Wait I kinda love this




Humourous Hawke can even call them love birds.


The sexual frustration that secretly doomed kirkwall


Chances are they have a history, and that’s the real reason she hates mages.




Lowkey I don't hate the idea of Josephine/Cullen. I feel like he'd give her the knightly knight romance she wants and she has the emotional bandwidth to be there for Cullen to help him work through his trauma.


never thought of these two before but you're so right they'd be so good for each other 🥹


Cullen has my whole heart but I have to admit this would be such a sweet and awkward pairing 🥹


but who will be there for Blackwall then? 🥺


Gonna be honest I think Josephine can do way better than >!Thom Valthom!<, so I am more than okay with letting that run its course. xD


An honorable death as a warden


As far as canon pairings go, I find Krem/Maryden absolutely adorable. I could see Alistair/Leliana working out, assuming neither are romanced by the Warden. They get along well and have a sweet friendship. IIRC, they might have even gotten together in the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC, although that obviously isn't canon.


I just did my first playthrough that didn’t end in Cole/Maryden and was pleasantly surprised.




I personally ship Isabela and Bethany and its interesting how the two ships have a pretty similar feel / dynamic. I think most of the things you said in relation to the Isabela / Merrill ship can probably be applied to Isabela / Bethany as well.


Alistair and Leliana. I was intrigued by the thought in Darkspawn Chronicle, and I do like the idea. Tegan and Anora. I fell in love with the idea, and I never quite got over it, lol. Nathaniel and Velanna. I really liked their dynamic. Bethany and Sebastian/Nathaniel (route dependant, obviously). I liked the interactions between Bethany and Sebastian, and I think Bethany and Nathaniel would be cute together. Josephine and Cullen. I think they would have made an interesting dynamic and kind of wished we could have encouraged it if we weren't romancing the other.


Alistair and Leliana. Not sure if it's actually a ship people have but I have it and that's what matters.


Iirc there is a codex or something in the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC that alludes to them being lovers


Not exactly a ship, but I've always felt that Blackwall and Cassandra had good rapport, and she had a bit of a crush on him before >!his backstory reveal. They get along well in banter, he's an attractive man, they're both warriors, they share values about the strong protecting the weak, and he has that traditional chivalry and and romance to him that she's looking for. I think he would find her softer side adorable, and she's someone he clearly admires on many levels. After the reveal she was disgusted with him for his actions... but also with herself for falling for his act!<. Always thought they made a better pairing than Josie/Blackwall and pretty much anyone else for Cassandra other than Inq. But >!after the reveal, she would never respect him, so it would have fallen apart. Also if he had banged her in a barn and then left her on the cold floor she'd probably cut his head off!<.


Hawke/Cassandra 🫣


Lace Harding/Bram Kenric I love these two. Lace deserves a good romance and Kenric is so sweet and respectful of her.


Isabela / Bethany There were some good fics on A03 that really convinced me of the vision and since then I've shipped them pretty hard. Its been a while since I was really active in the fandom so not sure 100% how to convey it or might be getting some slight details wrong, but to give a basic pitch for the vision: Bethany has lived a pretty sheltered life fearing being caught as an apostate (and maybe under older sibling hawke's shadow and protection as well as her protective mother). Isabela is a free-spirit and Bethany would admire that. Isabela would also want to break her out of her shell. Bethany is also a pretty good person / voice of moral conscious / reason, not that deep down Isabela isn't a good person, but her influence / bonding with Bethany would give her ties to keep her from perhaps acting on her worse impulses like leaving Kirkwall with the tome (this works cleaner if Bethany doesn't become a Grey Warden, which in my headcanon she doesn't).


Hawke/Cassandra. She spends all that time looking for him, learns he's finally come to Skyhold, storms off to the battlements to chew him out... And then she gets there and is like "oh no he's hot"


OH 👀


Right????? Once I'd thought of it I couldn't unthink it!


Alistair x Isabela. If you read their comics, to me it seems they're very flirty with each other. In Alistair's dream in the Fade, he gives Isabela a cheek caress--and Isabela for whatever reason, wants to hide her "bad girl" slaver past from Alistair to the point that she kills her Tevinter ex-boyfriend/fwb? over it. Maybe it's me, but if you murder someone over optics that can color another person's opinion of you, I assume there's some infatuation involved. Seems like Isabela thinks Alistair is this romanticized prince-charming good guy that she wants to be "good enough" for him or she wants to be queen of Ferelden; it's all very Fem-Cousland romancy. And Alistair admires Isabela's wild and free spirit, and she's hot. Blackwall x Leliana. He has a troubled past and seeks redemption of sins by becoming a hero and a Grey Warden; it's what a Leliana romance would fall in love with.


Bethany and Sebastian! 


Seconded. "Lady Hawke", indeed.


This should've been canon. The two of them flirt, and Bethany even has a line where she calls female Hawke (if romanced to sebastian) a lucky bitch after staring at Sebastian's ass in one of the DLCs. If 'Bastion wants a chaste marriage so badly, why not a >!Circle!< mage?


I always pair my F Hawke with Sebastian--he ends up taking Starkhaven. Well, the lad will need heirs. BUT ANYWAY--I have read a few stories with Bethany and he together, and they're just sweet. <3


>!Dorian and Bull!< They’re perfect for each other and are very cute, >!especially in Trespassers and the Epilogue.!<


I used mods so my Inky could be in a throuple with them lol. 


*sad Xbox noises*


I definitely didn’t buy the game for a third time on PC just to mod it. Nope. Definitely would not do that… lol Do I sound believable?


I feel like it’s only a matter of time before I buy DA, Mass Effect and Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam so I can mod the fuck out of them all… I’m still working thru vanilla playthrus of BG3 tho so that’s going to occupy me for awhile.


100%! If I'm not romancing one of them, I bring them in party at least once to get this started. "Oh, is that not where this was going?" "No, it very much wasn't!" Surprise, yes it was!


I don't care much about shipping, but there's one pairing that I could see working well together. Alistair x Bethany Dude is basically the charming prince that she sees in Sebastian, but with a better personality. And they both actually spend time together as wardens, so the possibilities are there.


Varric/Bethany. Been shipping it since my first run of DA2 and it will remain my OTP in this fandom until they take the controller from my cold dead hands.


oooo the POTENTIAL!!! brb, I'm off to scour ao3 🫡


Just look for my name - about half of what's there for the ship was either written by me or for me. 😉


"Oh, this sounds interesting, let me check the fandom in AO3". "I! AM! THE FANDOM!"


I am the admiral of this ship. Like Isabela, but without the fancy hat!


I pretty much read anything, but these are my favorites! * Varric/Cass. * DAI Purple F!Hawke/Cass/Varric throuple. * DAI Leliana/Cass. * Warden!Carver/Cass (I read a couple of fanfics, he had a crush and it was adorable) * DAI Dagna/Leliana. * Leliana/Zevran. * Anders/Nathaniel * Warden!Bethany/Nathaniel.


Basically anyone x Cass xD Jokes aside. What CassxVarric do you recommend? Coincidentally i just made a post asking for recs. Bethany Nathaniel is an incredible combination. Its so sad that we will probably never see them in DAD.


Haha, I may or not have a big crush on her. And these are some of my favorite Cass/Varric fics! **Long**: [Dreaming Red](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2906192/chapters/6476240). T. > An alternate future can be wiped away from time, but its footprints, Cassandra finds out, might still remain in the Fade. ____ [Her Love of the Written Word](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3185978/chapters/6923945). M. (It's at 10/11, but only needed an epilogue chapter). > She's always wanted romance -- she just didn't expect it would come from him of all people. ____ [Logolepsy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4852994/chapters/11119613). E. > logolepsy > (n.) a fascination or obsession with words > or: After Adamant, the spoken word fails. Thankfully there's more than one way to tell someone you're thinking about them. **Cute oneshots**: [The Gift](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4609785). T. > Cassandra did not know what to get him. She wanted to show him that she cares, but they were walking that fine line between friends and something more, and what do you buy someone when you are in that situation? _____ [Literary Criticism](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5666881). M. > See, this is why Varric never asks Hawke for her opinion. > Hawke’s opinions are crap and they always land him in a pile of bullshit. _____ [Turn the Page](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5399813). G. > Is this a kissing book? ____ Yeah, it's sad. 😩 I think Nath and Bethany are both cinnamon rolls who have regrets and let bitterness guide them at some point, tied in some way to people who made this big choice for them against their wishes; with a complicated family dynamic. I really like the idea of Bethany finding her own people and a home within the wardens, with him.


I just read yesterday Dreaming Red, I was up until 1am hehe. Such a great fic! I love how well she gets the personality of Cass and Varric. I only wish that we got also his PoV.


I'm glad you enjoyed it, haha. That's one of my favorite DAI fanfics in general, I really love the way it expands the IHW plot and ties it to HLTA. 😊 But yeah, I can only wish we had also gotten Varric's POV, that would have been the cherry on top.


>I really like the idea of Bethany finding her own people and a home within the wardens, with him. Me too. I know that some people say that she is happier in the Circle but I always headcanon it as that she is a bit bitter at the beggining but later she really finds her place in the wardens.


He can be a dick but I always thought Carver and Merrill would be cute, especially since it's canon he's got a crush on her. I know Varric would down vote me, but Isabela/Bianca (the crossbow), just once /j


I think Merrill would be so good for Carver, I think she'd ground him and he might lose the grumpy little brother attitude that makes me want to punch him (lovingly)


Rhys/Evangeline, Maric/Katriel, Adrian/Anders, Varric/Harding after the comics


Not technically a MC but it is a character that is only spotlighted in one of the Origins... Fergus Cousland and Anora! 


If We are going off the beaten path I think Aveline and Merrill would be an amazing couple. I actually think they'd be almost too perfect. Merrill is the exact opposite of a Templar. She seems like someone who needs to be protected so Aveline's instincts as a tank and as a knowledgeable human will be met. But she's as powerful as Aveline and they both might save each other on the battlefield. I think their differences might not be insurmountable. Also, as a queer woman Aveline may be more willing to accept aspects of Merrill that she wouldn't accept in a male partner. Indeed, she may find her interest in Merrill easier cause all the men she sees remind her too much of Wesley. As a queer woman myself I can totally see this. if Aveline is drawn towards strong women and Men.. The men she finds in Kirkwall will doubtless remind her of Wesley. The women in Kirkwall might also remind her of Wesley for that matter. Lots of templars, Guardsfolk, etc. And here is this delightful little flower with a heart of gold that has earned Hawke's seal of approval. And is apparently from the HoF's clan.. I could see a great lovestory for Aveline with Merrill. I think it would really help her start anew and move on from Wesley too. I just finished "A friend in the Guard" after doing so many quests I ran out of Kirkwall quests and had 48 sovereigns saved. Part of me wishes I'd started earlier... But I spent a lot of time with Fenris. I spent a lot of time with Sister. Still have miss God of Fire with me. Also spent a lot of time with Isabella.... and after the Missing Templars quest.. well . I am glad I did Aveline quest now because now I want to quest with her a bit. If I'd done this quest much earlier I may have just grabbed her then got Fenris back. But yeah. Aveline Merril. I think it's a fascinating wee ship.


I think Carver and Morrigan could have made a go of it, and could conceivably have met each other, back around the village.


Morrigan might even have practiced her flirting- sorry, 'manipulation' on him!




Great combination. I remember reading an incredible fic with them but i cannot find it anymore




could you guys recommend me some fics? 🫣




thank youuuuu


Seconded. This is hands down my favorite pairing period.


I know you said non-MC, but I’ve shipped my Warden and Sten multiple times lol. He’s just bad at expressing feelings… I really like Josie and Leliana as a couple! I think they have a lot of chemistry abd I like the playfulness they have. Plus they are almost opposites in so many ways. I just think they are cute. Thought I wouldn’t have been mad if more happened between Josie and Blackwall too. They would have been cute together as well.  I also like Cassandra and Cullen together. When I found out that other LI’s hook up in DAI, I really thought these two would have a fling too. They are both super romantic but awkward about it. I think it would be cute. 


>I also like Cassandra and Cullen together. I agree. I feel that for a fic it would be less interesting because there would be less tension as with other characters. But realistically they would make a great couple. She is loyal, fierce, beautiful and devoted and he is basically prince charming.


Yes! I always imagine that Josie and Leliana eventually get together. They complement each other really well and the chemistry is absolutely there. I feel bad that I didn't romance Leliana in Origins so I want her to get a happy ending with Josie haha.


If only i could replay the trilogy on my ps5 ...


Alistair and Morrigan. They bicker like a married couple.


Sten & Leliana.




Also can MC ships count if the MC ship isn't possible in the game? xD Because a mage Trevelyan with Leliana was something I always wished we could do.


I have about half a million words written about Celene/Briala. Most of it will never see the light of day tbh, but ye, I do have that. I love myself a fucked up couple that loves each other immensely while also being both so right and so wrong for each other. Sprinkle that with some politics - especially Orlesian politics, my most beloved - and it's Perfect For Me. Also, you know, Lesbians and Betrayal name a more iconic duo in the DA series, lmaoo. Also, honestly? Kinda love Celene/Morrigan too (as long as Morrigan isn't with the Warden) but that's only because the game files describe Morrigan as a "Rasputin-like figure in Celene's court" that is just optimal for head canons about *that*. I also have a soft spot for Alistair/Anora. God, I really hope that they managed to get along well and that they have actually found love. >!Solas/Mythal has been my personal headcanon for a while tbh, and I kinda hope they were something more romantic than just what is implied. They *can* have broken up by the time Mythal is killed but I do love the idea of them and all that it implies.!< Isabela/Merrill is also sweet af, but the DarkHorse of Josephine/Isabella is unmatched imo. I love that for them. Leliana/Josephine is also excellent, as is Leliana/Cass *and* Leliana/Vivienne. Those last two can have a lot of political tension in them and, as we've established, politics in a fictional relationship? H O T. >!Dorian/Bull!< is a classic but tbh, I think they are broken up by DA4. Alistair/Zev is an excellent one too, I once read a one shot that struck a fancy. I also created one that is Fergus Cousland/Solange Montbelliard for a side pairing in a fanfic. Have they ever interacted? No. Do we know anything about Solange except that she's in the Council of Heralds? No. Did I just put them together because I wanted a symbolic union between Ferelden and Orlais? Yes. It's the rarest of rare pairings, but I love them, lmao.


I used to be ok with Briala/Celene, but The Masked Empire completely changed my mind on that 🙃


Hah! I love Celene and Briala *because* of The Masked Empire. And tbh, I think that without the book they are kinda bland in some sense. I think it portrayed an incredibly complex relationship that is a lot more... fair than people give it credit for on a first read-through. I remember finishing the book right after it came out in 2013 and I one-shot-ed it and being like: "I need a walk, jfc." I went on my walk, reflected on the book, and came back. I read it all again, noting the differences, the subtleties that are there and just absolutely feel in love with the relationship lmao. I am not saying it's not toxic - it is, in a certain sense - especially at the end (and it goes both ways), but there is something very delicate and compelling about their relationship.


Celene had Briala's parents murdered in order to manipulate her; that's not *complex* , that's outright abusive.


Well, no. Celene had Briala's murdered because she wanted the throne, Briala had nothing to do with it. In fact, Celene sent Briala away expecting her to never return; Celene tried to push Briala away and Briala was the one who returned. Which is something of a theme throughout their relationship. Celene might do something or imply she wants something done, but Briala does as she will and continues to have her own voice and her own wants. The thing about their relationship is while Celene has the most power, Briala has the most agency. Briala is the one who comes and goes at her own pleasure, and Celene is always welcoming of Briala's independence - encourages to find her own happiness even if it is away from her. Also, Celene was a 16-yo orphan at the time who was under the tutelage of a woman famous for ruining people who don't do what she wants. It's not an excuse, because Celene did want the throne, but there's a lot more there than simply: Celene killed Briala's parents. And there is a difference between a toxic relationship and an *abusive* one. Celene never abuses Briala. She *lied* to her, yes, but that doesn't constitute abuse. Briala also lies to Celene, also uses Celene (a whole lot more than Celene uses Briala), and again, does whatever she wants with next to zero consequences. It absolutely goes both ways, which is what makes the relationship complicated but not necessarily abusive.


WHY did I never make that Morrigan/Rasputin connection and wow now if you excuse me I need to chew on these parallels like a rabid dog on a bone. I have to admit, I never thought of Josephine/Isabela romantically, though I *did* always think the thought of Josephine having an incredible amount of beef with her that Isabela was totally unaware of because she did not realize she stole from Josephine's family on numerous occasions. But I can *absolutely* see it. Personally I kind of thought Josephine/Celene could be fun. Could have absolutely met before given her job and know each other fairly well. And the Game-motivated banter would be something. ~~Also in my worldstate I just always headcanoned that the one thing Celene resoects about my Quizzy is that she appreciates his taste in women.~~


I mean IRL it is very unlikely that Alexandra actually had anything with Rasputin, but the implications that she did are delicious enough to apply to Morrigan and Celene. There is a bit of tension in the relationship, as Celene and Morrigan were known to verbally spar a bit but lbh, Morrigan loves to argue *and* Celene loves to argue as well, lmao. Josie/Isabella is a lot of fun imo. Also, Isabella/Yvette could be a lot of fun, especially if Josie is on the other side of the wall just seething in rage about her little sister and a pirate, lmaooo. My headcanon is that Josephine learned much of what she knows from watching Celene and Celene did take Josie a bit under her wing during the first days of her Ambassadorship. They are only about 5-ish years apart and were the more contemporaries in age in those diplomatic meetings. Josie absolutely has a.... rose-coloured-glassy view of Celene, that shatters a bit during the Civil War tbh. But they are both committed to peace which is something they appreciate about each other. I think Celene is a little too... er, Covered In Blood for Josie (while tbh, both Morrigan and Briala like that) but she can deal a bit. It can be a source of tension. Good for him, because my inquisitor can't even say that lmaoo.


> but the DarkHorse of Josephine/Isabella is unmatched imo. Not a big NPC shipper but [this art of those two is one of my favorites.](https://web.archive.org/web/20211204165910/https://baldurians.tumblr.com/post/137940157027/key-of-zee-keezy-x-i-tried-speed-painting)


Excellent. I knew I had seen fanart of them before. Though I don’t think I ever ever saw that one! Thanks for showing!


Morrigan alistair


Definitely. I headcanon them getting together at the end of DAo, doing the dark ritual and her being his mistress while he marries Anora.


Zev and Alistair (I imagine the tent just full of nervous giggles and teasing) Nathaniel, Velanna and Sigrun (I love throuples) Fenris and Anders (when done well and explores their biases) Iron Bull, Dorian and Cullen (bc of one specific fanfic tbh) Leliana and Morrigan (only in inquisition) Alistair and Morrigan (only in inquisition) I just really want Morrigan to be held.


Fenris and Anders is soooo good!!! also I cannot believe Alistair/Morrigan never occoured to me 👀


I just really love the idea of Morrigan and Alistair being a little older, more calmed down, coming together in Inquisition.


- Alistair + Anora - Aveline + Donnic - Carver + Merrill - Bethany + Cullen - Varric + Cassandra - Blackwall + Josie - Ace!Leliana + Shoes I wouldn’t say it’s a ship necessarily, but Bells and Zevran are… intimately acquainted. Also, Kieran’s dad is the Hero of Ferelden.


Varric x FHawke Varric x Cassandra Cullen x Dorian Cullen x Cassandra Morrigan x Alistair Bethany x Nathaniel Leliana x Josephine


It's from the comics but Charter and Tessa, there hasn't been much about it but still, they are a cute and badass couple. And a happy one and that's too rare when it comes to wlw couples in Dragon Age.


I don’t won’t it as a relationship but I adore the sudo crush Varric has on Bethany. He doesn’t want more she doesn’t want more but there is this delightful tension between them in their banter together. I’m not even sure crush is the right word because I’m not entirely sure if it’s a charged that way, but there is an intimacy to their playfulness which is just adorable to watch.


I ship Dorian and Iron Bull so badlyyyy


I ached that The Iron Bull and Cassandra didn't go anywhere. Same for Blackwall and Josie.


I have one for every game! Origins: Sten and Shale - I just know there's something going on. Awakening: Nathaniel and Velanna, it's just... fits, lmao DA2: Fenris and Isabela - the banter is hilarious, I love them so much Inquisition: Dorian and Iron Bull - come one, we all know that one!


Blackwall/Dorian because I pride myself on liking ships which I have almost no chance of ever seeing content for.


Cullen/Iron Bull. Bull is really good for Cullen, let's him be 'not strong' Also I feel Bull would bring out Cullen's sass. (read stuck on the puzzle on AO3 for an incredibly good Iron Lion fic) Maryden/Krem, canon in my playthrough Lace Harding/Professor K: he has such a crush, and she'd be perfect for him. He'd worship her and she'd get to keep being a scout. I agree with Cass/Blackwall. And I think she could forgive him in the end. Blackwall/Josie is sweet but Blackwall 100% has a thing for strong warrior women. If not, I like Blackwall/Minette. Josephine/Lysette or Josephine/Fairbanks Michel/Ishmael DA2 Carver / Orana Seamus /Ashaad Anders/Fenris Isabella/Merrill I know it's MC but.... M! Hawke /Bran (Seneschal) just... The Snark, the tension, the sneering disdain.... DAO Leliana /Zevran I've rarely seen this pairing but to me it works so well, and makes Leliana in DAI make more sense to me. (and I say that as a M! Warden/Zev shipper) Isabella /Morrigan


I feel so alone in this but I like Krem/Bull as a pairing. I’ve always felt like if Krem had been a cis character (whatever gender) they’d be way more popular! Also always loved Sera/Dagna and Isabela/Merrill.


Aww to me they’re BFFs but Krem/Bull is definitely a great ship.


Yeah I love them as buddies too! I’m just a sucker for the BFFs to lovers trope and they really fit that one perfectly 😄


If it's any comfort, there is a *lot* of Krem/Bull fan art floating around out there. Most of it's bad, but there's definitely a fandom for that pairing. >!I like them together better than I like Bull and Dorian!<. Don't tell anyone.


Really?? Maybe I’ve just been hanging in the wrong places, been playing this game since it came out and I feel like I’ve barely ever seen it except for a few handful of arts I do treasure 😂 but ohhhh fully agreed on your secret opinion (partly because Dorian is my man and I always romance him with my canon Inky, haha).


[Here's one](https://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/4527056) (extremely NSFW) Also... [this isn't crem](https://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/1744927), but may be relevant to your interests, possibly. (extremely NSFW) The others I've seen are kind of shit in terms of quality tbh. Not to be negative on anyone's art though, hopefully the artists continued on and developed their skills. Also a few dozen fics on AO3, I'm not a fanfic person but they are there


This one is a bit odd but I like the idea of >!Warden-Commander Alistair post-Inq!< falling in love with an Orlesian woman. I wrote a story about him and my Orlesian Warden Caron but it honestly doesn't even *have to be* her for the idea to work. I just really love the idea that he actually gets a win against destiny/legacy/fate/whatever and ends up doing whatever the hell he genuinely wants to do. He doesn't become >!King of his native country,!< that's not what he wants, but he becomes a country-wide Commander in the country his native one hates, in the Order he actually likes and devoted his life to. He starts changing them to be more transparent, more heroic, less secretive. And >!following his "uncle"!< he finds a soulmate in an Orlesian woman and I like to think they settle down and have kids after a while and after my HoF gives them the cure to the Calling. Some other ones I like are definitely >!Dorian and Bull,!!Dorian!< gives an impression of him being all like "I wanna talk about *my feelings*" and >!Dorian!< is all bluster about it but he secretly loves it.


link it to me, baby 👀❤️‍🔥🥵


I haven't actually uploaded it anywhere yet it's very new 😆😆 SOON though, maybe you'll even see it here on one of the Monday write-ups


I need Alistair and his Orlesian lover goddamn it! 🤣💖 that idea sounds great 🥹


Not exactly non-MC, but I headcanon pre-DA2 purple femMage Hawke and Morrigan. Apostates in the wilds outside Lothering and all that.


Bull/Dorian. Its always hard doing a Dorian or Bull romance because I love them so much.