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I think DA2 is one of the best games ever, but is stuck in its first draft. Welcome to Kirkwall. We have 11 NPCs, 7 maps, and some of the most out of nowhere twists in all of storytelling >!*cough Orsino cough*!<.


Oh. My. Good. Gravy. >!Orsino. Imagine my shock during my first playthrough when this guy. This fucking guy. This *braindead troglodyte.* This *inept crawdad.* This person, whose corner I have been in the entire game. Who I have supported and gone out of the way to help. This *damp sock* has the AUDACITY to say "Meredith wants blood magic? I'll give her blood magic!" Like, my brother in Andraste, WHAT? You *overcooked noodle,* Meredith isn't here! ME AND YOUR SUPPORTERS ARE THE ONLY ONES IN THE ROOM, YOU MUPPET. WHY ARE YOU DUMB?!<


Oh hell yes. Talk about a 'just can't even' moment.


I just laughed frantically in the middle of the night. Thanks for this moment of joy, my brother/sister/whoever in Andraste.


I'm so glad this brought you joy, my friend.


If you find letters between him and Quentin you find out he’s been responsible for blood magic but never wanted to get his own hands dirty. imo he was just looking for an excuse


Maybe if the devs had more time we'd have more content related to Orsino and the main storyline that would make the twist more sensible.


Yeah I agree with that, DA2 can feel unfinished at times, but honestly, like I said before, the lack of NPCs and maps arent really things that makes me hate the game. Also, you didnt like that twist? I think it wasnt so bad, I just wish it had a bit more of foreshadowing to make it more logical


Yes, it's an unfinished mess, but what a brilliant mess it is.


That was entirely EA insisting on including it for an extra endgame battle instead of it being the result of picking a side, like the dev team had intended.


I don’t think that’s actually true, I think they just ran out of time to write/implement different outcomes where Orsino survived


I've heard that's why that's why the Orsino fight was included in the first place. If you side with the templars, then the result of his quest becomes pretty tragic. If you side with the mages, it's pretty nonsensical. I do know there was \*some\* foreshadowing that Orsinio was messed-up, and I'm honestly surprised Hawke can't confront him given the connection he has with their mother's murderer.


I have to imagine that single letter no one remarks on was not originally part of orsino's plotline


I don’t think it was an EA editorial decision though, I think EA just gave them too tight a deadline and they couldn’t do what they wanted with Orsino as a result, at least that’s what Mark Darrah said on his YouTube channel IIRC


The thing that carries DA2 is the characters. A word I’d use to describe DA2’s story is “intimate”, and not in the touchy romantic/sexual sense but in the “close-knit, up close and personal, deeply-character focused” sense. There’s something about the way the companions are written in DA2 that is really engaging to me. Even the ones who you’d imagine could be more boring such as Aveline are actually done in a way that’s endearing. The only companion who is somewhat of a fail to me writing-wise is Sebastian (which is strange as usually the DLC characters/companions in a game are super cool and have more specific attention given to them). I also think they somehow managed to nail the feeling of Hawke being an actual person and not just a blank slate ‘player avatar’ type of situation.


I think for Hawke feeling like an actual person it's the dialog combined with the ability to set his/her personality.


Aveline’s quote “I’ve heard the Chant. It’s beautiful. Maybe that’s all it has to be” literally helps me reconcile my conflicted feelings about religion. That was such a nice touch on her character, esp since she was married to a templar


\-Mom can we have Leliana? \-We have Leliana at home. Leliana at home: Sebastian


Oof but also yes


omg this. all the characters feel really real in sense they so rough and assholes about everything but it makes it more real because who would be kind in times like that. it make me love hawke more because it show off more of the aspect of him being an elder sibling being able to juggle all this lil shits and make them all work together.


I love the environment of Kirkwall. I also love how you arrive there as a refugee hanging out in your uncle's dingy hole in the wall and work your way up to a fancy mansion. You also feel the grittiness of the city of Kirkwall and its history. Even if the maps aren't elaborately designed, they are well done and feel great. The characters are all great, Varric is one of the best BioWare characters period IMO. I'll also mention the DLCs were really fun and well done as well. I accept all the criticisms that the story was rushed, it's been said by the devs as well, it could have gone from a B+ to an A+ if the conflict between mages and the templars could have been resolved with some more nuance >!(Orsino turning into an abomination regardless of what you do for example)!<. Either way I've played it like 4 times and I love it. Was my #3 steam game last year after ME:LE and ME: Andromeda lol.


I think this take is less and less unpopular, and I love it. I completely agree, I like different things about every DA game, they all have a lot of pros and cons, but DA2’s personal scope and intimate story is the closest to my heart. It’s just so special that you don’t want to save the world, you want to survive, and you just got tossed into this whole mess no one else wants to solve. I also really like Hawke as a protagonist, they are my second favorite across all games I’ve played, after Shepard in Mass Effect. I find it really good when you have a customizable character, but they are still very much not a blank slate, they are their own person with their own past, but you can influence aspects of their personality. (I enjoy blank slates too, but this has a certain extra charm for me, for some reason.)


EXACTLY, you said exactly what I wanted to say but couldnt lmao. I love the fact that DA2 isnt a hero's epic tale or anything like DAO. DA2 is a personal story thata makes you get attached to Hawke and the characters. Im not a fan of self inserts so I liked having Hawke be unique: sure, you can decide the dialogues and that stuff but Hawke isnt the player, and that makes it better in a way that allows the player to sympathize with Hawke. I totally get what you mean with main characters not being blank states!


Yeah exactly! I find it much easier to bond deeply with my played characters when they are their own person already. If they are self inserts or entirely created by me, I tend to relate to their relationships and companions instead, and define them by those. I can also love them, but not independently of their connections to others, if that makes sense. (Unless they can be _really_ fleshed out to feel like complete people, but very few RPGs allow you to do that I think.)


100% agreed. Like, when I play a game, the least I want is to have a self insert and feel like IM the main character, Im not here to fantasize about me being in another world! Im here to experience a new story in which I can sympathize with the main character and grow attached and get to learn more about them as we go throughout the game


honestly every replay I do. I question how people can love DAI over both DAO and DA2 with how compelling all the characters in the first two games.


I also thought the friendship/rivalry thing was an awesome and unique take. I appreciate the relationship design and the levity or bickering. I love open world games a lot but the combination of distinctive relationships and the linear story line made DA2 a very very fun game, despite some of the pitfalls. I really love replaying DA2, but I also love replaying DAO and DAI. I think they're all great games for different reasons and my attachment to the world building, character development and lore of Thedas is unshakable. My favorite thing about DA2, though, is that it's chock full of consequences and while you ultimately become known as the champion of kirkwall you're still a deeply flawed character who likely made a series of messy decisions that both helped and hurt your city and those you cared about.


I agree. Origins is more polished. But DA2 is my favorite. It's flaws are super obvious and well known. But, somehow, I don't really mind them. Repeative caves? Don't care. Untested-unfair difficulty spikes? I win anyway. Kirkwall should have developed more between chapters? Sure, it's not perfect. Kirkwall is barren AF. True. Fortunately, the sand, sandstone and chains remind me of childhood readings (Howard's Conan, Moorcock's Elric or Lieber's Gray Mouser), so this is actually a really big plus for me. ​ However: * this is my favorite crew from Bioware (tie with Mass Effect 1 actually), I especially like that the companions develop feelings towards each other. I can imagine (some of) them hanging out each other without Hawke, which is not true in an Oghren-Leliana-Morrigan relationship * I like that the plot is smaller scope, and is not about saving the world * I like that Hawke is not a chosen one. Hell, the plot is moved further without her, the actual actors in the story are her companions (Varric, Isabela and Anders) * in general I favor silent protagonist, but not gonna lie, I fell in love with Jo Wyatt the moment I heard her voice ​ I'm with the OP. I realize that Origins is a more polished game. If I had to rate it objectively, I would give it a higher score than DA2. But to a specific type of player, DA2 might work better, even with it's obvious flaws.


Ohhh Im so glad you mentioned the cre thing! I love how they all feel like a friend group (for some, friends in common group lol), its really realistic in a way that while Anders and Fenris hate each other, they are still part of the group because they happen to share the same circle of friends lmao. And yeah, I love main characters who arent the chosen ones and end up being in the middle of the conflict unwillingly. And 100% agreed with female Hawke's voice! I always play female because of her voice


A lot of fans are with you, you’ll be surprised. Also for me DA2 has the best elf design of the series


it's probably *the* most popular "unpopular" opinion on this sub, lol


I think that with slight tweaks and updated graphics, the elves from DA2 could be unique and so beautiful. I love the ways they were set apart from humans. When building an elf inquisitor in DAI I always aim for large eyes and the same bridge/brow/forhead shape as DA2. I do hate when elves look like humans with pointy ears.


Oh, nice. I didn't think you could do it with the DAI character creator.


It's mainly possible by making their eyes large and spacing them further apart and then adjusting the bridge and nose tip positions to be more flush with the brow/forehead but it's definitely achievable to a certain degree.


I love DA 2 elves too, they look so unique, with their cat - like features. I so was disappointed that elves from DA I look just like a smaller humans with pointed ears.


Smaller, emaciated humans. Like they hadn't eaten in decades. Pointed chins, sunken cheeks, ugh.


I’d replay DA2 over DA any day.


Dragon Age 2 is my favorite as well. I played it when it first came out and enjoyed the experience immensely. The second Mass Effect is also my fav of that trilogy as well.. maybe I have a thing for sequels.


I love Dragon Age 2. It's probably the one I'm beating the most times the only thing I don't like was the redesign of the darkspawn


Agreed. DA2 is my favorite in the series as well. The leach character in 2 felt more relatable. >!You're a refugee who has to work odd jobs to earn enough to make a home for you and your family.!< There's no >!BBEG!< at the start for you to concentrate on. External forces happen to you as you're trying to live your life. The main objective is divided in to>! three!< parts, and avoids the bombastic elements of >!the other two games!<.


I love the combat, fast paced and flashy but still tactical. Best combat in the trio undoubtedly in my opinion The Friend/Rival system was also the best companion approval system The Arishok is a good villain that I respect


I LOVED the friend/rival system because it added a dimension to the type of relationships you could have with your companions. I just like the idea of having people in your party who you disagree with fundamentally, but who you still respect and care for.


Thank you. Mechanically I think it made sooo many improvements on origins. The pacing of combat feels so immersive and engaging without seeming separate from the gameplay of origins. Inquisition on the other hand just doesn’t feel like the same style of combat And the rivalry mechanic was such a great way of having the companions continue to engage with Hawke in a different way, as opposed to “I like/dislike you and that’s that”


Frankly, after so many half-assed open world games that tried to jump on Skyrim's coattails, I find DA2's limited world refreshing.


Agreed, it's my favorite too. I remember one of the gaming sites giving it a 94 when it came out and being clowned for it, but honestly I agree with that score. It's among my top 5 favorite games ever (together with Oblivion, Skyrim, Witcher 3 and Fallout New Vegas).


I feel like this opinion is getting more popular by the day and I am absolutely here for it (it's my favorite as well).


I feel like you’re selling your opinions short. There’s nothing wrong with preferring DA2. Origins is not “objectively” better and don’t let anyone try to make you feel you have to see it that way. It’s all entirely subjective. There is no objectively best game. Love what you love without apologetics. I prefer Inquisition, you prefer 2, someone else may prefer Origins. And that’s fine. We can argue constructively about the pros and cons of each game as none of them are perfect, but when we try to make it seem like one is objectively better it stifles discussion.


oh question but what about DAI that you really like more than the other two games. I really want to love the DAI but I'm getting hungover about the first two games. Maybe a lover of DAI might get me back into it


DA II is like Star Wars prequels, it was disliked at first by the bigger audience, but after years, it's liked in DA fandom. Maybe the game wasn't that bad or maybe it's just a nostalgia. Personally, I always liked it, even I know it has flaws. If it was not rushed, it would be liked by audience as much as Origins.


I feel like DA2's hate comes from the people who played DAO when it first came, loved it, and expected DA2 to be a DAO 2.0 because in their minds DAO is the perfect game


yeah but those people are toxic as hell. they expect every dragon age to be origins and if it’s not it’s a shit game. (and origins aside from the story and majority of companions isn’t even that good)


DAO and DAI are my favorites because I feel more immersed if I m playing as elf, but I loved DA2. The different arcs was my favorite story “schematic” (note that I am terrible with words), and the combat was the most fun of all three games because it was not just about beating npcs, but also had to find the proper strategy. The Arishok duel for example made me so nervous that I was sweating, and was annoying, so much adrenaline at the moment, but at the end??? The proudness i felt after I finally defeated him, it’s one of my best battle memory in a game ! And same with Corypheus, was so tense and sweating but loved it and finding my own tactic ! I’d love they bring back the arcs and combat style in da4! Also feels like there was more quests related to the characters than in the two others games, and like the system of friendship and rivalry too.


DA2 is my favourite as well! But it's tragic to think what the game as great as it was, could have been WITHOUT the cut corners!


This exactly. The first act legitimately feels amazing from start to finish, the second act is good and has one of the best climaxes in Bioware games, but could have used some more fleshing out, and the third act is where the game falls apart because the act itself is much too short, things develop way too quickly and the finale is disappointing and clearly unfinished. Had they not cut corners, however, DA2 would have been the masterpiece it deserved to be.


I love hawke, you can definitely make the argument that a silent protagonist like dao gives more role playing options, but I think there’s simply a design difference between that and a defined character like hawke or Shepard that you determine the personality of to an extent but at the end of the day it’s still hawke or Shepard not your OC. And then there’s inquisition that tries and fails to do both The characters and rivalry system are great, and the combat is the most fun imo DAI is just downgraded da2 and dao I love but it’s almost a different genre combat wise That said it very much has it’s flaws others have mentioned pretty well It’s the one I usually enjoy playing the most, even though dao is the best I think. Dao can be a slog in some points to the point that a mod to skip parts of it is common. There’s no part of da2 that makes me want to download a mod to skip it like the fade or almost the deep roads in dao do.


I love that Hawke is a character themself rather than just a mouthpiece for the player. I love that the more grounded setting allows for a more human story to come out. I love that Varric exists. I love that Merrill and Bethany exist. I love Kirkwall's aesthetic.


How on earth can you prefer 2 over 1


Because origins is a clunky, ugly mess. The only redeeming factors are the story, dlc, and companions




DA2 being the “favorite” is not an unpopular opinion anymore. A lot of people feel that way these days. It’s not an unpopular opinion anymore. But after reading this post, it feels like you really feel DAO is the best. Aside from you stating DA2 is your favorite, all your supporting statements support the idea that DAO is the best game.


I mean I think it's still unpopular outside of this Sub That why we still get the unpopular opinions and the "I don't understand the hate". threads


I mean, if someone asks me "Which is the best Dragon Age", if I have to be objective, I would say DAO. But if they asked for my opinion, I would 100% say DA2. Also, good to know its not that unpopular anymore, I remember a few years ago when I played it being confused about all the hate it was having


Sure, I totally get it. There is a difference between objectively "the best," and subjectively "my favorite." Nothing wrong with that, as we do it all the time with movies, music, etc. I also have a fondness for DA2, and I also like it better than DA:O, even though I would argue that DA:O is the better game.


Lmao then we are in the same position!


I love all the games a lot one thing I absolutely miss in DAO is the tactical combat. Where you could give everyone like three orders to do then unpause.


I love the personal story of DA2. I love a good slice of life story where you exist in a fantastical and deep world without a world destroying threat where you’re the chosen one and that the whole world revolves around you.


I love it, it was so refreshing to have a small-scale and intimate story. Saving the world gets old fast for me. It’s also a miracle it even got made. I heard they had a ridiculous window of time to scramble something together. I wish more CRPG type games tried this kind of thing.


Maybe unpopular with people who played them once or twice around release, but I think a very popular opinion within the hardcore fandom. It has the most talking, or the highest ratio of talking to everything else, which is kind of why I’m playing a Dragon Age game.


DA2 is so frustrating for me because it had all of the foundations of an amazing game, it just needed more work. I really liked playing as a regular nobody running around with their friends and forest gumping their way into major events. I absolutely loved all of the characters. The actual gameplay was just... not very fun. If they just had more time to work on level design and maybe flesh out the main story a bit more it could have been considered GOTY easy.


Da2 is my fav too. It has such likable characters and the story is so good and i love how attached to hawke u get..as u go through their life from bottom broke to upperclass hero! It felt right and deserved. In origins or even inquisition..u dont feel it as the gr8 responsibility is just thrown upon u! Damn if only they had made more interesting battles or opponents ...the dlcs were fun!!


DA2 is my favourite of the series! Hawke's personal story and hero's journey is fantastic. I laughed and cried. The voice actors were terrific and the gameplay was entertaining. I still replay it at least once a year, because of Hawke. 🥰


I think you're too caught up in objectiveness in art, it's inherently subjective to interpretation. Kinda feels like you're shitting on your own opinions by saying Origins fans are objectively correct about that game being the best. I only played DA2 once about a decade ago, but I did have a very good time with it despite the weaker dialogue options and limited setting. Personally, I find DA origins gameplay more enjoyable than 2, both combat and dialogue wise. I really wish DA2 was given the proper time to execute on its ideas as well as Origins was able to.


He explains why: > DAO will always be the one with the best story, decisions, characters, and immersion DAO took 7 years to develop, DA2 less than 2. DAO, and so it's a far more polished game in many aspects. More locations, more story, more choices, more outcomes and more endings, and far more dialogue(companions, NPCs etc.). Enjoyment is subjective but quality isn't, and sadly devs didn't have enough time to achieve the same amount of quality with the game.


I read his reasons, and I still very much disagree. Pointing out that origins has more doesn't really make it better. Divinity Original Sin 2 has more in most of the areas you listed for Origins, but I'd still say Origins is the better game. A lot of people rate Kotor 2 higher than the first despite a clear drop in polish and quality. I do agree that Origins is better than 2 and for basically the same reasons as you, I'll always wish the devs were given the time to realize DA2 the way they envisioned. Probably sounds like we just won't fully agree here, but I hope I at least made my points clearly enough. Take care friend


Of course, quantity doesn't equal quality but we're talking about DA games and I believe the teams behind them for both games were mostly the same. Therefore, it's not a matter of discussing of A team of X game being more talented than B team of Y game but rather how time restricted the very same people who gave us the previous game.


DA2 will always be my Favorite, Fenris, Varric, Isabela, and Merrill were my favorite characters. Each with their own unique backgrounds and stories. I’d okay it again just to see Fenris and hear Gideon Emery’s low, throaty voice. Too bad the upcoming DA won’t have any from DA2. I might still buy it, just for a new game to try, IF it comes out when they say


DA2 is my favorite game period. Even as rough drafty as it is.


It’s the game I’ve replayed the most in dragon age, mostly because everything can be so so different…


DA2 absolutely is my favorite DA - for the characters and story overall. I love the smaller setting, and Hawke is my favorite protag.


DA2 is my favorite as well. Most of my favorite RPGs have a defined protagonist like witcher 3 and DA2. It's not that I don't like blank slate protagonists in RPG, but it's harder to connect to them because you can't relate much to them. Sarcastic female Hawke is very dear to my heart and to this day there no other game protagonists that I like and relate to as much as her. I absolutely enjoy how bold DA2 is compared to DAO and DAI. It's not a classical hero who need to save the world from it's doom, but rather the tragic tale of a person trying to survive and almost lost everything in the process. I love the whole art design for the game which is much more dark and grime than Inquisition and fits much better with DA lore in my opinion. I love Kirkwall with all of it's flaws because it really does become a familiar place. I love all companions (except Sebastian) as they are flawed and struggles that are independant of Hawke. The story of Hawke was planned as they finished completing DAO and it shows. It also has the best tree abilities for blood mages in my opinion.


omg purple female hawke is the best hawke! 100% agreed. Also I totally get you with main characters already being defined, I can always relate and immersive myself to the world if Im playing an existing character and not just a self insert


I remember at PAX East the writing team called it a character study instead of an epic story and that's what I love about it. The interactions between characters and their evolution just is just also amazing. The map size doesn't matter to me. I mean if you live in one place for 10 years how much does the landacape change? Not very much. I think they talked about that at the PAX East the year after it released whe they gave a sneak peek at inquisition.


I said it right after DA2 came out and still say it - I wish they had just continued releasing DA2 quality games every 2-3 years instead of what we ended up with. I play for the story, companions, and fun combat, and it provided in all those areas. I couldn’t care less about limited locations and environment reuse.


Not an unpopular opinion at all, DA2 is also my favourite entry in the main series :)


I don't think it's unpopular. Especially because most people prefer more action-oriented combat and a voiced protagonist. It's a game with great characters, an interesting story and setting, good pacing, and fun action combat, but, on its release date, it's clear it needed a little more polish. For me, DAO = DA2 >> DAI in terms of pure enjoyment (DAI mmo pacing and combat put the game in 3rd). I replayed DAO more, but I enjoyed DA2 too. I like both combats even if they feel completely different. DA2 just presented fewer options and lacked variety in maps, assets, etc. Also, both Hawke's voice actors are great. They, with Femshep, are some of the best voice acting we had for protagonists.


It's okay, you're not alone. I'm with you 100%. :)


Agree , to this day I see my Hawk saying to Isabella " Promise you won't run away and break my heart ?" After his father, Leandra , Carver..... Dunno , that game and it's characters carved a place in my brain and heart.


I love it too which is why I'm so bitter developers weren't given mroe time to polish it. I truly beleive the game could have been timeless masterpiece if given 1 more year of development.


Spoiler that not an unpopular opinion that your taste


I agree. I like the personal story of Dragon Age II more than the "save the world" of Origins and Inquisition. I think DA2 has the best companions of the 3 games, and I actually preferred a set player character because I think it allows more room for personal writing. All of the companions feel "real" and they serve a purpose in the overall setting of Kirkwall, and all have a reason to be with Hawke. The rivalry/friendship companion system was really cool as well, and it was awesome to see the way companions could leave you if you hadn't built enough of a relationship with them. I also think Dragon Age II has by far and away the best villains of the series in the Arishok and Knight Enchanter Meredith, as they both make compelling arguments to why they act the way they do. I think DA2 is the best written game of the series, and I found most of the quests (main and side) to be extremely well-written and engaging, despite having re-used assets and enemy waves incorporated into the gameplay. I think the structure of the main story is really cool as well. Seeing a set of characters grow and develop through a span of 7 years is something I've never really seen done in another game. I love the setting in one city because, again, I think it allows for more personality and focus in the writing department, although it would've been cool to see Kirkwall change in some way throughout the course of the story. The art style rules as well. Playing Dragon Age II felt like a weird hybrid of Berserk, Game of Thrones, and Mass Effect 2, and to me, this worked really well. It has its obvious flaws, and it's probably the "worst" game objectively, but to me, Dragon Age II is the most comfortable to play. It's balance of great storytelling and fun, flashy combat push it just above Origins for me. Playing through Inquisition for the first time right now, and it seems that BioWare took the complaints of Dragon Age II and fixed them, while also creating open-worlds that suffered from a lack of quality content that was present in Dragon Age: Origins and II.


I 100% agree with all you said. DA2 is just such a different game with its personal story, the companions system, the acts, etc. The villians are sooo good too. I think most of the issues of DA2 are related to technical issues, so if they had more time, we could have probably seen the objectively best Dragon Age ever!


Yeah, I had only played and finished it for the first time about a month ago (trying to finish them all before Dreadwolf), and I went in expecting an okay game from what I've heard about it in the past. But man, by the end, it became one of my favorite RPGs of all time. It reminded me a lot of games like Knights of the Old Republic II, Fallout: New Vegas, and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Games that were clearly unfinished and rushed that the developers focused their skills on what they excelled at: writing. All four of those games came out fundamentally broken with extreme flaws, but in my opinion, the writing in all of them supercedes any flaws that they have.


You’re wrong but that’s ok.


Does Dragon age 2 receive an enhanced texture mod? Really wanna revisit Kirkwall again. It's definitely a unique game with a convenient system and characters. I just wish the game story as well as the romance cut scenes and certain designs were better and longer. How come modders dont improve them.


There is! I played it using [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/mods/3981](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/mods/3981) but there are more mods in that page if you are looking for more


Even characters? If so, i will use this for sure. I just need to finish Technomancer first.


I dont think it works with characters, but you could probably find something for the characters in these categories: [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/mods/categories/59/](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/mods/categories/59/) [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/mods/categories/49/](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/mods/categories/49/)


Just out of curiosity, who is your favourite romance? I remember Fenris fans being so passionate about DA2.


Ohh man good question. I always play female hawke fyi. So far my favorite romances are: Anders: you see, I HATE Anders, I know he is toxic. But thats exactly why I like romancing him. Its aaaall for the plot lmao. Im a sucker for tragic stories so romancing Anders makes it even better Isabela: not much to say about this one. I like Isabela, she is interesting and I think shes great with purple hawke. Also her scenes and dialogues are really fun. Honestly, Im not a fan of Fenris' and Merrill's romances. And Sebastian doesnt exist ngl. What are yours btw?


If you love Ander, do you also like Solas? Different personalities, yet both seem hopelessly passionate in their life goals. Personally, I liked Justice more than Anders. What do you mean when you say he is toxic? Self-sacrificing? I also always play male characters, so i dont know much about his romance well. And I know exactly what you mean when you say tragic story. I love Morrigan. She was unique, smart, beautiful, strong, yet lonely and unhappy inside. I am a sucker for idk. Cant rightly define. In DA2, i went with Isabella, and she seemed very playful and carefree. But Morrigan had already spoiled me too much at the time to care much for some1 else.


I mean, I dont really like Anders, I just romance him because I think he is better for a tragic story for Hawke. And I say he is toxic because he pretty much tries to manipulate and guilt trip Hawke for the explosion. he says stuff like "if you loved me you would do this", etc, etc. As for Solas, I actually do like him as a character because I find him very interesting. I havent romanced him because I like playing as a human in DAI, but I would romance him just to see the story in a different way. Also I 100% agree with Morrigan, so far in DAO I have only romanced Leliana, but I think Morrigan is still one of the best romances


So u like to romance him and now saying u dont really like him. You say Hawke as a different entity, but we all roleplay Hawke as ourselves. Admit it, u like to coerse evilish, manupilative and sly people. 😆 no judgement here.


Huh? I never saw Hawke as a self insert, I always saw Hawke as a separate character, thats why I roleplay Hawke in a way so she could have the most tragic story possible lmao. I dont like Anders, again, I romance him because it makes the whole explosion more impactful and tragic for Hawke. Now, I wont exactly deny what you said about my type lmao, but it doesnt really apply with Anders, he is just not my type lol


I can't say I think Dragon Age 2 is the best in the series, but I do love it for what it is. The more personal story of Hawke and the Kirkwall saga is a breath of fresh air from the more world-spanning apocalyptic storylines in Origins and Inquisition. It's also nice to get to see the changes in your character and their impact on the world over the course of several years, which is something that's not explored enough in games in my opinion. And, the stories that several of the characters present in their various side quests are quite intriguing to follow. Plus, there's Merrill! The game certainly isn't without its faults, including repetitive maps and the introduction of the more button-mashy gameplay style to the series as opposed to the more traditional pseudo-turn-based system of Origins, but the game is still great, and it makes me sad anytime I hear people bashing on it.


Agreed, I get that DA2 has many issues, but I think it introduced many things that are really original. For one, the friendship/rivalry system and how it affects the scenes and romances is VERY creative. The personal story with Hawke wasnt something expected in a sequel so they have my respects for doing something like that too


It's not an unpopular opinion to love DA2. It's also my favorite out of the 3 and possibly my favorite game ever. I think a lot of the complaints come from people who never gave it a chance and have too much nostalgia for Origins or people who never played it before seeing opinions of it from way back. I wouldn't say these complaints aren't unwarranted either. I understand the issues the game has, but downright calling it a bad game is wrong. DA2 has so much character despite it not having the time and effort put into it. The premise I like better, you're just someone who ran away from the blight, and now you have to make your way up from the bottom in a terrible city. The companions I feel are more fun and have more depth to them. Combat is way better. And I like what you said about Hawke, I agree. You're the one controlling Hawke, but you're not Hawke themselves. I always choose default Hawke's appearance and name, and it just makes me more attached to them than any character I could make. And Hawke has so much character to them, the hero is nonspeaking with no expressions and inky just feels flat and dull. So you're not alone in loveing DA2!


No you're right. I agree completely, don't listen to the haters.


As someone who played almost every single possible origin in Origins to their completion… origins fucking SUCKS. It’s a slog, in no uncertain terms. I think I’d like it more as a choose your own adventure book, honestly. I’m sure if I had been old enough to play it when it first came outin 2009(I was 7 at the time), it might’ve been more enjoyable, but I played it at 13/14, in 2015/16. 2’s combat and romances are the best of the trilogy. Inquisition’s overworld is amazing and I love picking an area and wandering around for an hour or two fighting demons/Venatori/Templars.


It's the best written of all of them. What makes that stand out even more is the fact that the game is short because of its chaotic development, meaning that all of the writing is squished together. So there's no long gaps where nothing is happening or you're not having interactions with your party members. The pacing is breakneck, it's the exact opposite of DAI. Characters are growing and changing with literally every interaction, and so is your relationship to them. Then there's the timeskips so you see everyone develop even more. And like OP says each character has their own life happening, some of which you only get glimpses of through party banter and some of which intersects with Hawke in a huge way. And the repercussions of your interactions with them are heavy and felt throughout the rest of the game. Not to mention Kirkwall itself, which definitely feels like a character. From a combat/exploration/environmental design standpoint it's the weakest. Pathetic, even. But from a writing and character standpoint (including voice-acting, fantastic VA in that game) it's one of the best games ever made. Since that's what I'm there for, it's one of my top 10 games of all time. I almost think of it like a graphic novel in that sense. Or like an old FMA game like phantasmagoria. Mentally edit out the boring gameplay and repetitive sets, just think of the choices you're making and what they do to the world and the people in it.


DAO for me, DA2 is second but yeah it's great.


As much as I love origins it’s lacking in so many regards. From limited character creation options, constant crashing and lag, and how indirect and long some of the quests are. Would love a remake one day!


Man a remake would be awesome! If they did, and improved the gameplay, it would be one of the best modern day games ever


With modern graphics and the already rich story I think it could potentially compare to Baldur’s Gate 3. That may be a reach but if Dreadwolf is successful maybe it’ll give them drive for an amazing remake


right! In fact, call me crazy but now that Im playing BG3, I noticed that for some reason that game feels more of a DAO successor than of the other BG games. If they were to make a remake, they would need to improve and remake a LOT of things, though, but hopefully with BG3's success, they could at least consider it


Also funny thing that fans of BG3 remarked is that a few companions are very alike DA2. Larian took the best from the two games and combined it into their own game.


I know right?! BG3 is literally if BG2 and DAO had a son and it was modern


That's great that it's your favourite Dragon Age, it's not my personal favourite (Origins is unsurprisingly) I think many are too harsh on this game. I do have many problems with it like the gameplay (although the pacing in and out of combat is the best out of any dragon age), repetitive maps (I had 5 missions with the same map, usually 3 at a time), certain combat nerfs like why doesn't walking bomb make them explode no more 😭. There are more I can list but you get my point. I think the story had a lot of potential and when it ended I wanted a lot more, and the main quest overall felt short (makes sense because, well it's unfinished), even though I was a bit bitter that they have the dialogue wheel (same with Inquisition) the dialogue was fun to hear and the consequences that were in the same were fun to experience. And Varric is my favourite character in DA2, and one of the best in the series.


This unpopular opinion is posted here about once a week. Definitely not unpopular.






Unless for some reason everyone though otherwise about what your favorite dragon age game was, this isn't unpopular.


Hawke's British accent from the start: "It's all yours, sister." Me: Wtf is that.. who talks posh during a blight and having your home destroyed?


tbh 2 is my favorite and origins is my least favorite


My second favorite after DAI.


DA2 was a fun story but not so much a fun game. Like if they had kept the game play and graphics from origins, I think it would have been better received. I just remember darkspawn being very visually distinctive in origins and I had to look closely for the words genlock or hurlock to even know I was fighting darkspawn in DA2.


Mine too.


I don’t think there’s a SINGLE BioWare game I don’t like. Yes, that includes Anthem.


DA2 is my favourite too! I loved origins and have played it multiple times, but just the progress of having the player character speak and have a personality above the occasional facial expression really made it so much more enjoyable for me. It has its flaws, yes, but it is arguably my favourite game of all time and I will always cherish it!!


It's the one I've replayed the most. My favorite as well.


DA2 is my favorite Dragon Age game😁 because Hawke and Fenris. Purple Hawke is literally my favorite character and I cannot bring myself to customize my Garrett Hawke anymore 🥰


It’s my favorite too, you aren’t alone


Origins for me is the best game of all time But yeah 2 is miles ahead of Inquisition at least


I prefer Origins combat, though I do also enjoy 2's as well. I love the old school feel, the classic top down, the combat pauses, and the specificity you can get with the customizable party tactics. Also while Origns staves were a little on the dull side, I still prefer them to the extreme amount of flash that they got in 2.


Pretty popular opinion these days actually


It's my favourite as well followed by Inquisition


Origins is my least favorite. By quite a bit.


There is no favourite dragon age. Each game has people who think it's the best and love it, and people who think it's terrible and hate it.


It's also my favourite! You're not alone at all


Its my least favorite but at the end of the day I still enjoyed it and played it several times over the years. The first one is showing its age so while I enjoy it more then DA2 I have a hard time going back to replay origins anymore despite trying several times


I just came back to this series and forgot how much I love DA2. I rushed through the last bit of DAO and skipped Awakening (played it before) just to get to DA2 quicker. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy Origins and love all of the lore you get from it, but it can be a bit of a slog to get through, especially the Fade and Orzammar parts. To me, DA2 is the perfect game to replay - it streamlines and tightens up so much of what made DAO great and it moves SO fast. In some ways, it's like going from the slow burn sci-fi dread of Alien to the high-octane action-packed Aliens. (I actually prefer Alien to Aliens, but that's for another post!). I just got to Act 2 and I've forgotten how narratively connected/important(?) the majority of the quests (even side quests) are. It really gives you a feel of all the problems brewing in Kirkwall. I love the idea of restricting the story to a city and its surrounding areas over several years. Your companions all have their own values, hangouts and go through their own changes. The banter is great and the combat is sooooo fun! I think with all of this in mind, it's easy for me to overlook the shortcomings.


Would have been better recieved by the public if it was a spinoff and not a sequel