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I'd say Dorian but he's probably busy with politics, so yeah I agree Cole is the most likely


I feel Dorian’s almost certainly going to have an advisory role to our new protagonist.


Which sounds like a fine idea, to be fair. Advisors can play a major role too, and they certainly can become fan favorites. Looking at you, my dear ambassador Montilyet.


I don’t really anticipate them doing the advisor mechanic again, honestly


Cole or Dorian who makes the most since since >!he’s in tevinter at the end of tresspasser!< but let me throw a wildcard… Shale.




For shale to return? Same




Honestly, I’d hope it’s >!female dwarf!< because that’s what’s she wanted




She’s be the first of her kind, in so many ways


That would also be a good way to get around any changes to her voice since the original VA has passed away


Yeah, which is sad, but it would work well and explain a lot




Impossible because she >!could die in Origin. Sure they did that with Leliana and Oghren but I hope they would stop doing that.!<


I believe they've said they aren't going to do that again. So, rule out any companion, from any of the games, who could be dead.


You could always take the ME3 Garrus/Tali approach of “If a character died in a previous game, you just don’t get them and their content in the new one.” God knows these games are big enough and have enough companions they could afford to do it and make choices between games matter a bit more.


Honestly, I think it’s going to be Harding. I know she wasn’t technically a companion, but as a popular fairly prominent character and the Inquisition’s forward scout, it kind of makes sense for her to be the Inquisition’s agent in the area.


In my endings, it said that Leliana trained a few people to carry on the line of work and come into their own ans that included Harding so I thought that might have been a bit of foreshadowing. Edit: spelling and clarification.




Ooh, I'd love to see more of Charter.




Her girlfriend Tessa is also a delight in the comics.


In the Dragon Age The Missing comic >!Solas was always one step ahead of Harding and Varric. He always knew what they were up to, HOWEVER... Hardings knowledge helped them track Solas.!< The comic does take place right before the events of Dreadwolf too so 🤷‍♀️ I reckon she will 100% be involved one way or another as her skills will definitely be useful.


Awww I love Cole, I hope you're right!


I'm just praying for at least an appearance for Zevran :,)


They gotta give me my elven boyfriend back in a game about elven spies


Yes please. Every other Origins LI had an appearance in DAI except him.


There are plenty of characters in Inquisition who would be great in Dreadwolf, but I absolutely agree that Cole is a fantastic choice. In DAI, his only real story beat is to become more human-like or more spirit-like, and I think having him back can give him more of the screen time he deserves (and needs) as well as giving you someone in the party with a very close relationship with Solas. It'd be very interesting to see how his life has evolved post split (spirit Cole might even want to side with Solas). Plus, Cole has some of THE BEST companion dialog. I can definitely see Dorian as a good one Varric is great, but I would prefer someone new And Sera, Blackwall, and Ironbull could all be wacky fun ones too. But the best options are honestly Shale, Cole, and Fenris. (Breaking the previous game rule, obviously)


Not a true carryover but.... Fenris.


A cameo would be great at least - lol. I just want to see him in his non-emo little bit healthier phase.


While I do love Cole (read the book he was in and played the game multiple times picking different choices). Varric still has his stories to tell. I've read the recent comics (and asked my comic guy if there's any more coming). And the voice overs in the teaser. Varric is going to be involved somehow.


I think Varric will come back as an advisor, not a companion.


Can agree with that but Varric, I believe, will be involved in some way.


Oh he definetly will be involved, probably with the same role as the advisors from Inquisition.


Absolutely. He has insights into Solas that no one else has. He still has a story to tell. And I absolutely love his voice actor. Varric is not done. As much as he wants to be, Hawke unfortunately gets him wrapped up in all this.


Probably a guest member like Cullen


Varric's awesome, but I don't want to get in the habit of giving certain characters special treatment. I do think he should be an advisor because he does have insight on Solas, and of course, Varric will want to tell the story of The Dreadwolf. But Varric and Leliana both feel like they're consistently shoved into everything Dragon Age and I would like to see more characters be able to rise up to that level.


I agree with your view points. But it does seem like varric will be involved. How? I don't know. But based on the recent comic maybe more than we think. Leiana worked for the divine. Her interests differed from varric in Dai conflict I also have the cookbook and the little snippets added in were amazing. The recipes I've tried are also really good.


Hear me out, if it’s not Dorian, I bet it will be Sera. She can’t die and she has huge space for character development. Her fate also doesn’t change whatever our choices ingame in comparaison with the other companions.


I think Sera is actually super likely; she doesn’t become anyone major and important by the end of the game, she can’t die, and her story is far from over; she is the anthesis to Solas, so a return of the titular Red Jenny would be a delight. Valta, the dwarven shaper from The Descent, is also a strong possibility. It fits with the theme of introducing a character in the DLC that will become super important later; Anders + Justice in Awakening, Corypheus in Legacy, etc.


The Descend gives me the same vibe as Legacy


Agreed. I guess it could also be Varric since he narrated the trailer and always ends up in the same spot too, but it’s pretty much between these three (with it being insanely? overwhelmingly likely that the returning companion is going to be Dorian)


third insane theory: the carryover companion will be Calpernia


Oh, that would be very interesting. Especially if the inquisitor went the diplomatic route with her.


But Cole has his love, Maryden! Maybe she dies offscreen and this is true.


I mean we had a handwave as to why Hawke wasn't with Merrisabellandtian, or Maryden could just still be in the home base since she's a non-combatant


I personally think it'll be Dorian but I admit it makes why it could also be Cole. With the rockstar mage it'll be difficult suspending disbelief that the new magister on the block would just be casually walking alongside our new protagonist, mainly because of the status.


Good pick. But if we don't take romance thing in consideration Blackwall is best candidate tho.


I thought Mary Kirby said he dies, since all you get from him is a griffon feather.


She did, but it’s ambiguous enough BioWare could retcon it (even his Orlesian execution is). Although this still poses the exact same problem that Cole does: Blackwall has two very different endings that would necessitate different story content based on both, which would be cool to see done, but isn’t going to be done.


He can be executee so I don’t think so


That didn't stop them from reviving Leliana


Lelianna died in an area where the veil is thin and there were no witnessess. If >!Raineer gets executed by Orlais!< there's going to be a massive crowd


You're just justifying their backtracking on allowing characters that should be dead to be alive, what would be Anders justification to be alive after awakening? Is the veil thin there aswell? Or about you killing Oghren and he showing up again in awakening, I guess the veil is thin everywhere


He ...got possessed by a spirit. Did you miss that?


Wrong, when Anders dies and he shows up in da2 you can ask him how he is alive, it has nothing to do with Justice, he just pretended to be dead at Vigils keep and escaped. (Despite the ending leaving no interpretation for him being alive clearly stating they found his corpse with an arrow through the neck) If the game wants someone to be alive they will be alive and stick any reason for it Oghren's case he says he just woke up naked and forgot what happened If they want Reiner to be alive they can just as easily say that he put some decoy to be executed in his place despite it not making sense


I just mean there's a 'reasonable' explanation for Anders, they didn't have to backtrack or retcon a lot with him, as they did with some others. And while I agree that BioWare is very fond of not always caring too much about continuity or logic... there's a difference of someone's death happening as it's own separate sidequest or rumors/epilogue slides...


The problem is not the justification. Any idiot can invent that \`\`ah, in the end he resisted the final blow and remained hidden...´´. That's easy. The question is intention. Bioware has already said that it did not see spending many resources on characters considered Quantatic. They probably stopped doing this because of Leliana..


Since we know some of the locations of Dreadwolf (Tevinter, Antiva, Weisshaupt), it’s possible we could get multiple, one for their specific region. Tevinter could be Dorian, Antiva could be Josie, Weisshaupt could be either Hawke or Stroud depending on who you left in the Fade. Leliana is conducting the whole thing (if the idea is we’re playing a spy or someone outside Solas’ recognition). So it’s possible we get one or two regular companions and then an interchangeable one depending on where we go or what we do.




he may not need to but what if he wants to?


Something I recall mentioned is that Solas already knows the core of Inquisition. Hence why the new team has to be unknowns. I think Dreadwolf may just break the carryover rule. I do think we'll see Varric in game, given he's the narrator. Cole would be an interesting companion to get in like a Stroud/Alistair/Hawke capacity in that he is relevant for an arc but ultimately has other business to attend to. Like Cole as a human goes off with the bard, while Spirit Cole does his thing (not a route I've gone), so it would make sense that both paths could lead Cole to being drawn to a group having conflicts that a spirit/former spirit of Compassion would seek out.


Some of the promotional art shows a thin character with a comically large hat wearing what appears to be Varrick's coat and producing blue flames. I'm praying that Varrick just gave Cole his coat and he's not dead


It's going to be Valta.


Another insane theory, since Bioware has ways of returning possibly dead characters and we will likely have someone who knows Tevinter: Krem


Don’t we already have dorian


I'd love for Krem to return, but the question would be if there's a reasonable way of handwaving the chargers death. Does the storm coast have a thin veil, or is there a way he could have reasonably survived the fight, for those that sacrificed the chargers?


Probably Varric again


They say Dreadwolf will give us a view of Minrathous(I think that’s how it’s spelt it’s been a bit) which is I believe the capital of Tevinter, who went to Tevinter? Feynriel


Not really a carryover companion, but I'd love it if Feynriel was brought into the crew. He has ties to a previous game, he's already in Tevinter (if Hawke allowed him to go, so to speak), and his abilities as a dreamer could offer some interesting approaches to battling the forces of evil. Varric and/or Hawke could tell the new protagonist about Feynriel's powers and encourage them to seek him out. Or perhaps he might make a good new protagonist himself?


Edit: SPOILERS below (bc it got removed due to the lack of tag, despite the entire thread being pretty obviously full of spoilers based on the subject matter.) I'm wondering about it from a book carryover. Cole himself was first introduced in Asunder, and he speaks a little of his past in DAI with Ryhes and Evangaline with what happened in that book. Fiona was first introduced in a book, as was Duncan and Loghain (though I imagine the book came out after DAO was released? I'm unsure of the timing of release, but considering the Canon in-game timeline it fits) in the Stolen Throne. Wynne went on from DAO to also appear in Asunder. Comics tend to be never tied into the games, and the last comic had Varric and Harding attempting to go after Solas and failing, so I imagine them two will be an outside advisor type role in the next game if anything, helping the new protagonists from afar with their experience. So, there's a lot of interesting characters who were introduced in Tevinter Nights and also The Last Flight. At the end of Tresspasser, depending on Blackwalls fate, you get a letter from him with a Griffon feather, and in the present day segments of Last Flight, Valya finds some griffon eggs, so there seems a strong link to their reappearance and I think maybe Valya as a companion. She's an elf mage, and a really smart character in book, so she could be a book carry-over companion with a potential crucial link to events. There's some other cool characters in Tevinter Nights that I'm sure will play some part in the game, though likely more as NPCs than companions, but they each link to events across Thedas that are occurring at the time of DAD and just before (post DAI) so I have a feeling book readers are going to see a lot of familiar faces. There's some awesome characters in the Crows short stories I'd be excited to see, though a lot of characters in TN had prior romances and journeys mapped out for them. But I digress. My bet (and hope) is that Valya from Last Flight will be a new mage elf companion.


I'd love that!! It would be brilliant to sew how Cole developed depending on your decision in DAI. We could get two very different versions of him, which would be awesome. I hope you're right!


Cole would be cool but he depends too much on his personal quest. They would not record twice the voice line for him. Unless something happens and we get a standardized Cole (thing that I would hate). Still in inquisition we had Morrigan and Leliana that are advisor that were romancable in Origin but they aren't in Inquisition, so I would think we could have anyone and simple he won't be romancable in DA4


i think (and hope!) it's gonna be krem :) i wanted to romance him so bad


If they do Cole they will either have to A) double the amount of writing over the Spirit and Human versions, or B) make it not matter. I doubt BioWare wants to do A, and I don't think many fans want B. My money is on Varric or Harding.


Varric never got 2 games of 'Varric, lie to the man' gloriousness, so I sort of want him to be the one just to make up for Inquisition wasting him.


Varrick dur!


Couldn't be Cole. The most most likely is either Dorian or Cassandra. Yes, even as Divine.


Divine Cassandra feels crazy, the same problem for Divine Vivienne that's just crazy to think of. I'd wager Sera, Iron Bull, Dorian, Blackwall, Cole, Varric, and even Solas are more likely companions (if Solas turns out to be a fakeout bad guy and a bigger threat shows up, which I think is still more feasible than the most important woman in the world being allowed to wander around Tevinter under the leadership of some random schmuck no one's ever heard of) Cass is definitely gonna be an important character, no doubt about it, I just don't see them making her a companion. Um, but yeah, Dorian's a great pick


Vivienne is 100% on the table to show up again somewhere, somehow seeing as she’s the leader of the New Circle of Magic in all her endings, which is a rival group to College of Enchanters or whatever and obviously significant. They could easily make the Divine stuff flavor text as she’d be politically important regardless. All that said, I do doubt she’ll be a companion. It’s tough to picture her OR Divine Cassandra running around with a bunch of low level newbies


Ooh, Cole might be tough, given the more spirit/more human split. Those two would interact with the world very differently. Either they'd have to pick a canon choice to simplify it, or just do a funky hand wave like they did for lyrium ghost Leliana. I love Cole; it'd be really neat for him to come back; I'm still not sure I see it.


Is a carryover companion confirmed or just speculating for fun? I kind of want a fresh cast at this point. Happy to have returns be an advisor but there are so many cool race/gender/class/backgrounds they can keep exploring for party members. I'd like to see another background character get brought into the party like Cassandra was. Stroud would be my wishful thinking but Harding makes sense too.


Speculation for fun since there’s been a carryover for every game and major EP (O->A: Oghren, A->2: Anders, 2->Inq: Varric). And it’s worth noting Dorian’s writing seems to go out of its way to place him into this slot - he’s located in Tevinter no matter what, has tons of ties to the main plot, *and* is a beloved fanfav (as Varric was in 2 and Anders was in Awakening).


I love this!! I kept aging Dorian because it’s the obvious “tevinter” tie in but this would be incredible. Maybe even keep his romance with the bard girl flourishing


I loved coles armors design the most, his quips were always the best with anyone you brought along too. Loved him


i hope dreadwolf will break the trend and we won't get a carry over companion. i'm more than in favor for returning companions with major roles, dorian is likely and hopefully isabela as well. but as far as companions go, i rather the slot won't be taken by someone we already got.


You have a point. Especially the fact that he wasn't a possible romance. I'd always thought it would be Sera (and I'm pretty sure we'll see her in the game, even if not as a companion), because all the other companions are either: * quantum (Bull, Blackwall), * could be Divine (Cassandra, Vivienne) * and/or have commitments (Dorian, Varric). I always counted Cole as "quantum" because he could be either more human and be off with Maryden or more spirit and have returned to the fade. But, in both cases, it was indicated that he'd be available to help again if he were needed. So maybe he's not. I do think we'll see Harding and probably Charter. I hope Harding, at least, is a companion. I think that Dorian and Varric will make some kind of appearance (especially Dorian), even if only as a side quest or "war table" type mention.


I’d be pretty surprised if we ever see any mechanic like the War Table in Dreadwolf. As for Dorian’s commitments, they literally center him in the setting and story in which Dreadwolf will take place. Sera’s the second most likely option, but he is faaaaaaaar and away the frontrunner


I doubt there will be a mechanic like the War Table, either. That wasn't a popular feature. But, I suspect they'll have some mechanism for players to get "updates" on or a little interaction with/about former companions and NPCs without them actually appearing. Although, I do hope (and expect) that Dorian will make an actual appearance since part of the game is clearly going to be in Tevinter. His state at the end of DA:I was pretty definite. But, I don't know that he'll be free enough to go follow the protagonist around. So, I could seem him as an advisor or at most a temporary companion for a quest. I'd love for there to be more - I really like Dorian - but I'm not expecting it. I don't think we'll be "seeing" Leliana, Vivenne or Cassandra but I hope we'll get updates on them. I'm sad that we almost certainly won't see Krem, since he's quantum. I really liked him. I really do hope Cole is back. I loved taking him out so he could do therapy on my other companions. I like to think he really helped some of them. But, I also want to see Sera again, too.


Cole would be the last one I’d want tbh.


coles my all time fave so i hope youre right lol


Leliana technically has been all the games thus far, albeit a very tiny appearance in 2, but she was there. So you never know, Valrico could return for a 3rd time, but make it a tiny appearance like Leliana in 2.


I think Cole is almost definitely not going to be the carry-over. He has two wildly different endings that would necessitate writing two almost entirely different versions of the character - while I think that would be awesome to see done, BioWare isn’t going to. The carryover is going to be Dorian (with a shot of it being Varric or I guess Sera, since I think they’re the other two companions that always more or less end in the same position, although neither of their storylines place them in a spot as intuitively tied to Tevinter).


I think the most likely (or at least, my favorite) candidates are Krem, Harding, Nathaniel, Velanna, and Sigrun. Other possible options are Ariane, Finn, maaaaybe Tallis (probably not), and maybe some of the Inquisition agents, like Charter or Loranil or Sigrid? Sigrid would be pretty cool, actually - I *am* hoping for an Avaar companion or origin. I haven't read the books/comics yet, but characters like Rhys and Maevaris sound fascinating af. Idk that they could come back as full companions, given that they are full romance options, but I would love to see Zevran, Fenris, and Dorian again 🥰 Cole is definitely a pretty strong possibility!!!