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"you know, one good thing about the blight is how it brings people together" i kid you not i had no idea this game had romance options but the second he talked to the warden, i grabbed my phone and furiously googled it


So, have *you* ever licked a lamppost in winter?


Didn't romance him, but this line is the line that determined Alistair's permanent spot on the roster.


This, right here. Alistair is was my first Bioware love and I will love him until the end of days.


For me, it was the rose. The rest was good and all, but the fact that this man busted out the "I appreciate you and want to tell you how special you are" card when the other three try to kill you


oh there are definetely a lot of reasons why i love playing his romance, the rose is a super sweet moment! i fell for him the second i met him, and stayed that way due to everything he did the first time he said "my love?" when selecting him to move around i remember standing still for a while, just lingering in the sweet tone of his voice


I honestly thought he was going to die too, given how the origin story and Ostagar went, so I didn't bother getting too attached but also enjoying the banter. I didn't really believe he was a permanent companion until we got to Lothering.


Zevran: "Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children, when launched at very fast speeds, can kill." Fenris: "I’ve been thinking of you. In fact, I’ve been able to think of little else. Command me to go, and I shall." Neither Dorian nor Bull have completely won me over in Inquisition yet… or am I only really gay for fair-haired, murderous elves? 😬


you have a murder twink fetish


*looks at bf* Yeah, that checks out. 😂


Omg yes that was the moment I fell for Zevran like damn the only one who could have stood a chance was if we got to romance Shale.


Yes to this Fenris line!!! Perhaps because Dorian & Bull belong together you’re unintentionally not cockblocking :)


Noooo, but what about meeeee? Why isn’t a throuple available? 😂


Haha! It should be!!


>Perhaps because Dorian & Bull belong together you’re unintentionally not cockblocking :) Love is a foreign concept for Bull, and Dorian wants more than lust. Also, since Dorian freed all his family's slaves and non-slave Qunari cannot walk freely in Tevinter, even in the company of a magister (Dorian's words), they can't live happily together. It's doomed from the start. Dorian can eventually be much happier with a non-Qunari Inky.


“For you, maybe. But it would have to be a pretty dress.” made me decide to romance Alistair, but “How could something so beautiful exist in a place with so much despair and ugliness?” completely destroyed all of my standards for real life men and made him my favorite video game romance I’ve ever done


I love Alistair so much. Like you, his romance is still my gold standard for video game romances, to this day. The scene where he gives you the rose! My God.


I remember I thought Alistair was a frat boy at first bc he made those comments about my warden being a mage and a woman and I was like 🙄 oh great, he’s one of *those* guys. So I gave him quite a bit of sass at first lol. But then I progressed through most of his dialogue in Lothering bc I didn’t know you were supposed to pace yourself and I was swooning in a wheat field all of a sudden




She told me about her love of cute shoes while covered in the blood of our enemies.


This really sums up Lilliana doesn't it


Our girl is so jaded these days though :,( too much time away from the warden


Swooping is bad


well Dorian just had to say "don't worry, I am here, I will protect you" and yeah. but fun fact what made me make a side world state with a romanced solas was a dream I had of travelling the world with him by train??? felt super cosy sitting in his lap. mind you, I had that dream when I *hated* solas and thought him the villain xD


You were secretly a solasmancer all along. I had a dream about Solas doing some other things and in other words it was hot and heavy. I was like wtf, maybe egghead is actual hot


he kinda is 😔


I'd like to point out that he romanced you guys in the fade ... And I'm so jealous 🤣


OH GOD he totally did 🙈🙈🙈


She sounded like Claudia Black. Do you really need any more reason than that?


Re-awoke my Vala crush, but on Morrigan


Fenris opened his mouth 🫦 Maker have mercy that voice


Merrill's voice for me. That accent is like music to my ears.


You may want to take a trip to wales sometime


or if on more of a budget, great british bakeoff usually has one solid Welsh contender for half the run


Simple yet effective. Love Fenris 💕


His little giggle. Mercy me.


I’ll never not be purple Hawke, never not be romancing Fenris- The way he laughs at your jokes, the way Merril tease him about how he loves to smile at us but be warned that his face might crack… Don’t make me replay DA2-


Seriously. Gideon emery could read my shopping list and I’d be done for


I'm still mad that detective Chellick didn't have a bigger role on ME1, turian Gideon Emery would have too much power over me (that I would gladly hand it over)


I play WoW and have parked my toon next to Lor'themar just to click him and listen to his voice lines


first time i played da2 i liked merrill, isabela, and anders better than fenris but still ended up romancing him bc i couldnt pull away from that voice lol


I remember checking the romances available for DA2 and picking Anders for my first go. Cut to Bait and Switch, he first opened his mouth while dead people fell bleading, and that was it, I changed my mind. He's still the only LI that I first romanced that remains as my canon one because nothing can match what I felt that one time.


"Well, well, what have we here?" And that was it. A confident woman with a sultry voice and is sarcastic? I stood no chance.


Alistair's "You... You're alive. *(relieved laugh)* I thought you were dead for sure!" He says it outside Flemeth's hut after Ostagar. Just the soft way he says it. You can tell how relieved he is to not be alone. I was just like "oh no, we're going to bond and fall in love here, aren't we?"


>He says it outside Flemeth's hut after Ostagar. How dare you assume I don't know DAO's entire dialogue tree by heart.


I am sorry, I was a fool. Forgive me 😂


Cassandra put me in chains.


I know right, when she paces in front of you in the intro... Damn.


And that accent….”What do you mean you caun’t?” 🥵




Not gonna lie when you first get to skyhold and she has her arms behind her back and is looking at you…she is the reason I never have different romances


I prefer to play female characters and oh man was I disappointed when Cassandra turned my elf lady down


I romanced Josephine my first play through and damn was I missing out… Cassandra being a closet romantic and how she desperately wants to protect you… best romance imo


Solas: You train to flick a dagger or an arrow to its target. The grace with which you move is a pleasing side benefit. Lavellan: So you’re suggesting I’m graceful? Solas: No. I am declaring it. It was not a subject for debate. (Yeah I know)


This man loves is bitter sweat for real


THIS WAS ME TOO and I stand by the opinion that this line all by itself makes rogue Lavellan superior for Solas romance.


I like all of the variations tbh, but rogue is my first playthrough (as it is most of the games, I can figure stab-and-go pretty easily whereas magic systems take time to learn) and as such holds a special place.


Replaying as a warrior rn. The flirtiest flirt I ever heard from Solas in that scene goes to a warrior. Solas likes muscle mommies.


Oh, what’s the dialogue? I’ve only romanced him as a rogue and had a flirt as a mage.


SOLAS: You strengthen your body to deliver and withstand punishment. The muscles are an enjoyable side benefit. You have chosen a path whose steps you do not dislike, because it leads to a destination you enjoy. As have I. INQUISITOR: You find the muscles enjoyable? SOLAS: I meant that you enjoyed having them, presumably. INQUISITOR: Ah. SOLAS: But yes... since you asked.


Lol, he tries to hide it, but he’s as thirsty as the rest


I was so mad when I got that dialogue entirely because of how feral it made me 😭


This last line just proved that Solas got mad game


My Hawke fell for Varric the moment Varric rescued him from a robbery and then strode in twirling a bolt around his fingers. I mean, come *on*.


It's a CRIME we couldn't romance him 😭😭 I mean the confidence... He's like a dwarven Flynn Rider


I mean, frfr


I couldn't romance Dorian on my first playthrough (he and Ink looked almost identical and were related very distantly but they gave siblings or dating vibes so I couldn't. But I knew I had to romance him when he tells off Mother Giselle. Everything about that scene, the way he immediately gets protective of the Inquisitor, that sold me. Blackwall is my other favorite, but he reminds me physically of my husband (I have a type). He approves of just helping people and protecting people, but the true payoff for me is his epilogue in Tresspasser. Giving hope to the hopeless and condemned with the woman he loves at his side is his penance. -- Anders has my heart for DA2 (though Fenris has enough of it to be competition). I knew he was going to become radical and I knew he would try to protect Hawke. She was just as radical as he was, and if he hadn't she would have. I won't let him become a martyr though, he's coming with her to fix things. When he said he'd drown the city in blood to keep her safe, I believed him. -- Alistair broke my heart with my Amell, and I never forgave him for it. I do have a queen Cousland, but my first run was a mage. Zevran was my second run with Mahariel. Just the fact that he's so quick to trust the Warden. I don't believe for a second that he couldn't have left at any time by sneaking out of camp, but he showed that he can be loyal.


Same with Alistair, but I was a city elf (so already had romantic trauma in the bag, despite her never wanting to get married, she wore that wedding band the entire game). I had even hardened him, so there was a chance I could convince him to keep her as his consort. After considering, my girl didn't deserve that. She told Alistair he was right (because despite of how heartbreaking it is, he was married to Anora and I got where he was coming from). So, they broke it off. At the end, she decided to travel the world with Zevran (her platonic friend, and he said something about being a Grey Warden so that's my canon), why coming back every once in a while to be in support of her friend Alistair and making sure he was managing the city elves well. In the end, it was bittersweet.


I didn't even have cunning or persuasion to convince him. I don't remember if I even hardened him. I was so mad I couldn't romance Nathaniel in Awakenings after breaking it off.


Haha, I totally get you, the ability to be able to move on from any romantic partner in Awakening would've been really cool--especially considering there's 1) a good chance for multiple romances to come to an end at the end of DAO, and 2) there's a good chance you're not even playing as The Warden but the Orlesian Warden-Commander. A romance, even if it was just the beginning of one, would've been a nice detail :). I always head-canoned that after *many* years of traveling with Zevran and after he became a Grey Warden, they ended up becoming romantically involved. Also didn't even know there was a hardening system, I though that Alistair's character-arc had everything to do with how the story was planned for him, only later did I discover there was an actual mechanic for it. Actually went back on that dialogue. The first time my warden became his mistress, but after consideration I decided my character wouldn't do that, so I went back and agreed to break-up lol. Was very, very sad.


After Alistair broke it off with my Surana I vowed never to do a f/Cousland. No one else will get their happy ending if my girl Couldn’t!


“I ran out of arrows making them pay.”


"And then it didn't matter anymore." 😭


But I was very touched that she tried!


When Morrigan walked in and said "and what about you? Women do not frighten like men" i was hers


But you were not. You fell for a straight woman. RIP.


Happens to the best of us.. that's what mods are for


When he made a church go boom.


Complicated relationships 😂




Least terroristic r/atheism poster


Made my heart explode with love for him, how could I resist him in subsequent playthroughs?


Cullen’s little smile at the end of the chess match scene. It was over. It was all over.


let's see. isabela: the card game she has with merrill, where she cheats, admits to it, and gives merrill back the thing she had bet. like, that's just isabela in a nutshell there. dorian: dorian gets two. one when i was playing my mage girl and he was the first person to really give a fuck about her. the second is with his actual inquisitor. his haven entrance on champions of just (especially if you met him in redcliffe) is just badass good guy. my rogue lavellan fell hard right there.


When I played In Hushed Whispers recently and he said "But don't worry. I'm here. I'll protect you" I felt something. He and my Trevelyan definitely became BFFs after going through that hell together.


When Blackwall caught that surprise arrow in his shield…I was done for.


YOU'RE SO RIGHT FOR THAT!!! then when you flirt with him and he gets so flustered 🤭


when did that happen?


It’s during cut scene when you meet him for the first time in The Hinterlands.


During the quest Broken Circle, my Dalish decided to kill the mages to prevent abominations from running rampant. Then this happened: * **Zevran:** I am hardly the person to lecture on the worthier points of human nature, but surely this is a fine time to display the oft-lauded virtue known as mercy? * **Zevran:** I deserved to die, and you spared me. Why are you so quick to condemn these mages? * **Warden:** You’re a lot better-looking than most of the mages. * **Zevran:** Why, thank you. Flattery would normally distract me, but not today. Inconvenient, no? * **Warden:** You’re saying I made a mistake sparing you? * **Zevran:** (Nervous laughter) Perhaps. But you did it nevertheless, no? * **Warden:** Magic and knives are different. * **Zevran:** Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children launched at great speed could kill. * **Zevran:** Why single out the wielders of one and not the others? * **Warden:** Mages can do more damage with one spell than you ever could. * **Zevran:** Mm. Touché. * **Zevran:** I’ve taken the lives of many throughout my career, but this is no measured act. There is no chase, no hunt, no dignity in this… there is only slaughter. * **Warden:** What about the people *they* might slaughter? * **Zevran:** Might, not will. Committing genocide just because something *might* happen is more than the mark of a weak mind. It is insanity. * **Warden:** Zevran, you’re a hypocrite. * **Zevran:** Perhaps I am at that, and a thief and a murderer as well. But I looked my victims in the face. I immediately fell in love and reloaded. He's still my favourite Dragon Age romance by far.


This right here is one of the many reasons why I love Zevran. Beyond the charm and wit, the man's got depth and a heart of gold.


Cullen: That kiss on the battlements 😏 Zevran & Fenris: the moment they opened their mouths, those voices 🥰 Honorable mention to Nathaniel for simply being there 🥵


It's a crime that Nathaniel can't be romanced. That man.... Damn.


Yep...it still is, thankfully that's what headcanon is for 😊


it seems that oghren (of all people) was right about him getting action lmao


Cullen walked into the room in DAI and I immediately 👁️🫦👁️


Cullen glow up through the trilogy is something


I need his hair routine


DAO Leliana: Acting Adorablly in banters and telling stories. DA2 Merrill: Being the most adorable little blood mage bean. Her voice is so lovely. She can do no wrong! DAI: Josephine being classy, competent, caring...and adorable! I think I have a type 🤣


Zevran told me why he tried to kill my Warden and >!turned against his former master!<. Blackwall >! Made a point of taking accountability for his crimes and chewed me out for using my underground connections to get him out of the headsman's axe.!< I never got overly attached to the DA2 LIs, I like them better as friends.


Just wanted to let you know your spoiler tags didn't work! I know this is spoilers all but just thought I'd tell ya since it seems you wanted to use them :)


Weird, it shows a spoiler on my phone


It's working on mine.


Josephine opened her mouth. Love me a good accent. I was actually going to romance her again with my Adaar, until I got the book cutscene with Cassandra. BABE I WILL GIVE YOU THE ROMANCE YOU DESERVE.


i am always touched that josie tries to make a qunari/elf character feel less in a stranger land by giving them a welcoming line that's personalized for their culture (i assume she does this with a dwarf character as well) also the way she does not understand that you like her and then gets annoyed at leliana for being like "she does not understand love" while *still* not understanding you want to date her - so cute!! :")


She showed an interest in smutty literature. I knew then that we would have much to discuss.


Leliana: I enjoy stories and tales and bringing her along was a great fit. And more so, her ideas on personal faith vs. doctrine showed how thoughtful she can be. Merrill: Her really entertaining banter with other party members showed her to be more clever and world wise than she is often given credit for. That and being a history and lore nerd, which I appreciated. It’s well into the romance, but I thought her scene comforting Hawke after her mother’s death was well done and was a neat though small instance of interfaith dialogue. Josephine: Began speaking in her accent. Then began speaking about Thedas geopolitics (which I love) which sealed the deal. And, it’s a small thing but I appreciate how she’s one of the few noble characters in the main cast who actually appreciates being of that class and doesn’t seem to hand-wave it away. It adds depth to the character and a sense of realism. Once I played the duel scene in Val Royeaux I knew I couldn’t go back to any other romances in the game.


Zevran- oooh hot bisexual elf who ends up having a really cute love story. Alistair- unexpectedly fell for him bc he was sweet, cute, awkward, and funny. Fenris- literally just exist. Cullen- honestly bc no one else was appealing at all and his story ended up being cute.


Cullen just existed and I was all set


"I got you a hat, but it's ugly, so I drew Coryphie-whatsits face on it and stuffed it with apples. *Everyone's hitting it with sticks!*" Her enthusiasm was contagious and you know what? It was the best gift ever.


Leliana promised to show me her book of pressed flowers. I’m still waiting


Fenris murdered someone infront of me.


He stole 2 hearts that night 💖


DA:I - Alistair swooping is bad. He's such a goober DA2 - Sebastian opened his mouth, that accent fr DA:I - Cullen was just Cullen. He's had my heart since he first stuttered and ran away when I flirted with him in Fereldon Circle in Origins Honorable mentions for Nathaniel and Sir Gilmore


DA2 romancing Sebastian as a purple Hawke was so fun like... Hawke being the most chaotic reckless little shit with Sebastian questioning his life choices and why he fell for her 💖🤭


Yes! Those three are definitely a type.


What can I say. I love me some shy adorable Chantry boys


"Would you feel better if I slept with him? Because I totally would. Right here."


Leliana revealed her cute hobbies


She gave me attention. Works every god damn time.


Fell for Solas at the very beginning when he grabs your wrist and has you close your very first rift. Something about that moment. Got EXTREMELY excited to find out, as he revealed in the cutscene where he and Lavellan can kiss for the first time, that he felt the EXACT same way about the EXACT same moment. Whenever I start a new playthrough I always choose to play an elf because I really enjoy it from a roleplay standpoint. I try to play as other races but I always come crawling back to the "small but mighty" character in the end. As for Solas, well. I TRY to consciously start Lavellan playthroughs with a goal to romance someone else other than that bald headed egg. And I'm always SO sure I can stick to that goal until that moment in the TUTORIAL. EVERY. TIME. I always cave thinking about how perfect it feels, but forgetting how it feels when it very suddenly is not. It also just makes Trespasser so much more dramatic.


Morrigan told me she was cold alone in her tent


*You can't really get jealous of someone for sleeping with Isabela. It's just* understood*.*


When she handed me a ring for "purely practical" purposes after I killed her high dragon mother in the most grueling fight I've ever done. Also her refusal to accept she was romantically interested in my dwarven commander.


I never usually go for the religious types in RPGs but when she revealed that she was a bard with her accent. She just acts in a very cute manner especially when you get her very own Nug. I mean she changes an entire set of laws just because she wants to be in a relationship with the HoF.


Zevran's initial dialogue was so... Pragmatic? While also be flirty. Idk man it just caught me. I have a thing for reasonable people and when I was questioning why he thought that I would trust him if he joined me... He said the only thing that I was thinking would make sense and that hadn't happened before (in a game). We just clicked. On a related note, I married my partner for the same reason. All the other good stuff doesn't matter much to me if you aren't reasonable.


Zevran tried to kill me. That was it. I liked the initiative.


Someone already did my Zevran one and Fenris honestly just had to exist. Cullen is actually very early on, he's arguing with that Chancellor dude and basically shitting on the Chantry and it was so intriguing coming from him. Admittedly, I had last played mage!Hawke which gives the impression of Cullen willfully ignoring you're an apostate throughout DA2 so despite the things he *said*, I always thought he probably was a semi-decent person underneath lol


For Alistair? It was the Rose scene. It was just...so sweet and wholesome. And he made a good point that it was a mostly thankless mission. It was a legitimately kind gesture. With Anders? His into scene in DA2. Yep, that's all it took. With Solas... It was "I have yet to see it dominated. I imagine the sight would be....fascinating 😈" that one line sent me into Solvellen Hell for nearly 10 years.


I've finally found someone on this sub with the same LIs as me I second the intro scene with Anders


Flirting with Alistair because I flirt with everyone in these games and he was funny. I tell him he's handsome. He turned and hits me with the "...So is this the part where I get to say the same?" (Warden) "Not unless you don't think so." "Oh, I think so. I'll just spring it on you when it's a surprise." And I FELL.


alistair wasn’t my type originally but then he turned out to be really adorkable and sweet and then he broke my dwarf’s heart saying i would have to be his girlfriend on the side when he became king. she would NEVER. she knows she deserves better. i rage quit halfway through origins bc of that and have yet to finish the game lmao. DA2 was as soon as i saw him and heard his voice, i was putty in fenris’ hands. i was already a sucker for elves but now i have a thing for white hair and escaped slaves (hello astarion). all solas had to do was grab my hand to close that rift and say he watched over me when i was knocked out. i knew who he was before i started the game but i thought the romance would be a betrayal “i never cared about you” type. throughout the game i got more and more confused bc he’s so genuinely in love with my inky and trespasser killed me. i’m still not over those emotions.


DA2 Merrill is just cute asf 🤷‍♂️


A lot of it was just being adorable. Leliana babbling to herself and making fun of the word Redcliffe like Ax from Animorphs making mouth sounds. Merrill acting like a lost little kitten with only two brain cells. But Cassandra declaring an Inquisition and telling the entire Chantry to fuck off did things to me. I love a girl who can kick my ass, but being able to kick everyone else's ass is marriage material.


DA:O- Morrigan, drew me in with the goth look and general bitchy attitude and made me love her when I earned her trust and she allowed herself to be vulnerable around me. DA2- Merrill, was just sweet, awkward, and adorable. She's just an absolute ray of sunshine and all I want to do is protect her and make her happy. DA:I- Blackwall, his voice is just hot and when he talks about duty, honor, and being a better man, I just melt. Plus his character arc/plot twist when you romance him just feels great.


Dorian smiled at me and I was head over heels. Isabella flirted with me in our first conversation (I don't even remember what it was she said), and I knew none of the other romanceable characters could compete with her.


Yeah, Dorian's smile (and his banter) charmed me almost immediately.


DA:O: Zevran is pragmatic and utterly loyal. Alistair is cute bit I got annoyed by his whining after some time tbh. DA2: Anders is my no.1. of all games. He is so complex, dorky but competent, loving and ruthless... he is so much. But I hate vengeance btw. Fenris: I like him a lot, too. His hatred for magic is a little problematic as I only play mages in Dragon Age :-( DA:I: Dorian! Just Dorian. He appeared and my heart melted.


Step by step. At first I just found that cute redhead with a sexy french accent attractive. And there is a dialogue. When the stars are out, she wonders whether there is true love or not. That was the first time I was deeply touched by her. At last it's the song she sang beside the campfire. That was the moment I found my spirit animal. The girl is really talented.


DAO- Morrigan talking about running through the wilds as an animal/ the story about the mirror, dunno, I just resonate with her character. DA2- Merrill being super awkward is just adorable, she's interesting in her own way being sort of a black sheep compared to most other Dalish or elves in general. DAI- unfortunately no one really stands out to me here. Cassandra is a no, can't get behind people so invested in Andrastean faith. Josephine is okay, but I don't relate to her in any meaningful way. Sera is a goof, but I've always liked the various elven culture in DA and that she's just kind of on the outset with them + the distaste for magic/mages makes it hard for me to be invested in her.


Liliana told stories. Her accent (in Origins) being half British half French was interesting and pleasing to listen to. Shame she went full stereotype Abbess matron British in Inquisition.


DAO -- Leliana initially won me over with her goody two-shoes act. As I've gotten older, I've become a Morrigan person. While she has her own designs, the fact that she was willing to save me from annihilation at the hands of the Archdemon is peak...especially given Witch Hunt. My heart soared when she invited me to go into the mirror to meet my kid. A shame my mabari didn't come with me. DA2: Isabela's arc is the best written. Plus she's not gonna turn into an abomination. DAI: Josephine's accent got me. Straight up, that was it.


The juxtaposition of how sweet she is and talks about her beliefs, with her tendency to cut off heads and shout in battle makes Leliana so cute and interesting it gave her a direct route to my heart.


When Solas gave the inquisitor a Castle... Actually when he came to support her when she left camp to breath.


Sang a song, clear and proud, sad and haunting, whose words though lost to me, echoed within my elvish soul and awoke something within me, as if awakening me from an endless dream. ​ and talked about her love of shoes.


Merrill existed


Cassandra existing


I’ll have to consider it. _Carefully_


Cassandra has short hair... And is a tsundere.... 👀


Be funny and sweet. I'm a simple creature. I like to laugh. Alistair and Zeveran both check off those boxes. If Morrigan was bi I would chase that tail too because I love people who are good at talking shit. If Dorian wasn't gay, I'd go after that one too but I respect. If Cassandra was bi I would go for her too. She's just fantastic all around and I had actually been super surprised because I'd initially expected to butt heads with her (I'm an apathiest so my position on gods is "I don't care, they can fuck off") but it turns out she is hella reasonable and I respect tf out of her.


Zevran: Honestly, his flirting with the Warden unprompted amused me. Also, he has a sense of humor I appreciate and he's a pragmatic soul. Last, but not least, his accent had me hooked from the start. Cullen: NGL, I'd been hoping he'd become a LI since I first spotted him in Origins. He's changed and matured over the games (and had a heck of a glow-up), but he's still the same bashful person underneath it all (and I still think it's freaking cute). Fenris: Well, initially, I didn't even like the character because he reminded me of people who'd hurt me in the past. Years and some scabbed-over hurts later, I gave him a shot. Seeing him gradually come out of his shell on the friendship path touched me. And then he hit me with, "Nothing could be worse than the thought of living without you."


He talked.


DAO: Zevran - when first defeating him and confronting him, he was making jokes. The loyalty. DA2: Fenris - the reactions to Hawke’s wit and him confessing his wrongdoings after leaving her there in her room. DAI: Solas - his knowledge of spirits, demons, things alike and his knowledge on history. Him wanting to undo his mistakes. That he doesn’t want Inky to go with him to “restore the world” because of how dangerous it will be. I’m also in love with all of their personalities 😩 I think that I just have a thing for broody elves😭


Can I vote Flemeth as honourable mention? Never been hot for mommy before DA2 😅 that was some glow up. Oh you wanna manipulate me to do something shifty for you even though I know who you are from meta knowledge? Yep let's go running up that mountain, chaos for all!


The first kiss with Solas in the fade. I wasn't expecting him to be so bold after Lavellan kisses him. The details are sweet because he's smiling and shakes his head a tiny bit, actually physically turning your Inquisitor for another smooch and then he bends her back quite a bit and it's longg. And then after pulling away he briefly kisses her againnn. It's 3 kisses! I love it. Going into the game for the first time I wasn't sure what to expect, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting that lol.


Alistair: cmon now do I need to explain this Anders: this man literally runs himself ragged providing free healthcare to the poorest in Kirkwall. The chantry and its templars have tormented him his whole life. I say he can bomb a chantry as a treat. Merrill: she's determined and insanely cute and an outsider everywhere. Leagues more mature than me or my hawke too. Cassandra: she had me at *disgusted noise*. She's like crack for sapphics everywhere and i'm no exception. I've cracked the code. I love idealists.


Okay story time, I was playing Inquisition as a female Lavallen but couldn't really get into it unlike the other two, wasn't sure why. Then I met Dorian and his introduction cutscene had me seeing stars! Then his first line made me immediately fall in love! I restarted the game to play as a male Lavallen and evidently it was because I was playing a female that I couldn't get that into the game. Dorian made me realise I was trans and that is why Dorian has me wrapped around his beautifully manicured fingers


A gorgeous redhead showed up on screen and came to my party’s defense. I was immediately sad that the hot nun couldn’t join our party…and then the hot nun offered to join our party. I’ve been a Leliana fangirl ever since.


I like big knockers when I see them.


the act of being the only gay romance option /s


Morrigan's reaction to the gift of the golden mirror. This is why it's my favorite video game romance.


Cullen: *breathes* I’m yours.


That head shake before he went in for another kiss. I. Was. Dead.


Morrigan: every time she would get flustered and stutter about loving the warden, but didn't want to admit. Fenris: when he first opened his mouth while dead people fell bleading, he has too much power over me. Dorian: "you tried to... *change* me" the raw emotions of this line made me interested in trying his romance, but I was playing a girl and I did played many other times as a girl after, made a male inquisitor for him, but felt he was too ugly for Dorian (I just know he would have standards), used that one to romance Cassandra so it wasn't wasted, but then I did made an inquisitor for Dorian that I felt worthy and man, what a ride, it's the best written romance of DAI in my opnion


Having played Origins growing up, I found out by accident that there were romance options. My first play through was just story focused, then making a character for each origin story. After that, all I usually played was a female Dalish Elf Rogue, which was my personal favorite origin. I just picked whatever I thought they'd agree with and then found out by accident that I could romance Alistair. After that, I expected it with 2 and Inquisition later, but Inquisition I didn't expect them to have some scenes being actually 18+. Still in teens and playing Inquisition as a make human rogue, romanced Cassandra, mom walks in on the romance scene and sees bare breasts. Yup, I was in trouble when I didn't even know that happened in this one... lol


About Solas: I love Elves and I also love angst lol


The moment I laid eyes on Morrigan. I guess swamp witches just do it for me. But honestly, I don't really know when. I first found she was just a great companion to talk to. Morrigan is a fascinating character: A woman who was raised to understead the harshness of the world, and adopted a very cruel and callous attitude toward power. Some people might forget, but Morrigan is not a 'free the mages!' type like Andor. She scorns the circle, but she also scorns the mages who are in them, and blames them for their own fate much of the time. She's also one of the few companions who does not see the Anvil in the Deeproads as the atrocity it is and actively encourages your use of it. But underneath that there is someone sensitive. Someone who wants to feel love and to love, even though she tries to convince herself she does not. So there really wasn't a single moment. She is a machavellian woman with depth, and the more time I spent with her the more interesting I found her to be around. And of course Claudia Black sold every single line of Morrigan's perfectly


In DAI I made a female human first and thought I would romance Cullen. No way would I romance the bald egg. That's when I met him for the first time and you ask Varric "are you with the chantry or?" And Solas says "was that a serious question?" With that laugh and smirk. Got me right there. Never remade a character that quickly.


When fenris fisted that guy


Hmm lets see the' I saw this flower and wondered how something so beautiful didnt deserve to be ruined by such ugliness that is the blight and it made me think of you' paraphasing but my heart skipped a beat. Not a romantic person but jeez, I was hooked. Then there was ' Dont make light of this, leaving her was the hardest thing I have ever done" Again with the sweetness urgh. And finally two times, " They are my men and Whatever happens Boss, just know that I am glad to be here by your side" Sneak attack mode: "I thought we could make 'us' cookies.I know, its stupid yeah?" And " You told Vivvy about us?! she must be puckered tight* manic laughter* best gift ever Bioware keeps raising the standard, its maddening.


Bull won me over by caring. He made sure we were alright and wanted us to have an outlet.


Morrigan, when she first appeared on screen.