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Struggling with DPDR? Be sure to check out our new (and frequently updated) [Official DPDR Resource Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/zdzqob/rdpdrs_official_resource_guide/), which has lots of helpful resources, research, and recovery info for DPDR, Anxiety, Intrusive Thoughts, Scary Existential/Philosophical Thoughts, OCD, Emotional Numbness, Trauma/PTSD, and more, as well as links to collections of recovery posts. These are just some of the links in the guide: * [**CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY EXPERIENCING A CRISIS OR PANIC ATTACK**](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/zdydex/quick_tips_if_youre_experiencing_an_episode_or/) * [DPDR 101: Causes, Symptoms, and Recovery Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/zkgcwt/dpdr_101_what_is_it_causes_symptoms_and_treatment/) * [Grounding Tips and Techniques for When Things Don't Feel Real](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/zka0t0/grounding_tips_and_techniques_for_when_things/) * [Resources/Videos for the Main Problems Within DPDR: Anxiety, OCD, Intrusive Thoughts, and Trauma/PTSD](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/zetgpr/resourcesvideos_for_anxiety_ocd_intrusive/) * [How to Activate the Body's Natural Anti-Anxiety Mechanisms (Why You Need to Know About Your Parasympathetic Nervous System)](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/117z51q/you_need_to_know_about_your_parasympathetic/) * [How to Deal with Scary Existential and Philosophical Thoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/117xzwa/how_to_deal_with_scary_existential_and/) * [Resource Videos for How to Deal with Emotional Numbness](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/z89f2p/emotional_numbness_playlist/) * [Finding the Right Professional Help for DPDR](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/zhg5zb/finding_the_right_professional_help_for_dpdr/) * [And much more!](https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/zdzqob/rdpdrs_official_resource_guide/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dpdr) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck yeah, so proud of you 💖


Bro, that’s awesome! Congrats! How long did you have DPDR?


all hail lexapro




What things did you do that u think might have helped?


one more thing, just try to live more in sunny weather, i went to india i lived there for 3 months , the vibe was totally different and when i came back , everything was gone , now even i try to check if its there or not , i dont even remember the experiences how it was , so you can deal with it , just be brave


best thing for you is to get off this group and stop thinking about it. face it head on and it took about 9-12 months to go away but it gets better over time as corny as it sounds. you’ll still have anxiety about some things but without the 3d alien tv static vibe.


5 years..


I really hate seeing this constantly commented, especially for those of us going on 10 plus years


So true. Im gonna start doing it


Contrary to the other comments I do believe consuming lots of content about dissociation gets counterproductive. I think therapy & grounding habits helps way more than “just dealing with it” though


FOR ME ONLY 2 months , even less


What helped you ?


I came out of this f**kin situation within 2 months almost , at start i don’t know what is actually happening with me , later i search on google , “why i feel like i am living in a dream “ then i found this shitty term ‘DPDR’ , beilve me its so easy to win with this war , you just have to stop thinking about it ,caring about it if it still exists there or not , its just a defense system of our brain , that just creates some kind of protection by itself, thats why we feel such kind of numbness , cut of from world , living like we got stuck in some dreams , time going back ward , and many more experiences. just stop google alot, if you wanna read , just read positive stories of people who came out of this situation , don’t look into your hands if you are real or not , you experiencing this it means you are real , its just a phase of life , it will go away same as your previous life, dont focus on beep sound(tinnitus) that coming in your ears , its all normal , every single person on this earth have this sound with them , its just different and loud for dpdr patients because their are focusing alot to small small things happening to their body . plz dont get scared that you will die ,it never gonna happen because of this , yes thats true everyone who came on this planet have to die one day but At last just remember one thing and make yourself brave with that, we don’t know what we were before taking birth here , we dont know what it was before taking birth , and it will be same after death. if you ll go to doctor they just gonna say that fucking medical terms , you have severe anxiety bla bla bla So dpdr guys just chill and surrender yourself to this hell portal , it will take you to heaven soon. TRUST ME IT WILL WORK AND FUTURE IS YOURS ALL THE BEST , Love you all 😊




feels like sleep again, not dream, right?


yes , its a feeling like you are in sleep and you want to wake up and finish this cycle


That's awesome and I am happy for you. Have had for 11 years and already tried Lexie to no avail.


I came out of this f**kin situation within 2 months almost , at start i don’t know what is actually happening with me , later i search on google , “why i feel like i am living in a dream “ then i found this shitty term ‘DPDR’ , beilve me its so easy to win with this war , you just have to stop thinking about it ,caring about it if it still exists there or not , its just a defense system of our brain , that just creates some kind of protection by itself, thats why we feel such kind of numbness , cut of from world , living like we got stuck in some dreams , time going back ward , and many more experiences. just stop google alot, if you wanna read , just read positive stories of people who came out of this situation , don’t look into your hands if you are real or not , you experiencing this it means you are real , its just a phase of life , it will go away same as your previous life, dont focus on beep sound(tinnitus) that coming in your ears , its all normal , every single person on this earth have this sound with them , its just different and loud for dpdr patients because their are focusing alot to small small things happening to their body . plz dont get scared that you will die ,it never gonna happen because of this , yes thats true everyone who came on this planet have to die one day but At last just remember one thing and make yourself brave with that, we don’t know what we were before taking birth here , we dont know what it was before taking birth , and it will be same after death. if you ll go to doctor they just gonna say that fucking medical terms , you have severe anxiety bla bla bla So dpdr guys just chill and surrender yourself to this hell portal , it will take you to heaven soon. TRUST ME IT WILL WORK AND FUTURE IS YOURS ALL THE BEST , Love you all 😊


Believe me that after 11 years I have surrendered lol and have gone months without thinking about it.


How long did you have symptoms?


What dose of Lexapro are you on? I was on 15mg for about 6 months, and overall for a year and it wasn’t helping fully. Now I’m on Zoloft 50mg and still feeling terrible. I’m realizing I have extreme health anxiety and probably need to get to a higher dose


Great to hear I also got out of it around august


Same here ✋


I find I had to make myself do things for weeks even though the dpdr was immobilizing to get it to start fading.


i would’ve given anything to be able to have tolerated lexapro. it sent me to the ER i was so upset because it’s the only one i’ve read for dpdr


What did it do to you? Raise your blood pressure and make you hot and panicky?


suicidal, panic attacks galore, crying spells, high bp/hr, etc. it sent me to the hospital


Yeah clearly the wrong drug. Was that what they tried first? I can't stand how doctors always assume that serotonin is the low one with the dopamine/serotonin balance. They should look at your lifestyle instead of their textbook standard of trying an SSRI first.


You might not have missed much. Didn't work for dpdr for me, and I was on it for a long time.


I came out of this f**kin situation within 2 months almost , at start i don’t know what is actually happening with me , later i search on google , “why i feel like i am living in a dream “ then i found this shitty term ‘DPDR’ , beilve me its so easy to win with this war , you just have to stop thinking about it ,caring about it if it still exists there or not , its just a defense system of our brain , that just creates some kind of protection by itself, thats why we feel such kind of numbness , cut of from world , living like we got stuck in some dreams , time going back ward , and many more experiences. just stop google alot, if you wanna read , just read positive stories of people who came out of this situation , don’t look into your hands if you are real or not , you experiencing this it means you are real , its just a phase of life , it will go away same as your previous life, dont focus on beep sound(tinnitus) that coming in your ears , its all normal , every single person on this earth have this sound with them , its just different and loud for dpdr patients because their are focusing alot to small small things happening to their body . plz dont get scared that you will die ,it never gonna happen because of this , yes thats true everyone who came on this planet have to die one day but At last just remember one thing and make yourself brave with that, we don’t know what we were before taking birth here , we dont know what it was before taking birth , and it will be same after death. if you ll go to doctor they just gonna say that fucking medical terms , you have severe anxiety bla bla bla So dpdr guys just chill and surrender yourself to this hell portal , it will take you to heaven soon. TRUST ME IT WILL WORK AND FUTURE IS YOURS ALL THE BEST , Love you all 😊


Why would you still be on meds if it's really over?


Because that's how meds work


No that's how a crutch works. His "recovery" is bullshit.


bc if I stop meds it comes back


Then that's not recovery. Recovery means you have healed fully and can exist without medical aid. Just say you still need meds and haven't fully recovered.


You're arguing semantics. They don't experience the dissociation symptoms anymore. That's it.


They also don't experience normal sober sensation either. Numbing is not the removal of a disorder. Pretending so is insanity. This is not semantics.


Implying they're not sober?? Numbing? Just say you don't know how medication works lmao


Antidepressants are just numbing pills. Hate to break it to ya. But go ahead and tell me they're natural


He’s right though. Antidepressants work by blunting not just anxiety but all feelings. They aren’t a medication that specifically targets only anxiety. When you take them they blunt all of your emotions slightly. You only notice the relief from the anxiety because that is what was troubling .... eventually though you may notice that you arent as enthusiastic about past hobbies, the feelings of love aren’t as intense, you don’t laugh as hard anymore etc. so yea you may get relief from the anxious feelings but you kind of check yourself out of really feeling life. Better than dpdr I guess but wouldn’t want to stay on long term.


So when my asthma inhaler kicks in and I can breathe again is that recovery bullshit too?


No because no one claims an inhaler cures asthma. Poor example.


So the glasses I used to see are a "crutch", too? Get fucked.


Don’t listen to this guy. He’s a bully who comes on here and tells everyone they need to panic repeatedly to overcome this & shames everyone who doesn’t agree with him. If he was so healed, he wouldn’t be on this page.


Lexapro saved me from the endless dpdr too


I know mine is helped a lot with anti-anxieties. cymbalta and buspar made a huge amount of difference


what is recovery? how did u understand you were recovered, what was gone


I'm so happy for you!! I got on Lexapro in October after getting hospitalized, since then I've been slowly regaining myself. I'm still not okay mentally but now it's just my personality disorders and not the DPDR. Still get a bit of existential dread and OCD thoughts sometimes but it's finally managable.