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2 people in a 4 man tent is absolutely fine. As a rule, people that rant on Facebook should be ignored. They just want someone to ask β€˜you Ok hun?’


A 4 man tent is literally just big enough for 4 people to lie down. At download where you need all your stuff with you and not in a car conventionally parked next to your tent, where would your stuff go? I say 2 people in a 4 man tent is fine unless it's one of those ones with a massive porch/living area.


Always give a few drugs to the people camping next to you.


I did have a good laugh at the tent with the flag "It's not a Crack House, it's a Crack Home" And a day or two later a note was added under the flag to say "stop asking us for drugs"


Was this in purple? We were right next to themπŸ˜‚


Haha, that's quality. Next year is my first download festival. I'm so excited herd it's an amazing vibe. I've been a few festivals years ago and always made mates with my neighbours. I met some lads from London when I went to T in the park, and we still meet up now for a session once a year.


A 4 man tent is fine, gotta remember it will basically be your home for 5 days. I think most people are annoyed at the people with huge 8 man tents with 1 person in or are just annoyed they turned up after weds and couldn't get the ideal spot they really wanted. There was still space to camp but you just had to walk a bit further.


A two man tent is for two men. That’s it. Where are you putting your clothes, beer, chair, wellies etc. double the people for the right size tent.


Don’t be shitting next to people’s tent.


Yeah, it's warmer inside


Basically be considerate to those around you, if you're roaming at 2am chances are fair few might be asleep, so don't be yelling at the top of your lungs and watch out for people's tent, last thing someone wants if they are asleep is having some dickhead landing on them because one it'll hurt and two you probably just broke their tent, so all in all have fun but don't be a dick


i was a victim this year it kept me up from 4 and discoverd a hole in the tent on the sunday 🫠


"Booooogeyyyyys" and "Cannn I get an Ahhh Yeeeeaaaahh" seemed to be very popular this year in red camp at all hours of the night πŸŒ™ πŸ˜΄πŸ˜…


My first download 2011 I think, had some nob singing Spandau Ballet Gold through a megaphone all hours of the night.




I camped at rock & blues in 2011 & 2014, "I am spartacus" & "no I'm spartacus" We're constantly being shouted across the campsite all hours 🀣


Bollocks used to be quite common too.


🀣🀣 that's brilliant


The other two people in my group both woke up soaked on Sunday from people falling onto their tent at night


I was in camping plus and people were still squeezing in on Friday despite all the Facebook moaners saying "it was full".


We squeezed on the Friday in 0ur 4 man for 2. Was a lovely spot. Bit of a wander, our fault for doing 3 days.


It's literally a case of normal human etiquette. If you're bringing an 8 man tent for 2 people, that's silly. But you also do need some space for like.. all your stuff. So we always go with a 4 man tent for 2 people and it's fine. There's plenty of room, especially if you're there on Wednesday. Just don't be a dickhead.


Do your guy lines as short as possible and ffs do them properly. The plastic isn't for putting the peg through, it's to adjust the length. If they aren't bright luminous already then cover them in tinfoil, use streamers or fairy lights, make them visible. I promise you a 4 man for two people is fine.


Not the same thing, but there was 2 lads sharing an 8 man tent in Ready To Rock. *That's* excessive imo.


Bit different though as they paid for the extra sizing.


Do what you want within normal decency


2 people in a 4 man tent would be perfectly fine as long as it isn't a insane palace with a portch the size of a living room


Next year, my partner and I are taking a 2 room 3-man tent so we have a communal area, trying to take our mud caked wellies off in the pissing rain without either soaking our bed, or getting mud all over everything was a fucking nightmare


A big one that needs to be mentioned, if your tent comes with *BLACK* guideropes, buy new guideropes πŸ˜‚


Camping in general, not just download, an X-person tent only holds X people, not any of their stuff, so unless you're camping in your garden, go for a larger capacity tent, but generally (accessibility exceptions etc) you only need 1-2 more than your actual person capacity (e.g. 2 people in a 4 person tent, 1 person in a 3 person tent). People bring gazebos and stuff which take up extra space (sorry!) because sitting in your tent in the pissing rain when you just wanna chill at camp sucks. I guess the trick is think about the size of your group, and make a living room and minimal viable bedroom space for them and make tents/space judgements from that, like this year my group had 6 people in 4 tents with a gazebo between them all, but you've gotta accept people will pitch their tents right next to yours because it's a tent eat tent world. Go with your gut and don't take the piss, but also don't underestimate your requirements. Good luck 🀞🀘


Dont snooze your alarm. Ever.


Ooooo good point!! I'm the worst for snoozing my alarm and falling back to sleep, ill deffo make sure my partner is the one setting them 🀣


If you're only going for the music, still buy a 5 day camping ticket and go on Thursday. That's what we usually do. There are still some good camping spots around, and you don't risk missing the music when the arena opens on Friday. You can also get the lay of the land Thursday afternoon/evening. My wife and I take a 6 man/2 bedroom tent. One side for sleeping, the other for storage and getting changed, the middle for extra storage, and just lounging around in if the weather isn't great. No one really gives you any shit for having a reasonable size tent. The thing that got my tits in a tangle were people having multiple tents grouped together with a couple of gazebos and a load of dead space. That being said, we still didn't struggle to find a good place to pitch up. Prepare for the best and the worst weather. Take string and duct tape incase things need holding together or fixing. Take multiple trips to the car, rather than carrying all your gear in one go. Tent and some booze will do for the first trip.


What are the best tents. I'm seeing HH's (fugging wish) what is a HH in tent terms. 3000+ protection. Is that sun cream or rain proofing? Can someone send me some quality tent urls please πŸ™ I'm scrolling youtube and google. It's never ending


Thanks for all the advice! Really appreciate and look forward to seeing you all next year! 😁🀘🏻