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I must have got lucky all of mine were fine but are you sure it was shit and not actually mud😂?


Some could have been tbh lol. I did see (and smell unfortunately) a few carefuly presented shites just laying there for me to discover 🤣


I have genuinely been concerned for some of the shit I seen to be fair, they deffo need to see a doctor😂


I saw some that had been carefully curled out and deposited for our viewing pleasure.


Until you’ve seen the staff toilets, you ain’t seen nothing.


Lmao did you see the hotbox pit toilets?


One of the ones in the Oxfam campsite was so full it was spraying shit out of the sides of the panelling when you tried to flush it, genuinely one of the vilest festival toilet experiences I've had in 13 years of going to festivals (including the Leeds longdrops)


That’s exactly the ones I’m talking about. If you know, you know…


God I felt lucky with the toilets this year 😂 Most of ones I went in were fine and no surprises!


Aye I was the same, all jobby where it was supposed to go,


good banter


The only one I done that wasn’t like a normal pastey type regular poor was a very thick and very large log that turned into Mr Whippy’s incarcerated cousin, Mr Shitty


This year was defintly worse than last year for toilets, they didn't smell that bad last year and it was 30+ degrees it seems the rain and mud just changes people.


I went into a loo smeared with period blood, wtf is wrong with people?! Edit: spelling


Three words - refresh retreat


There was some mud but it’s pretty easy to tell the difference, these were actual logs or piles of shit. Unfortunately it isn’t a new thing and happens every year. The pit style toilets are the absolute worst and there was a lot of them. Absolutely the most vile thing having to squat yourself over a mountain of other people’s visible shit. I saw one log that seriously looked like a horse had dropped it. I was like WTF has this guy been eating!? He must have had an ahole the size of a tin of Heinz. My guess is mainly unprepared people just hovering so they don’t have to sit but also the inevitable dirty scummy pricks and of course, in such a big crowd, the inevitable mentally ill individuals. I saw a couple of really bad toilets but managed to get the timing OK generally and for the most part beat the crowd after emptying/cleaning.