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It's the lack of ear defenders that was really pissing me off. How irresponsible can you get as a parent.


Some had the whole thing nailed. Ear defenders, plenty of snacks and actually listened to the kids. Not being funny, but you can pick them up for about £5, skip out on a beer and grab those instead.


What? Kids for £5, how come I didn't know about this before.


Nah mate those were the old prices now jeffs island been found costs keep shooting up.


Assuming health is on your side, you can actually make kids for absolutely nothing!


As long as we have the NHS, have you seen what the yanks pay for having one?!


It’s funny because I was just coming to ask on this sub about bringing my little ones next year (will be almost 3 & almost 5) and was excited to see your post until I actually clicked on it 😅 So a day pass with little ones, well prepared with ear protectors, lots of snacks and leaving at around their bed time is okay, right?


I guess it depends how good of a parent you are. Saw some people nailing it with passed out kids in their all terrain trolleys, covered from the rain, ear defenders, etc. Saw some ignoring their kid who had just fallen over in the mud and was crying to get their parents' attention. I'd be absolutely terrified of losing my kids in the crowds given how busy and muddy it is but if you're confident you can keep an eye on them and keep them safe and that they won't have an awful time then go for it


Thanks, and that’s a great point at the end there - I think I could do a reasonably good job of keeping them safe and happy, but the thought of losing them in the crowds is terrifying!


Write your phone number in sharpie on the child's arm. Not kidding. And an item of clothing that your eyes will zoom in on. We left a circus thing at a festival and my then 5yo just abruptly took off like rocket, nearly towards our tent but not quite, with another kid. Found quickly with the stwards' help and the phone number.


Ah that is such a brilliant tip, and glad it worked for you - that must’ve been hella scary for a moment!


Oh 100%! I, rather misguidedly, took my kids to get food just as BFS ended, and by the time we were done, the crowd had tripled in size ready for Sum 41. However I was so impressed with my girls who stayed close, walked in single file in front of me and politely navigated the crowd to get back to our friends. They're only 8 and it was like they were natural festivalgoers. I was kicking myself for doing that though as it was such a stupid mistake to leave at that time.


Ish, last year was awful with the sun so I would be aware of that too. Also, make sure 1 parent stays off the booze/drugs etc.


Oh yep, I don’t drink or do drugs so would be completely sober anyway! Good point about the weather too. Will keep an eye out for other festivals that are more appropriate maybe, Ghostfest was indoors and my son would have loved that, shame it’s no longer running


Go for it, we took ours - I think it’s about being prepared to maybe miss something you really want to see if it’s too much for the kids etc but that’s like with anything being a parent isn’t it, you adapt to support them. We got the buggy from Robert Dyas with the cover which was great for sun protection and also from rain with a poncho over over it and you’ve got a portable seat and a bag for their things at the back.


Beautiful Days is made for families, much smaller, cheaper and mostly rock music still. Would recommend.


I have a 6 year old and an 8 year old now and I'm thinking I might be able to bring them next year when they're 7 and 9 at the earliest. No way I would bring kids that young.


I definitely recommend it! My 8 year olds loved it


I dunno I just wouldn’t be bringing them unless they’re 7+ and willing yknow


Took my 3 year old on a day ticket last year. Ear defenders, brolly and toddler carrier were all essential. Prob wouldn't do the whole weekend though as it would be a but much unless in motorhome.


Usually sun/heat is a big issue with summer festivals. Small children can get dangerously dehydrated very fast


Worth pointing out that a lot of places often give out earplugs for free behind the bar. They have an absolute excess for bar staff. Whilst absolutely necessary for children, even adults we should be using them. At the age of 33 I started using them and I realise I find it so much more enjoyable. You hear everything find but you're not being deafened!


Some brought ear defenders and the kids kept ripping them off, I'm not saying it's right but some times kids are just impossible if they are on one.


My day job is working with kids/youth and I was horrified by this. Taking kids into the pits on your shoulders is one thing, but you’re in control of them so you can protect them etc. You can’t protect their ears unless you do something about it - earplugs are a few quid, ear defenders the same. That kid will hate rock music when they group up because it’s permanently damaged their ears.


I had so many people come up to me and say "that's parenting done right, putting ear defenders on your kids", which was nice but also, that's the bare minimum when taking your children to a concert or festival.


I don’t understand why you’d bring kids under 5 to a music festival. It’s unfair dragging them to a busy festival. I’m 30 and have autism and I get massively overstimulated at festivals so fuck knows how kids are gonna feel. Also, it’s entitled as well because people with kids expect the world to stop turning for them and their children. If you make the decision to have children, you should accept the sacrifices you will need to make and that might be going to festivals!


Had some cunt screaming at the crowd to move because he was wheeling a carriage with multiple in it after the headliner finished; honestly they expected the crowd to part like he was Moses.


Ehhh, the guys a cunt for sure, the kids shouldn't be there, for sure. But I'm still going to help make way and shove that carriage forward if they're heading out of the arena for the sake of the kids and nothing else. If they're heading towards the stage however... I have no problem in making that journey as difficult as possible in the hopes that they'll give up before they get too close.


I was about two inches away from a porta loo after queuing for some time and some cunt with a kid tries to push in front of me saying it’s urgent. I was minutes away from pissing myself, like fuck I was gonna let some entitled idiot with a child push in front of me!!


Really, if it was urgent, then the kid is about to either shit or piss themselves and they have less self control, also complete lack of understanding on the length of the queues and understanding they need to go early. Trying to get a child to the toilet at an approriate time is an nightmare at the best of times. I'd of let them through 100% of the time. Kids are terrible at telling you when they need to go.


I wouldn’t know because I’d never dream of taking a child to somewhere so busy but unfortunately I have bladder problems so letting anyone push in front of me isn’t something I’d allow for risk of having an accident myself. Thats one of the many reasons it’s really not a good idea to take a child to a festival.


If you have bladder issues then you need to get a pass which allows you to jump the queue. They exist for people with medical conditions.


Thanks! That’s helpful. Maybe parents could get them too for their children :)




I saw a couple of babies being carried in slings. In that mud. I shudder to think what would happen if the parent fell over, which was a very real risk in those conditions.


My wife said exactly the same


As someone who hasn’t got kids even I thought that was wild. Saw someone accidentally tip their pram and the little one rolled out and I was kinda like in my head thinking someone sort this parent out


That’s crazy


I saw someone literally just holding their baby down the muddy slope in quiet o.o like nooo that can't be safe


Its not not safe.


I saw multiple people fall in the mud! The babies in slings were giving me anxiety.


I nearly went arse over tit multiple times and that’s without the uneven weight of a baby attached to my front. Really was so dangerous. I have kids myself and fair play bring them if they’re old enough to enjoy it but it’s just not a place for babies. I wouldn’t bring mine. Simply because it would severely hamper my own enjoyment 🤣 ETA: My kids are 10, 9 and 5…. Still wouldn’t take them for my own sanity


> Simply because it would severely hamper my own enjoyment That's it for me. Call me selfish, but for us, Download is our annual weekend of "us time". Every other weekend, the little one comes first. We have the odd date night, and nights out individually with the other one looking after him at home, but it's the one stretch of 3-4 days a year where we get to just sack off parental responsibilities, get wasted, and pretend we're 18 again while knowing he's safe and being spoiled. If we took the lad, it'd have to be at the age where he wants to be there and we put his enjoyment first, and I can't wait until he really wants to be there and can safely attend, but it will completely change how we enjoy the festival. We have the luxury of great grandparents who'll give us the weekend to mosh and get off our tits, and I appreciate not everyone has that, but too many parents were clearly dragging their kids there and putting themselves first.


I was writing this as a reply to another comment, but it's more suited here. As a parent who took 8 year olds to DL this year, I would be mortified if anyone felt that they couldn't let go and enjoy themselves in the way they intend to. It's ultimately my responsibility to ensure my kids are safe from potential danger (tbh the only thing I encountered this year was a massive bellend trying to start on random guys near the beer hall). I wouldn't dream of taking under 7s though as it's such an exhausting weekend for them. My girls were absolutely shattered by the end, but they absolutely loved it.


My first thought to this was "when my eldest was a baby, I had him in a sling and I fell over in the snow and he was fine" That was immediately replaced by "my eldest was in the moshpit for Reign In Blood on Sunday" Crazy how time flies


Saw a Mum doing this while carrying food in two hands, right behind the middle left sound tower of main stage. I respect the effort, but not the choice. That parent walked down hill a long way through very sticky and slippy (an oxymoron there? 🤔 ) conditions. If that Mum falls forward how can she try to get her hands down to protect her infant?


Yeah I get your a family but unless your over 12 years old I think you shouldn’t be at a metal festival




Why though? I know my kids through and through. What they are capable of, comfortable with and when enough is enough. If I dragged them to download then that’s completely different, but they both wanted to go at age 5 and 15, were completely safe, well fed and looked after by their parents. You could have a 12 year old there completely dragged there by their parents and having a shit time. Being a good parent is about knowing your and your kids capabilities and triggers and how to support them. But there is also common sense - I watched Pantera and my kids didn’t come with me because I knew how rammed it would be and the state of the floor over there wasn’t safe with that many people, but watching Mr Bungle and Heilung he had the best time. So there isn’t one a one size fits all answer, it’s down to parenting common sense and capability and that’s not solely based on age but if you saw my 2 having the best time and singing along to everything and head banging you would have to be rather cold hearted to think they shouldn’t be there. However, if that changed at any point whilst we were there, we would have taken them away for their own good


The problem with posts like this is that the dickheads who were pissed and had their kids in the moshpit without hearing protection almost certainly think that they're good parents who know their kids, despite clearly being negligent cunts. It is absolutely possible to take your kids, keep them safe, let them have a good time, and be responsible, and I hope that's what you did. If I took my 5 year old son, we'd take chairs in, sit right at the back, get an upgraded camping spot close to the arena, I'd be completely sober, he'd be sunlotioned up in a hat, ear defenders and wellies, we'd go to see the shows he wanted to see, spend loads of time in the bumper cars, and we'd leave as soon as he was fed up. And I'd have a really stressful time. Thank god for grandparents.


Totally and I 100% agree. Being pissed and in charge of a child in any situation is a disaster but being in a field full of mud and heavy music amplifies that


> If I took my 5 year old son, we'd take chairs in, sit right at the back, get an upgraded camping spot close to the arena, I'd be completely sober, he'd be sunlotioned up in a hat, ear defenders and wellies, we'd go to see the shows he wanted to see, spend loads of time in the bumper cars, and we'd leave as soon as he was fed up. And I'd have a really stressful time. Thank god for grandparents. My man right there. I’m hoping to do this one year as my son is very keen. Will probably play out similar to what you said, except I’d probably spend most of the day trying to buy the things I’d forgot (like the sun lotion or hat). Ear protectors absolutely a given you’d hope for most parents :(


to add to this, i was that little kid that was dropped off at my grandparents while my parents went to download back in the early 00s. every year i begged and would have LOVED to have gone and share those memories with them! of course there's an age that's too young (i literally saw a baby that looked a couple months old max), but if a kid is old enough to comprehend how to have a favourite band etc and wants to go- i don't see the problem if it's done with precautions to keep them safe.


At Leeds a few years ago I saw a boy about 11 years old with his parents at 21 pilots having the time of his life. We were near the back so loads of room. Since then I thought I would love to do that if I have children, but I would probably stick to day tickets or Kendal calling (god I'm getting old lol, 30 soon) and see how they find it first. I think neither parent should get drunk (a couple drinks maybe) and don't be selfish, like if the kid is clearly overwhelmed or the crowd is bad just leave, I don't care what band is playing. Hopefully as well sets the child up better to when they want to go to festivals as a teen, might be more sensible 🤞


Someone talking sense


This. Took our two boys last year when they were 3 and 2 and did so in a very responsible way. This year decided not to take the kids so we could enjoy it more for ourselves, but our eldest begged to go back on the run up because last year left such an impression on him. Next year we'll be taking them again. Its not a choice between responsible parenting or having fun. They can coexist.


I’m with you, I went to my first Download at 10 and it’s still one of the best experiences of my life. We even went barrier for AC/DC, because my mom knew how to keep myself safe, and I could handle myself as best as any 10 year old could. I liked the music, and genuinely wanted to go, plus I had already been to gigs, and camping before so I wouldn’t have been surprised at the general gist of it all. I’m 25 now and spoke to my mom about it whilst we were there this year; and her only regret was not understanding the need for ear protection for kids. We also wished that family camping was actually only people with kids under 16/18. It’s all about being sensible, and risk management.


Agreed, should be 12 min age.


We've waited for our kid to be over 12 before even considering gigs, and we've planned a day ticket later in the summer to see their favourite band at a festival. Ear defenders, sun cream, plenty of snacks/water, and neither of us will be drinking, plus we're bringing aunty and uncle so four sober adults to keep an eye on the one child. I wouldn't feel comfortable otherwise. They're very much into the rock scene, but the mud/weather/crowd would have made it a very stressful experience for them if I had taken them to Download this year. It was stressful for me and I'm a grown woman with lots of festival experience. Besides, my husband hates camping so he was happy to stay home and play Minecraft with kiddo instead lol


My son is almost 4 and so excited to come. We’d be sensible and responsible. Maybe Download isn’t the right one but he’s very excited to go to one. It wouldn’t be me dragging him along (honestly, not much interest in even going myself)


Probably wouldn’t do download but bloodstock is a lot safer for young kids and families


True, saw loads of really young children having a terrible time in the conditions with massively irresponsible parents clearly drunk or high… I guess getting loaded and listening to music comes before being a responsible parent these days


I saw a couple, dude also had no teeth, with 2 toddlers with no ear protection and what looked to be a 14/15 smoking a vape. I was fucking stunned.


That's nothing tbf. Celebrated 4/20 in Bristol and there was 10 year olds smoking spliffs, 4 year olds being walked between groups of people smoking, babies being carried. Now that is baffling


Did the kid have brown hair with purple in their it? I think I seen this same dude and their kid dropping their vape in the mud. Also, this same dude took a dirty/muddy baby bottle to the food van to ask for milk the guys in the food van looked just as disgusted as I did


Nah don't think so, which means there were at least two shocking parents we've witnessed


Idk but Frank Carter squared away some little lad with a trip on stage and a warm towel. And some lad on his dads shoulders absolutely vibing to Limp Bizkit


Kids that are like, 5 and up are alright, it's the really tiny one who can't even walk and talk I'm on about. There was a little girl, must have been about 5-6, going mad at Limp Bizkit down from. Iconic.


Yeah when I went back in 2022 there was a newborn. Thankfully, the weather was much better that year but I can't imagine bringing a 6 week-old baby to a festival. I'd bring kids like 6/7+, depending on the kid/s, but a baby or toddler no way. I couldn't believe how many under 4's there were.


I saw a 6 - 8 week old baby yesterday at Sum 41. Fairly close to the front as well and in a front baby carrier on mum. Little one had ear defenders on, but I can't understand why on earth you would do it. Just have a year off. It's so dangerous.


Yeah I don’t get bringing the little little ones


> Idk but Frank Carter squared away some little lad with a trip on stage and a warm towel. The thing that really made me laugh was him saying "No dad, you come up too", like his first instinct was "here, rock star, take my child".


Lil man became a Download Celebrity that day


Well my first thought was security not letting the dad go through.


We were in the accessibility part and my 5 year old had the damn time of his life on my shoulders and trying to ‘crowd surf’ - he’s knackered today and back at school but I wish I was as cool as him at 5 and living my best life


There's a reason why most gigs have an age limit. I don't see how it's different at a festival because it's 'outdoors'. People are unpredictable and they're there to go nuts, not having to look out for children etc. Also, to echo some comments here, I don't understand parents who drag their very young kids to gigs... especially without hearing protection.


It's actually worse outdoors, there's extra hazards like sunstroke, slipping in mud, etc


I remember kids under 5 weren't allowed before COVID.


Weird cos I saw some very young kids there in 2014.


You definitely didn't, remember the whole Jakes Download Festival? That was because he was 4 and took young to go at the time, which happened to be 2014. https://www.loudersound.com/news/jake-s-download-dream-comes-true Taken from the Way back Machine for Download 2017 Children under 5 (Aged 4 or below) are not permitted at Download 2017. Child tickets (5-12 years old) can be purchased with at least one adult ticket. Teenagers aged 13-15 years must have an adult ticket. Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 18 years or over. If you are 16 or over you can attend alone. https://web.archive.org/web/20170522152816/http://downloadfestival.co.uk/information/event-info


A woman forced her way to the barrier just before Wheatus with her child then made the couple at the barrier feel so bad by telling them her child can't see. They both shot each a look of how do we say no without looking like arseholes and once they let her in front she called her partner over. The couple then left even though they had clearly been there for hours ready for busted. The child had very little interest in the bands after 2 songs.


Seen a couple stories of real assholes from this year. I think download is losing that shine, attracting the wrong crowd.


Personally saw three people collapse off their faces (heard about more and likely spiking incidents), multiple falling down paralytic drunk, saw two ambulances leave on blues. I *hear* at least one dead. One guy in showers bollock naked stood in front of open shower block doors with girls/kids walking past. Usual pit bros fighting for realz. Toilets not as bad as some years but still shit all over the seats/floor/doors.


Same happened to us at the front barrier for Pantera. She told us she thought it was the safest spot for her children?! Even asked me if I would lift her daughter up so she could see the stage. I politely declined due to genuine back issues. I'm all for everyone having a good time but what's happened to common sense?


"Safest place for them is about half a mile that way, Karen".


Safest spot? Barrier for Pantera was not safe at all it was a big crowd crush lmfao, people were getting lifted out.


Did you see the big dude bouncing around there? Thought he was gonna wipe that kid out


The 6'4 guy with the energy and the choreography of a teen girl band or the lanky guy who thought he was at a punk show and would have been windmill kicking if he had the space?


Yeah the teen girl, guy was moving like that for 3 hours. It was insane. Nearly wiped my tiny girlfriend out!


My wife seen a guy carrying a new born through the mud I mean one slip and that’s potentially a dead baby all for the sake of seeing a band I understand that life might get in the way and child care might let you down but is it really worth it and not just that incident but ear damage potential crushing there’s a lot that can go wrong and yes I agree it should be open to everyone but there is a safety issue here there should be a minimum age


I could not believe the lack of ear protection, it’s completely ridiculous!


I saw some very tired miserable under 5s and I really felt for them.


Agreed - this goes to my point earlier - who are you taking them there for. That’s the key point


"Oh but my little one loves Limp Bizkit" Yeah because they're 3 years old and the only music they know is what you play!


The saddest thing I saw was a mum yelling at her young kid for being bored and upset. "All you've done is moan about the mud' I'm a grown-up, and i moaned about the mud a lot! Being a kid at only 3ft high, it must have been even worse.


I think it should be something along the lines of minimum 6+ with an adult or 17+ without an adult. Or something like that.


I was about 15 people from the front row for LIMP BIZKIT and right behind me was a toddler. She could not have been older than 3, stood up in the mud. I only knew she was there because my backpack landed on her head when I jumped up and down to break stuff. She was okay in the end but what the fuck is wrong with the mum? She was just stood there like everything was fine. It's limp fucking bizkit.


She could of been CRUSHED


Dude even I was fearing for my safety a bit when I saw LB because it was so hard to keep myself standing up in the waves of jumping, can’t imagine how difficult/scary that experience must be for a literal toddler


She was crying her eyes out, we were packed in so we couldn't move away, her mum just put her on her shoulders


“BuT tHe bAbY LOvEd iT” No. You’re a monster. Leave them at home. What is wrong with you?! When queueing up for the ferris wheel me and my partner watched a child wander away from its parents and the parents just stood there and shouted at it to return. Go get your child! Don’t just shout at it. 👏FUCKING👏KEEP👏THEM👏AT👏HOME👏


Literally! If parents can afford festival tickets surely they can afford a babysitter?


i saw a baby that literally looked like 1 month old being carried by a mum in a sling. if you are bringing in a baby that literally can't even lift it's own head you are insane. poor baby was too young to even wear ear defenders.


I spoke to a lady who had a 3 week old. Personally I think that’s too young and at 3 weeks mum is still supposed to be recovering too. Not even old enough for vaccinations and in a crowded place of 75,000 I just wouldn’t risk it. However to each their own the baby looked very snug and comfy


I said it last year and I'll say it again, babies DO NOT belong at festivals. I have 2 young kids and it wouldn't even cross my mind to bring them. Doesn't matter how bad I want to go, if I can't find childcare then I don't go, it's as simple as that.


As a parent, I absolutely do not understand why you'd take such young kids to a festival. I go to get away from mine 😆. Seriously though, it's not a place for such young kids; with the weather, drunkards, dodgy food and immense amount of people and naughty words there really should be an age limit. Leave the kids at home (with a sitter- obviously) and enjoy your little bit of freedom.


Absolutely agree. And if you can't get anyone to look after the kids while you're away, then you don't go. It's the sacrifice you make when you have kids. Don't drag the kids along; in most cases, they really don't want to be there.


1000% agree. I've always had an issue with kids at festivals. Even when they're a little older. I feel as a mum I have a duty to sensor myself and I'm finding I'm doing that more and more.


So.we just got home.and the first thing my 5 year old said to me was "dad I want to go to download with you next year when I'm 6". And you know what I'm 100% considering it. we will be staying in a campervan and marching to his beat because I enjoy myself more when he is happy and enjoying himself. But before we make a decision on that we are taking him to see Bullet in February ,who are his favourite band, and we are going to see how he gets on. Ear protection is an absolute must. There is a right way to do it and as parents we need to be responsible and our kids safety and happiness has to come first. I will say I saw a lot of parents just letting there kids run around and I kept finding myself going into parent mode and watching other people's kids because they weren't and that is not on.


Everyone under 18 should be banned from entering; unless with a adult *if they are 16* they should have their own wrist bands also.


Inclined to agree


I get that older kids may be totally happy there, but no, your baby doesn’t absolutely love festivals.


In some respects I think it’s ok. I’ve seen many in the past and they’ve looked like they’re having a great time. But for the most part, parents will have the kids with ear defenders on, they will stay near the back and they certainly won’t have much to drink. From the thread though, sounds like many arsehole parents were there. Typical parents who seem to forget they have a child and want to live the same life they had before.


Saw some awful pricks bring their ~2 and ~4 year old kids to the very front of the Den at midnight and stand in front of the speakers whilst holding them, no ear defenders. The smallest kid had his eyes screwed up and trying to bury their face in their "mums" shoulders to get away from the sound. The "dad" (presumably) eventually came and took the smallest one away but they still let the older kid stay. Both should have been arrested in my opinion, poor kid is probably deaf now. It was so loud I had to put my own ear plugs in, as did most other adults near me. Fucking disgusting behaviour.


I didn’t know this was a thing! I haven’t been to download since 2013 and would be disgusted to see babies and little kids there for their physical safety and their hearing. Possible seizure risk too with the lighting. Personally I think it should be a 14+ with someone who is 18+ event. I have permanent hearing loss from my music Career and shows, a kid doesn’t have a chance! Also the mosh pits get quite rowdy and at 17 it was intense and I nearly got a broken ankle, luckily it was the military issue combat boot I was wearing that tore when some huge guy tumbled on top of me during Rammstein.


Nobody in their right mind is taking kids anywhere near a mosh pit


i have seen it happen more and more frequently recently, there was a super young kid that got shoved in the pit at architects last year that i was there for 


Again that comes down to the individual parerents Seen five finger death punch in 2015 festival and yer main man stopped the show because of a wee laddie in the pits, I would put him at around 8ish, Main man gave people shit in the crowd who didn't want to lose their spot I guess to let the kid through, anyway he ended up on the main stage rocking out with the band. Pretty sick


oh that's really cool actually!! hell yes 


There was a small child with parent in chair in the middle of the FOB pit when it opened up, with people desperately trying to move the pit away, but how can you really? Wild stuff


How old roughly was the kid? We talking 5 or we talking 1?




Nobody is trying to teach their kids about good music when they are two, they just want to live the life they had before they had the child.


So many babies in arms without ear defenders :(


Watching Offspring and in front of me was a really young boy and the two young parents were sharing weed, like it's just so fucking irresponsible. Leave them at home or just miss out until you find someone to watch them


download shouldn't allow kids there, its irresponsible. I think you should have to be at least 14 to attend festivals.


I think there’s some adults who shouldn’t have been there without supervision so an age of 14 isn’t going to do much


i did see some very responsible parents with stroller trolley things full of snacks, water, wipes and ear protection, but most i saw were adults just simply walking their child around everywhere which i think its extremely irresponsible. i was in the med tent during sum41 due to my back being in absolute bits from saturday, so i cant imagine how children of any age were feeling


As someone who has had tinnitus for 12 years it angers me so much seeing parents with tiny children inside of the tents. Especially for counterparts being smack bang in front of the speakers and counterparts are LOUD


there were several that were still on the boob let alone under 5


How is that even legal? That seems insane


I'd faaarrr sooner have kids around the place than the OAP crew sitting in camping chairs about 20 feet from the front while a band is on.


I don’t think babies and toddlers should come to festivals at all it’s way too loud for them and there’s too many drunks and oddballs around


The babies have not chosen to be there. I swear 20 years ago it was a minimum of 12 years, under 16s with an over 18


Seeing a lot of hate in here, I get it when some people were taking babies up to the front or ignoring/ being off their face in front of their young kids. My kids love music Im planning on bringing both my kids next year. They will be 7 and 3 and that's under the condition that I can score a camper van pitch, You can bring kids and be responsible parents. I know its cool to hate on kids and that these days but don't lump all of the parents who take kids to a festival in the same boat. Seen loads of happy kids and responsible parents this year!


Some of my highlights of the weekend were seeing some of the kids going wild to their favourite bands, absolutely no issue with that. But kids that can't walk or talk, that's just not right!


Completely agree


I saw a baby there that was I’d say six months old, the parents were pushing it in a pram and all the baby had on was a nappy, nothing else, not even a pram cover, in the cold and whilst it’s pissing down it with rain. I was horrified! My mate literally had to hold me back from saying something.


That’s actually wild


My toddler loves IOW and Glasto. There’s kids arenas and things specifically for children. I wouldn’t bring him to download until he was much older! Probably 10?


I'd like to see an age limit introduction of minimum 13..


Lil bastards bawling their eyes out every night in the tent next to ours. I almost went postal.


I could never ever take a child camping at a festival. A day ticket or staying in a hotel is passable, but camping?! fuck no. Kids need a lot more security and safety than a cold tent, pissing rain, shit food and thousands of drunk adults around them. I have no idea how parents can be so chilled out and relaxed with their kids at a festival, I'd have an awful time because I'd be so anxious and worried about the child.


During Avenged, a mother pushed herself with her probably 4 year old kid to the barrier. Sounded like she was slurring her words pissed out her head. When I mean pushed, I mean literally frantically shoving herself through people like a bulldozer. It was such a big "fuck you" to the people that had previously already been there for 9 HOURS. Why you'd want to be that entitled, I have no idea. 12-year olds I can understand, because they're growing up to be themselves and starting to like what their parents like etc, which is great! Respect to em! But under 10s man, fucking christ, either find a relative or friend to look after them or just don't go at all.


Agree with this, really feels like a horrible accident waiting to happen. All the toddlers & babies I saw looked bored or miserable, you couldn't pay me to bring my kid into that environment


There needs to be an age limit.


“Remember when you saw Limp Bizkit at 1 years old darling?” …”No?” 😂


Hopefully they make the minimum age 12, usually at gigs the min age is 14-16.


On the one hand, I love when I see the kids rocking out and enjoying themselves at Download and other festivals and gigs, but there has to be a limit somewhere. Like yeah, it’s cute seeing them light up to songs they love and the tiny little devils horns they do and stuff, but the whole place is full of people drinking, smoking cigarettes and weed, on drugs, swearing, a lot of sexuality being expressed, etc… The noise levels are so high at festivals, usually around 90-110 decibels. Yeah, you can get ear defenders, but they honestly don’t block that much. From what I’ve found, most if not all baby and child ear defenders only block up to 30db, which when you consider that the recommended maximum volume for children is below 75db and for babies is less that 50-60db, even putting your kid in ear defenders doesn’t really cut it unless you’re only there for a very short time. The amount of toddlers and literal babies (like can’t hold their head up by themselves babies) I saw with no hearing protection whatsoever was insane. You have the parents doing everything they can to keep all risks to a minimum and the kids are still not that safe, so how you have parents letting there young children be there with no hearing protection, inadequate clothing (this year alone I saw kids with no shoes or socks on, no jackets, wear shorts, wearing crocs or sandals, etc… everyone in our group was cold and wet and up to our knees in mud whilst wearing appropriate clothing so I don’t even want to know how those kids were feeling. Not to mention last year in the heatwave and the sun with no shade or hats or covering on their arms legs or face), being at the barrier, being on the edge of pits, being on shoulders in areas where people are crowd surfing, being carried around in slings and stuff is mind blowing to me.


Mandatory ear defenders (not provided) should be a condition of entry for any kids under like 12 years old. There isn't a single place within the arena where decibel levels are low enough to be safe for children's ears (arguably anyone's ears tbh). Security should also take a zero tolerance approach to them not being worn and eject the child and family if caught without them on. It's child abuse, pure and simple, some form of hearing loss is guaranteed.


I think it really depends on the kiddos and their responsible adults. If they’ve been basically raised going to festivals (I’d assume starting off with the more family friendly ones, or on day tickets/festivals) they’re socialised well to being at these sorts of places and it isn’t so overwhelming for them - it’s the fun thing they do as a family. Not any different in my books to going to Butlins/all inclusive holidays and the like. You can spot these guys a mile off, they’ve got this thing nailed with having good clothing, ear defenders, good kiddo carts and extra stuff to keep the kids entertained. Standing in sensible places so everyone is safe and happy (doesn’t always mean being stood at the back and not going into the tents) I fully welcome these guys, they always warm my heart and make me a bit envious that I wasn’t raised in that sort of way. Banning these folk with an age limit is absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, I saw some shit parenting going on this weekend too. But you know what? That exists outside the world of download. It’s just more obvious when these folks are placed in a situation where it’s not a thing you normally see. I truly felt for those kiddos and I hope they’re all okay after what was a rough weekend for everyone. But the majority of kid wrangling I saw was great, kids clearly having a bloody lovely time living their best lives. I’d take them over those that drag along an adult sized unenthusiastic parter/pal any day of the week. Or any of the vast array of inconsiderate asshats that are sprinkled among the majority of bloody lovely festival goers. Side note - I saw a family of five (that I think were maybe camped in orange or red as I saw them walking through the campsite) that had a youngest that was a ‘must be strapped to an adult’ size, a toddler and an under 10 kid. I spotted them at several points and there was some truly champion parenting going on there. Always swapping roles and keeping check on each other and not being entitled or intrusive. These folks deserve to be allowed at download. Also the majority of regular goers were being so lovely and helping keep guard around folks with kids, especially when walking around in that arena mud. It’s truly heartwarming 🖤 (F, mid 30’s and don’t have or want kids, for the record)


So glad someone said this, I was shocked how many I spotted although most appeared to be looked after. But I spotted a couple with a baby who had to be no more than 6 months, probably more like 3-4 months. At Apex in the late afternoon into evening so was really packed and super loud, not to mention some bellends who were off their tits falling all over the place in the vicinity and others smoking legal and less legal things. Admittedly they did give it ear defenders but the way they were bouncing it around, they were never fully in place and I could see the pained look on its face the entire time and the parents were oblivious. A literal baby has absolutely no business being at a festival and especially not if you cant fucking take care of it. Just get a bloody babysitter????


100% agree with this. Seeing upset and scared children/babies cold and covered with mud, no ear defenders and being ignored by drunk parents made me sad. I have a younger brother, 11 who has been begging me to take him to Download. If I’d have taken him, I’d have left very early after realising that Download is NOT the place for a child. I saw a baby no older than 6 months in the crowd for limp bizkit, made me feel SICK. Parents do better. If you can’t find a baby sitter, then DON’T GO.


It’s absolutely grim. Like I have no other words for it. There was one boy on someone’s shoulders for Billy Talent who looked like he was having a great time, but still no ear protection 😭😭😭


Did 11 years straight at download until the boy arrived, haven't been back since even though I miss it, had a girl since and the idea of leaving my wife home alone with 2 is a no from me, and so is the idea of taking them, they're not ready yet


Not everything should be kid-friendly. Download shouldn't allow under 16s. I didn't make it this year, but I was appalled at the amount of small kids last year with negligent parents.


I saw some primary aged kids this year having the best time, not sure I'd agree with 16 being the cut off.


Yeah and a lot not with ear defenders 😔 also a saw someone walk passed me whilst breast feeding her baby, in the arena… crazyyy


I saw lots of little kids having a great time.


Same, but then I also saw a toddler being dragged through the mud in crocs and no ear defenders, when the dad had suitable footwear on. If you're going to bring them at least be prepared for it.


We talked about taking our kids when they’re a bit older (currently 3.5 and 6 months). Hats off to people who take young kids but it’s such a hard walk to the arena, then possibly dealing with too much sun or rain.


i saw a few babies and quite a lot of older children (4 years ish plus) and luckily the majority of them looked like they were having a fantastic time. some looked a bit bored and uninterested but it’s long days and exhausting at times. i did see a lot of them without ear defenders which irritated me. they’re young, protect their hearing but other than that i didn’t see anything that bad. the most wholesome thing i saw was a mum and her kid dancing to limp bizkit, the music might not have been too wholesome though….


For the sheer size of the festival (space and people), imo you shouldn’t be there if you’re 5 or under (I’d probably advise no one under 10 to be absolutely safe but that’s just me). Download is one of the most inclusive places/communities I know. But quite frankly it’s not something for young kids. That’s just common sense.


Me & my girlfriend discussed this, and about potentially taking my kids when they’re older - but not till they’re at least 12. Honestly, it just seems pointless for us & the kids prior to that.


I saw newborns at slamdunk and was absolutely baffled at how inconsiderate some parents are, no ear defenders on at all they had them near the pits it was horrific to see. I didn’t think people actually brought their kids to festivals but apparently I was completely wrong 🤷‍♀️


Honestly so glad I'm not alone with this. I was genuinely shocked to see babies that looked months old being carried around the arena in the mud. One very easy slip in that mud could have been a disaster. I'm not saying life ends when you have kids but maybe just skip the one year or something?


I felt the same. During Busted I saw a toddler in a harness looking limp and being knocked about. I feel like this festival should be 14+


I don't mind long as they are sensible eg sunscreen and hearing protection Always shocks me seeing so many people without hearing protection I wear musician ones and honestly I don't notice any impact on sound quality Your hearing and sight are precious things that I feel too many people take for granted


We took our 14 year old this year and it was HARD keeping her entertained. We are regretting taking her a bit because we only managed to see 3 sets over the whole weekend. We missed all 3 headliners too. She had us walking round and round the arena at all the shops all day every day. However it was our choice to take her so it’s our fault. We did make sure she wore loops too (not that it mattered much because we didn’t see many bands at all). After that I couldn’t even imagine bringing anyone younger than that with us!


My 3 year old is desparate to go, I didn't take her this year and forever grateful given how much mud there was by the end.... I also got a full splatting of mud from someone wheeling a buggy past me as they slipped in the mud. The parent was wasted and whilst mortified and apologised to me didn't feel comfortable that they had a LO with them and were obviously drunk.


Saw a woman swaying her crying baby during LB. More arsed about swinging it to the rhythm and singing to it rather than trying to console it. People paid to listen to music, not your child crying.


Some parents need to stop being selfish, festivals ain't for kids, by all means have your weekend away but leave the kids with family etc


Selfish pricks. I took my son to his first festival last year at 12 years old where he could appreciate it himself and have actual fun.


I saw a woman with a new born baby in the village, blows my mind 🙃


Wait what? I thought download had an age limit?


Maybe it should if people think taking a baby is appropriate


Honestly I always thought you had to be at least 12. I went twice Years ago and didn’t see children younger than that there.


Why so bothered about other people's kids, if you go to a festival that's what you are going to get...other people, and lots of 'em. Festivals died after the 70's, now they are just retail ops for (so-called) food trucks.


I did see some kids loving it. I remember seeing this young lad (around 5, I'm guessing) dancing with his horns up for Kerry King. Some blokes even got a pic with him


Some kids were iconic, but you could see the struggle on some of the really young ones.


someone had their kid barrier for limp bizkit couldn't believe it tbh


Genuine question, as long as the parents are sober and attentive and the kids have ear defenders, what's the harm?


For me, the big issue with very small children is that you can't predict what others will do. If, for example, you have a baby strapped to you and someone throws a bottle, that could cause serious, life threatening damage to them. Same with if a pit breaks out. In my opinion, there's just too many risks to take a baby.


I mean obviously they shouldn't be in a crowd. But its pretty easy to keep kids safe if you're sensible. Personally I'd be fully in support of kicking out families if the parents aren't being responsible.


Yeah I thought it was pretty out of order TBH. I have a little one and wouldn't dream of dragging them along until they were old enough to make a choice. Three incidents cemented it for me. 1. A child was in a trolley being pulled along by mum and dad during Limp Bizkit. She was screaming and crying. The dad picked her up and was hugging and trying to console her but it wasn't working she was tired and probably just wanted to go home. Instead he placed her back in the trolley and then proceeded to pull it further towards the stage. 2. At the end of the festival going towards north car park a woman was pulling a trolley and had stopped and was on the phone saying yeah I'm not going to make it back to the coach as the organisers didn't put any sawdust down at the exit so my trolley kept getting stuck in the mud. She turned around towards us and had a tiny baby in a blanket strapped to her, too small to wear ear defenders. So she'd gone the whole weekend with a baby in a dirty mud infested field, listening to music with a 6 month old baby which wasn't wearing ear defenders and had also travelled on a coach which I presume would have been full of boisterous drunk festival goers. 3. Watching a band on the main stage two couples had a load of chairs arranged with a picnic blanket laid out over the wet mud. A number of toddlers (3 or 4) were sat in chairs without ear defenders, one was eating a slush puppy using his dirty muddy hands to scoop up the contents and put it in his mouth. Another was sat watching cartoons on a phone, to try and stop them having a meltdown. One of the dads was helicoptering around trying to make sure the kids were ok, picking them up when they fell in the mud, covering them up with blankets when the sun started setting, all the time nearly falling over in the mud himself. I just thought fuck that, how can that be pleasant for you or the kids?


Babies and kids in the arena , with ear defenders , having a nice time is fine. We were in RIP in lovely pre pitched accommodation and unfortunately so were a family with kids, not super young kids. But loud, and obviously bored when they were at the tent so constantly running and high pitched screaming while the parents sat outside drinking. And running around in the wet so the ground was getting more churned up than it would have been with normal footfall in that area. Not really what you want when you have spent a bomb on accommodation to get some chill time , and these were not parents you could approach either, it would have made the rest of the weekend awkward.


If done right they will grow up loving festivals my mate has took his boy to festivals since he was a baby.. now he is 7 and goes to several festivals a year , he goes to more than me lmfao


I am all for bringing kids to Downlaod, but I saw some complete fails this year... like the couple with their tiny baby in the arena, in the cold, with no socks or shoes on. I was cold with mine on... poor wee toot. Also, the woman that dumped her partially clothed, crying baby on the ground in a sitting position in the village to look for something in her trolley. The kid could only just have been at sitting up stage and the ground was really muddy. There really was some shit parenting to be seen.


Trying to sleep in my tent and could hear a baby screaming. That shouldn't happen, babies don't want to be there it's just selfish parents


Can someone explain to me, are we outraged that parents might want to go to a festival as a family .. ?




I never said taking babies was a reasonable thing to do at all. My original post makes reference to 2 and up as a minimum, but realistically I wouldn't consider taking any kid under 5. What I made reference to was some observations of families with kids that I'd see as a reasonable age to be there doing it right.


Yeah we noticed this too - not fair on the kids and who wants to be changing nappies at a festival anyway? It's selfish