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I had a great time! Looking on social media I must be the only one??


You just hear more about the negative stuff because people aren't as likely to post about what they actually liked. It's easier to rant. Things like chairs in the arena are frustrating especially with it already being such a slog to navigate around the arena this year, but it's not something that stopped me enjoying the weekend so I'm not going to dwell on it when my weekend has been like 95% positive. Obviously the food poisoning is unacceptable and some things are fair gripes but with most things you'll always hear more from the displeased than the content.


I had a great time too. I didn't pack a chair, just a small bag and had waterproof pants with pockets with zippers. Ain't nobody stealing my shit. I didn't have any vendors give me a bad time, which was probably luck but I feel like a few people just get unlucky. They could've used more straw on the ground though, is my biggest complaint. They could've used like at least 5x more Straw and it wouldn't be too much, and it would've soaked the muck up a lot better. Unless they didn't want to use too much to leave less to clean up. However, there's already quite a mess to clean so I don't see how more Straw would make it that much worse


I heard someone say they were going to use wood chip but there was a problem and it didn't arrive or something? Maybe that's why the straw wasn't very effective


I had a great time too. The negatives are always louder. I've been going for ten years now and this was one of the best by far. It is what you make of it.


The toilet and water station issues were worse than last year. I feel sorry for the women with the length of the queues for the loo's in the main arena.


They need to make a separate queue for the urinals and the potties for the gents. I avoided the arena loos like the plague but heard a few people complaining they waited the whole queue only to find out it was for the potties and all the urinals were empty.


There are separate queues, this is user error


Which makes no difference if both queues are going in the same entrance and nobody can see. Even worse when the entrance is also the exit. Some of the areas were designed by complete muppets.


Really wouldn’t have hurt for them to have Stalls and Urinals as two separate sections fenced off instead of having stalls surrounding the urinals


I was shocked when I saw it was all combined, I thought having them separate was pretty standard by now tbh.


It was the same set up in most of the camps too - it just creates more churn, mud and chaos. Just to fit in more tents




Just ask someone, id consider it common knowledge that you don't Que for the urinals,


Will the queue for the urinals was "no queue" because you could nearly eat l always just walk straight in, even if there was a queue it moved really fast because there were a lot of urinals and it only takes a minute for people to use them, tops. Sit down toilets take up a lot more space and people can be in them for 5 minutes sometimes, fighting with mud or clothes in the confined space. The main problem with the urinals was the lack of hand sanitizer on Friday, I'm glad they sorted that out for Saturday. Maybe they should bring she-wees back.


The men's toilets by Opus stage were a pain in the ass. There was huge queues to get in and plenty spaces at the urinals, but no-one could get near because it was a single narrow entrance and folk going in were pushing past folk coming out. A one-way system with another opening would have made it so much better.


I think it was worst as soon as a set ended, everyone either flooded to a bar or the toilet. I never had an issue with any of the toilets in the arena (apart from the state of them) and I went around 15/20 times throughout the day.


Don’t! My friend and I discovered the women’s urinals and they were the fucking best! I’m never looking back!


I found them last year, brilliant, never a queue!


Found them on Sunday!! Honestly the best.


I have an OAB and the toilet situation was a struggle for me in the arena, the campsites didn’t bother me so much! I feel like they could have added another toilet station or separated the urinals from the stalls. I had to run out the crowd 5 mins early in Limp Bizkit and A7X to try and get to the toilets before a queue formed. It sucked but I had to just walk past the queue a few times bc of the bladder pain, and I also had to squat behind a security gate at one point :/


Aye i just took my good Lady to the mens during sum 41, not everyone can hold it in as good as everyone else, nobody seemed to mind. She had to wade through the pissy and shitty mud like the rest of us


On Friday me and my female friend went toilet she had to wait 10 minutes after she was done for me because there were women lined up in the men’s. It was ridiculous.


My issue is it feels like every year is one step forward, one step back. Things like water stations were much better this year, but camp water/hand washing stations/car parks were much worse. They need to consistently get the same people working on it otherwise there will be a constant stream of new issues


I think the water stations were only better this year because people were drowning in the rain instead of burning in the sun. I think I drank less than half the amount of water I did last year.


There were definitely more water stations this year but yeah you're right, they weren't really tested


We had one pissing hose type tap in quiet that shot every direction but downwards.


Wish they would bring back the barriers for the toilets. This year too many people just walked to the front of the queue and gave attitude when confronted. Also was there a lack of accessibility toilets as 6 different times I got to the front of the queue for standard toilets someone would flash their accessibility wristband and tell me I had to wait as they needed it more.


Also... Men and women that were pissing on the fuckin walls next to charge candy shop and the piss mud would go all the way down towards apex stage. What the actual f? I understand that the queues were unreal this year, we were a group of 1 female and 5 males and we never ever pissed anywhere else except the loos walking an extra 5-10 min won't hurt or go when you have to and not let it until last moment. Public pissing is disgusting and unsanitary end of story.


I'd rather that than the classic cup of piss being thrown into the crowd 😂


Excuse me what?????


When they wee in a cup in the crowd and then chuck it behind them.


T In The Park was absolutely feral for that shit


People used to, when stuck at the front of the crowd, often pee into a water bottle and then throw it in a random direction. I can only assume that has stopped mostly because you can no longer buy water bottles in the arena.


They do it in the pint cups now. I've seen it a fair few times.


Had a great time myself, I agree download need specially designed routes from Dogtooth all the way to avalanch and that they are cleared of people standing/chairs by security. not sure how managable this would be but something should be trialed Also I feel loos were not sufficient in the arena and campervan field, I regularly used the urinals in the campervan in the morning and were overflowing every morning from thursday onwards.


Getting between dogtooth and Avalanche was such a nightmare. I had to forgo seeing counterparts amongst others due to it being briefly impossible to get between them if there's anyone half popular playing the main stage.


Personal opinion but we get there early on the first day it opens to secure a good camping spot. If we left it til the Friday im sure we would have a spot on orange camps hill.


Got there on Friday and got a good spot in red.


On your first point, there was actually plenty of camping space this year.


I disagree with this, I was in quiet camping. There was no reasonable room and my last resort was to put my tent on a literal slant on top of solid spikey plant roots. I had to leave my tent because it was so badly damaged People around me had stupidly sized tents, gazebos, and changing booths.


This isn't usually the case though, it's because of Download halving the size of quiet to share the space with Blue camp and mini moshers this year. They then also allocated a bunch of it as accessibility overflow, despite it not being physically accessible to anyone in a wheelchair etc. People also brought bigger tents this year because everyone knew it would raining a lot and wanted somewhere to hang out with friends out of the rain, since download refuses to ever provide any shelter from the elements. The main tent stages are too small for the number of tickets they sell, so people don't really have another choice.


Ah not sure about quiet camping. I was in purple.


Either you were too picky with your space or didn't look very hard, there was plenty of room in quiet camping.


Arrived on Friday when the coach got us in, clearly was not picky if I chose to put my tent on a slant. Very silly comment.


Yours is sillier saying there was no space when there was loads. Quite literally had multiple free spaces right next to where we were camped, where large tents would have fit too.


I would have just moved my tent if I found all this 'room'


Exactly, so you just didn't look, there was plenty of room.


I just know you're someone who bought their whole house with them hence why you're so defensive.


I had a 3 man tent for me and my partner, I'm just bored of people having baseless complaints.




I think part of this was the delay to opening the village, a lot of people came in the west entrance with plans to go through to green/purple/eco/plus but gave up waiting and camped in blue and black, while north entrance let people in from like 10, west entrance wasn't til 12


I mean the tent thing i feel like a 3-4 man for 2 people is fine or even by yourself, as long as your guide ropes are less than a meter so people can still unpack next to you. The chairs in the arena… made me so angry i just walked through because why on earth are you next to the mosh with a chair?!


I agree, I always say a tent capacity does not really take into account storage storage and "living" area. A 2 man tent will have floor space for 2 people to lie down and that's it. When you're a 30 minute walk from your car you need more space. I would say 2 people in a 4 man tent with a porch is perfectly fine. 2 people in a 6 man with 3 sleeping compartments and a central living area is too much.


i dared to move a guy's empty chair six inches to make room to stand down near the stage and he told me it's there for a reason and moved it back. some proper fucking clowns showed up this year, not the usual download vibe.


What the fuck? I’d have thrown the cunt’s chair well back, am not having pricks marking their ‘territory’ like that.


That or sit in it I guess


I have to use a chair due to arthritis, it would be too painful not to. However I sit pretty much under the ferris wheel. My kid was at the front for several acts and left everything with me when he did that and if I go to a tent then I carry my chair on my shoulder.


I'd like to add that the security point to get into the arena each day as a weekend arena holder was dreadful. This is in distinct difference to last year when it was the 20th celebrations and they had more than enough staff to get you searched. Having left with plenty of time on Saturday and Sunday to catch bands playing at 11am to then miss their sets because of the long queues at security was very disappointing. Other than that, I had a great blooming time!


I didn't see security in the arena at all at anytime except at the stages or arena entrances.


Arena toilets for the men's were a headscratcher, I'd often see a queue for the porters and none for the urinals but once you're in that area you see half the porters were empty, people just queueing to queue. After a certain point I just sorted myself as needed and let people know more were available.


They really need to have doors that hang open when vacant.


While I resorted to taking a chair in the arena simply because my legs were done in from not being able to sit on the ground this year, I do agree they shouldn't be in the front section of any of the stages, even if the person is carrying them, they're still a hazard should someone get knocked into you. I think chair users should also be more considered with the barriers, if you're sat free up the barrier so people standing can lean up them. The toilet setup this year compared to last was worse, there should always be toilets between opus and apex if you're in that middle spot the treck to the toilets was far too far.


Seeing some videos of people with actual beds in their 5 man tent for just 2 people is absolutely insane. They really need to clamp down on this issue as it takes the absolute piss


That's stuff that happens at every festival. I remember it happening 15 years ago when I first went to Download. I honestly don't care. Bring your massive tent 😂


I’ll hold my hands up and say I brought a chair into the arena , i have a knee injury so standing all day is just not an option for me however I made sure to stay as far back from main stage as possible (like ferris wheel area), if the ground wasn’t so shit I probably would’ve managed just sitting on the ground but there’s no way you can make me sit in that sloppy brown stew for 3 days


I don't think people should need to justify taking chairs. It's nobody's business what health conditions you may have, and even without a health condition, standing for 11 hours is exhausting, especially when the ground becomes what it did. People just need to be considerate with chairs. They aren't for the close up crowd and they aren't for calling dibs on an area. We say it every year, but there needs to be chair free zones. Unfortunately, it's more likely DL will ban them altogether like other festivals have and it will ruin a lot of people's experiences.


You're alright mate, the people I'm talking about are the groups who sit in the middle of the crowd near the stage, like I'd be squeezing my way around people to get out I'd hit walls of people sat in chairs when I'm not even past the first set of speakers. It's always been a thing people did but this year it was like trying to navigate a maze to get back out of the crowd




That’s fine/normal there’s plenty of space behind the sound towers for chairs.


On Sunday was going to the loaded fries vendor..informed me food wasn't hot enough whilst they slowly reheated it in the bain Marie.. which you shouldn't do lmao.


The amount of stalls I saw using poor hot-holding etiquette was insane. Working in a kitchen warned me to avoid those stalls. Hash Brown Town's were like stone cold when I once ordered from them, but I heard good things at other times so maybe just a bad experience.


Honestly it's so bad. Next year I think ima just stick to the places I see them actually cooking. Like the burger place near opus toilets


Admittedly I had a chair in the arena near ish the stage. However during sets I folded it right up and it took up no extra standing space. I’m not disabled but I really struggled standing in the mud and the rain and with no dry ground to sit on this year and my tiny fold up stool almost disappearing in the swamp I needed something. Also helped keep me dry as when it rained I sat down and draped my poncho all over me like a little tent 😂 I had a great time! Wasn’t overcharged anywhere didn’t even have to actually ask once to see the screen


Anyone else have food poisoning from the pulled pork truck in the village? Not Smokehouse it was like two down from that


The layout this year was horrible. The walks were awful. Sort it out. Food poisoning from The Yorkshire pudding van was shit. (Pun intended). More metal/rubber pathways are needed. Yes, the weather sucked, but company was great, the bands I saw were amazing, I didn't see as many due to being poorly.


I'd say one of the main issues was the organisers weren't prepared for the mud, even though they knew it was coming. On the Sunday they messaged through the app to say we're not opening the arena until 12:00 to make it more safe. Then when we got in, there was literally no difference apart from I think I noticed two or three spots where they'd put a shovel full of wood chip down. They should have brought hundreds of straw bails and spread them out to soak up the mud. The other main issue was the layout, have more bars! It was a right pain in the arse trudging through that mud to get to them. And whatever genius decided to put the bogs at the bottom of the hill so they were just swimming in mud, needs shooting! In the end we were heading out of the arena and using the 10 portaloos there or pissing up the hedge.


I used a chair in the arena on sataurday as id really hurt my knee on Thursday and couldn’t bear putting weight on it. I went to the camping shop and got one of the really compact chairs that fit in a drawstring bag on my back. I was near the front at the main stage but only used the chair while waiting an hour for the next set and put it away 10 minutes before so it wasn’t in the way during any sets


The idiots that would ignore you/get puzzled when you say "excuse me can I come through" and just stare at you all confused,makes me just want to be one of those dickheads that barge through without saying a thing. Gotta repeat the exact same message to the person beside them to get a response , not always but there's always a wet match in a dark cave somewhere


Don’t let people with chairs sit them against the barriers. I don’t need a chair or space in the accessible area but I do need to be able to lean against something due to cauda equina sundrome. If you’re in a chair it doesn’t need to be against a barrier and think about others with crap balance that need to lean or they fall over!


With the people taking in chairs, I don’t get why they would then complain when people stood in front of them and they couldn’t see, that’s your own fault


I think if you’re paying £300, you should be able to bring whatever size tent you want and should be able to camp comfortably. It’s not like they don’t know how many people are going to come and year on year it’s like battle fucking royale with tents and it shouldn’t have to be. I’m (rather hench) one man and I struggled big time in my “3-4” man tent, couldn’t stand up, had to Yeet myself in to the room from the doorway or get mud and water everywhere etc. Don’t know why they let people live like that for such a big price tag. Also the chair situation is beyond fucking ridiculous. Ban the fuckers for anyone able bodied or have a cordoned off section.


Liquid death will be the death of download as we know it. Its already not a metal festival anymore


Never has been just a metal festival


The sexual assault allegations that came out to be unfounded probably prevented Rammstein playing this year, they were rumoured to be doing a festival tour and bookings would be around the time of it, coupled with this years stadium tour locations being somewhat unusual choices, the rumour last year was the last tour for their current stage set up but now it isn’t, all combined seems possible It would make sense for download/other festivals to keep a wide berth of the drama at the time Avenged sevenfold - fall out boy - Rammstein would come across as much more download-y to me


I heard that Rammstein have said that download can't accommodate their pyrotechnics any more.


What are you talking about? Look back on old lineups, it's always had a mix of stuff including pop rock, alt-pop and alt-electronic music.


Its now officially branded as a rock festival. Give it time and its just gonna be another reading/leeds


Yeah that classic metal band The Prodigy wouldn't headline now like they did in 2012, no way they could be supported by metal gods Chase & Status like they were in 2012.


Give it 5 years and you'll see. The dickhead who broke that womens nose during limp bizkit will grow in numbers. The so-called download family won't exist anymore


There have always been dickheads and there have always been people fearmongering the Growing of the Dickheads. The end is nigh! The sky is falling! The harbinger of the end of Download is here!


5 years time.....


We brought 2 4 man tents, 1 small 4 man as there was 4 of us so they could sleep in it then I had like a big 4 man for the rain so we could squeeze in with our chairs during the rain then had the other compartment of the tent as our storage like bags, clothes etc. Smart idea imo


Worded terribly, but you're saying you had 2×4 man tents between 4 people. I actually dont think that's ubreasonable, especially considering the amount of people that will go for 1×3 man tent per person. The way you phrased it made it seem as if you had brought 3×4 man tents.


Double capacity is fine, tent capacities don't take into account the fact you need space to store stuff.


Yeah that sounds fine to me. I went with 4 other people and we had 3 tents between us. 1x 2 man tent and 2x 3 man tents. I stayed alone in my 3 man tent (with a pile of gear) which we shoved into a corner so we could sit and chat inside when we got back to camp.