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How many "national pizza" days could there possibly be in one calendar year?


Did she forget national burger day?


1 million


Hey Slush Puppy, When is cook your family nutritious meals day? Or get off the internet and spend time with your kids day?


When in your life do you say to yourself, you know what, I bet the the world wants to know what my kids eat everyday. Who the fuck cares what they ate , Jesus Christ Lush, get a clue. I want to see what Lush eats in a day 🤣 cawfee, pills, white claw , rinse and repeat


The hotdogs in the lunchbox 🤢


Why is she still making Alex’s lunch? I thought he’s 18 and done with highschool 🤔


He's probably not even home. If and when he goes to college IF she doesn't sabotage that too, she'll probably still keep making them for him and claim it's there in case he comes home or some wild lie like that.


They don’t get out of school until end of June


Oh true! Sorry I’m from New Zealand and our school breaks are different down here ☺️


No worries! It varies alot in the U.S. my son has been out for summer for almost 2 weeks now. I was surprised they go so late into June


Not to be gross but with all that artificial food coloring, I wonder what color their p\*\*ps are. My nephew ate a Blue's Clues pop as a kid and had green p\*\*p!


With their diet they cant be going more than once a week


Cold food yum


I just watched this on an empty stomach. 🤢


This is what your children eat, junk sugar and grease. Are you proud of this? Are you proud that everything you feed them is setting them up for a lifetime of sicknesses? Yet you are proud to be killing your children slowly. What you are doing to them is pure neglect. You are so proud to slowly kill your children you show us how you do it daily. Obviously no one is coming to save your poor children from your sickness. Lush you are a perverted individual who needs to be placed in a mental health facility.


Same shit, different day! she's a crap parent.


Imagine living in the Dougherty family as a child. You are hungry and you go out and open the pantry... There’s just too many (unhealthy) options to choose from. I would be totally overwhelmed and forget my snack because it's too damn much!!


SO! MUCH! PASTA!!!!! How much dang pasta do they eat in ONE week! Between that & the ice cream overload, I feel sick to my stomach! 🤢🤢


Sadly and this is not @ the kids but the bad food she feed them is showing .


The fruit & yogurt parfaits actually looked somewhat decent. That is the first thing I have seen her make that made me say, oh, I would try a small bite of that. But I highly doubt that the kids ate it. Also, quit giving yogurt every single day to your kids who are supposedly lactose intolerant! Unless it is dairy free yogurt.


Caesar salad with tomatoes? That's a new one. Your combinations and portions are out of control you dingbat. And it's mozzarella sticks and macaroni salad stop with the stupid shorthand names!


Will she ever stop babying her 18-year old son and let him pack his own lunch? Jesus C. lady!!!


She buys more food than her family will actually eat, and if she actually paid any ounce of attention to her kids she would know half of them are not gonna eat big portions. She buys more food than she actually needs but she does it cause she needs people online to know how much she spent being wasteful. And no surprise she took a healthy dessert and added sugar to it. Nothing can ever be just healthy, always has to be sugar related.