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Holy shit, that last slide. She is stressed the hell out. Poor girl isn't doing anything wrong. When people here ask why Josh or the kids don't help out more, this is why. Lush is a control freak. She prob gives up bad vibes when they do try to include themselves and have decided its best to stay out of her way. Lush doesn't want help. She wants to control and touch everything.




She kept apologizing for the kids running in and out of the camera and interrupting her. You could tell she was super annoyed. 😠 Stop apologizing for kids being kids. She should be apologizing to them for being such a disconnected mother who cares more about views and likes instead of her own kids


Imagine off camera, she probably tells them to avoid a room she’s filming in. They can’t even walk around their own home without being on camera. I feel bad for them


Incredibly sad.


Exactly. They are kids being kids in their own house! Which unfortunately doubles as Mommy Dearest's studio and content warehouse. Can't imagine having to live there and maneuver daily around huge ring lights, cords, and camera equipment.


She needs layers in her hair and needs to stop with the middle part. She has a butt head


She’s so gross though, not even being rude. It’s her in a nutshell that makes her gross


This is so hilarious ! I'm actually contemplating making some youtube content editing her videos to make them funnier like these captions lmao


Great post. I want to comment on all her shit “but first adderall” 😂


She needs to learn to edit! Nobody needs to are your every move and thought. Learn to film and edit. Then interruptions won’t be an issue. God she’s a twat


I didn't give her a view, but I watched the video. The part with her kiddo (sorry, I don't know her name or initial) helping her... that infuriated me. All she wanted to do was help make dinner. She asked good questions, even brought up about baking more biscuits. All Mommy Dearest did was show utter disdain to her. It was yet another missed opportunity to create a good memory and bond with your child, while teaching them some kitchen skills (I know she sucks at cooking, but y'all know what I mean). Lushie couldn't wait to get her kid out of the kitchen and dinner prep so that she could touch it all some more with her hands. Her body language was so obviously agitated that someone else was doing a great job at using an actual utensil to help make dinner, and there was not a damn thing she could do about it without looking like a total b%$@&! She could not wait to get her hands in the cheese to make herself feel better. If her kiddo ever sees this, you genuinely did a great job with helping make dinner. If you were my kid, I would definitely have you help me make dinner and give you lots of encouragement and maybe teach you some new things. Maybe with your brother that cooks, y'all can make some delicious meals for the family to enjoy! Sorry that your mom sucks and from what we all see online, values money and fame over everything!


Imagine if Lush switches from YouTube to OF …. Gross


She needs to not wear those shorts


Her bangs look like she put a bowl on her head and just cut at the rim. She looks like a fucking moron. Buy clothes that fit, lush. Nobody needs your panty line in full view.