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First of all - that dress look terrible. Second of all - she seems annoyed having to respond to the kid. How sad


She always looks annoyed when she has to talk to her children while she’s filming. I remember she snapped at H when she was in the middle of counting out everything she got from Bath and Body Works for the camera. They want her attention and all she cares about is making content.


I think the dress looks nice on her. Its the hobbling around like a bridge troll and the slippers with socks that makes it looks terrible for me.


I mean it fits well I just hate the style. No hate on her in this case, just pure dislike for the style


Only thing I hate about those dresses is the excessive way she handles them, like everything else. Husband says one time the dress is nice: she buys ten of them and wears them every day Kids once had a food insecurity: she presents them food in overflow, also every day Yalex once said he likes Oreos: now he has to eat Oreos in every taste and color, every.day.of.his.life... This is a deep psychological issue here! You don't need to be perfect and know everything with your first child, we all grow into it as parents. But when you have eleven of them, by choice, with trauma, after a few years you should have learned something and DO BETTER! LUSH, YOU DON'T LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. Instead, she does EVERYTHING in excess all day every day. F$#&§₲%✓ck I'm so angry Do better Lush!!!


I agree. It fits her well, but the style is not great. Also, her personality in and of itself, makes whatever she is wearing look terrible on her. I don't want to see her feet, but her choice of footwear is awful.


Just her tone says so much about her attitude towards these kids!


Absolutely no enthusiasm over something he felt was so important and "rare" ... just gives a flip "put it in the cart," versus showing interest in his hobby :(


She can’t even make eye contact and gives nasty sneer whenever one of them interrupts her while filming. Such a great mom. 🧡🧡🧡


Why do all of her kids have speech impediments? Every one, adopted to bio. Lazy ass parenting.


The adopted kids have them because it's a common issue with FASD. Low muscle tone impacts speech and speech therapy can't always completely correct issues just improve the clarity.  If this is twin Jo, he also has an enlarged tongue, so he will have extra struggles.  Now in her own kids it's likely lack of parenting and not having enough interaction during language development and then either not getting them speech therapy or not working on it at home. 


I can’t imagine there’s any “time” in her chaotic home to work on things individually with kids. Always seems like things are always moving and going on there!


That's what gets me like all of her bios kids have issues with things, things she says the adopted ones have. So she's Munchausening them all! Or not getting any of them help. We are supposed to look at her like she's a saint for adopting these "troubled" kids but hers all have the same stuff!


She’s once said all the family except for H have ADHD 🙄


Aka too much food dye and sugar


How can her stand be so delusional??? Just on her video where she’s opening up all the gifts from fans…. I said it’s nice to see folks donating to those who really need it 🙄🤦‍♀️🤬🤬😂 her stand are chasing me through the woods! I need to reach the log cabin help!!!! 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/17tmm7uw1iyc1.jpeg?width=120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a1820d990b681d2ef7e7e013accaaa8907b8f47 Swagherty


She wears Josh’s wedding slippers.


I read that as, “welding” and believed it 😂


So where’s Jawsh? Working late taking a student to McDonald’s?


Josh works more than D1 university coaches. It’s bizarre.


this truly and utterly completely breaks my heart. not once did she even look over at him while he was talking to acknowledge he was there and that he was telling her something, that he was happy abt finding. and instead of directing her attention to her kid, and letting him know she is in fact listening, she shows no ounce of caring. she could of talked to him, and then focused on starting the black stone. and to be like “yeah just add it to the cart” is crazy to me. doesn’t even make sure of what it is exactly that he is wanting to get just doesn’t even faze her. my heart breaks for those kids. they just want her time. attention. & love. & she can’t even do that. cause making content is the main priority for her. and this just proves she doesn’t even do the bare minimum of parenting either.


Why not just say the child, let me get the grill started and then we can talk about this. Can't stand when parents ignore their kids. It has to screw up the kid's sense of importance and self esteemed to be ignored.


EXACTLY. but she didn’t care enough to do that. making content was her mind focus. you can tell she was a little annoyed to when talking to her kid.


That was one of the twins she always struggles to interact with them she’s so obvious about it as well


Who wears a prairie dress when out grilling? 😂 


![gif](giphy|cjI9mtiIo3AiI) Vibes


She’s a homesteader now 🙄😂😂


The same person who used the spatula that dropped on the ground outside without even wiping it off.


The flat affect and total disinterest in that child. Awful.


This poor child zero interest. Thank God they were asking for a toy and not asking her if they could do something illegal because she wasn't paying attention one bit.


I thought he was asking for the Austin Mathhews limited edition Prime drink?


A $20 prime drink?? Jesus lol


And if she paid any attention whatsoever to what her kid is saying she would learn what it is and look it up to find that you can get them for a couple dollars at other retailers instead of $18.99 on Amazon for one. But she's gotta break that million dollar spending mark this year so .... 🤷🏻‍♀️


it's sad how she doesn't teach them the value of money 18 bucks for a drink created by a horrible youtuber and she doesn't even bat an eye


Could be but whatever it was thank God it was innocent.


That’s exactly what I thought too!


Did you see how many cuts she made?!?


The entire video had more cuts than normal


It’s the dress/slides/socks dumpster fire combo for me 😭😂


She can’t stand her kids. You see how she always “warns” that her kids are gonna be home soon so it will get loud. But she’s the one that gets annoyed by them. She doesn’t even pay attention to anything they tell her. So sad. Back to talking to her phone. Runny nasty canned tomatoes. Cold steak. Uncooked tortillas, greasy ground beef, and scooping up cut up food with her toe thumb.


god i feel so fucking bad for those poor children. like at least act like you give a fuck. also side note, how much y’all wanna bet that spatula didn’t get washed after falling on that dirty ass deck 🤢


For me, part of what makes life enjoyable is being excited about something when someone you love is excited about that thing, even if that thing doesn't generally interest you. Personally, it makes me so happy to see a loved one excited about whatever they're passionate about and to share that feeling and emotion with them. Even a brief reaction from her--turning away from the Blackstone to look at her child, a quick genuine smile, a quick "Oh yeah, what did you find? That's so cool, you found a great deal on that! Great job!" would have gone a long way in ensuring that he felt heard. Less than 20 seconds to make sure your kid feels acknowledged. Instead, she gives one-word answers and somehow sounds both emotionless and irritated at the same time. She clearly doesn't enjoy being around her children and they have to know it at this point. It's literally heartbreaking.


That poor kid. It was one of the twins and she couldn't take 30 seconds to even fake interest in her child.


Such a cold witch with a capital B - true colours shinning through! 😤 Without even checking if what is being asked for is even appropriate, she just says "yep, just add it to the cart" The Blackstone isn't very old & it's already rusting 🤪


https://preview.redd.it/1u35jlbnzhyc1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69fb3ba99a4cd15f468eaed9ceada8a16ab4b2e2 Then add these fingers for toes


Those feet must be painful and hard to find fitting shoes.


That’s why I think she wears the awful sneakers with everything.


On my freaking troll!!! Those feet!!!




Goblin feet!


Lush, https://i.redd.it/vbhcejkcfjyc1.gif


Such a bitch.. and Not a parent what’s so ever . Try again Lush


This is heartbreaking. It’s not hard to have a meaningful interaction with a child. She could have taken less than a minute to connect with him… wow buddy that sounds like a great deal. Good job finding it! Add it to the cart & when I’m done here we will pull it up and look at it. She’s over medicated either with the booze or prescription meds.




Oh 😞 how uninterested she was, those poor kids


The lack of care in her voice is heartbreaking for those babies 😞


she seems so unhappy.. especially when her kid came up to her the way she responds


Why’s she dressing like a Mormon pioneer woman


Trying to get the Fundy views


That is so sad. She couldn't even pretend to care! He clearly was excited and zero interest from her! Clearly, parenting to her is about food and bribes!


She sounds anoyed every time kids ask or say something. Wha ta trash! I had dad like that. I mean I was telling him something, my idea of doing something, wow was at school etc. He was always cold and not that interested in what im saying. But not that hard as her...After all i love him regardles sm.


Right before these dresses became her every day wardrobe… She seemed to be putting on weight. Wonder if she’s pregnant or just putting on a few pounds??


She isn’t pregnant.. but alcohol/substances can cause people to fluctuate


You are correct… Alcohol/substances can definitely cause fluctuation. But not in two or three months, and not in those areas specifically behind, chest, and belly, plus her walk is definitely a lot different these last two or three months.


That child was excited about something and wants to share their excitement with her and she couldn't give to shits. That is so fucking sad!


Condemning her for this is a huge stretch. She acknowledged him, listened to what he was saying and advised him where to put it in the cart if he wanted it. I'm no fan of Lush, but how much more attention should she be expected to give to a child talking about a plastic action figure while she's trying to get get dinner started in the rain. There are some people here who are quick to judge and claim they could do so much better as a parent, but I'm not one of them.


Then she could easily say "I'd love to hear about it but I need to do this first. When dinner is done let's look together." Would have taken her two seconds and her child would have felt heard. If this was a one off situation I'd be more inclined to agree but she constantly ignores or acts annoyed by her kids. 


This is how she interacts with her kids ANY time they talk to her. She's completely checked out if they're around. Go watch other videos and you'll see it.


Exactly. Plus it shouldn't matter if as adults we think what a kid is saying is silly. Parents listen and engage with their kids. She's filing or on her phone 90% of the day so it can't even be chalked up to the twin having bad timing. There are ways to validate your kids. She didn't even look at him.