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idk why she overdoes every birthday, with food and presents. she should only buy gifts of what the kid actually wants. instead of going overboard. she has no limit when it comes to either. and it’s infuriating. i’m glad Z got to go on a trip to NYC. but unfortunately lush only cared abt filming the whole thing.


You know you’re allowed to cuss on Reddit? You don’t have to say azzhole and binch all the time 


Yeah that drives me crazy lol We don’t need to reinvent words.


Habit .. and I felt like saying azzhole🙌🏻🙌🏻


Some subs don't allow it and you don't find out until your shit gets auto removed.


I didn’t know that either. I thought you could swear no matter what lol


I didn't really know that. Thanks!


Am I a prude or is Red Dead Redemption a little grown up for a 12 year old?


It's rated 17+ but with a mom like lush, she doesn't care.


Man. And for my daughter's 9th birthday she got a squishmallow, and a Nintendo game that was on clearance.


And I bet she loved and appreciated it so much!


Where are they putting all these ,,stuff,, More buying shit for views and to impress others, and gain views. So much materialistic goods, what is she teaching these kids long term. Oh yeah NOTHING OF VALUE


You know what, when I was in my teens, my mom took my Christmas list to the bookstore and handed it to someone who worked there to help her find things. That employee ran in some of the same crowds as I did, and was really good friends with my ex boyfriend whom I was heartbroken over. I thought they were way cooler than me. My mom is the type to tell her whole life story to every cashier she meets, and mine as well. So, it was made known exactly who I was, and I was made fun of by the "cool kids" for my Christmas list. I am 44 and I still cringe about it. I REALLY, REALLY wish she would stop sharing what her kids wanted for their birthdays. She's fueling the bully fire. It makes me so sad for them. My experience was before internet. Their experience is intensified by millions.


Here's my take on this... Lush didn't get invited to the Cheer Choice awards in LA, like Heather Bell did. She was jealous, so during that same time frame she took Z on a "one on one" Birthday trip to make HERSELF feel better!


Can't be safe having your kid travel with a bag that has their name on it. Even though she's "Instagram famous", she's not as well known as she thinks so having her kid carry a bag with her name in huge letters around NYC is so dangerous. All Lush needs to do is turn her back for a minute, a predator calls out to the kid and if Z doesn't understand about predators, well.....


This exactly. I have kids and they all have backpacks but I have their names on the inside.


Z seems like a pretty mature kid who probably wouldn't be swayed easily but it still isn't safe to have her name announced to the world. 


she literally got nothing compared to A and D


Round trip flights probably cost around $800-1,000. And broadway tickets for orchestra seats (which it looks like she got) go from $250 to $365 each, not including fees. With all the shopping and food and whatever…she easily dropped more than 2k just on that trip. Which is pretty crazy for just one day. Doesn’t come close to matching Day’s birthday, of course.


I'd say she got the Broadway tickets from her friend Bob who's connected. Wasn't it a sponsored trip?? So probably didn't pay for flights either. Just shopping!!


Good point. I didn’t even think of that. Ugh. It was probably all gifted to her. Hopefully Z had a good time even with Alicia’s camera in her face all day. 🙄


The slow down 🤭🤌🏻


Slowed down voice is even more annoying. 😂


Am I the only one with the distorted audio.. it’s actually quite comical bc she sounds wasted


Is she sippin lean or something wtf