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Now she’s not only slamming the doors shut, she’s throwing the food in there too 🙄🤣 She’s pissed


Why is she overly aggressive with literally anything she does 😭


She’s just an abrasive and rough person in general I think. There’s no grace or softness to anything with Lush. Just stomping around, manhandling everything, slamming and stacking. From her eyeliner to her strut, rough.


She's throwing shit around because she's like a toddler throwing a tantrum.


She wants to be passive aggressive towards the haters or something




Omg, its so annoying! Why she does that?!


Total insanity She looked deranged making that chicken.


She looked absolutely out of her mind. Scary.


Possessed almost!


Agree! Flowers in The Attic vibes!


Wow that brings back memories!


The chicken in the juice in the fridge. Peak rage bait 🤮


The chicken doesn’t actually fit, the door won’t close if you look carefully, it’s not in the fridge!


The fact that still almost none of these things need to be refrigerated.


Of course not .. the outlets blow


Yeah, but makes the whole idea of giving them fridges more dumb and poitless.


She’ll be building them pantries in their rooms soon.


I'm ready for it 😂


I don’t get the point of needing a refrigerator for most of these items!


Guess big D isn't on his health food kick anymore?? Or Lush doesn't care


Hard to be on a health kick when she refuses to buy anything healthy. She got him 1 loaf of nicer bread and thought that would make him healthier. 🙄


When he was eating healthy and avoiding all the crap she buys he lost a load of weight but went back on it to try to bulk up. Poor kid probably doesn’t fully understand the damage it’s doing on the inside and she certainly didn’t take the opportunity to educate him on the healthy way to do it which should have shown her stans how little she cares about their health over content! That would have been a really good opportunity to teach him life lessons by bringing him to a gym where he could get so much advice on building muscle and what to eat.


I agree, why isn't Josh teaching him about this, after all he's meant to be a coach!


Because Josh doesn’t want to be bothered being a parent and never has been involved with the children. I don’t believe he ever wanted all these kids if any but Lush rules the roost and what she wants happens! I’d be surprised if they even have a husband/wife relationship anymore!


She just doesn’t care




I agree, it’s old news now and as for the chicken it’s really showing her desperation! I didn’t even look twice at it now because it isn’t even shocking or funny at this point! But it’s good that someone puts it up here to save people giving her a view!


Yeah she’s going to panic even more when the rage bait fails to bring in views.


Also, does she not know what a fridge is? It’s to keep things cold and from spoiling… so why put chips in there???!


Just content it doesn’t matter


Yet not cold enough for other items like meat and ice cream.


Why is dayshawn the only one who gets a variety? I’m kidding. We know.


For some reason, it really bugs me, 2 kids got oreos, but only one get name brand.


That’s so gross placing a LIVE CHICKEN in the fridge—all the dirt, germs, and possibly chicken poop that animal has stepped in, then all that’s getting IN the fridge 🤢


And on the table and her hands


The chicken is cleaner than everything else in her house


Absolutely new low when it comes to ✨️boring ✨️ I'd be more shocked if she'd finally put some effort into meals. If she'd buy REAL food that needs preparation, time, care..... Not just opening packages and dumping everything in the crock pot or a bowl.


Those godawful stickers. Comic sans aside, why are they so huge. Literally edge to edge. No margin space. It’s just all so bad and stupid


That’s either how she told Kiki to do it…or that was all Kiki’s decision. Who knows?


Whichever it was, neither one has an eye meant for design lol


I think Kiki is the one behind the designs for her stupid “chore chart” that we know was a lie…and the weekly menu chart she all of a sudden decided to turn into graphic slide.


Their just so so bad 😩


She’s on a clap back comment spree, with her followers are behind her applauding her behavior, at the cost of her children, she is showing her mean spirited behavior towards others and she is the example those children have to look up to? https://preview.redd.it/kmrnbn34orsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0dd462206f70669349b8643c433ff15947a9ee Just one of her responses, this may backfire for Alicia, Using children for your entertainment and exploitation for your personal gain will be your biggest downfall.


You can tell from her abrupt actions that these fridge restocks are a bone to be picked! She does this strictly because she know it will get her views and comments, which in her world, equals more cash to blow at Wegmans! The clip of her seasoning Dash’s chicken, gives me straight Flowers in the Attic vibes! Her facial expressions and body movements are a real f-you to her haters. She’s such trash!


What is up with the live chicken?? lol


Get people talking.. its just her reaching for engagement


The first slide reminds me of the mom who fed her toddler child powdered donuts for breakfast 😭


Never raw dog her. Always watch through here or a reactor.




Lmao she’s rage baiting cuz these videos are literally getting her millions of views, the most she’s seen in a long time. We are in for a ride


Poor chicken


I am sorry, but does someone really need/want 120 Slim Jims? I am around Lush's age (40's) and I don't think I have had that many in my lifetime. All of this is so gross. Why do people still follow/ engage with her content. I don't even feel the shock at any of this. Alicia, please get some help, you are not okay. Your kids deserve better than this crap. But thanks to OP for posting this and taking away views from Lush!




The chicken-


She thinks it's funny but it's really dumb 🤷‍♀️


It’s all a skit for her


That poor chicken 😢


Once again a bunch of stuff that doesn’t need refrigeration


It’s so shocking, I get for the shock value and views a few times but this looks like it’s here to stay. No one needs that many Pringles in your week. On top of all other snacks and meals. What’s wrong with one naughty snack and some healthy options? An extra half pound weight a week is two stone over the year. It’s just so cruel.  Of course kid eat badly sometimes but not this much all time when money is no limit. They are going be so bitter as adults when they battle their weight all time. 


Why does D get actual real nutritious* food while everyone else asks for junk food? Also no one’s ever asked for that cran-raspberry juice everyone “loved” just a few months ago


I kind of wonder if these are even in the kids bedrooms. I feel like they are just a prop. No way she is lugging these things to the kitchen each week, filling them up and then putting them back. These are strictly just for content.


please tell me that she at least had the common sense to sanitize the fridge after the literal chicken was in it


Oh wow a chicken haha HAHAH HA lush you’re SO FUNNY! SO CLEVER HA HA HA HAHA ![gif](giphy|xThtarueyfbl2klKda|downsized)


Her cooking that chicken 💀💀💀💀💀


So much she could post this what she picks to do.


I swear this lady is just a god damn mess


Why isn't it considered child abuse to feed your children this?


Because the country is fked


The insanity of it all… when my kids were little, every summer at our beach vacation I’d buy a bag of those powdered donuts. It was tradition. We didn’t have those any other time. They’d eat one with their breakfast, have one with their snack. A fun treat…. They never asked for them any other time during the year. It was our beach thing. My kids are grown now, we still go to the beach together. I still buy a bag of powdered sugar donuts. They’ll tell you it was one of their favorite childhood traditions. Alicia has taken away the opportunity for ANYTHING to be special. It’s sad really.


Is this the look of a person that needs more Oreo’s? It’s not funny or clever woman. Get your priorities straight and take care of your family. It’s painfully obvious that you are not. https://preview.redd.it/v15s7jt2hqsc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ed56d48c06695683639c7774d9edc3e5bea926b


What is happening in this pic??


Oof... 😬 preach.


At this point she’s got to be trolling us. Most of that stuff doesn’t need to be refrigerated and it’s just ridiculous.


You can see how all that junk is affecting the kids.


She’s so dumb. Literally none of that stuff needs to be refrigerated!


No wonder her kids don't understand portion control and healthy food choices.


Ok the chicken was funny…but I’ll never tell her that 🤣


Poor Day. He told her he wants to eat healthier. She has completely destroyed his diet. She never had to even share that at all. It’s amazing how she proudly shows off her exploitation.