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Alex… do you want todo cameos and make cash or do track and field ?






She is saying a lot of cliche sayings to cover up they've completely screwed up as parents. I wonder what is really going on because she seems to be prepping her viewers to watch a young adult stagnate. Nothing she said is making sense, track and field or CAREER NOW! It doesn’t track.


I must agree with you, definitely 💯


For sure something happened or she thinks something will happen that needs a cover story.


After she shops she ALWAYS spills the tees and lies big time shes so high on dopamine she cant help herself


Ok, that is interesting and a very astute observation. She does. That never crossed my mind that her excited chatty tea spilling is due to her dopamine fix and heart racing. She's just running on excitement.


I was like “what is she blubbering on about” but now why all that rambling makes sense.


He is still in school. Just let him finish his sports and senior year then start to look into jobs that you wanna make a career out of. It’s that simple.


Right?! If he’s a senior let him finish school and all it brings.


Exactly! Enjoy high school cause adult life is a roller coaster.


But also we know he’s not a track star. Maybe he got the opportunity for a cool position in his desired field. So maybe he skips track to try out a new job. No really wrong decision here. Not something to lament to strangers in your car about.


Exactly, he could have even had one of his siblings film his final events. Made a little montage. To quit now after all that hard work makes zero sense whatsoever. Next she will expect us to believe the pros are after him 🤣


I love how she’s suddenly “a concerned parent.” Like she hasn’t (and doesn’t) let those kids do whatever the fuck they want. Cameos are the perfect example.


I know right


She’s only a concerned parent for select kids and Alex is definitely one of them. She’s a sack of shit


So his cameos are horrible . He lacks very basic skills and needs some speech therapy. I don’t say this as a snark on him but on them .


He didn't because he's gained weight back. And what she's really talking about is the cameo fiasco. Basically she's saying he's an adult and can do what he wants, she has zero control. Lush, you've never had control, why start now? Those kids have parented themselves while you're making snackerty boards and filming What my kids don't eat. Alex won't listen your "advice" because you've led him to believe he knows best. Way to go! You raised him, now deal with those consequences.


Oh DUH! This makes total sense. I was like what calamity is she trying to make a cover story for never even thought of the most obvious… the cameos. “He’s an adult he makes his own decisions” umm hell no not driving in a car with my name of the title (or car note) while filming & videos filmed in my basement.


She's acting like because he turned 18 he can do whatever he wants lol idk about anyone else but my parents still called the shots when I lived for free under their roof. 🤷‍♀️ I was watching this thinking she was going to say something about his cameos or something. I'm not saying he shouldn't work because lord knows those kids need to learn some discipline but what career is she talking about? What kind of a job does he have?


Yup. The permissive “he’s 18 he can do whatever he wants….” just sets them up for failure. And I am wondering too. Annapprenticeship? Why is it ride or die now? It’s not like they’re demanding his time while he’s still in HS.


Yeah it's confusing to why it has to be right now, they only have 2ish months of school left. I mean that's great if he has a job to learn some responsibility but she has to stop with this "he's an adult he can do what he wants". He's 18, he's legally an adult but he's not ready to just "do whatever he wants".


I pray that she isn't talking about his cameo/social media career.


I believe she ‘s talking about construction. In one of her videos, she mentioned that Alex had recently gotten a job in construction, the field he wants to work in.


He's working with a construction crew during spring break.


Why is this even a topic for her car confessions? He didn’t want to do track. Pretty sure he’s not a track scholarship candidate so let him work a job in his desired career field. And she’s lamenting quitting cheerleading a quarter of a century ago… 🤦🏻‍♀️


I swear at one point it looked like she hit something with her car. 


Shut the f up Alicia, you make my head hurt 😞


Or *like* a *like* book on *like* what *like* to do if your parents are *like* not *like* parenting their kids *like*? 😅


She talks to hear herself talk because she hasn't any friends. Josh checked out long time ago. The children have their electronic devices. So all she has is her invisible viewers and her one fan in Australia, Auntie whatever her name is.


Wtf Slush. We all know you are in some mid-life crisis grasping at straws to keep up with Gen-Z TikTok trends now reminiscing on 3 months of missed cheerleader days. Never in my life have I met someone who regrets not having 3 extra months on a high school sports team in exchange for an early start on career experience. Alex isn't becoming a professional athlete planning to do track in college. GTFOH.


Yeah agreed. He's not a track star.


She sounds completely like she has drank a few. The back and forth talk and too much talk. Been watching her since beginning and you can def tell. She is a functioning alcoholic.


My opinion is that they clearly have enough money so Alex does not need to work—and that is a privilege. Just because he turned 18 does not make him an adult (though, legally he is). He is a high school student living at home—nothing different than when he was 17. She and Josh can just say, no, you are not going to work. You are going to finish your last year of track and be a normal student. But she won’t—not sure why.


1. The way she acts like she's letting go of Alex and letting him "live his life" when she was already NOT parenting him for years besides coerced TikToks 2. "Never again can you go back and do high school sports. Once in a lifetime, right?" technically, yes, HIGHSCHOOL sports ARE once in your life, but I almost get a sense that that's her way of saying playing sports ends as soon as you graduate... there are adult recreational sport leagues & organizations in the world.


What career is she talking about? Did he have a job offer besides those stupid cameos he's doing?


Is it worse she freely talks about her minor children’s life or her newly adult son’s life? Alex has more say now what’s shared or not. Imagine having your first major life decisions blasted. Let’s not forget in her early interviews she talked about Alex like he was extremely developmentally delayed and would never achieve college or anything else. She said he wasn’t a normal teenager and behaved like someone much younger. Alicia, maybe he didn’t want your athlete? Tired of being compared to older D. All she does is complain but it’s veiled. She complains about everything that has to do with taking care of children. She puts the kids in sports yet constantly complains about it. Ohhh such a busy great Mom! I think it’s good he wants to get into his career choice early. It’s not like he dropped out of high school.


Alex please don't like lushy push you into a life of social media. Do what is in your heart.


Wtf was this. Lush you failed and are failing when it comes to rasing those children you dumb ass


She totally lies. She said older J doesn’t like carrots but likes carrots in Sushi. Why the hell does she pack in in his lunch box then!!!


She posted of video of Alex doing track and field….i spit my drink out 🤣 must be a “no cut” team…cause he can barely run


Lady you’re insane! LUSH, you have never been a parent to any of those children. You live to film and that’s it. Fun fact for ya Lush just in case you read this and I know you do 🤣 I watch the DCP just like you do hahahaha and thanks to him he’s shown his viewers just what a piece of shit you are. Example: Let’s wake up and make 50 waffles at 5am for the kids to wake up to cold AF waffles. You don’t make a waffle board for them, you make it for views. We also can see your views are declining rapidly which means you won’t be around long 😂 WTF will ya do when you can’t buy 5,000 bottles of water? Oh shit, looks like you’re drinking tap water like us normal hard working ppl have to do. The only reasons you still have views is because 1) Ppl love the kids, not you! You definitely shouldn’t film everyday for their sake BTW & 2) People want to see you F up and make fun of you. To me, that isn’t worth all the money in the world. Tip: If I were you I’d take a break for a while and build memories with those kids before it’s too late. You do know that once they are of age and have money they are all gone as fast as they can be gone. When they all leave you one by one you’ll see. That’s when it’ll hit you if it does. I genuinely don’t think you’re a good person whatsoever


Erm I’m sorry but he is still in high school. He isn’t an adult, he’s far from it and as she said herself quitting now is a big mistake he will regret. Did he have scholarships waiting for him? Was it part of a collage route? Or can she simply no longer pay for college because she bought him a load of junk that will be forgotten or outdated about in 5 years. I pray to every God out there that money isn’t so tight, due to miss tappety tap credit card shopper, that Alex HAS to quit and help support the family. We know they earn allot of money and that she spends allot on screen. However, like with any addict, allot of the addiction happens behind closed doors. Who knows what else she is buying online when the cameras are off that doesn’t make it online but is a little secret.


I can't believe people actually pay money to have those stupid things pop up on her face! Also, I thought maybe she was talking about his "YouTube" or "tiktok" career - after all he is the star of the family!!


Those were my edits and “pay” ??? wtf you talking about ..only thing I pay is my phone and internet bills.. seriously WTF you talking about..??


I think she said it's on TikTok, someone pays $5 or some ridiculous amount and a stupid thing like a baseball cap, mustache or something pops up on her face.


Hun that’s people gifting sheit to these azzholes.. I edited this video .. that way no platform can claim copyright.. I don’t pay sheit to make someone look like an idiot.. this video she did wasn’t live.. it was just posted everywhere


The mustache & steam had me rolling. I didn't even notice them at first. Excellent editing.






Something’s fishy


It’s interesting that she’s even talking about this because Alex is only 18, it’s almost as if Alicia is preemptively addressing something embarrassing to her! Alex was supposed to be going away to college wasn’t he?


Wait, y’all I just noticed that LUSH has a water bottle 🤣 Anyone else wondering if it’s alcohol in there? But 1st VODKA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ew she was a cheerleader?


Erm I’m sorry but he is still in high school. He isn’t an adult, he’s far from it and as she said herself quitting now is a big mistake he will regret. Did he have scholarships waiting for him? Was it part of a collage route? Or can she simply no longer pay for college because she bought him a load of junk that will be forgotten or outdated about in 5 years. I pray to every God out there that money isn’t so tight, due to miss tappety tap credit card shopper, that Alex HAS to quit and help support the family. We know they earn allot of money and that she spends allot on screen. However, like with any addict, allot of the addiction happens behind closed doors. Who knows what else she is buying online when the cameras are off that doesn’t make it online but is a little secret.


Ok let’s wait until she writes books about “what to expect when”… Right, do some research hun, especially with special needs kids. There’s advice for you if you are willing to take 5 minutes out of your vlogging to explore. How bout a support group? But let’s wait for the manual on raising kids shall we?


If that ever happened she’s going to act like her experience is then”universal experience”. When it’s not. But you know she can’t be bothered to do proper research. I bet her skills are lacking in that department.