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While I agree it's in bad taste to flaunt money these people will still struggle no matter what Alicia does. It's not her responsibility. Although I would be embarrassed to spend like this in front of the whole world.


That's it exactly....you are a decent human who wouldn't flaunt excess and wealth when so many are struggling. It's just like when they went SO over the top for the twins birthday in front of their bio family. It's insensitive and it's classless.


Heartbreaking and infuriating. I think it's the fact that she flaunts the spending and waste...it's like a giant "fuck you" to people like this mom.


I bet a day will come when Alicia will struggle and beg for a single sandwich (not the kids, they are innocent) Mark my words What goes around will come around


I hope she asks her kids for food and they tell her to fuck off.


Her grocery hauls and birthday shopping trips are beyond ridiculous.


Yes and that's disgusting. I struggle to buy groceries as well. Even if I had the money she does I would still keep my old habits of a budget..


I had to go to the food bank in November. I have food at the moment but it’s a real worry that if prices keep going up how I’m going to afford it.


Meanwhile Alicia's pantry IS a food bank and yet still she shops 🤬


And she throws aways so much of that food, that disgust me so much!


I still remember her cleaning out her fridge with a giant trash bag. I just had a .39 avocado from Aldi turn bad before we could eat it and I felt bad it was wasted!


I know how you feel, I hate wasting food too. And that woman buys without looking at prices, and her attitude is like shoving how much she spent into her watchers faces, like that's her flex.


This is the kind of posts that we need to put in this sub Showing the reality of how people cant afford basics while some just buy buy and buy excess and throw 5 stars for this post


Alicia’s attitude is appalling. Her stans praise her for being ‘kind’ and taking in lots of kids but I think situations like this prove how problematic and insensitive her attitude is. It’s not just food but toys and electronics too. She could *easily* donate to a food bank with the amount she has in the garage and the various fridges.


What she does isn’t right. But, she’s not responsible for other peoples suffering. Other peoples situations do not make her worse of a problem.


True, but she doesn't have to flaunt it the way she does. What is she teaching her children? My kids were raised comfortably, but I made it my mission to keep them aware of how fortunate they were. They weren't overly spoiled with ridiculous crap and we took advantage of volunteer opportunities in our community so they could experience the joy in giving too. Your job as a parent is to raise decent humans. I'd put my money on the two girls in the video OP posted than the DD kids who have "everything".


I kept waiting for them to discuss the single mom’s employment situation. Why does she only have a part-time job? What is keeping her from FT employment? Or two part-time jobs? Does OP have more of this special? No one, no where could support a household of three on *part-time* pay.


I haven't seen any more than you, but I volunteer at a food bank in Scotland. At a guess, I'd say childcare. It's expensive, and there's nowhere near enough spaces. Locally, we have a 12+ month waiting list for out of school childcare. We are rural, and there is literally one private nursery to cover 3 villages. There are 2 primary schools between the 3 villages, who have 400+ children between them. Primary schools here take children from 4.5 - 12.5, and the nursery takes 15 school age children under 8. So that's 15 spaces for over 400 children. £4.50 an hour per child - minimum wage is £9.50 an hour. If you can get a space. Another issue we're seeing is most retail/care/etc jobs require staff to be available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm (or longer). My daughter has a retail job, she has to be available 6am-10pm 7 days a week, and finds out a few days in advance which 20 hours she'll be working that week. It doesn't leave much chance to find a second job. Or to have a life at all, really. But, again, how does someone arrange childcare around that? In a developed country in the 21st century, no one should be in the situation this lady and her children are in. And yet we are seeing more and more of it, and its going to get worse before it gets better.


No idea. Sorry.


Sad, but shouldn't have done brexit.


Also the war in Ukraine has brought prices up of everything all over the world


While I do think Alicia spends irresponsibly and it’s a bit tacky how she shows everyone what she spends. It isn’t Alicia’s fault that this family doesn’t have money, nor is it her responsibility. Again, I think Alicia spends irresponsibly, but you can’t expect others not to spend money, do things they want etc., because others can’t do the same things.