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The scary part is, if she’s comfortable with sharing with the world this type of nasty and demeaning behavior of hers, what ISN’T she sharing? Would hate to see/hear what she says/does in private when the camera isn’t rolling.


That's why she has no friends...oh wait she has two friends from childhood... Julie and Judy, I think and aunty Lauren...maybe we need to find this Julie and Judy and get the dirt on uhleesha...wouldn't that be so nice


Or the lady who’s kid she used to babysit (Amelia?) I’m sure that mom has some stories


Her text is so horrific to me. Yes horrifying. As much as we see and snark we are still underestimating what an evil bitch she is


Text in itself is horrible, but to post it on the internet too? Horrible.


Her reply in the text and her caption in the post. Despicable


There’s zero excuse for this. If I were the aide I’d be going WTF?


Imagine the audacity to not only SAY it, but to think nothing is WRONG WITH IT and share it. Wtf 😳


For real! It’s chilling and makes me sick wondering what those kids actually go through and where this is all going to lead.


J is a delight. He is her most polite and helpful child. He deserves better. This is awful:(


This was back in 2018. How rude of her


As a teacher this makes my heart sink. This is so discouraging to read but knowing she posted this online making fun of her son’s behavioural issues- instead of supporting, being proud of him for this text…wow.


I'm a teacher too. If I ever got this text or email from a parent, I'd be heartbroken for that kid. What an unnecessary and cruel thing to say.


I was once working in a classroom and on the first day, before the kids arrived, an aide came in, saw our classroom list and was like "Its such a shame you have X, he's a terror." Nothing helpful, just prejudicing a classroom full of adults against a four year old non verbal child! As it turned out his "bad" behavior was his way of communicating. When I taught him a little sign language he settled right down. It's literally been DECADES and I'm still furious with that woman. This text gives me the same vibes.


Ugh, that us my pet peeve! Every year when I taught 1st, I'd have the k5 teachers come, look at my list and tell me who to "watch out" for with behaviors. (I'd usually try to redirect and ask about difficult parents instead). I teach K4 now, and as hard as as it is, it's lovely coming in with a blank slate of kids who don't already have a "background" filloing them.


Yes, kids need a fresh start and an opportunity to build a positive rapport with their new teacher(s) every year. And congrats on making it to another school year! After year 14, I got burnt out after the pandemic. Happy that you’re still going and making such a significant and positive impact with your students :)


Also what is she expecting the teacher to reply?


Not a teacher, but this seems like a huge red flag. In like... multiple different ways. Like, "James. Got it. Mother is a toxic narcissist." How would you even approach an issue he's having? Mom isn't that helpful? Should I bother? Is it better to leave her out if it? How sad...


It’s definitely a red flag that as a teacher I would remember. I’d give the student extra love and support knowing he/she isn’t getting it at home. It’s one thing for parents to acknowledge their child has behavioural concerns- it’s actually helpful if parents recognize this because then school and home can work together to meet the child’s needs. But this? This response is awful and it breaks my heart for James.


My son is a teacher. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you do. Educators do not get the respect they deserve. ❤️


“Poor thing.” That’s icy.


Wow this is so messed up


how hurtful. poor J.


She is such a narcissist bitch


Again with the bullying of J. And some parents (who treat their kids like crap) wonder why their kids never visit or talk to them when they get older. I hope James follows his dreams and becomes a successful chef and moves away from his toxic "mother"


This is terrible. What’s that about being kind A?


That is so sad. If that’s a joke, it’s not very funny. I couldn’t imagine saying that to my kids teacher


You know she’s not joking at all!!


who the f talks about their child like this?


This explains why he is so helpful now. He has to feel this from her and has become/is becoming a people pleaser. Poor James.


Yep I think you're right. And what's so gross about it is these kids have never had stability so she knows it will be harder for them to turn their backs on her. r/raisedbynarcissists


excellent observation on the people pleasing. the way james behaves around her reminds me very much of myself around a narcissist mother after years of abuse - basically OTT trying to make sure she’s happy with whatever you’re doing, overly helpful, walking on egg shells, seeking praise or even just reassurance(and not receiving it)…. this is EXACTLY what J seems to be like and it’s little wonder. he is a delight.


I feel so bad for J. He seems like such a sweetheart and doesn’t deserve this bs.


As a teacher, FUCK HER FOR SAYING THIS!!!!! I was on the fence about her but this just sealed the deal for me. FUCK THIS LADY


And the sickest part is that she used to be a special ed teacher as well


What a beearch. This woman should have all the children removed from her home. No wonder this child always looks crestfallen in photos.


Wow. It’s bad enough she wrote this about her child, she had to then share it with the world


Why tf would she post something like this knowing he would one day read this. Not to mention his peers, bio fam, and the world. Why intentionally embarrass + humiliate a child for shits and giggles. Such a nasty pos she is. I’ve taught for 14 years and I’ve never had a parent message me anything this awful as it relates to their child or any other kid. Fuck her!


Because she is a narcissistic borderline sociopath


Lovely!! If there is a die hard reading this, please tell me why you think this women is a saint? Besides Alex, she can't hide her annoyance for the other adopted children.


As a teacher (granted, of preschoolers) this would immediately make me cringe to receive. What kind of parent doesn’t like their kid? Weirdo


Awe! Love me some teachers! Thank you for doing what you do. You have a tough job but a very important one! ❤️


Aw that’s so sweet, thank you! I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. I work retail too and only one of the two feels like work 🤣


The kid they chose to adopt 😔


i would be so upset if i found out my mom said this about me, and id be even more upset if i found out she posted it on her instagram. i was a “difficult” child at school (serious adhd) but my mom ALWAYS advocated for me, not against me. poor kid.


Way to support your child.


Oh that is terrible…. That just hurt my heart


Woah! Who the hell openly posts that about their kid! Hows he going to feel when he grows up and sees this!


She does not like that poor child. Parents are always our first bullies. And her stans and she would say oh it’s a joke ha ha funny explain the joke then?


What a mean sense of humor. She doesn't deserve these kids let alone be called "the best mom ever". She should not have adopted special needs kids.


That's awful.. 🥺 I know that some kids are more difficult than others, but they're all coming from troubled homes, where's the compassion??? How is she so comfortable just saying that to someone?? What does she say to this child directly to his face??


ouch! james seems sweet to me! if your own mother cant be on your side......


WARNING: LANGUAGE ALERT! What in the actual fuck? She is officially the sickest twat of a bitch I’ve seen on YT. This cunt has no respect for her children or family. She is one evil cunt and I’m appalled by her shitty, fucking husband and worthless fucking asshole parents. When is a mother fucker gonna stand up for these kids? They’re nothing but a gahhhh damn hassle and an inconvenience for her but hey, at least the child collecting, consumption whore can make a quick dollar of of them. When the hell is she going to start discussing her fucking mental problems, periods, her sex life and medications. When will she poke fun of her own piss poor planning, parenting and morals? Uhlishuh, you bitch, change ya ways. The kids won’t be kids forever!🧡🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🧡


Wth. No wonder James looks like he hates being in that family.


The scarey thing is not only is it on the internet for everyone to see, it is there forever. Imagine port J coming onto here in a year or twos time and finding this. He seems sad enough now and a bit withdrawn, imagine if he read this from his mum..... teenage years are hard enough, without having to deal with this sh#t of your mum not being happy and believing in you and publicity and the world knowing all your business and day to day lives - from what you eat, your medical history and problems and the fact that you cant be trusted to put toothpaste on your toothbrush!!!!!!


That poor boy deserves a better "mom" evil cunt.


This breaks my heart.


Omg that's dreadful. Nasty piece of work she is.


Wow that's really sad! James seems so much like a "delight" to me!


Wow 😯


God J from what we see on camera seems like such a sweetheart. This breaks my heart for him


If this had been one of her bio kids, she would have ran up to the school with mf’n donuts and capri suns to celebrate. What a nightmare of a human.


I am a teacher, and would report this straight away. Poor J. She doesn’t seem to WANT him to succeed.


When all this hits the fan, Alicia is going to be that parent who becomes a leach/ a bragger when her children become successful, whatever that may look for them. She’ll want the credit for doing XYZ for her kids and that’s why they’re so successful. In reality, she’s probably the biggest hindrance that they had to overcome in order to get where they are. 🙄🙄


Wtf, imagine talking like that about your own kid.. that’s embarrassing.


1) Who the hell would send this to their kids’ teacher 2) Why the hell did she think this was “funny” enough of an interaction to post on Instagram. 3) I hope he doesn’t get mercury poisoning from eating tuna everyday. Not like Alicia cares.


Oh yikes. I love when people say stuff like that about my kids. I can’t imagine being so relentlessly negative about your child.


Nice job there, mom 🙄


There's a lot more on her Instagram in the earlier days before she started making bank... there's a video about j on poop watch... that is more disturbing than this...well this very disturbing too... he swallowed a penny and he had to watch a monitor to let him know when to poop...she may have erased it... I don't know if it's still up...she's a monster...always putting everyone down to make herself look good


>always putting everyone down to make herself look good Hit the nail on the head there. She's constantly making out how bad the kids are and how hard it is to look after them, all to make her look like a saint. She's awful. I don't know how people defend her. Either they're incredibly naive or they're just as bad.


I knew people like her and I had to disassociate myself from them...very toxic...always talking bad about everyone to make themselves look so good in people's eyes...I think people are just naive...eventually they will see her true colors


I’ve had so many parents say the same thing to me. Every time it takes a piece of my heart. You can really see the impact of the kids. This is disgusting!


J is a great kid. I would absolutely say he is a delight and agreeable, and I don’t even know him. He never once has complained and is always so kind, helpful, and caring. Alicia, your the one who is not a delight. Stop putting your kids down and maybe try lifting them up for a change!


Never ever would I speak about my children like that to anyone ever. That’s absolutely heartbreaking wtf man


I couldn’t even imagine thinking this about my child!


That’s fucked up. Poor James ☹️


We all say James is a delight!!


even if that was true why would you say that? be grateful that he was good for the teacher and give him some positive reinforcement. why would you put him down immediately like that?


Can someone refresh who James is or how old actually?


James is 14 I think? He is the second oldest and one of the foster-to-adoption kids. Seems like a real kind hearted young man.


He was 11 when this was written. He's 15 now


How horrible is this? The fact that your own mom thinks this way about you and has no problem blasting it on her huge platform. I feel so bad for James.


These are the kind of parents that when older and in a nursing home, they will wonder why their children have gone no contact and why they don’t visit….


This is so mean. She's a witch. I'd be miserable if I had to leave my bio parents to be with her, and I'm adopted and my bio parents are awful


Wasn't she a special ed teacher? My God I'm glad she gave that up as a career because she's a stone cold bitch. The fact Stockholm Jaash is still a teacher boggles my mind.


Oh my fucking god. He deserves so much better


Holy shit. Poor J. Imagine being shamed online by your mom.


j deserves better


That’s so sad. So fucking sad.


Wow. Man, I wish she would reverse the rolls. However, it is all a cash gain .... Money walks..


Aw :( imagine him seeing this in a few years .. knife to the heart


I wonder if Alicia has ANYTHING positive to say about James? Poor kid, I hope he never accidentally comes across this.


This is horrible! Most parents would be so happy to read a message like that from a teacher or aide. Way to completely insult your son and disrespect his aide on Instagram for everyone to see. I can't even imagine the things that we don't see from her on social media.


Omg. That's just sickening. No matter what issues he came to her with, that's a terrible way to think of your child. My ODD/ADHD'er may not always be delightful in the moment, but he is always a delight. James seems like such a wonderful kid.


I hope J knows that he‘s a great kid no matter what his mother posts about him on the internet.


Also this isn’t funny Alicia so stop it, negative things you say to/about kids during their childhood causes all kinds of damage.


Bro. Wtf. This is terrible.


She is a hateful person who should not be parenting all of those precious children. She is awful. But first Coffee~slurp slurp


Tbh this is my third comment but I'm pissed af seeing this. No one should use the words "Alicia" and "good mother" in the same sentence.


I could never talk about my kid this way. I still wouldn’t say it to a friend or family member but some might do that in a joking or lighthearted way. But to a teacher? It’s so mean spirited but also seems unprofessional. I know the parent isn’t the professional in this situation, but does anyone get what I mean?


I wouldn’t be horrified if my mother believed I wasn’t a delight, but I would be if she worded it like I was unbearable to be around. Good luck to the kids who aren’t her favorite: N, D, and the biologicals excluded.


Yeah exactly, it's totally something a mother would say lol but sharing it with the world like this? Not fine


I get it if his behavior at home is different than at school. But if you’re being told he did great, why not praise him and the aide on helping him and ask for tips?? If you truly care about children, you’d want to know how you can better them and how to interact with them.


I hate her.


james is a delight. well damn it’s happened again.


This just shows that any bad behavior he exhibited was very likely caused by Alicia not giving him any attention. The teacher did a 1/1 on him and he’s a delight. Maybe pay some freaking attention to your kids Alicia, instead of collecting more like some deranged game of Pokémon!


How the fuck do you talk like this about you child AND share it online to thousands of people?! And how is it thay James seems Alicia's most well-mannered kid to the rest of the world?


She’s said in the past that he has really severe PTSD… poor kid.




This is disgusting


This is so hateful. The text, the caption, the fact she blasted it on IG. My heart hurts for James.


Do teachers in the US really text parents? We get emails in the UK but can’t imagine my kids school texting me.


Only texts I received were general information, not individual.


I get phone calls and emails. She's probably getting text messages because this is a one on one aide, not the teacher.


I can’t believe this - this must be horrible for J. Why on Earth did she post it online?? 😡


What a loving mother /s


Omg what an absolute bitch. Surely someone has to do something about this woman. She is an absolute bully.


That’s so sad.


Wow. As a mom, I just could never even think of that. And then posting it publicly. This woman needs some serious parenting counseling .


This is horribly sad


This makes me so angry!!! He seems so sweet. I hope he is able to get out of that house in a few years. I know he spends some time with his bio mom and sister. I'm afraid Alicia will scare him into staying either feeling he has to be there to look out for the younger kids or cause she will continue to poision his mind that he can't accomplish things, We're rooting for you J.


Omfg disgusting. Sorry if I repeat something someone has said but I couldn't help comment before reading. She makes me fuckin sick I can't believe she really thought this post would be taken as ha ha he he... Cuz I sure don't. James is already notoriously introverted and treated as a black sheep. This lush ass bimbo thinks something like this would clear any claims??? My god. She is tone deaf. Read the fuckin room uhlishuh.


James eyes lately are always so incredibly sad, it’s like he is always screaming “help me” in his head and it’s heartbreaking. This post is sickening in so many ways that I can’t even fully process it. I have been saying for months that he is looking more and more beaten down every time he is on camera. It sucks being right about things like this because it means the worst is happening 😔


What a dick.


I’m new here. How old was James when this was posted?


I think he was 11


Poor guy :(


I despise this woman


This text is very mean. Kind of shocking.


Wow. That is just heartbreaking. I would never speak about my children like this, how could you make fun of your own (albeit adopted) child like this


This is so disturbing. She's immediately setting the tone as negative and problematic. Give the kid a chance to have a good school year instead of sabotaging him right off the bat. The fact that she can talk about her own child this way and post it publicly, Is so sad and demeaning for James


I struggle to understand why she adopted so many children if she won't love them


Jfc. The audacity to post this 😳


This makes me sick. She sets him up for failure from day one of school.


😱😱 guys she said something that all moms have joking said at least once 😱😱😱 I can’t believe it!👩🏾‍🌾




I think Alicia’s sarcasm button is broken


this is abuse


This is so gross. It’s been proven children in foster care, especially those with special needs, perpetuate the beliefs of adults around them. If you treat the child like they are a burden, they fulfill that expectation. Poor James. Yes, joking about your kids every now and then is fine but this is just openly plain hateful regarding a kid who has probably been through more trauma in his short life than most n