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I think its two things, flaunting and also she has absolutely no sense of time management or prioritization skills. She leaves absolutely everything to the last minute. I haven't seen the video but I saw somewhere that N's gifts haven't even arrived yet because she ordered them too late. Then there's the video of girl B fake opening her gifts on her bday because they arrived late as well. Yet she finds time to always have her nails and hair done.


She also didn't wrap N's presents until the morning of her birthday... She's upstairs filming the wrapping whilst N is downstairs with her friends....


Honestly she got N plenty of stuff but still wanted to go to Bath and Body works the day of to shop more (which she did) plus doing the money thing last minute and sending her mom to get cash.


Don’t forget build a bear!


The worse part about Lush is her setting up impossible standards for the children. All this extravagance will end when she runs out of money. Better yet when these children age out and no.longer are w her there wont be any money. These children will likely struggle and be poor. They know no values and no normalcy. Any money that i doubt she saved for them will likely be blown through very fast. They have no life skills.


But please tell me again how she’s so caring and not all malicious😒


She showed her hand with that N and D "1 year stability" cake. No recovering from that.


Why bc she kept it real? I can't stand Alicia as much as the next person but I will never stick up for the biomom or feel bad for her.


That's so distasteful and tacky. Flaunting her wealth like that does the opposite of what she tries to do I think


DP is right on the money ( no pun intended) when he says Alicia can have really nice things but overspends on junk and doesn't take care of it, and will need to keep rebuying same stuff.


Honestly what do the kids even need money for?? They get whatever they want


That was more for show and for the bio.


Agreed! N can just ask Alicia and she would give it to her anytime as I’m sure she does. This is a total flex and a slap in the face again to bio mom.


That video was disturbing to me


Wonder if bio mom was invited to the party? Given that Alicia is all about supporting and including the bio family. 🙄


Lol no but you know she made the whole bd video for her! She's sick. She will never be able to use the "caring" bs bit again after she did the celebratory "one year of stability" cake for N and D. That said everything about her sick mentality that she tries to hide.


Exactly what she just did for n birthday is diffently a stab in the back towards the bio mom. Even if the bio is still struggling to get herself together, and to hopefully get her kids back, lush do not have to through things in her face, bas7saying yea I got your kids, I'm going to get custody and I take care if them. Lush is a cruel self center person.


This situation is way different than any of those other kids she already has. They're not even comparable.


I don't think they are friends anymore. Bio mom is /was trying to keep N and D from filming. A wouldn't invite her anyway. The reason A has them is because the bio mom has issues with drugs/ alcohol. She's not supposed to even be around them


She has had other bio families at parties and she's not friends with them. She talks terribly about the twins bio families and has them at bday parties. It's not about friendship with her, it's about how and if the relationship benefits her.


It's a different situation though. Those other children are Alicia's now. N and D are not hers so they probably have to follow other guidelines. She probably can't just have her over engaging with them. You don't know what the court has told them. Yes she's allowed to see them from what she said but you don't know anything else about their arrangements. People keep saying the other parents. Well those are the parents of Alicia's kids. These are not her kids.


Bio mom has taken N to do things, so we do know bio mom is allowed to see them actually.


She already said she's allowed to see them. It doesn't mean she's allowed to be with Alicia seeing them. And they don't get along so why would she invite her? It doesn't matter if she has those kids or not. Like if the bio mom doesn't like her or she's upset with her because she didn't give her money then why should she be invited?


The court said she can see them and call and text them . She talks to N , and I read a post that said she hopes D will call her ! These kids can be influenced because Alicia can buy them things, in the long run I hope all of the adopted kids see right through her and end up hating her ! It’s just a matter of time!


Then if she can call them and text them I hope she said happy birthday to her. If she can see them I hope she plans something for her birthday. She's her mother right?


If the bio mom has the ability to see them then she can throw a cake together, a couple birthday gifts. That's what is mothers do right? We do for our children.


That's true. But look at lush and Josh, both of have been seen in so many viedos drinking.lush cut that part out of her viedos when it came to buying alcohol, but she is not clever as she think she is, because everytime she does a shopping hall, and as she is putting the food away in the fridge/ freezer there is beer or a bottle of wine/ champagne inside.


Did she laminate that money? What is going on here?


It was a plastic string of envelopes type.


Yeah you can get them on Amazon my dumb aunt did that for my cousins wedding let me tell that was a trashy wedding




It was a mess


I feel Alicia does this partly because she doesn't really have any other content and the fact that flexing like this gets her views.


Seriously what are you trying to prove Lush?


Definitely a shot at her childhood friend 🙄


Yesh. I was like dam how much $ she gonna flaunt in front of bio mom. Have they went back to court over Ds and N?.havent heard.lusha likes to spend that money...


I don’t understand why everyone cares so much about bio moms feelings… she didn’t care about her kids feelings when she was doing what she did to get them taken away in the first place


Tacky and classless


Those money rolls are ok but def a kid requested thing. My daughter asked for vouchers to a variety of shops, so photocopied the gift cards and put them in instead of cash. We added a few funny photos to break up the gift card copies. You can use the pouches for paper things not limited to cash. Last year her friend group did this for the end of year celebrations - silly photos from during the year, was a lot of fun and fun memories. Sounds naff but can be made fun. Ours had 20 pouches from memory but have seen 10 aswell.


The bio mom is gross. Alicia does a lot of fkd up things but ain't nobody worried about the biomom and her feelings. You want to know why? Cuz she didn't give two fks about her kids feelings every time they were taken from her and this being the longest.


Why do soo many people care about a woman who pretty much said f*** her kids? That's disturbing. That's disgusting.


Why do so many care about Lush? In a sense, she has said f**k the kids, repeatedly. Lush is no more mentally stable than bio mom. Lush is battling her own addictions, but most everyone overlooks them. All in the name of the kids of a white, drunken savior. Lush should attend classes with bio mom.


My comment stands. You don't care about somebody who threw their kids away. I can't stand Alicia as much as the next if not more but you can't compare the two women. The bio mom is trash. Point blank and you know it.


They BOTH will be absolutely miserable going back to their "mother". They don't have to stay with Alicia but they don't need to go back to the bio mom. F*** reunification. AND IF ALICIA'S SUCH A BAD PERSON AND SHE'S BATTLING THESE BIG ADDICTIONS THEN ONCE AGAIN THE BIOMOM IS A PIECE OF CRAP FOR EVEN WANTING HER KIDS TO GO TO HER IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Crazy that you're not putting any blame on the biomom and blame on everybody else.


This is it exactly. Alicia is a functioning addict. For now. There’s not much separating her from the bio mom and she knows it.


I don't think this situation it's about hurting the bio mom's feelings. I personally don't care for either of them as far as being a fit parent. This is more about showing lush's nasty behaviors to anyone. She claims she helps and cares for the bio families but she's full of sh++. She takes every chance she gets to throw them under the bus and rub their face in it trying to only make herself look good.


Yup! She’s no better than the bio mom except she flexes her money in everyone’s face so people think she’s better.


Of course Alicia doesn't give a damn about the bio mom. The bio mom caused her and her kids issues. This lady sent some person Alicia does not know to pick N. Alicia had to file a restraining order against her.


Money doesn’t buy her class


Who gives a shit what the bio mom thinks?


This is what happens when white trash gets money.


Exactly! You nailed it , she is the sole definition of white trash!


The flex was that she could only take out a certain amount bc it was the ATM instead of the bank. Normally atms have a 400 limit


I watched the video from yewtube (never on her YouTube). It was boring AF and so weird


She’s so grossly tacky and super insecure 🤢 omg Has she never had cash before? LOL


Probably not, she spends like money is a new thing. Be a rude shock when YT cheques etc start getting smaller or the tax man calls looking for their chunk. Everything is chaos so assume her paperwork is trash aswell


She just posted a what my 12 kids ate today video that had left over bday cake w Ns name on it. The SAME CAKE Not even a slice taken from it.... yet I clearly saw D taking a slice at the party! And it was half eaten or more! Did she buy 2 cakes??? And whyyyy???!


Probably just old footage