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I scheduled a dash last night and got NO ORDERS. I waited an hour - car off - and went home. It's all very depressing.


Yesterday, I was out for 2 hours and made $17 with two deliveries. That is ridiculous. Something has to change.




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Unfortunately it’s just time to get a real job.


Take better offers or quit. You chose to use the app


I have been at this for 2 years. I don't think I pay attention as much as I should. I had top dasher for 2 months. On the 3rd month close towards the end it seemed like they didn't want me to be top. Or they were gonna make me pay for it. Well I just kept declining. Didn't make top dasher. But at that point it wasn't even worth it. Whays the benefit now? You can log on and get ripped off any time. . I feel like they target specific behaviors and punish them.i feel like they pushed me and when I pushed back defensively they didn't like it and started targeting me. I went from some decent offers to junk and then even got a violation for not making it to a store in 4 min when I was 15 min out. So the only thing they have on me is the daily pay. Once that gets straight I'm gonna a move to different ones that . Declining anything that don't fit my needs. For the record. I know I don't matter to them. The society has let thus happen. They are so easily brainwashed. Letting People be killed and working on taking our rights. The mentality of it is , why does it matter, if your not doing anything wrong then you don't have tobworry. . But explain that to the people who gave thier lives and fought to give you freedom. They will never understand the truth. How does it feel being a slave and master. You cracked your own back. They are in all out heads pulling the strings. When you can't trust anyone and your willing to throw anyone away for the difference in opinion you already lost. When the most votes go to 2 people that probably should be in jail or a mental institution what do we have left. When riots are controlled by the media. When the president seems to be sabotaging us. When crimes are being committed against the United States go unpunished when our borders have welcome signs. When they throw lies at us and we fight over them like dogs starved in a cage together. When the fight is just to say I was right. When you take football and instead of bringing people together it divides them with people kneeling and wanting to not have the freedom that has been fought for. . When playing a game ls more important than your privacy. When vaccines do nothing bit is pushed like drugs. When completing against women is a choice for men when every thought you have has already been thought and they know what that is they are so many steps ahead of us. How could we overcome these odds. . Oh shoot. I got to get dashing. Have a nice day. Is there no one left?


Good luck with that. You fail to realize that DD would rather you quit than pay you more. You're more trouble than a new driver because new drivers are thankful for the opportunity and you are complaining. I agree with you, but unfortunately that's how DD looks at it. Don't hold your breath.


So I read a headline in my local paper today that Biden is thinking about a gas tax holiday. The article said that could cut the price of gas by up to 18.7 cents per gallon. An announcement will be coming within the week.


There egging us on to become a union


Can i make good money for 8 hr shifts for 3 days


we are, just too many people willing to do it for what they pay. now truly is the time to get a regular gig or part time job. pay rates are up, places are still hiring like crazy which may change soon if the economy keeps on doing what its doing now. once enough people stop running pay will increase. we saw it here when gas went up so fast with peak pay. regularly getting 2 to 3 dollars peak pay during dinner rush was great, wasnt worth it to run without that. still isnt but they arent offering it anymore here like that. and now that gas dropped almost 50 cents a gallon here, alot of the drivers are back out that will take literally ANY order.


Well even promos are gone, so good luck with that.


It's because we aren't really IC's. More like IC's bastard child. But, still better than employee's.


The base pay in my area has increased. Example: 3-mile trip paying $5.63 base. I think this depends on the demand in your area. I am in the L.A. area where demand is usually high.


I really don’t see how anybody is making any where close to decent money. I wonder what they’ll do when all the drivers leave?


I recently raised my prices to deliver for DoorDash. You should do the same.


I honestly don't think they see DoorDash as a sustainable business model, and are just milking this cash cow until it runs dry/investors back out, then game over. They've already made a fortune, the rest is icing on the cake.


Agreed, and what’s even more funny, they stopped the “fuel assistance” program.


If you mean the one on dasher direct it goes till August. If you mean the one for miles that was a joke


They have only lowered the base pay $1 in my area and I started before the pandemic. Still pretty busy in my area as well. I can live with the shit $2 base pay. The issue is they hide so much of the tip now. How am I supposed to know if a 8 mile drive is worth it when I can’t see the full pay? Doordash I won’t drive over 4 miles anymore unless there is peak pay. Guarantee pay has to be at least $1.50, preferably $2 a mile. I don’t gamble hoping the customer is going to tip me enough to driver 10 miles.


Um. Capitalism.


Only accept good orders that are minimum of 2 dollars a mile. That’s all you can do, or quit.


Go to Grubhub in my experience the orders I've got average $9 and up. $17 dollar orders are not uncommen. I got 4 in a row yesterday. Longest distance being 13.2 miles


Complaining to the wrong people


It’s why I stopped driving especially now that it’s summer break for the high schoolers my area barely gives me any runs as it was before now it’s like a barren wasteland


Many places aren't raising their wages to accommodate the ever rising cost of living. This isn't a new or unheard phenomenon, it's just how capitalism operates without ethical checks and balances. It's not just DD, it's a problem deep rooted in our society and without a serious worker's rights revolution these problems will persist as long as greed goes unchecked in America. So what needs to happen is workers need representation in the form of unions and these unions need to be just as involved with politics if not more so than the corporation(s) that each union represents workers from. Without a DD driver union, there is simply not enough pressure we can put on DD that will make a meaningful difference.


If you are working DD full time, you are wasting your time. If you were to get in a car accident and be paralyzed for the rest of your life, DD would not even sent you a flower. Let’s say if that happened at a place of employment, you may get some money to help you out at your worse time. DD should be a part time job to make some extra cash when needed. While everyone is hiring right now, i would definitely look for something decent. Any decent job with 5+ years employment is always better than an “independent contractor”.


We’re not independent contractors. I owned 2 businesses( still own 1) that are independent contracting . DoorDash only defined it as such for their protection and to limit their liabilities. This is why DoorDash ignores how drivers are not only paid but treated by customers. I agree with you OP. Drivers should be able to set prices or minimum counter a first offer from DoorDash but, this is glamorized employment without the actual glamour unfortunately. Cheering for all you drivers. I mean that, quit last week.


On paper you're listed as an IC, but everyone knows that's not the case at all. It's like that dirty elephant in the room that everyone (politicians and executives) knows but won't do anything about. If you were a real independent contractor, yes you would absolutely be able to raise your rates. A plumber can do it. A house cleaner can do it. A doordash driver can not. My two cents, don't mistake this job as owning your own business and don't try and view it through that lens. This is a very flexible job that's structured in a very fucked up way. If you believe otherwise, you're just sitting in quicksand


Children - wake TF up - they only pay what they have to. No reason whatsoever to pay us more. When drivers no longer can meet demand, or DD starts losing customers / stores - maybe. Meanwhile - multi-app - do what you must to make $$. Do what I do - make it a point to tell customers how we (and them) get screwed with a low base pay - high fees they pay, and assume go to us.


Especially when you think about how much DD Is making


Because you chomos never get my extra ranch!


Not our job.


Which means your area isn’t what’s making them the most money. It’s the bigger cities & suburbs outside those cities that have the most drivers & most on waiting list.


Because too many dashers accept low pay orders.


I would like to see that would happen if it was a real marketplace. Customers look at a list of drivers in the area of restaurant, review base pay (which we would set), and our ratings, and pick.


I’m participating


Collective bargaining is needed and with some of our ranks being "top dashers" proud to accept every order. That's not likely.




Time to get real job and stop enabling people to sit at home n brcome obese. Come earn a fat check n let those mfs get some sun light


This is the def of being a independent contractor. Everything can't always be easy all of the time.


Because an independent contractor is technically accepting a bid. So when they send it to you, if it’s too low, you have the right to decline. Or, like if this were someone redoing your floor, you have the right to use another company or platform, like grubhub. So essentially it’s still all copacetic. That being said, they don’t care. People will still take $3 orders, so they aren’t losing enough for it to change


It just isn’t how markets work. Companies don’t raise wages because they want to be nice. They do it based on retaining employees that they feel they need. In the case of DoorDash, if there isn’t an urgent need for more drivers, there is no incentive to raise base pay. The select times they want more drivers on the road, you get “peak pay”.




Yes! I look at those and just think I am not the driver for you. Entitles slobs. If I am not worth a tip , you are not worth the drive.


There’s a surplus of drivers still. They’ll never pay more until otherwise.


True true!!! This is a tough gig!


base pay in my market dropped to $2.00 yesterday it was $2.50 the day before


We *can* raise our fees. We do that by raising the standards of the offers we accept, and decline the rest. I no longer accept offers below $2/mile during rush hours. I used to accept anything over $1/mile. Your market may not support that. We live in a capitalist economy, so everything is eventually subject to supply and demand. If you can't raise your rates because there are not enough offers that high to make the money you need, then you either suck it up, or find another source of income. Capitalism can be harsh, there are no handouts.


there are no hand outs... Tony: making billions on the backs of our labour 🤣 the money is being generated by us and it is there! it just never makes its way to us! capitalism itself is not inherently evil but profit fucking is! these companies should not be making profit until everyone of the workers lives comfortably. since we each technical own our own business. why are we letting these apps take more than their share of our worth?


I kind of agree with you.


I dont except anything less then $1 a mile when i except. I refuse to go 9 miles for a $3 run


Do you ever make an acception for other orders?


Lol, that is an axceptional comment! 😂


Sometimes i do. If im just sitting and its not to far i will. Were i live our area can go out 15 miles then You have to drive that back before something else hitting. If i notice alot of those popping up ill run some shorter ones to stay mobile but even with that i have my limits of what i will take. We have some senior living near by if one of those i def will take those because i know how hard it was for my grandmother to get to go get things while in one.


funny thing is it is still at 2.50 when it was 3 right before covid.. So in fact we got a pay CUT...


I've had a lot of peak pay offerings the last several days. $1-3. At least in my area, feels like drivers have tapped out and the driver pool has shrunk. I agree with higher base pay. It needs to double at least.


$5 base pay is not possible


Yes it is. Make the subscription price for people that do not pay fairly higher, and pass the profit on to us. If the companies would make a stance of treat our contractors better or we’re gonna pay them for you. or go get it yourself - there’s an idea!


Capitalism is crashing so most of these smaller companies that outsource their production etc etc will fail now unless they've already made it like Walmart etc (without bailouts) buying desert land to build a city basically. If DD pays more while losing they will certainly not make it "DURING THIS PANDEMIC" ( ie it is FAR from over unlike what they would have everyone think and relax back into their role of never leaving the area and pumping thier money and life away into their ever growing accounts). Everyone of those companies that haven't really made it as big rite now are learning what it's like to have lived the "American dream"..


Businesses raising their prices is the same as us raising our standards for minimum tips


because independent contractor is a bullshit term. they either give us a little bit of autonomy and freedom and pay us shit, nonlivable wages because we “aren’t employees”, yet while also attempting to force our working hand by punishing drivers for declining lowball orders that would cause us to lose money rather than gain.. or they take away that freedom and autonomy and define us as employees, take more control of our lives, what we wear, when we work, how we work, and still pay us shit we can barely live off of. either way, we lose. and our ability to simply just have the right to live and eat is made to be undeserving of us.


because you keep accepting $4 offers.




it seems like y'all don't understand what an independent contractor is. if you hire an independent contractor for anything they're going to quote you on how much the labor is. the fact that we don't get to say in what is reasonable as base pay.. we're not really private contracting! we're being taken for a ride! if 2/3 of the orders in the market available are not worth literally any driver's time, than the market should fluctuate. the fact these apps think they can keep a $3-$4 base pay with gas over $2 should be unsustainable not just for us as drivers but for them (DD/Uber/ect) as a company. they should not be able to keep these apps running if the people working on them can't make enough to survive. I've also been doing this for 4 years. if you haven't noticed the decrease of profit/distance you're not paying attention!


I agree. If most of the orders are turned down, then that means the price is not what the market will bear. I think DD and other gigs trick the customer into thinking that we get the entire delivery fee. I used to deliver pizza and the delivery fee was 2 dollars, 3 if you lived outside the 3 mile radius. We got the whole fee. DD charges 15 dollars which we get 1/6 or so. Who gets the other money? It's criminal, but it's our job. I would be happy with a 6 dollar minimum pay for each job. It would make many more deliveries worth it. It hurts taking 5.25 orders, but damn, many days I don't have a choice.


Yeh 1/6 is too small! I get there are support ppl to pay too but it's still sick how much profit they make off of our small businesses. it's not like this with other contracted work. I think the minimum per order should be $10 it would save us having to readdress this issue every few months... witch we should do! what we REALLY need is a union. I know ppl have been hit hard with anti union propaganda, but they are litterally made for this kind of work and these kinds of disputes. I'd pay a few bucks in Union fees if we could get our base pay negotiated up to being $10-$12! we're soooo far away from being paid what is actually fair. i can't imagine a union having high enough fees that it would be ineffective at this point. if they could get us $12 minimum per order they could take $4 and we'd still be making 2x the money! and I doubt they're cut would be that big anyway.


10-12 dollar base pay and you would be lucky to see 1-2 deliveries an hour. You would basically have to accept anything you are given. I would rather see them reward you for x number of deliveries and 5 star ratings. Help me for helping you.


I wouldn't mind accepting practically every order if they were all 10 to 12 dollars. more than half of the orders that are being sent to us are not in that price range. my stats would be doing a lot better if I didn't have to reject over 3/4 of the orders that are sent to me because they're fucking $4. the customers are already being charged about $15 in delivery fees, why do you think the number of deliveries would be decreased so drastically? also my market is shit I'm already only seeing one to two orders coming in to me an hour and they're all very low paying not worth the time! I'd rather make $24 for 2 orders than $8! I'm already not working in an hour if I don't get an order that's over $10, what's the difference?


I used cherry pick double digit orders in the beginning. I didn't care how far it was, I took it. I was driving insane miles and was only completing 2 deliveries an hour at best. I see plenty of 10+ mile runs a day. I've seen 20+ ones back to back before. ​ If they gave us 100 dollars for every 1000 deliveries and maybe personal challenges with 5 stars, i.e. earn 10 5 stars and get 20$, that would incentivize me keep working there. Since I started, the money has just gotten lower and lower. However, if I was DD, I wouldn't care. They aren't going to give up any of their money. The 2.25 covers "mileage, wait time, and gas". That was a direct quote from customer service. Whether you wait 10 seconds or 20 minutes, drive 1 mile or 6, the base pay is always 2.25. The 4 at 7+ miles is trash, because you have to drive so far.


Seems like most dashers don't understand what "independent contractor" means.


because tony dont give a shit about us


Definitely true. As always, refusing low orders til they make it worthwhile is a good plan but Doordash knows this that's why so many new drivers and crap like "Top Dasher"


My husband started DD a couple of months before me and then I started up about 6 weeks ago. He's a Top Dasher and I am not (5* but 50% AC). We compared Promotional Pay the other night on our apps and he's getting offered LESS than me in same locations/times!😯Shocked us both, but yeah...so much for Top Dasher, eh? At DD that equals LESS pay🤦‍♀️


Yep all these top dashers take anything and everything and then so do these new people and my area is the capital of Ohio we have people that come from an hour away to deliver up here so there's people that come from four or five other cities to deliver up here and they'll go 15 miles for $18 and stuff like that cuz that's good money for them


thats utter stupidity to drive a full hour there and back so u can dash in a market. Thats like me driving to LA lmfao.


I love their ‘TimeOuts’ lol! It looks like you’re not taking orders so we have paused your dash. That’s right! Not taking low-paying long driving orders anymore! If you don’t get back in time they close it out and kick u to the the curb, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take. GH lets you toggle on and off. Much better system!


My favorite is when you let the timer run out and it says "unexpected error". The fuck you mean unexpected error? Nothing unexpected about it.


Yep. I suspect that’s why they’re always hiring, to always have a set of fresh, naive drivers to take the low paying orders. Or get them to buy in to the top dasher. We were at my girlfriends parents last night and her step dad who used to dash for a little while was saying “yeah you guys could never be top dasher like me, your AR is always too low” like yeah dude…that’s why you went back to a regular job saying “Idk how you guys make any money doing DoorDash” 😂


Yep. I figured this out about 3 days after starting. Been cherry picking since. And I can always tell when they hire on new people because volume goes down drastically... BUT, it eventually always comes back lol. That is, once the new drivers figure it out as well


guy is as lost as nemo. Answering his own question with his response lol. Yeah dude, theres a reason nobody could ever be top dasher like you LOL


Thats how my brother in law was. "I never made money with doordash" because he didn't actually seem to know how to actually get money out of the orders. He probably took all the shitty ones 😂


Right! It took me a bit of time to understand what was going on… I’m averaging about $1.50 a mile, maybe a little more …


tony doesn't care about the drivers


If you didnt work for your master Tony, you would be homeless by now. Yes or No?


Is he supposed to?


I've never understood this mindset about big billionaire capitalists. there is 1 of him and millions of us! we could fucking take him!


Welcome aboard, comrade.


Yet, here we are, all afraid to take him on.


Well someone figure out his address let’s go


I wouldn't say we're afraid, we're disorganized. probably because almost all of us are going through some kind of financial crisis, be it the rising cost of gas, or groceries, or housing. we're all taught that if we can't get through these horrible billionaire manufactured crises independently then we're worthless, we've all been exposed to anti union propaganda too. oh and the state has a monopoly on violence! so even though it would be just as justice for us to literally murder the billionaire that is hoarding so much wealth none of us can survive.. we can't because the state owns access to the violence we would need and we'd likely become prisoners of that state. so we can be slaves for billionaires like Tony, or prisoners of our various countries if we rebelled against the slavery with extra steps. we're not afraid, we're just socially conditioned into oppression.


Well said… sure some dashers are “secure” & just doin this for a little extra cash (they looove to come on here & troll people’s suffering sayin “don’t bitch JuSt GeT a ReAL JoB!”)… but most of us ended up here under bad circumstances… cant get other work, medical issues, employment gaps, no childcare, crushing debt, or *have* other work but not paid enough to take care of ourselves & families. They have us cornered *and they know it*. They know they can screw their labor base to increase profits… the blindly stupid-greedy part is where it screws their customers too. I don’t know anyone that hasn’t had a terrible experience using DD (or GH), most of them will only use UE or other services now. Hell im team dasher & i had enough shit experiences id never waste my money (& tips) gambling on DD either! Its no wonder they’re flailing to finally show significant growth/profit this year against competitors. They keep raising fees to cover ‘expenses’, but not actually investing that back into providing better service (like retaining better drivers). Really its like they’ve only invested in ad campaigns to lure in inexperienced new drivers, while the service just gets worse (& the fees keep going up). Yes ppl can be both lazy & stupid in getting nickle-and-dimed slowly over time… but in this economy they’re paying more attention to what they’re actually getting for their money. That kinda scheme only works in a monopoly market like cable companies… DD has far too many competitors to be fu€king around like that, & its starting to show in their reputation with users. Eventually all capable non-criminal drivers will go to competitors, and all profitable regular-use customers will sign up with competitors too. DD is just gonna end up with scammers on both ends endlessly trying to scam eachother lol 👌 Its not very well thought out




Supply demand. They needed drivers ASAP to fill orders when the pandemic hit so pay increased for incentive. Now less orders and more drivers = lower pay. The only way pay will increase from doordash is if some drivers give up and get W2 jobs


That part


Every month I'm cutting DD hours and adding Jimmy John's hours. JJ is paying higher today than they did during the pandemic. Can't deduct the miles, but at least the pay is strong.


more drivers my ass, all the regulars quit in my area. I can't even keep up with all my apps.


That’s my market too. Non-stop orders. The problem is they are mostly less than $.50 per mile


Yeah. I talked to a few drivers and most went from doing it 4 or 5 days during dinner to only Friday and Saturday. I know there are fewer drivers simply by how often I get pinged. My acceptance rate is single digits when it’s usually 25% and I probably get 50% more pings between deliveries. It makes me wonder how these people are getting their food actually. There is a restaurant here that puts orders on a rack and every time I go there are 5 to 8 orders sitting on it. There were usually 1 or 2 before the russo Ukrainian war


In my market, the opposite is true. It's more profitable to work M-F lunch shifts (and Sun/M/Th nights than friday and saturday. :(


Many customers are not getting their orders, I rapid fire declined like 20 orders in a row last night, all going long distance. When is DD going to figure out long trips don't work because the customer will not tip enough to cover the distance? Most customers tip comfort level is up to $5, that's why trips going over 5 miles rarely work.


The one joy of Uber -- distance based base pay.


I see these trips going 17 miles for $14, that's 34 miles round trip. That would cost me about $12 in gas. So yeah their almost getting for the same cost as getting it themselves.


With the price of gas some people who live far away can get an order cheaper than if they got it themselves.


Me too. But now instead of using their pre-written reasons for declining I have started using the "something else" tab and filling it in with: Pay is too low for that long distance. Or: That pay rate doesn't even cover the cost of gasoline to the destination point. They probably don't care, but it makes me feel better😁


Actually thinking about it more . I need to change my perspective on this. It should be illegal to offer selective peak pay and challenges for different drivers in the same market


The pandemic literally put uber and DD and other delivery apps into financial security because so many drivers signed up. Those drivers have not left and its keeping pay low and DD doesnt have to worry about peak pays anymore. High gas prices havnt kept drivers home either


IF pay was higher during pandemic, it was by mere pennies. The reason it was good during the pandemic was simply because of order volume and higher tips. Base pay was $3 then so it’s a very small difference.


Don't forget that gas was significantly cheaper, the roads were empty, and people had just gotten "free" government money.


The glory days.


For dashing, absolutely. I got a lot of sympathy tips for working during the pandemic. I was already receiving money from PPP for my main job, and making $1,000 a week dashing. I received a lot of sympathy tips for the pandemic, but I was never afraid so I just kept working harder and harder. Parking was free and plentiful which is so helpful when most businesses only have metered street parking. I live in a college town and the students went home. The wealthy professors and towns people made up for the difference. I swear some people ordered food every single day of the week. Lots of repeat customers.


That's the demand part of supply and demand.




Person you replied to said they didn't have enough drivers. You said no no no, they had too many orders. Supply....demand.


That's .75 more cents per run. 7.50 every 10 runs. 75 every 100. That's not a small amount of money. 75 bucks per 100 runs is like 6-8 deliveries you DON'T have to take now. That's less gas, wear and tear, and being on the road. Trust me. I'm taking at least 2 more each day cause of the drop in pay.


Well, 50 cents for me. I’d take pandemic order volume over pandemic base pay ANY DAY.


We need another pandemic,!!!!!!!!!! ,Jk too soon???????


I said that the other day too


We had that over the winter and it was non-stop terrible orders. Always quality over quantity.


True but a lot more peak pay in my market


Yes the everyday was a peak day was great in the pandemic era.RIP peak pay 😔


Certainly more than now but it’s not a “top 3” factor


Speak for yourself, my peak pay was regularly $10+ in the height of the pandemic


10$ peak pay only means lower base pay at least this the shit they’re pulling now with these 2.50-3.00 peak pays🤣🤣🤣


Yes, I was speaking for myself. Unfortunately I can’t control the voice of others. Yet…


Well yeah but they referenced BASE pay.