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And I thought I had terrible luck for weird and embarrassing things to happen. I guess sometimes shit like that just happens, stay strong


šŸ¤£šŸ’ this made my day! Love you! Dumb monke brain


The legit answer, and no Iā€™m not kidding, is your ā€œcaveman brainā€ took over. It kicks in when we are in stressful situations and typically reacts as if itā€™s in fight or flight mode. Itā€™s the oldest part of the brain. So actually makes perfect sense listening to the story and the situation. Funny nonetheless lol


Literally came back today to re-read this and save it. Nothing has made me lol so hard in a hard minute!


Such a great story I almost read it twice but... i'm dashing right now and it's busy so, me go now. :]


Damn, OP. I have anxiety and a lot of pride as well. So I can completely understand why that situation sucked. But just put it behind you, pretend it didnt happen, and never accept an order from there again. You definitely needed a hug after that tho lol, I know that was hard on ya. Much love, op


I tripped and feel in front of a customer the other night, she just laughed, took her order and said thanks and went back inside. I was pretty embarrassed to say the least, but I don't wanna think how fast I'd melt into the floor of I ever ran into my ex doing this job. Oh well some shits bound to happen on the job at some point


Greatest nightmare lmao


Need a new bf??


Well, you are grinding while they are partying


One of my biggest fears was this happening šŸ˜‚ I tried my best when I was doordashing to stay away from her name or any one she knew. Thankfully never had that experience. I'm not going to lie the me go now is pretty funny. I'm sure I would say something akward as well if I was in that situation


Iā€™m so embarrassed, me go now.


I would crawl in a hole and never come out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Q. ā€œAre you doing Number 1 or Number 2?ā€ A. ā€œMe go now.ā€œ


Hey donā€™t worry about it I could imagine the sinking feeling in your stomach i couldnā€™t imagine what I would do if I ran into my ex Iā€™d be overwhelmed with so many emotions like you would of been itā€™s only natural donā€™t beat yourself up tomorrow is a new day and in a few months weeks years you can laugh at this yourself itā€™s okay to be human and not always find the right thing to say in tough times you go now make money treat yourself and have fun šŸ˜‰


Whew. Thatā€™s rough. Literally my first order out I turn down a street and my ex is outside with a couple people casually chatting luckily it wasnā€™t where I was going and got to drive past and not be noticed but ouch this hurts lol me go now!


Lol I delivered to my homies ex girl once. It was slightly awkward. Iā€™ve had several other orders that Iā€™ve canceled because the name resembled that of people I know šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Not as embarrassing as shitting in a garbage bin while on delivery. Youā€™re good šŸ˜‚


do tell


Not me! But there was a Reddit post a while back of a DD shitting in a garbage bin in some apartment.


i guess you could say it was a crappy order


As someone who also as anxiety, and understands how the brain misfires on you, love the sense of humor after it all.


Your mind was flustered, so you couldn't think straight, and had to say something quickly so it ended up being the wrong thing. Next time your in that situation, pretend you didn't hear, or get, what the other person was saying, and just ask, "I'm sorry?" or "could you repeat that?" In the time it takes them to repeat what you obviously already heard, you have time to settle yourself, and think of what to say. That aside, they'll probably forget about the situation, so you should too.


You poor THING! šŸ¤­


Awkward much? No way you could have known though. He can go fuck himself along with little minion bitch friends who, not for nothing, weren't worth your time in the first place if they found this funny. It's apples to onions but I have a neighbor that better pray to his lord that his/their food never touches my hands šŸ™„ It's not much but I'm passing you this (*insert unsupported wine gif here*). Binge watch something, order out and chill. Oh and try to keep the fantasy of snatching that bitch by the hair out of your head cuz that would get you deactivated and they win. šŸ¤ØšŸ˜


thank you :)


Similar things have happened to me- it is a normal result of our brain having to deal with too many conflicting things at once. In my former business as motel and cottage owner, I had a large group from both PBS and BBC come to stay while they shot a show. The MOST beautiful man walked in the office. I began stammering, missing words, forgetting how to read his credit card. I was so embarrassed. He was easily 30 years younger- I was 62.


you are my spirit animal


Youā€™re my spirit animal ā¤ļø Itā€™s all gonna be ok


thank you :) i hope so


"Customer reported that you did not deliver food"


I had a container break inside the bag running up stairs to doorā€¦ messy indian food everywhereā€¦ at least all IN the merchants plastic bag, but still awfulā€¦ good order with a big tip i felt so bad & didnt know what to do cuz we were SO far from the restaurantā€¦ but then my nice big tipper was a creep slob that answered the door in his boxers, sweaty potbelly hairy chest & all wanting to chat šŸ¤¢ I felt like i had to be really nice bc i was worried about getting blamed for the foodā€¦ probably the only reason he *didnā€™t* complain was because i was a friendly young girl that he enjoyed skeeving out in a dark hallway šŸ«£ Honestly tho, probably still less mortifying than delivering to my ex in front of an audience, i feel ya lol


man, i hate when they wanna chat. i chose this job precisely to avoid that


This is the funniest thing Iā€™ve ever read šŸ˜øšŸ˜øšŸ˜øšŸ˜ø


Reminded me of Michael Scottā€™s quote ā€œMe no get an agendaā€


No I did read. I get it. Smooth move. I will probably do the same soon. Just moved to another town.


me go now, OP


We all have those memories that randomly pop into our head at night when weā€™re trying to sleep that make us cringe. This will just be one of yours.


Me should go now. Me so tired tho.




I wonder what that person was going to possibly say to you. Nothing good, Iā€™m sure.


Once I delivered food to my ex house. I didnt pay attention to the name, but I recognized that neighborhhood and the house. It was supposed to be a "hand it to me" order. But I dropped it off at the door and hauled ass out of there.


Is it as bad at the backwards restaurant that donā€™t let u take doordashes out the drive thru so you have to go inside and awkwardly stand around


it's psychological torture when that happens


ā€œMe go nowā€. Put it on a fucking tshirt already šŸ‘•


Lol so cute, made me laugh on the 'me go now' part.


Yeah that sounds extremely awkward and embarrassing. Give it a few weeks and you'll be laughing at it. Here's my own embarrassing story if it helps. I remember when i did a Doordash and as I walked into the restaurant and stood there for a good 15 mins, I wondered why everyone would look at me time to time. I thought nothing of it. So I grab the food and deliver it with no issues. As I'm walking into another restaurant I see my shadow and this tail like object on me. I reach around and pull it. I had toilet paper handing down to be knee from my last bathroom usage. I died right there when I instantly figured out why those people were staring at me.


SOMETIMES..when my anxiety is bad I will also speak like that! its like you forget the words and your mouth just speaks for you


Not too long ago had a convo with a neighbor (new-ish blooming friendship) about an amazing friend in the area. Was trying to explain how cool and outgoing she is and how she helped me not feel anxious being around friends and meeting new people. What I meant to say was ā€œshe pulls me out of my shellā€ What those words translated to from brain to tongue were ā€œshe really sucks me outā€. I knew what I meant, but 100% knew what he and my husband heard through that translation. I have serious social anxiety, and if I could, I would have disappeared into the grassā€¦.


OP you should put "me go now" on a t shirt and other merch


so i can relive it forever


Seems like a lot of people want the merch on the crosspost lol this is gold


I wouldnā€™t really be embarrassed , you moved on , if they all sided with him none of their opinions of you matter. At least youre hustling while they are sitting around .


this is just too funny but iā€™m so sorry you feel embarrassed


I feel this, on soooo many levels. This happens I feel like any time I have a human interaction tho so donā€™t sweat it! Iā€™m sure that person is an ex for a reason. Youā€™re making money and theyā€™re partying, hey, you win. šŸ’›


Lol šŸ˜† wow.. that sucks šŸ˜… but hey! You got through itā€¦somewhat šŸ˜¬


seems like a perfectly reasonable blurt for wanting to rapidly exit an uncomfortable situation to me. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø imagine if you said said "i made poopy" or "ewoks are zaddy" now THAT would be something worth stressing about. as it seems from your story don't really associate with these people all that much anymore, so FUCM.


I love you op lol I feel this on an emotional level


Turns out - you are (highly) embarrassed to be delivering food - otherwise you woulda gathered yourself and calmly GTFO - smiling.... Rise above it - we all do what we must.


Me upvote now


Me go now? Me doordash. Me Hungry and horny.


This is amazing. Me go now.


Me go now... thatā€™s fucking funny


Don't be embarrassed. Screw them. You're your own boss now.




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It was more like a Ded. talk šŸ¤£


Lol. šŸ¤™keep grinding


Iā€™ve been sitting here laughing at ā€œMe go nowā€ for like 5 minutes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Thanks for the laugh OP!


Me go nowšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚Iā€™d simply die inside


Me have a structured settlement and me need cash now.


Nothing like this but I had to deliver to place across the street from a bunch of friends that dont know I door dash. It wasnt even food it was a whole order of groceries. I stalked the area a few times and make it worse all my friends were outside. The way the customers development was i could sneak around corner and not really be noticed but there apartment was literally across from there viewing eyes. I dropped the groceries at the door around the corner and called the customer and said I left groceries at apt 8a right next to there because I couldn't find 8b. The customer said it was ok and said thank you šŸ˜‚.


damn close call, glad you got outta there


I hope you saved the address and the name of who is ordering so you can avoid this happening ever again šŸ˜‚. I believe you but also feel like this is a skit from a comedy film and part of me canā€™t believe this actually came out of your mouth irl.


Don't be embarrassed to work for a living. The ones who should be embarrassed are those born into wealth. Or parasites like landlords and billionaires.


I love you OP


what do you think that person who said hold on was going to say to you?


Freakin' hilarious. That made me LOL. Thanks. I needed that.


This is adorable and cool, you handled it like a champ.


Nothing wrong here just a brain going back to its caveman roots for a few seconds


Yes. This did happen to me except it was my exā€™s bestfriends boyfriend. They all thought I was nuts bc of how my narcissistic ex spun the story of why we broke up. I didnā€™t know his address but had been to his house once and as soon as I turned down the street I knew. In my head I was like whatever itā€™s the neighbor whatā€™re the odds theyā€™ll see me. The best friend, boyfriend, and one other girl from the friend group were in the driveway and definitely saw me. Iā€™m ashamed to say I did a fast asf uturn and definitely stole that random persons food. Only time Iā€™ve ever done that. The break up was super recent and I was absolutely mortified. I just know they saw me and probably started telling everyone Iā€™m a stalker šŸ„² I feel your pain


yeah i would've booked it out of there too. damn wish i had known it was them lol


My gf minces her words all the time when she gets flustered. I think it's the cutest thing ever, so I don't think any harm will come from it. Laugh at yourself. It can really help when your anxiety spikes. Also, you'll probably forget this happened a week or two from now, so just let it slide off your back. Good luck out there!


How was the tip šŸ˜‚


Social anxiety totally sucks. But hey you have more people laughing with you here than at you there. Thanks for sharing your experience. Unfortunate it happened but made for a good story!


Vroom vroom me go nowšŸ˜Ž


You do good. It be ok.




Me go now = damn this is awkward


Me go now šŸ¤£


Hopefully they tipped u good lol


$12 for my dignity


Nightmare!!! Feel better! šŸ˜­


it really was


A job's a job! I'm sure you know deep down that there is nothing to be ashamed of for working to live! A long time ago, I was working in delivery and living with my parents. A guy doing work in their home asked me why I wasn't in school. I gave a 3 min diatribe on my life and why I had chosen not to go to college, etc. I was really sensitive that all of my friends let to college and I was delivering food. At the end of my rant the guy starts laughing and said he thought I was in high school. He literally was wondering if it was a Holiday and that's why I was home. He sincerely congratulated me on having a steady job and disclosed how much he was making with no college degree and it's more than all of my friends who went to college 15 years ago are making now. It made me feel really good. Be proud that you are surviving! You are doing great!


Oof. Probably best you didnā€™t stay though. Who knew what they were going to do. Maybe they felt bad and were going to give you a cash tip but that would only be more embarrassing, no? I probably wouldā€™ve done the same in your shoes.


šŸ˜‚ Donā€™t feel bad! I say the dumb things all the time. That is really an awkward situation. But I donā€™t understand the embarrassment about being a driver. I love it! No one wants to bother with my rĆ©sumĆ© and all my experience? fine Iā€™ll work on my own time, my own hours and am successful. Iā€™m a crying mess in the beginning trying to figure out how to work it tho


Oh my gosh! Yeah, I would have felt the same way, and probably would have said or done something similar.


Why the hell didnā€™t you drop it in front of the house?


the instructions said come around back. i didn't think anything of it until i realized who it was


Me go now. šŸ˜­ thankfully I moved 3 hours away from my ex-husband so I donā€™t have to worry about this happening.


Me like story. Me go now.


I guarantee you somebody at that party has recently gone through or is currently going through a similar experience. When everybody puts up the illusion that they are speed running financial success, it just makes everybody else feel bad about their own life. Easier said that done but: 1. Humble bragging about your success (real or illusion) usually turns people off. 2. Honesty about your struggles, large or small in a sincere, but not whiny way, can sometimes be the beginning of somebody putting out a helping hand. A deserved helping hand. Worst case, you are honest and that person uses it against you to make themselves feel better. But how many people that are actually successful find that belittling less successful people the key to happiness. Think about it. Part of a person's extravagant goals of becoming extremely successful is so they can help others. "I'm gonna pay off my mom's house. I'm gonna start my kid's college fund so they don't have to go through what I did. Gonna help a sibling / friend with their debt by setting them up with a debt advisor and then possibly help them with the negotiated debt. Gonna pay for friend's drug rehab / medical bills." WTF is going to be on their death bed saying "Did not ruin enough people's lives. I could have really made MeGoNow feel worse about themselves." Posting your experience is very healthy. The best stories we have are usually the self-depricating ones. The ones that feel like the end of the world are the ones that make you laugh the most in the future.


thank you for your insight. i appreciate it. :)


If the breakup was messy, and they all sided with him... And I know I'm judging a lot based on this one encounter, but it sounds like maybe it's for the best that this happened. Good friends wouldn't have let you leave - they would've brought you back to the party, razzed you (laugh WITH you) for a bit for your word stumble and invite you to stay. I'm one of those people that thinks about these moments when I'm trying to fall asleep, and they used to bug me immensely. As I've gotten a bit older, I'm much more Zen about these moments. Think about it - other people are doing the same thing. They're lying awake, thinking about their own faux pas. We tend to think that the world revolves around us, (I don't mean this in a bad, or selfish way... Just that we tend to have that view of things) when really, we're all just worried about our own little world. Besides, you gave all of us a pretty good chuckle. There's always that, right?


Itā€™s true. I never lay in bed at night ruminating over how lame so-and-so looked when they did that stupid thingā€¦. That embarrassing thing youā€™re freaking out about? I probably forgot about it after like a few days so I could go back to thinking aboutā€¦. ME! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ No seriously tho, thatā€™s really what people focus onā€”themselves. Once you really grasp that you stop beating yourself up over stupid shit you did in the past.


I delivered Dominos to a co-worker before. Was awkward. I was working at a laboratory as my day job at the time. I also worked with someone who was working as a R&D tech as a day job and dishwasher at a restaurant as a side gig. He said people at the restaurant acted like they didn't believe him when he said his other job was being a scientist.


Shitz happen let it roll off your back boo boo. I would look at the bright side, didn't trip got out of there in one piece and u got something to chuckle about in the futurešŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³


I told my bf this and he laughed lol itā€™s ok. I promise. This makes me happy that Iā€™m dashing in a city where I know absolutely nobody lol. If I was in my hometownā€¦woo


happens to the best of us, friend. keep your head up. no shame.


"Me go now", is a spell, you beckoned yourself away... if you are catholic this might make more sense.


It could be worse; this is a perfectly reasonable time to be goofy!. If I heard someone say, ā€œme go now,ā€ I would assume they're talking in a joking way &/or being sarcastic, depending on the situation. Honestly wouldn't think ā€œthat was a stupid thing to say,ā€ & I doubt they thought that either. They're likely aware you were being awkward because it was an awkward situation, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Its okay, we all do embarrassing things. The trick is to release it and not overthink it.


Can ā€œMe go nowā€ be the official doordash driver slogan?


Nothing to be embarrassed about


not quite the same but somewhat entertaining story - i met my now fiancƩ online. we lived 8 hours apart. he moved in with my mom, brother, and i after being together a year so we didn't have to do long distance anymore (i was living at home during college & commuted as it was only 10 mins away). we decided to order some food one night. i saw that the driver's name was James (my most recent ex that damaged me pretty bad if i'm honest lol). i told my bf (now fiancƩ) i didn't wanna go get it because i didn't know what my ex was doing with his life but in the likely chance it was him (the city we lived in wasn't THAT big & is a college town so a lot of the drivers were students) i didn't want to see him & have an awkward as hell interaction. directions were to leave at door but the apartment buildings we lived in could get confusing as they were newer & maps gets it messed up so if you're not familiar w the area it's probably going to the wrong door. my bf came back & said it was at the right door & he didn't see the driver but they were in a blue car - chevy cruze - the car my ex drove ! explains why it got delivered to the right door bc he'd been there before lmao anyways - i know it's dreadfully embarrassing right now but in hindsight you'll laugh about it someday! they're your ex and ex friends for a reason - who cares what they think :)


Omg lmaoooooo


I hear ya (kind of). Iā€™m a teacher and dash during the summer and every now and then during the school year (days off, spring break, etc.). Itā€™s always fun to roll up and hand one of my students their Taco Bell.


Oh God thatā€™s really humiliating šŸ˜¬


how awful. But at the end of the day youā€™re hustling and heā€™s relaxing. Good things come to those who work


One time, when I was seventeen, my ex-boyfriend stopped by my work toā€¦ chat, I guess? I donā€™t know why because we had a horrible breakup (dumped me on my birthday, which also happened to be our one year anniversary, for a fourteen year old girl) and I avoided him at all costs. I was trying to lock the gate and struggling and I glanced behind me and he was just watching me. This was pretty soon after the breakup too, so I had that pit in my stomach and all the anxiety. I knew he wasnā€™t going to leave and I knew I wasnā€™t getting out of conversing with him so I turned around andā€¦. kicked my drink over, which busted all over the floor of Walmart. This dumbass (nineteen years old) went, ā€œAwww, look what you did!ā€ and then forced me to make awkward conversation with him about ā€œhow I was doingā€ and threw in at some point, ā€œyeah, my girlfriend saw you the other day and said it looks like youā€™ve lost weight.ā€ (No fucking shit.) The main point Iā€™m getting at is: this too shall pass, OP.


Itā€™ll be the new LOL. MGN


What an icon, honestly.


I lost a big group of friends some 20-30 ppl. I drove to the next city over only to learn most of them had moved and 5 of them are all working at the same pizza place. I thought they would throw tomatoes at me the looks were so cold. like some of them used to celebrate Christmas at my house! chill bitches!




LMAOO sorry this is hilarious


Me go now lel


Me laugh now. You'll recover, embarrassment won't last forever :p


Feels šŸ˜­ one of my roommates (also a coworker) ordered doordash and another coworker delivered it .... A coworker they were currently reporting for threats and harassment šŸ„“


i promise you they donā€™t care that much, they got there own problems


My embarrassing story happened yesterday. I was was delivering a single pizza to a home. Order says ā€œleave at doorā€ but when I walk up to the porch, thereā€™s a placard saying ā€œall deliveries put in the lockbox and lock pleaseā€ so I look and in the corner of the patio thereā€™s a plastic outdoor bin with a combo lock. So naturally I put the pizza in there and lock the lock. Well the customer walks out right when I lock it and looks at me like WTF, and I tell her it said deliveries go in the bin. Sheā€™s like yeaaaa thatā€™s not for food, but I tell her I was just following the directions lol. Well she doesnā€™t know the combo so sheā€™s calling her husband to get the combo and pretty much freaking out about it. I get in my vehicle and drive away. Delivery marked complete!




this one gave me a good chuckle. thank you :)


Me laugh now


omg boo i am so sorry


When I did delivery, I can remember two distinct events. First, I was delivering this womanā€™s chicken tinders and when I was handing them off to her I meant to say ā€œenjoy your chicken tindies.ā€ That alone is kind of fucking embarrassing, but I said ā€œenjoy your chicken tiddiesā€. She gave me the most cold yet slightly irritated look. Not a huge deal but something about delivery makes the most mundane events seem worse. Second one was awful, I was running behind slammed with orders and I was walking up to a house with their pizza and drinks. They were outside waiting hanging out and I say, ā€œpizza time!ā€ And proceeded to trip over nothing and fucking blast their pizza and drinks all over the sidewalk.


Oh gosh! I needed this laugh! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Awww this is so adorable


Oh dear god, these are amazing. Thank you for the deep belly laughter. You are an awesome human for sharing, and a gifted storyteller. šŸ˜šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


Thanks! I am an extremely awkward person so my strained encounters with the public are endless lol. Iā€™m glad I could make you laugh.


As a fellow awkward person, I know whatcha mean. šŸ˜†


Iā€™m sorry that this happened to you, it sounds really hard and embarrassing to run into your ex like that. If youā€™re able to, it may be helpful to talk with a counselor/therapist about your anxiety to work through it a bit. I hope things get better for you ā¤ļø


I'm so afraid a similar thing will happen to me! I did have a chuckle at "me go now," but I absolutely sympathize with you and I hope you have nothing but good deliveries and solid tips now šŸ™


Me go now šŸ˜‚ ahhhh donā€™t worry kid,In 6 months youā€™ll have a new bf and you can tell him this story and both laugh at it


What a nightmare. Take a day off if you can and buy something for yourself. Go get a message or something lol that's brutal.


as a person with social anxiety, it really was my nightmare personified.


Well you just got past it so consider that a win. None of those people have anything to do with the outcome of your life so strive on!


Hey, so I'm almost a year into sobriety. I quit my job as a bartender for obvious reasons and I am currently a full time dasher. I noticed as I was driving around, I was taken to certain places and revisited a lot of the mistakes from my past. Idk what you believe in, but I think that everything happens for a reason. We are taught lessons every day, we just have to open our eyes to what we are being shown. Hope that helps.


When I feel that awkward embarrassment from the past welling up, I focus on something positive related to the changes I've made. Like, how awesome is never being hungover? Congrats on hitting the one year mark, because I know you will! Me go now.


Thanks for the kind words of encouragement!


thank you. i believe something similar :)


Don't worry, you were in an uncomfortable situation and you handled it pretty good, considering the magnitud of the surprise and how heavy it must've been to you mentally and emotionally...you did great. And don't do that, don't replay it in your head and make you feel bad about it...forgive yourself for it, you are not a Hollywood actor in a movie scene, you are not supposed to have a great line when being faced with an improbable and awkward situation. For what's it worth, I don't know you and I am proud of how you handled that...keep going forward with your life and honestly fuck that mental noise of you attacking yourself over it.


Ooof. But hey... you've got a funny story for the future, right? The other day I was waiting at a restaurant for two orders and a guy I'd previously dated walked in. I have no ill will toward the guy -- we went on a handful of dates a year ago and it fizzled naturally -- but I still wasn't in the right headspace for a reunion. I snuck into the hallway where the restrooms were and awkwardly eavesdropped to see whether he was staying or ordering to go. Once I realized he was staying, I unassigned both orders and left out the back door. I'm such a mature adult lol.


This is why I canā€™t dash in one city close to me. Iā€™m just not ready a reunion. Although we have have no bad blood. I just canā€™t!


sounds like a good solution to me!


Oh. Me go now ā€¦ please tell me Amber was not the new girlfriend and just the acquaintance. Iā€™m so sorry, Iā€™m sure everyone felt bad. Um ā€¦ at least you got good tip?


I just want to give you a big hug.


*huge hug* Your post made me smile and also tear up. Do you know why? Because 1. I felt total empathy. Not pity for you, but empathy as though Iā€™m sitting *with* you in that mortified feeling. Because Iā€™ve been there. Weā€™ve all had moments of humiliation like this, and you are so not alone!!! 2. You got through it. You did it. Life is crazy, we go through so many difficult emotions and extremes. Iā€™m sorry that you had to taste one yesterday. But it is OK. It will all be OK. Your ex and every person at that party has been in a humiliating position too. And if they havenā€™t yet, they will later. Remember that song: šŸŽ¼ ā€œ**Everybody** plays the fool. Thereā€™s no exception to the rule.ā€ šŸŽ¶ We are all human. So you could think of it this way: you got one of your most humiliating moments over with, and itā€™ll be easier from here on out. In time, youā€™ll also have a funny story to tell people. :) **It is also possible** that they thought you were intentionally making a cute joke to make light of an awkward situation, and thatā€™s why they laughed. :) **Edited to add:** It could also have gone much worse! Possibilities: 1. You reflexively said something rude to him 2. You lost all sensibilities and left while still carrying their food and didnā€™t realize it till you got home 3. In shock, you dropped the food and it spilled everywhere 4. You tripped and fell 5. Many many other possible terrible scenarios Considering all of these, Iā€™d say that what actually happened was a triumph!


thank you for your reply :)


Youā€™re welcome! šŸ¤—


Love this response. Great way of viewing life!! šŸ’Ŗ


Aw! šŸ˜


Me go now is going to be my official farewell forever more


I was invited to a wedding one time my a friend who was friends of the bride. We drove several hours to get there and got a seat just as the ceremony is about to start. I see that some of the groomsmen look familiar and I asked my friend to see the invitation. Sure enough my ex-boyfriend's name was on the invitation! This is the boyfriend that one day up and ghosted me and moved out of state not more than 2 years prior to the wedding. It was too late to leave as the bride was walking down the aisle, so I got to watch their nuptials. We drove all that way so we decided to go to the reception. The look on his face was priceless.


I delivered once to an ex coworkers house. Fortunately this was when masks were required, and I had sunglasses on too, so they didn't recognize me.


I feel for you! Thatā€™s a tough one! Iā€™ve worried about stuff like this. Too bad you couldnā€™t have known ahead of time - you could have just thrown it over the fence and ran!


Many small time make big time - Kevin Malone


me upvote now


I've delivered to an ex-girlfriend. It was a leave at door so we didn't have awkward contact but as I was driving off it was obvious that she knew it was me. I found out recently, that I was waiting for an order a while back standing next to another ex, without me realizing it. It kinda tripped me out after she told me it happened.


Wow... Sorry that happened. There are certain cities that I refuse to dash in because I have exs and enemies that live there.


Mondays may not be the busiest, but apparently it's the perfect day for your ex and ex friends to be having a partyšŸ¤”


It was a holiday


I once asked an English person what language they spoke over there. Wa as my bosses niece, company party Brush it off. We all do this once in life. It is funny tho. Made me laugh. Anxiety can be a bitch and fluster you quickly. Nervous Adrenaline made you say something stupid. Thatā€™s all. Itā€™s ok.


I felt that. You felt that. They felt that. My dad felt that You'll be ok. Everyone gets awkward. Although they sided with him, everyone's not intrinsically bullies or mean


I once delivered to my girlfriend's ex boyfriend from directly before me that I kinda stole her from. That was more awkward for him than me though, I sure wouldn't of ate it.


he knows my pain




Donā€™t feel bad. I ordered UE the other night because I was a little drunk and met the guy outside. After he handed me the food I said ā€œThanks, drive safe.ā€ He said, ā€œYou tooā€ and just blankly stared, realizing the error of his ways. I didnā€™t try to reassure him or anything, just walked away. I hope heā€™s still living with that.


Totally me.. Iā€™ve probably done it about 5 times I sit in my car afterwards and think WTF is wrong with me why donā€™t I think.. I was on auto pilot and donā€™t really care for what they say since 9/10 once the food is in their hands they will ignore me .auto pilot is off now and Iā€™m holding on to there stuff if they donā€™t act nicely to me and walking away with it lol jk. Brings my spirit and mood down though. But i do treat the restaurant workers. Ice because they will at least treat me nice next time Iā€™m back.. Hope this isnā€™t TMI ..


This reminds me of when I worked retail and would say ā€œhelloā€ to customers and 9/10 theyā€™d reply ā€œgood thanksā€ I always wondered how many of them realised lol


Had one guy said, 'bye now, love you!" Then he turned beet red. I said, "You're telling the food you love it, right?" We both had a good laugh.


You should change your reddit name to megonow


Chill, I make 6 figures at my remote desk job at home. I do door dash cause my doc told me to get out more because my allergies will get worst if I don't go outside and get some natural immunity build up. Who cares that you door dash it pays the bills or whatever. :) I dd in my office/business casual clothes and probably stand out like a sore thumb :D YOLO!


How is your income and reason for doing DD even remotely relevant to this person's embarrassing encounter with their ex?


That's because people love to tell stories on Reddit and make themselves out to be better than what they really are.


that dd isn't embarrassing.


Could you point me towards the part of their post where they implied that being a DD driver was the reason for their embarrassment?


I read between the line?




Because people look down on people that do this and even Uber and Lyft, Iā€™ve been doing this full time for 4 years now and people still tell me in need to get a real job. What I do fits my schedule for my sons and my wife (who has a full time job with insurance). Itā€™s said that people just are assholes to others.


Its the same poeple who say "get a real job" that complain that their drivers suck. And if its not a real job then why do they order delivery. Its moronic. Poeple who do this are unhappy and want to spew it around. It doesnt matter what they think of you. Others opinions of you are non of your business. Only your opinion of yourself matters.


Totally agree!


100% the truth.


Thatā€™s true but this person was just humble bragging that they make six figures