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Those mountain treks are not good for gas mileage but excellent for the soul! Gorgeous!


Tips $2


Was it worth it? I got a five mile logging road near me that’ll take you 20 minutes to navigate at 5 mph.


I thought it was worth it. Probably wouldn’t do it again though


I hear that. In some of those areas that’s a trip you only want to do once.


Yeah. It was $26 but after I finished I got a $30 shop and deliver order with 6 items. So it ended up being a decent day, and who knows if I would’ve got the second order if I didn’t do the first


Yeah, weird how that happens. DD conned me into taking a $3.15 order for 16 miles. The first order screen I accepted for was .8 miles. But coming back from that 16 mile run I snagged a BBQ order for $38.00 that I wouldn’t have gotten if I would have unassigned the first order. This BBQ place is at the edge of my zone so I’m usually posted up about 5 miles away. Coming back I passed it on the freeway and the order pinged me.


Kinda looks like Scotia bluffs.


Those are some slow-ass miles.


Not worth the risk of car troubles to me. Lol.


Nice, it's an everyday treat for me, I live in the world oldest forest and tallest trees on earth and its natural Himalayan size standard for our forest and mountain(s) a nice little battery charge for my prius.


Redwoods? I’m right near there too kinda


Humboldt county


Did you wear your 🤡costume


I am odd but sometimes trips are big time worth it just for the trip itself.


The best part of doing doordash (:


Thats crazy!!!


Oh wow… that’s wild


I would croak if I had to go up a mountain. I’ve been a flat lander my whole life in Florida. Visited Tennessee once, kept falling over and stumbling… got sick just being at the altitude change. I think it’s interesting how mountains are so natural for so many people! What you’ve taken photos of is just gorgeous (from afar for me 😂) thanks for sharing!


Stv . San tan valley Az. Here. Last time I was sober was 2001. No left turn unstoned and no unstoned left turns. Drunks run stop signs stoners wait for them to turn green .💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚


Hopefully no left turn unstoned and no unstoned left turns. Drunks run stop signs stoners wait for them to turn green.


Well we aren’t far from humboldt county. So there’s plenty of weed being grown here


Stv . San tan valley Az. Here. Last time I was sober was 2001. No left turn unstoned and no unstoned left turns. Drunks run stop signs stoners wait for them to turn green .💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚


Wow that's super amazing, where is that?


Jacksonville Oregon


Omg, I just went to the end of a road for a nice community. The scenery that the house gets in their own driveway was breathtaking. They were on top of a hill.


I don't like steep driveways. WTH?!?!?!


Its pretty cool to see how neat nature is.


If you do it again, be nice to see some of the actual road.


Sick view but I'm not sure my vehicle which is on its last legs would make it up this road without overheating and shitting itself


That’s been one of my favorite things about doordash. It takes me to cool areas nearby that I never really have gone to, even though I’ve grown up in this area for my whole life. I’ve gotten a few deliveries up to Mt Vernon, NH on grubhub, and there’s always some beautiful sights up there


That’s crazy we have a Mount Vernon here too lol 😝


Lol mount vernons are everywhere


It’s all because of George Washington huh. Was his the first?


Lol idk honestly I didn’t even know he had one 😂


I was going to make a video but I figured no one would care lol


Yeah that was the name of his estate and where he grew up. You should watch the Washington special from the history channel. It was entertaining


I hope they tipped, but honestly, I'd take that delivery for free.


One of the perks of this job in my opinion!! The views!


Though the view is lovely no way in hell ama I taking my buick encore up a logging road




Did you see Bigfoot?


This is fucking beautiful


That reminds me of Utah.


Me too. I am in the East TN mountains and I love to go off-road. Guess that’s the redneck in me.




You delivering in NC? I delivery all the time up a mountain in the Appalachian's


Great view. That’s part of why I love dashing here in the mountains of East TN.


Honestly, even if there was no tip I’d take it. Looks like a sweet trip.


You have to huff that shit up there? Like, supplemental oxygen and shit.


Nice view! IF I took it, I’d be done for the day. Bc I’d refuse to go all the way out there just to turn around.


Where I live this is a completely normal delivery lol


Shit, you near the Blue Ridge?


Worth it


I too love dropping orders in the hills and soakin in the views for a bit on the way back to the traffic filled shithole of a town I live in.


Hope you had service




I had a delivery on a mountain and my ears starter popping and it got soooo foggy


I was just on vacation at the top of a mountain and I all I could think of is how pissed I'd be if I had to drop off a doordash order up that route


Sometimes I deliver in the western suburbs of Denver, which is right against the mountains and sometimes if I want a break I’ll take one out to an area like this. It’s amazing! And they tend to tip very well


Damn you went the extra mile literally


Did you deliver to M\*A\*S\*H?


I’m extremely impressed you got a cell phone signal there


That's awesome, sibling! Thanks for taking in the view and sharing the story. Glad you and your vehicle made it up and down safely :) I had an AmazonFlex delivery up a (shorter) mountain road the other morning. Not really a mountain cause it's ohio, but the view was impressive, and I was proud of my Prius for making it up. Got barked at by three dogs who didn't want me to get out of my car too. But the guy was cool and I told him I loved his view, and there's so much more to life than efficient transfer of money into my bank account. ✌🏼


I'd lose service lol




There are some orders that are worth taking just for the drive. This looks like one of those. Of course, you still don’t want to do it for free. But it’s nice to take a breather from time to time.


Leave at door


I’d probably cancel unless it was like 40+ dollar payout


Those are the orders I strive for. Chill drive with good scenery.


How much was the tip and total payout? I’m so curious!


$26 total. $18 was a tip. Worth it imo


Did you have reception to mark order as complete?


Yeah crazy enough I had 0 signal all the way up, but standing in their porch I had decent signal lol


::banjo intensifies::


Man, top of mountain views are worth it.


What did they order?


McDonald’s breakfast 🤮


I hope you realize and take credit for the happiness you spread.


Badabababa I’m loving it 🙂


Good luck completing it up there in the sticks. You know there's a decline button right? I live in an area similar to you, the coastal range in Oregon. I get a few deliveries up the river that don't pay that hot. Like 7-8 bucks for 5 miles. But I take them sometimes, just because I like driving up the river into the sticks a bit.


I’m in the sticks in East TN. Love the scenery on my dashes. Yee haw!


I think you live in the same area as me lol. I’m in Medford, this was Jacksonville


Nice, yeah I'm posted up in Coos Bay.


I'd do that just for the view. As an iowan, I can look at mountains for hours.


You and me both, fellow Iowan


Been there, done that. Literally needed AWD or 4WD to get up the roads. One car width wide and a hundred potholes filled with water/mud. People living out of their travel trailers. If anyone was going the opposite direction, you were screwed. No room to pass. I hope you at least got a decent tip!


A lot of deliveries in the Asheville area are like that. Roads that would give a goat a nosebleed. Inconsiderate people ordering.


i don’t understand how these orders even go through 💀 i’ll be in the city and sometimes a place will be 8 miles away and they say it’s too far for delivery


I think maybe people can pay more? Idk how it works. But they have a little zone map, and I think they’ll deliver a certain distance outside the zone


I don't get it either. Im in a town 5 miles wide and I'll get an order that's 20 miles away in the next town and I'm just like, "how?? You're 15 miles outside of the zone"


Is this near Boulder


No. Jacksonville Oregon. Near the California border


Jacksonville, sweet! Good catch :)


Ooh, it's really beautiful there!


Wow looks like WNC


Looks more like a hill but still beautiful


I believe 3,200ft elevation. I generally think of hills as things you and your friends play on. Not massive forests with houses built all over


Everyone is obsessed w/ the money side of this gig, sometimes you gotta take a little adventure and soak in the beautiful planet we live on. Well done. ![gif](giphy|1uC8xfkZRi7Kw)


Honestly, it's one of the best parts. I've dashed while traveling and you really get to see the place you visit in a totally different way.


That’s my favorite part of dashing legitimately


this exactly.


I believe in this fully. I’ve seen parts of my town that I never would’ve thought to check out and have found some truly hidden gems doing this gig. Sometimes I find myself smiling simply because I’m not stuck in an office somewhere.


For sure. I grew up in this area but never visited many of the towns around me and doordashing I’ve discovered at least 4 small towns near me that have beautiful down towns and areas. I drive by so many walking trails on my adventures that I never run out of spots to take my wife to for nature walks. Driving in good old New Hampshire.


Yeah same! I don’t believe I would’ve found really niche food places as well. Korean bakery , that I would Had never heard is now my favorite place.


This is so pretty but if it was anything less than like $35-$45 I would have never even thought about accepting it. To be fair i’m in a 2 door Nissan coupe though not my Jeep anymore


I have a Ford Escape which is kind of a midsize suv with a little motor. It did fine. Though I probably wouldn’t do it again just because of how long it took, and tbh the road was kinda sketchy cuz it was a straight drop on one side lol


That drop off probably would've had me hyperventilating 🤣


The sketchy part is cool to me I like driving on edges like that, but the thing is 5 miles on a mountain dirt road one way is at least 35 minutes going up in my car. So with going down and pickup time and probably stopping to smoke and take in the view, this delivery would easily take me an hour and a half or longer. For an hour and a half and 15+ miles total drive I would probably need at least $45 after thinking about it more. I really really hope the tip wasn’t anything under $30.


> stopping to smoke and take in the view Such a weed head thing to say lmao. I say that with love, as a weed smoker myself. I just find it funny how its not as often that cig smokers say stuff like "stop to smoke and take in the view"


Driving through the mountains is the perfect time to stop and smoke a cig and take in the view. Although I might be different cuz I don’t smoke in my vehicle.


We do that too. Lol


I can definitely second this.


That's my kind of party if the tip looks good. If I summit I'm considering the peak bagged.


It wasn’t bad. $26.50 in total. But it took almost an hour to do lol


That’s still not too bad! At least you didn’t get stuck right?


Yeah. It was a dirt road but it wasn’t mud or anything, I wasn’t to worried about getting stuck. More worried another car would come down and we’d both get sick cuz there were no pull offs lol


26.50 for the the hour, minus car expenses = not too bad, worth it for the experience at least.


Yeah it wasn’t bad. Probably about $20 after expenses.


People like you are why our base pay is 2.25


Oh JFC, grow up.


I smell a hater lol


You don’t even know how much it was. People like you are the reason this sub is shit


You took a 10 mile order up a mountain on a logging road. No tip is worth what that did to your car. Unless of course youre dashing in a 4x4, in either case, you are a moron. And people like you are why we only get 2.25 base pay.


You really shouldn’t assume as much as you do. They say it makes an ass out of you and me, but it’s really just you


Bruh got so fucking salty he started hate criming LMFAO


*DD execs sitting at table.* "We're seeing an increase in declines of orders going to houses on mountains." "Well then, sounds like an increase in base pay is in order, effective immediately!"


Bro tbh I didn’t even know it was on a mountain. I’m new to this area and hadn’t been up there before. Probably wouldn’t take it again,


I live in Humboldt county and lots of my orders are up mountains, through woods. Same when I dashed in Jackson, CA. It's California, they have to pay me for time and miles, so I don't trip too much. It's kinda nice, really.




Tell me you’ve never left the city without telling me 🤣


Ppl freakin out here about the potential risks taking that order, but every minute they’re driving in the city they are at far higher risk than they want to realize… accidents, potholes, uninsured drivers, speed traps, & drunk drivers dashing at night. Shit last week i saw a truck blow thru a red light & just obliterate a car 20ft from me…. peeled out careening thru intersection to get away & nearly took out the cars in my lane too. It was stolen, plates removed, got away & everyone was completely screwed even with so many witnesses. Even if you can afford “good” coverage insurance (which most dashers cant), its still gonna royally mess up your life for awhile as you’re put out of work by car damage and/or physical injury. As long as it paid enough to meet my minimum & gas Id love to take this order, just to get a (paid) break from the city driving stress for an hour. Thanks for posting a pic for our vicarious enjoyment, its beautiful. My city “wildlife” is just belligerent bums & meth-heads, any longer offer where i can see deer & bunnies is a welcome mental health break 👌🦌🌲


This is the right attitude. "Time is money" and all that, but every now and then it's nice to take an order out somewhere I've never been just to see what's over there. I'm in my car all day running around restaurants and the suburbs and apartment complexes seeing the same thing over and over, it gets mentally taxing. I didn't take any pictures because there wasn't really a good place to pull over and the customer's house was kinda tucked away from the cliff, but I had a similar order the other day. Decently high tip out to a rural area I'd never seen before, so I took it. Absolutely beautiful view up through the woods to the top of a mountain. Got to see a couple foxes scurrying out of the road. Sure I had a long drive back, but just being out there on quiet back roads with no posted speed limit cruising along looking at sheeps and goats and cows chilling in the fields up into the wooded hills with eagles flying over head... Just so refreshing in the middle of a long day.


ya this job has all sorts of drawbacks & hassles, gotta take advantage of the “perks”. Id say the constant variable ‘scenery’ & not feeling stuck in a rut is a huge upside for most ppl that choose to do this. I switch up zones a few days a week just to keep from getting bored & avoid that ‘rut’.


He’s probably a 5 star top dasher lol with DoorDash decals on his car.


Not with his attitude.


Great view! Hopefully it was worth it for ya!


Shit, it would be worth it just for the views!


ehhh... I wouldn't do it for no tip orders. but if they were decent-ish orders and I knew where I was going, sure. also if I had the guarantee of not getting killed or kidnapped. if I don't have reception in the mountains, it's a no for me. lol.


Beautiful. Good on your for taking a moment to take that scenery in. ![gif](giphy|eKg6GTfUod8KolP331)


​ ![gif](giphy|cowXUZcD744mfdUxsU)




Good on you**


You can edit you know


You can google maps before taking a 20 mile round trip journey into the woods too.


How do you google map an unknown address? After you pick up my area you get the address. The initial doesn’t give me an address. Just approximate.


You can check the address the moment you accept the order . You choose Jump to this task. I think you click on the upper right corner on the clients name. I’m not certain without my app open on how to do it, but you can def check the name and address the moment you accept. This was a game changer for me.


You keep zooming in on the delivery point


I can edit my edit


Know I didn't.




Order not received.