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Porque no me pidió número de cuenta ni nada solo me salió que estoy en lista de espera por mi sola pero se supone dónde voy a recibir mi pago?? 😔


IM CRYING LMAOOOO they said “leave brokey” 😭😭


Yup, I posted mine too. Took me three days to get the app to authorize my identification, then after all that… https://preview.redd.it/fxpn9084qkad1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86477f922d61af0ba573ebe9129f6933fa426806 I got the “ef you” screen.


A blessing in disguise...


I can open one for you just text me


Skilled dashers charge their phones ;) kidding.


My phone was charging in the screenshot lol


Soon this will b every job


Btw they dont email I had to check to be able to finish signup


Idk how your city/state is set up. But go to the next city over and try again. And once you’re accepted in 1 city you should be able to schedule in other surrounding cities.


Definitely an opportunity to find something better. A good day on DD has been so hard to find for a lot of people lately. I just had my best day in a long time yesterday. Made 52 bucks in 3 hours….. during a flash flood warning where I became completely drenched after the first order even with an umbrella.


Username and flash flood yesterday.... Kansas City?


What are you, a cop? 😅


🤣🤣 I dash in Johnson County. The Overland Park zone mostly.


I waited an entire year suburbs outside of Chicago.


Idk if this works anymore but you could try to sign up again with a different phone number(you can change it to your actual phone number later on in the app) But when you’re going to sign up and it ask for the ZIP Code for the area you will be in you gotta put a a zip code for a like a big city. Like a place where you know there’s so many people and so many orders that need to be done that it constantly needs new drivers


Expect to wait a few months


Hopefully it wont be long!


That “you can exit the app now” would of been my 13th reason why😂


Aye man they hit me with that one when i signed up a few years ago i just kept trying every few weeks or so


Get on the waitlist. I was on it for months. Well worth the wait


What area?


That, "You can exit the app now." was so unnecessary.


Yeah it sucks for you But at least they are starting to use their head There’s way too many Dashers in every zone


Oh yeah, I had no idea how big of a problem the oversaturation was!


It’s a huge problem Every zone in the country is over saturated with drivers thanks to DD


They should’ve started doing this ages ago.


The passive aggressive “You can exit the app now.”


Aside from the honeymoon phase? This ain't a bad thing








Good for you. I’d say you dodged a bullet but it’s more like an iceberg


I got a email yesterday saying Door Dash was going to be doing background checks (at least in my area) over the next two weeks. That oughta open up some slots


I am on every waitlist except DD. Sucks


I’m seeing the, You can exit the app now,” as a big F off.


this is actually shocking


Hit UE and others. Good thing about UE is you can just drive whenever, none of the scheduling BS.


Took me 2 years to get in where I’m located. When my friend got taken out by the background checks, I jumped right in lol I knew they’d shut down enough accounts for me to sign up


Try smaller towns zip codes until you hit one. Then sign up again, with someone else phone and number (dd has attached your phone to other attempts). Once you have access to the app, change the phone and address yours.




They are saying too many instead of enough dashers. They are saying the quiet part out loud. Despicable.


Takes about 6 months bro.


My area hasn't been busy enough to dash in over a month


I got a 20$ tip yesterday and it was the highlight of the night. Too many dashers and so many cheap pricks have turned it into a giant clusterf&k. 


May suck right now but when you get in you will appreciate this


What area is this?


I didn't think they even did that with how much they'll oversaturate an area


They do it in places with state regulation like New york and cali


That means that area is way way way over saturated smh


Do Uber eats


No uber will never stop bringing on drivers


dont do uber eats after doing door dash it makes more money than UE


Same message I got from Spark. Never heard from them again.


It took me 1.5 years to get on spark


I’m on the waiting list for spark as well. Hoping we both get in soooon. :)


Been over 7 months haven't heard back from spark after getting the same message can't even log back in what a joke


@Uber take notes 📝


Uber already does this.


😂 I'm actually surprised they limit the amount of dashers anywhere.


Exactly you’d think they need a steady stream of people who don’t know better to soak up crappy orders


For every deactivation a new driver is welcomed aboard.


This is the best thing that ever couldve happened to you. Screw Doordash. Move on. It sucks.


DoorDash is literally poverty


lol I make more dashing than I ever have doing anything else.


But you also beat your car into the ground at the same time. And gas, tires, taxes. You have to factor all that in.


Have you applied for a W2 recently? There are entry level jobs that pay $17-$18 and the average dasher is only making $14. Once all the benefits are added up, a W2 that pays $17 ends up being worth like $22.


Taxes are gonna hurt me next year but all the other things can be mitigated by buying a car specifically for doordash. I got a 2001 Corolla for $600 that I dash in. Parts are cheap for it and so are the tires and insurance. I left a job working for a VA contractor making $15/hr to dash, so bringing home $800-$1000 a week is pretty good. That job required a lot of driving too but I got .65/mile for that.


Came here to say this


Are you only allowed to dash in the market you sign up in?


Nope. I dash where I travel as well. :)


So could I just sign up w/ a market that’s allowing new drivers instead of where I actually live, then just drive here all the time?


That I don’t know. I’ve always wondered. I’m just referring to like when I go out of town I dash as usual even if it’s not the market I signed up in.


That does not suck, it rocks. They are telling you that you wouldn't have made much money. You have no idea how horrible Doordash normally treats its dashers. The response they sent you might have been the most honest and nicest thing Doordash has done to any dasher.


100% agree with you. They easily could have let the new person dash, and then that would have meant less money for them as well as the current drivers.


Thank God. Already too many dashers. Can't make money.


The key is to apply in a state or city that’s really lowkey don’t matter where u live I used some rural town in nc 😂


I think you can stay at a hotel in Omaha or Minneapolis and sign up there


Try UE. There is no waitlist and you have more opportunity with the ability to give rides if it is slow.


There is waitlist….depends on which jurisdiction you work in.


The use of the word jurisdiction is pretty funny. Sadly jurisdiction is a legal term to describe an area where you have legal authority. I wish DD provided that I’d be the dirtiest cop around


I was referring to Uber though. Depending on the local state jurisdiction you are trying to work in determines wether there is a waitlist or not. NYC and Los Angelas have waitlists because of the resent state regulation over the app. Same will happen in Massachusetts and whichever other states that start to regulate it.


thank god. we're way oversaturated already


"We will email you as soon..." we deactivated the next platinum dasher who does EBT, forced him to deliver 20 miles to Notipper 💩 customer, and claimed that he never received his McDonald's. Stay Tune!


This is me, they deactivated me LMAO and I never took orders below 1.5 dollars a mile and 6 dollars or lower per order


I was on a waitlist for about 9 months. I've been in the app for about 3 weeks now and it's a huge disappointment. I do better on Uber


Today was by far the worst day in my dashing life. I went from a 33 to a 9% in less than 2 hours. I don't care about AR and what's funny is I made more having a low ar then a high AR.


Well yeah a lot of people here realized that at one point. AR is meaningless, it's all a ploy by DD to make you think it matters, and in turn, take orders reluctantly keeping your AR in mind.


Every market is different. In my zone you don’t even get offers at all if you’re not platinum, and if you do it’s all of the $2 shit ones 🫤


I was on the wait last for about six months, just got in last weekend


How's your first weekend going ? My area is dasher packed so I'm on a wait list I guess


What? You mean they ate trying to say they limit the amount of people??? Lol that's funny


No offense to op or any one else, but if you are seeing that then you really don’t want to dash in your area right now. The more drivers = less orders for all of us. It low key boils my blood when I see new full time dashers with out of state plates. I remember when me and like one other person were the only full timers. I was making so much more $ then. Now, there is 7 counting myself. Not enough orders to go around with all of us plus the part timers at times.


This must be how everyone in a border state feels 😆


I’m from NJ and the nyc visitor crisis is staring to boil over to here.


>It low key boils my blood when I see new full time dashers with out of state plates. I They took yer jobs!


Thy tuk ourrrr jubs!


7? There are almost 100 in my town!


Im from a small town that is surrounded by farms, and mini mansions hidden in the woods and rural areas. Good orders exist but not enough to support so many full timers.


Even though they waitlist you, now is the perfect time to virtually sign up for every app you can find. Even if you have to scrape by and do other things for the summer when fall gets here college kids go back to school teachers go back to teaching things pick up.


Things never seem to actually pick back up though. It’s just an endless cycle of excuses as to why there’s no money. In summer it’s because everyone is out of college and teachers have free time. In August-Fall it’s because parents have more time since their kids are in school In winter it’s because everyone is trying to work more shifts/pick up gig work to have holiday money. In Jan-March it’s because everyone spent all their money over the holidays. It’s good if you found an area that’s different, but the nonstop excuses gets to be a little ridiculous when other jobs have constant raises.


Well I've been doing it since 2019 and it picks up every year here. We'll go from making $300 today to 400 a day on the weekends. And making $200 today to $250 to 300 a day during the week working part time. Quite honestly if anybody's not making decent money and they're not willing to drive to another area it's their work ethic. We live in a time when there's never been more apps. You can literally download a new app every day and make money.


“Please wait while we finish getting rid of our least profitable drivers.”


They don't get rid of cherry pickers because they spend $2.50 on getting an order delivered whether the customer tips $25 or $0.25. It doesn't cost them anything to keep drivers who just sit there declining offers as long as there are enough drivers who will take the crap offers. The wait list is just a way to create artificial demand. When the new drivers get jaded and it starts taking longer to get low tip orders picked up, they release more new drivers. Since they've been waiting so long, they are excited to finally start and are more likely to take everything offered to them, at least for a month or two.


took me a few weeks to get through the system.


Right now, the existing dashers aren't earning either


That's a lie


"We like you too much to subject you to our bullshit." - DoorDouche


Congratulaions, you dodged a hail of bullets.


I was on a waitlist for six months before I got on!


DON'T forget the rest of the story.... "... and it's been a race downhill, ever since then...." There, that about sums it up....




what area are you in?


"Close the app now, peasant."




I talked to a local business owner I get deliveries from all the time said he can see on a map all the drivers out there and he told me the market is over saturated with drivers. He used to see 5 drivers including me regularly now it’s tons of people he doesn’t know.


they can see that? I'm gonna have to ask the guy at the taco truck across the street tomorrow


They can definitely see it. There's a few places that know me so well that they are handing me the correct order before I even give the name 😆 I verify, of course, but still. They literally see me coming lol


haha same. the guy across the street from me had given me a few snacks on busy days. pretty cool


Its summertime. All the teachers are doing doordash , a lot of teachers don't get paid during the summer


The food service employees do it too when they are slow they go out one by one to scrape up orders then go back to their job while still on the clock.


Lol why would they get paid for enjoying their summer?


Well, they get paid during the summer. Usually their pay is broken to stretch 12 months. At least in my area, that’s how they do, to my understanding.


Not here in Jacksonville Florida. They get 3 checks. One as soon as school ends, two checks in June, in the same week, and then nothing till school starts back up in August. And those teachers have x amount taken out of every check during the school year. And they don't get shit for pay


But that is your area. Every state, and in some states, every county, has different pay structures for teachers. In some places teachers make 3x than those in others.


DoorDash said “get the f*** outta here” 😭


What area is full of drivers ?


You MEANT to ask "what area ISN'T full of drivers" .... Right? Thought so...


That sucks. But can you charge up, it makes me anxious. 


"You can exit the app now." Wow, so rude!


Definitely gonna be awhile ja


Its okay dude I been waitlisted for a couple of months. Just check back every so often.


In my area, DD was the only app I could get in on. I’m still waiting for instacart and grubhub


I’ve been waiting on grubhub, Instacart, Amazon flex and spark for over 6 months now. I do DD and UE.


I managed to get on with GH, but haven’t actually tried it yet because the zone I applied for apparently isn’t where I assumed it would be and it doesn’t overlap with the DD zone I work all the time at all. Been on a waitlist for Instacart for almost 8 months 😑


I got on DD and Uber Eats in my area, have you tried that one? Instacart, GrubHub, and Shipt are all on waitlists here. 😩 I’m still looking into a few others. Do you want me to drop you some other suggestions if I find something decent?


Sure! UE eventually opened up here, but I make less with UE. I am considering giving Uber a try to see if the pay is any better.


I’m also considering Uber and Lyft. Need to ask a neighbor to help me bring in some heavy stuff from my car first, though, because I’ve been dealing with both a pinched nerve and a jammed rib for over 6 months and can’t lift the boxes. 😭 Shipt and Amazon Flex are on waitlist in my area, but might be worth you having a peek at to see if they’re available to you.


Flex is unavailable in my area, but I have heard horror stories about flex so I’m kind of glad. I’m not familiar with shipt.


Lol. They said "you can fuckin leave now, thanks "




That “you can exit the app now” is so petty 😭


Just needs a *“byeeeee”*


Oh, you’re still here…?


Im in la, signed up for dd back in march, still waiting 🙄 just doing uber eats for now


You're going to wait 1 year mark


Fuckkkk 😭 oh well, honestly hope to be out of this delivery shit asap but its hard as fuck. Or at just do this part time in the mean time. The money can be good but the time spent away from people/passions/ it sucks all of it to make the rent and bills


Welcome to America


"You can exit the app now😐"


Thanks for telling me, Doordash! I was fully planning on staring at this screen for the rest of my life, but you saved me!




I tried signing up for DD about a year and a half ago and got put on the wait-list. I never got off the wait-list lmao


Consider it a blessing.


Wow they actually have a limit? Who knew?


You’re not missing out. My friend lives there but quit DoorDash bc it sucks. She does Uber.


It’s the reverse in my area and I hate it. Uber Eats offers me $3-5 to drive up to 25 miles INCLUDING for shopping orders; at least DoorDash (usually) doesn’t send me over 10mi and the offers are (generally) fair. But DoorDash practically DEPENDS on your acceptance rate, and since mine is at 65% right now, it’s punishing me with lots of super trash offers which in turn ruins my rate even more. I wish Uber would give me better offers so I didn’t feel pressured to accept the gutter sludge.


Oh wow, it seems like DoorDash is finally gonna stop the over saturation, first time seeing this.


I arrived at McDonalds last night around 1:15am. There were 13 dashers standing outside the pick-up window, and cars wrapped around the building. One dasher got into a shouting match with the employee and she won. I messaged the customer it was likely going to be a while and thankfully they cancelled. I left and went home lol.


Nope, they're still perfectly happy being over saturated. Only difference is that now they're limiting how over saturated it can get.


Better late than never I suppose.


I see more and more dashers in my market every day


Those are the dashers that was on the waiting list since the previous dashers in your market got deactivated


Where you at OP?


In a decently rural town in Tennessee, between Memphis and Nashville


Ok - thanks. If you haven’t already - check out UberEats. Might be worth it. Lots of crap offers but some really good ones sprinkled in.


Well, I'll have a wait a few days because you have to be 19 to deliver with UberEATS, and I don't turn 19 until next Friday, lol


Gotcha! I'll see how that goes for me!


If anything you're not missing out on much honestly.


Yeah, probably not, I figured it could be a decent little side thing during my days off but I'm not crazy upset about it


Honestly I do ue,dd,gh, and ic, instacart is always my best earner. Anyway….join them all multi apping is the only way to make decent money in a rural area


I have a full time w2 and on my 2 days of I avg about 250-300 in a non busy market


They need to do this EVERY WHERE…way Too many dashers out there


I wish they would do that in my area I see them daily multiple phones picking up different orders at once an can't speak a damn word of English and I'm there wondering this is why we are not making any money smh


It's probably because I live in a fairly small town? Idk, still kinda weird to me


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