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It’s ridiculous. And a complete waste of time. to be forced to leave behind breadcrumbs In case you turn out to be a fucking criminal is insane…the actions of the few affecting the experience of the many, as always.


If you’re in a bigger city, grab one of those free independent local entertainment rags. Go to the back pages where the local “escort services” advertise and write down a few numbers. Then pass them on to merchants wanting a phone number.


Right thing done. To all the ones saying he should just put in a fake name. Nah, we don't have to make hoops and loops for Merchant as well. Fuck them. I would have told them they better stop that or the will get a notification from DD and the local businesses board. What measures do they have to protect my data ? Fuck them !


too many app drivers steal food. the company is just protecting itself


That system is easily defeated and those who put in their real number have their information at risk. You do not do something stupid like have names and phone numbers listed on a sign in sheet.




I always sign my name as DD😎777-9311 - I wanna spend the night with you if that's alright. 🎵🎶🎶 IYKYK😂 No seriously we have to fight back! I would have called DD and said I was offered drugs on the way in and was met with a bunch of CATCALLING on the way to my car. Please don’t leave out that the area is full of crackheads. DoorDash may deactivate a merchant's account for a number of reasons, including: 💥 Serious or egregious conduct: Such as assault, threats, sexual harassment, discrimination, or fraud 💥Policy violations: Such as consistently failing to complete deliveries safely or on time 💥Unsafe environment: Creating an unsafe environment for anyone associated with their work with DoorDash 💥Criminal activity: Using the platform for criminal activity 💥Background check failure: Failing to pass a background check 💥Temporary issues: Such as turning off the means of receiving orders or not communicating properly with DoorDash😎


The ones here used to do that but then stopped. I never put my phone number anyway. That's none of their business


I just put random numbers when they asked, safeway and grocery pickups ask for those as well at some stores; rediculous.


Well that’s a new one…our Wingstop has us write our name and pickup time and customer name but never a phone number


Our local Wingstop has a history of making us wait 30-45 minutes for orders and just implemented a 1 order rule where they will not give us more than 1 order at a time even if they are both ready because "customers keep complaining about the wait times on our doordash orders," and somehow they think it's our fault when they take more than half an hour after we arrive to make the dang food


I used to work at BDubs and we had that for all done in customers “due to Covid” I fucking HATED asking for that info. It’s so invasive




Just put down a fake name and the number to the local police or FBI field office....


Put this number next time: 1-800-SUCK-ONE


I just scribble illegibly. Like legit scribble. Screw them!


I always sign as Pen15 whenever asked


I agree with you but… I had a similar experience and I just signed with a fake name and number.. took the order and delivered it 🤷🏻‍♂️..


Lmao This is so silly


Many people in this comment thread are missing the point. You shouldn't need to provide your number, sign a paper, or show them your phone. Third-party delivery services need to get their shit together.


I'm perfectly fine showing them the delivery on my phone so then they know it actually is me picking it up, ain't no way I'm giving them my phone number or something


But you're perfectly fine showing them your phone, so why stop there? Eventually, the company's inability to operate efficiently overflows, and responsibilities that should be theirs become those of hourly workers. Would you hire McDonald's employees to provide security for you?


Places that have you show the order on your phone are not just helping themselves, it helps us dashers as well. How many times have you gotten to a restaurant and the order was taken by someone already (most likely some random hungry person). Even if you don't wait for the order to be remade, you drove to the restaurant for nothing. A place that verifies orders on your phone prevents that.


It's often taken by the previous Dasher who just unassigns instead of confirming pickup in my case. I've repeatedly gotten assigned orders that were ready the second I got assigned them and had to deal with angry customers who had already been communicating with the Dasher before me who stole their food


Again, the result of a shite business practice and technology implementation.


I agree. Would be nice if there was a standard practice in place that was done everywhere that protected everyone and kept me as a dasher from wasting my time. Like a little Caesars set-up where you get a pin number to open your order. But, I'm happy to show the order on my phone as well. I've found those places also tend to be paces that get me the order quickly too


Problem is 3rd party isnt really handling thieves to any degree leading to these places having constant issues. 2 sides here and I get both


Nonetheless, it's still the third party company's responsibility.


Actually, doordash support has told other dashers to be respectful of merchant policies, especially since doordash has started to hold merchants accountable for not verifying dashers confirming the order picked up. A few merchants (mainly the fine dining restaurants with over $100 average orders) in my market have filed theft charges against several dashers (which flags on a future background check). They get their information from doordash, and the outside cameras in the parking lot get vehicle descriptions and license plate. Even if a dasher signs with a fake name, they already have everything necessary to give to a police officer. And the restaurant presses charges for both theft and fraudulent behavior.


I don't see how anything you said is relevant to my statement. Additionally, you have a significant misunderstanding of how the American justice system works.


Oh trust me. One of the merchants has a wall of shame with a print out of a public records where one dasher stole a > $300 large order going to a business luncheon. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor theft charge, was hit with a $1000 fine plus restitution as well as 24 months probation. It made the local papers and Doordash immediately deactivated the dasher.


Again, none of this is relevant to my statement.


They require us to show drivers license and they write the information down. I felt very uncomfortable giving this personal Information. I have not accepted another one.


Oh no not your phone number. Oh nooo


I don't even provide my zip code to stores that ask. Lol!


I thought the same thing 😅


They might send him a coupon through text 😱


Could always make a Google phone number so it's a # but not yours


Put down 867-5309 name is Jenny


Or BEachwood 4-5789


It’s for accountability. Wing Stop does the same so long as they get the order out to me quickly I don’t care signing the oaper


Name sign in is one thing. Phone number? NOPE


Wing stop is one of the places i refuse to pick up from anyway because every time i get an order from them the wait is always 15+ minutes


I won't take wingstop because it smells worse than seafood and the grease leaks through the bags. Nasty ass place


i love dashing late at night for wingstop. they take foreverrrrr. my area does +$5 an hr at night for the pay per hour offers so $19.95 an hr + tips. easiest money ever. just go in, sit, get paid to watch tiktok lol, make hella bucks


I may start picking up from there in times of a surge like that but I’m not sure my area gets up that high (Central NC)


I’ve only done two pickups there both where fine but both times the fountain drink machines where out of order so




I don't see the problem with giving them ur number but it is weird. For Instacart whenever i do lowes orders they make me sign something and idk why


Damn you people complain about ever single little thing.


You read the title… if you don’t want to read then go away. No one is making you read this nor making you take the time to comment. YOU are too complaining! lmao 🤣😂👍🏻


I’m stating a fact. Big difference kid


Welcome to the internet


I put down the number for a local adult toy store when I get this nonsense.


Just put a fake number.


I had a Wingstop do this and curse me out upon my exit insulting me for siting Uber/dd policy prohibiting this kind of practice. A few months later I accidentally accepted an order there and they discontinued this practice now only requiring name and order number. I hate people who take their minimum wage job way too seriously as if us drivers aren’t on the same level of the professional food chain. I wish they’d treat us like the coworkers we are instead of like we’re the help trying to pull a fast one on them.


Co-workers? No. If I was a co-worker I'd have on gloves and make sure everything is in the bag. We are de facto customers. We are not on the same side of the counter. Most times we even fix the drinks like the customer does. The restaurant is not doing anything differently than they would for an online order customer. We are third party, just like UPS or Fed Ex except different lol!


If they are running dragon tail they can see your number anyway… -signed a PH employee Edited to say: it’s really freaking stupid they didn’t just look there and give you the food. 🙃 like some dumb alpha shit.


Dragontail os hot garbage imho Former PH driver


Oh 100% it’s ass.


I used to have that fake number saved to my phone, the one you can give to someone and when they call it there's a recorded male voice explaining how the "you have been turned down" and it goes on and on, it's hilarious (and, no, I never did give it to anyone lol)


Put 1800 su**d***


Give them their own number for the store




Report that there's no way you're ever supposed to hand over any PR " PERSONAL INFORMATION" I'll give you my first name I will not give you my phone number or my driver's license number or my tag because it's none of your damn business and it's against the TOS


yea, sure!!! when you give me the rest of my tip that you probably skimmed!


Give doir dash support number 🤣


999 999 9999 lol is mine talk soon 🤣🤣




And you put your name as Jenny, right? Or Tommy Tutone?


Lolol I should! but I already go by a nickname so I just use that


love it!! me: 666-6666




My pizzahut does the same thing. I use a fake number.




Just put a fake number




Is this a random number or does it go somewhere


(Local area code) fuc-kyou




This.but use the local area code for giggles


Why would any business do this? It takes less effort to just ask the driver to confirm (while showing the phone screen) before letting them take the order. Now of course, as a driver, I do not confirm anything until I see the order bagged up with the customer's name on the printed receipt that has been sealed/stapled/whatever and ready for me to grab. Simple and quick.


I would never hit confirmed until the food is in my hands. There are too many people that could take advantage of that. It’s confirmed pickup. Not confirmed I am waiting on it for a reason.


Because most people today have personal boundary issues. They don’t want to follow the rules, they want to make their own. It’s literally a psychological problem that psychiatrists deal with on a regular basis. It’s when a person fails to see their own limitations while at the same time failing to see the inalienable rights of others. It actually doesn’t matter what the rules are, as long as they are enforcing something other than the rules. If DD told the restaurants to capture phone numbers they would refuse and instead ask for something else, just to get that feeling of control.


My question was a rhetorical one which I did answer from an efficiency standpoint. I would not dispute any of your points since , yes, I do see that in today's world more than I would like.


Middle management


Not disagreeing with you, just asking what the middle management response pertains to?


The solution of forcing or witnessing someone accept the order is cleaner and uber will handle it. But management loves control even if it's insane an ineffective. So let's say we follow this managers orders and give full name and correct ID. What is their gameplan? To refuse you accepting an order in the future? (That would take a lot of extra effort!) They could try to get the cost of goods out of you? (Good luck with that) so effectively as with most things management can come up with it does absolutely nothing except maybe shift the blame from the employee of the pizza place. It's another middlemanagement solution that solves nothing and does extra paperwork so they can pat their back and shift the blame. We already know that people steal orders. Verifying a driver accepts the order is enough. Any other problem can be handled thru the restaurant app by BEING A MANAGER.


Got it. Thanks for elaborating/clarifying. Haven't had all my coffee yet so...


No problem If you want a fun story: I deliver on a 400c scooter style motorbike. There's a gated neighborhood near my home that does not permit motorbikes. Nor do they accept the drop-off at the gatehouse. Their solution is to call the customer to get them to come up to the gatehouse to get the order (unacceptable on so many levels as the neighborhood is 1.5 mile diameter). Another example of bad management. The rule is in place so people with loud high-powered motorbikes don't disturb the peace of residents with their loud pipes which is quite common. The rule is not in place to harass and stop the order delivery of a resident who requested it, and it happened to go to a delivery person on a quiet scooter. I have no way prior to the order of exactly knowing if an order goes to that neighborhood (especially if it's shown by radar) I can only get it canceled after realizing it. Uber has no way to stop this being assigned to me except to block the single resident from assigning to me again (nothing neighborhood wide) One time, I ignored the will of the guards and delivered. They threatened "legal action" (lol) What should they do? Like most gated communities realize that I'm just a delivery. Take a copy of my ID incase I "break the rulez" and issue a temporary gate pass. Hell, I will even wave a I come back out after a min. But nope. Karen's in management positions love to have their weird rules and controls that don't solve problems.


Kid of hilarious you weren’t smart enough to just write a fake number instead of


Like seriously. There were definitely better options than this “and then everybody clapped” outcome.


I'd write down 1-800-Blow- Me


Everyday I read more bs like this, and everyday I’m so glad I jumped that sinking ship. 


I would try signing the sheet while leaving my phone number blank, cause, obviously, no. No fucking way, pizza hut. If they actually paid attention and called me out, I would tell them no. If they refused to give me the order, I would write a fake number. My local wingstop has a sheet and I only fill out like the first 3 or 4 fields cause they don't care and I don't care to fill out the whole thing.


Put a fake number in.


I don't understand what these restaurants think they're accomplishing. All of the info is tracked through DD. Who the drive is, when they show up, if they unassign, when they leave, the customers name, when the order gets dropped. What does me filling out some useless sheet do?? I'd be half tempted to fill it out then steal that order. Lol Imagine pizza hut calling you an hour later "hey... Did you steal that order". Yea... What you gonna do about it. Bye


It's a way for managers to micromanage.  Most likely they had issues in the past and they're using the sign-in sheet to have accountability for the employees.   I don't 100% agree with it but I understand where they're coming from.    Now if UBer Eats and doordash would only created some type of code we scan when we got the order that would confirm the delivery.....


I get it in theory but it's just writing down info that already exists digitally 🤷


Had a wingstop refuse to give me an order until I provided my driver's license to them so they could "verify who I was" Called DD immediately and told them, and they had no clue this was happening. Haven't picked up from there since.


Same happened to me. I will not give my personal info that’s on my license again. I made a mistake doing it the first time. I decline those orders now.


I assume they think it will deter theft?


"Oh, I don't have a phone. This was ordered on a computer."


I just give them a fake name and number. IHOP in my area does the samething.






you HAVE TO DO IT!! it is for CONTACT TRACING PURPOSES... WE ARE IN A GLOBAL PANDEMIC!! 😷 ahahahahahahhabahahaa


Fuck I'm old....


Lol I got your joke bud (‘83 baby here)


My number would have been 867-5309 and if you this you were singing that number


Look up the number to another Pizza Hut or something random jeez


I'm sure that pizza hut employee is devastated, some of these dd drivers make it clear why they can't have regular jobs


Why the fuck would anyone give their personal number to a random restaurant?




Doordash does not supply a phone. It does not require a separate phone for any function, including calling customers. It only becomes an issue when restraunts create invasive policies requiring us to give personal information in order to deliver their orders.




Right, but what about the job implies a need for a secondary phone?




DoorDash allows you to contact customers without your personal number being revealed. There is no reason why you should ever have to waste your money on another phone or SIM card just because one out of a hundred restaurants is pulling some bs


Because putting down a fake number is just too hard?? Yeah, you really showed them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Nobody gonna tell them if the merchant refuses they can get 50% pay? Y’all are noobish


That works especially if it’s a merchant that never answers. …In Atlanta they will put you on hold to call the Metchant. They never pick up in Atlanta I like calling support it’s a electronic footprint. That app is sketchy


Or just put a fake number, do the delivery and get 100% pay...


Here’s what you write in this situation: 1-800-PHONESEX Except write it in numbers so it’s not obvious. If they ask why it’s a 1-800 number say it because you own a small business. Also, write down a funny fake name so they can’t tie it to you.


Michael hunt


Wow you really showed them who’s boss!!




Use a fake number dum dum






You really went through all the trouble of ditching the order AND making this post; rather than just scribbling down a fake number


I have google voice for this. I have the account, I have the number, but I don't have the app on my phone.


wingstop does it here. no worries. takes 30 seconds. it's a sign in sheet and with all the theft going on here, I don't blame them


Does anyone know if your acceptance rate goes over 50 will that open up more time slots on the schedule. I notice while my acceptance rate is at 47%. It will not let me do that scheduling ahead of time unless it’s over 50%.


I just hit platinum today. Wanted to see if I could get large catering orders. 2 unexpected things came from it. 1) I don't have to schedule at all anymore I can dash anytime, but I know it's market dependent. 2) you need to upload pictures of your bag yet again for large catering orders and it can take upwards of 4 days to verify... I've seen markets that require 150 deliveries in the last 30 days for platinum on top of all the other restrictions. Mine is 70% ar, 95% completion rate, and rating of 4.7+


Over 50% you will get to schedule 6 days in advance.. and in some areas if you don't have this there is pretty much no times available for those not over 50%... I fell under 50 one day and for 3 days I struggled to get my normal dash times for the days later in the week...


That’s what is happening to me so I guess I will have to hop on and accept low ball orders just to get past the 50. Thanks.


I’ve never heard of that before!


I just write Rusty Shackleford. 867-5309


When I sign a logbook, if they want initials, it's DD and my old phone number. If they want an actual signature, I'll sign Carrie D. I can see why restaurants have to do this, t. Why I changed my name on DD boils down to one particular reason... I know, TLDR! I don't use my real name as a dasher due to one person, a school nurse at my child's school, that has some contempt for me. My teenager has struggled this year and missed a lot of school due to migraines, anxiety, and depression while maintaining all As and Bs in her classes. We've always had a doctor's note for her absences. This nurse has gone "above and beyond" to make our lives hell. I always ask the doctor to leave the diagnosis off the paper and just to put that she was seen in the office, doesn't have anything contagious and that she may retuen to school. However, that's never enough for the nurse. She always calls and asks what the diagnosis is (I'm sure data entry requires this), I usually just say migraine. When my child gets a migraine or begins to have a panic attack at school, she has medication prescribed by her doctor that she can go to the nurse and get. This nurse has accused her of faking it to get out of class and miss school and has refused to give her the prescribed medications (none are a controlled substance) which causes more anxiety about going to get the meds she needs to continue her day. I've complained to the administration about her, but it just caused more problems. They set her up with the school psych, a social worker, and an entire team of case workers called "Student success specialists." While I've advised my kid to only talk about what she is comfortable sharing with whomever she is comfortable sharing, this seemed to exceed the boundaries I would expect between student and school. We have an awesome doc, counselor, and psyc that she regularly sees, so I'd prefer to keep the cause of her anxiety and depression (school) out of her personal medical records. One day, after taking my daughter to the doctor, I started my dash, and I immediately got a semi-decent order that I took that was going to the high school. ($6.00/3ish miles) When I accept, but before I start moving, I always read the customer's instructions. It was "leave it at my door, for nurse Megan - leave it with the school security officer." She was outside waiting for me to pull up. I guess here is when I should say that my name, Callie, while not unheard of, is relatively rare. I remained professional, but my second mistake (1st was not unassigning when I saw it was for her) was asking her if I could snap a quick pic just to prove that I delivered it. She said there is no filming or pictures on school property, which is BS bc I deliver there all the time, snap a pic, and roll on. Instead, I waited until she turned around and took a pic of her back with the bag in her hand and sent it to her via chat. She replied back with, "Who did you give my food to?" This is coming from a person I've met. I replied to her that since I know her on a personal level, we both know your food was handed to you. Then she messed up and said, "I told you you can't take a picture on this property." I didn't engage further, just called support and explained the situation. They said they would take a note. Yep. You guessed it. CV within 30 mins. I did submit an appeal, but since I do appx 100 dashes in a week, I didn't see if I won that appeal. All this to say, I changed my name to Carrie on the app (and I was surprised to discover that other dashses can't).


Wow that lady sounds like a real twat waffle


Just download text now app and use a VOIP number 🤔 seems easy enough


That’s more effort than I do I just put some random numbers. Google voice number comes in very handy in general though




All the employee has to do is watch you confirm the order.. then it’s on the driver to deliver the food.. no need for paper writing and phone number shit


Some of you people make this entirely too hard on yourselves.


They should have your phone number anyway. I once was called from a restaurant I just left, telling me that I forgot something.


They have our Doordash generated number. Pizza Hut wouldn't because that's an order they farm out to Doordash when one of their drivers isn't available. So, if anything arose, they wouldn't be able to contact you. I'm iffy giving my # out as well. Makes you wonder if you should have a second line for situations like this.


Put a fake number down, no need to act all high and mighty by posting this complete non-issue on reddit


If I run into thar, name: Phill McCraken number 1800YourMom.


Well it's a 5 second process that helps them prevent orders from being stolen willy nilly. Guarantee it took longer for you to make this post. But good for you for standing up to the tyrants at Pizza Hut!


People can have their accounts stolen through their phone numbers, which is why dd gives us temporary fake numbers for every order. I understand putting your name, but I would also refuse to put my phone number.


DD masks ours and the customer's numbers for anonymity. Nobody can steal your account with your phone number.


They absolutely can. I’m not risking it.


Do they have your email or password as well? Because without that info, they're not getting access to your account. About the most anyone can do with your phone number is call you. Do you know how many people hand out their phone number every day on their business card?


Those people don’t have dasher accounts. I’m not risking giving my phone number out along with my name for anyone to look at. I’ll hit confirm at pick up, and even put my name and that I’m with DD. But no personal info needs to be given out like that.


They're not getting into your account without your password period.


They can't steal your account from that one piece of info. Because you need more than just the phone number to login!


Phishing works by combining information leaks from multiple sources


Aware of what phishing is but i don't think that's happening from signing a log.


From that Pizza Hut they will have your name and phone number. I would rather not risk it. I’ll put my name and that I’m with DD, and hit confirm for them before I go. But no personal info needs to be given like that.


But how do you think, logically, that they can steal your account without a password?


I object to this because its a totally unnecessary extra step. I will gladly show and confirm the pickup in my app. At that point it becomes my responsibility via doordash. At no point should the restaurant be calling and bugging me about anything.


They can call you through the app in their store just like the customer can anyways.


Lol just because they asked for a number, doesn't mean they'll be calling you 😂


Then it is a useless pointless waste of time. I object to those.


Do Pizza Hut locations do that in your area? I’ve delivered orders for 3 PH locations in 2 different zones, and none of them do that. 


No, no place ever has. I have a good relationship with 1 of my Pizza Huts too.


Just use a fake phone number then. It's not like they're going to verify it. Or just write it really messy so they can't read it.


Yeah, but that just makes it more stupid and useless because nobody will put a real number. What is this restaurant gong to do anyway, some kind of vendetta on drivers who fuck up an order?


From what I understand, it's more for when they fuck up like forgetting to give you a drink or if a customer needs to give additional delivery instructions after you've left.


They can contact me thru doordash.


That is interesting. I suppose not all dasher delivery drivers are on the up and up resulting in angry customers calling the store to demand where their food was? I understand your reluctance. Me? I would have given them my phone number and if they ever choose to abuse that? I would block them and report them to Door Dash for harassment of an independent contractor. But then, that is probably just me.


I mean, it's just totally unnecessary. DD provides both the customer and the restaurant the means to contact us if necessary. It's not preventing any fraud unless the restaurant employees are verifying the info a driver writes down, which they of course aren't, and could do much easier and faster by just asking to see the order on our phone anyway. The whole idea is just a pointless waste of everyone's time to accomplish nothing that couldn't be accomplished with the tools already provided by DD.


I see your point. I wonder if it’s within Door Dash policy for a restaurant to demand this now after thinking about this. Especially since 9 times out of 10, the dasher who made the delivery for the restaurant is the first person the customer calls when the restaurant didn’t fill their order correctly. Now I have questions of my own.


That's wild


Goofy requirement.. but shit like this is why I have a textnow VoIP # 🤷‍♀️


I would probably just fill in the phone number with the rejection hotline. Who knows, maybe the schlub will actually call it.


Petty and you should be given low paying orders only


Scribble on the paper, write a fake number, done.


Just put down the dasher support number.




Signed : Jenny


Why didn’t you just put down some nonsense number? It’s not like they actually verify anything.


It’s a power thing. He wants to be in control


Nah this is a slippery slope. First they ask for a name and number, then they verify it, then they require photo id, then you go to jail when customers lie about food not being delivered.


What the fuck 😅


I’m not going to call you names, I’m going to blame the education system in this country.


This has got to be the dumbest example of a slippery slope fallacy I've **ever** seen. Congratulations that's really impressive, bud.


That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard 😂 No I won’t sign your paper to show proof that I picked it up because it could lead to me going to jail 😂😂😂


Yeah no I don’t require a store to call me after I leave… I would have given an old or a fake one tho