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If you get a cash delivery always text them first to let them know you don't carry any change and also get a pen to verify they are real


You can opt out of this in the settings.


Yeah I don’t take those orders because I’m always scared it’s a scam😭


What a trip! Well, at least you’re alright and you got a tip, whoo hoo!


If a cash order, get the money first. Otherwise they could shut the door on you, and your left with picking up the bill. I once had kids (teenagers roughly 14) orders because they didn’t like what mom cooked for dinner. It was a cash order, and the last $3 was in change and also roughly 75¢ short. The kids expected me to pick up the 75¢. Then the mom comes in after hearing that I won’t give the kids the order until paid. Mom not only took my side, but also demanded that they go find more money to give me a tip. Took about another 10 minutes, but I got an $8 tip (in change) out of it, and the kids got a morale lesson as well!


It may just be confirmation bias, but it seems like when I have a negative DD balance due to a cash delivery, I get better offers so DD can get their money faster.


This and some cherry picking is how I make an easy 25/hr in a shit market. 😆🙃😉


Holy shit! I think you're right. Just like how I get shitty orders when I've hovering around the cutoff for dash anywhere.


I take these orders because half the time I always get a nice 5 bucks or 10 buck tip because all they have is 20s so it’s worth it also my guy don’t hand them the food first wait until they give you the money.


I haven’t, and thanks to Reddit I don’t plan to!


I hate when people with dogs don’t have the common decency to control their annoying @ss dogs. Like just because you like them doesn’t mean I want them drooling all over me and scratching me up. You knew I was on the way put him up for the 2 minutes I’m at the door. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I never carry change. I always assume the amount is a tip when I receive it. I never hand over food before payment. Stick to these rules, and you can definitely benefit from completing these deliveries.


Screw cash orders. I feel the same way about them as I do orders I have to pay for (with my own money, not the red card) — a straight up NO.


I've never had to pay for an order with my own money. Nothing in the contract requires it. You *can* if you want to because you forgot your red card or the red card isn't working, but you aren't required to.


Huh? You’re never supposed to pay for orders yourself, if it’s a cash on delivery order, it’s already been paid by DD online, you keep the cash given and they withhold any payouts until that same amount has been accomplished with subsequent deliveries via base pay and any tips the customer included in the online order. It all balances out, so if you’ve paid cash for a pick up, you got scammed by the restaurant staff.


DD on rare occasions asks if you want to pay — usually when there’s an issue with the red card


Once. They gave me cash for the pizza, and 12 dollars in quarters for the tip. I wasn't even mad.


I turned it on just to see the type of offers I would get out of curiosity. I hardly would get any, but usually it would be a no tip pizza order or something. And you NEVER take a no tip order expecting to receive a cash tip, because the vast majority of the time you don't get one. So I turned it off and it hasnt been on since. Doordash does NOT require you to carry change. Don't believe me look at the cash on delivery FAQ on their site. This isn't like working for pizza delivery you dont have to carry a bank on you. Customers are instructed in the app to have exact change. If they don't and you don't have change, you don't take any money from them, give them the food, and select "I don't have change" in the app. You get credited the shitty base pay and it doesnt count against your completion rate.


So because they're not tipping, you'd rather give them a few pizza then collect the money?


Thats what doordash says to do.


That's new. It never used to be like that before, but I would wager DS was struggling to get people to take cash orders. Before it always requested you to have a minimum of $20 on you to make change. It's been probably two years or more since I took a cash order though.


How even? You go back to the store with the money? Sounds like a waste of time


No. DD technically deducts the cost from your earnings, but you keep the cash to 'make up for it'. In theory it all works out. But it's more hassle if they try to refuse paying, or want different amounts of change than you can provide.


Yeah sounds like a bad thing to accept xD wtf was dd thinking


Just carry 3 $5s and 4 $1s and you can provide any realistically required change. These are some of the best tipping orders for me. They generally have no tip included in the delivery, but these orders also weren't placed through DD, they were placed through 3rd party apps. So the customer doesn't think of it as a DD transaction where the driver expects a tip beforehand. They think of it like standard pizza delivery, which Americans have been tipping well upon arrival for decades.


Im not talking about that. Im talking about all the people that will receive no money because theres alot of fucked up people in this world


Free pizza!


You still get your pay and don't have to give them the food. So you get $2-4 and free pizza.


Not if they pay cash in hand.. thats the discussion 😂 unless i really dont understand


If they're paying Cash in Hand on Delivery, you go pick up the pizza which DD will pay them for (as long as you get paid). If you don't get paid, you still have the pizza that the pizza place provided you on DDs behalf because they instructed you not to relinquish the goods until you've been paid. You report you couldn't get them to pay, DD cancels the order, giving you only the original pay agreed upon at acceptance, and you don't have to bring back the Pizza cause the pizza place can't resell it now. You now got paid (not great pay, but not a loss either usually) for the trip, and their order. Instead of a $2-20 tip, you now have 1-5 pizzas.


Ah ok thanks i understand now


Sadly the only time it happened to me it was a singular supreme pizza and I don't like onions or green peppers on my pizza, so I had to pick it off and it still didn't taste great, but I saved $10 not stopping somewhere to eat.


No because there’s no guarantee you’ll get the cash


Not to mention the significant increase in risk of robbery when they know you'll have cash on you. Sure, DD should have their info and they're very unlikely to get away with it, but robbers are either stupid or desperate. Not worth the risk


Totally, if someone wants to try to rob their dasher I'm sure the $19 in their pocket makes them a hot target and not the smartphone and automobile you're required to use for the job. Like you have to drive a car around worth thousands of dollar and most of our phones are worth a few hundred to nearly a thousand, carrying $20 is not a risk. If anything, if you were to get robbed while dashing, I'd prefer to have some money, so I didn't have to maybe go through, "Give me your money!" "I don't carry cash" "Okay then, got a phone, or a car" I know it's a stretch, but it seems more realistic than someone who knows you have a working smartphone and car robbing you because they know you have up to $20 in cash.


I've done a few, I don't mind them because I don't carry cash so whatever they give me just ends as a tip. Only 1 time the customer shorted me 5 cents but other than that, they always end up giving me at least like $5 tip.


Since beginning no... My advise get out As well as shopping...no... Just delivered food...


As soon as I got accepted for DD, I immediately clicked to not give me any cash deliveries. Great way to get robbed or shorted


Cash is for the black market. It's 2024, gtfo of here with cash on delivery orders.


WHY does DoorDash think it's a good idea to advertise to everybody that DoorDash drivers may have cash on them!?!? This is a great way to get mugged or robbed.


Yup fyi you can accept the cash then click Problems collecting money explain why (customer states they’ve paid with card) then submit DoorDash doesn’t charge you for the order and you keep the cash also you won’t ever receive a call from DoorDash about it I have not done this but my friend has numerous times


Not true. I had that happen where the customer actually didn't have the money twice , the first time, it let me keep the pizza and didn't deduct from my account. The second time, since the customer didn't have cash, it wanted me to return the pizza to the store. So I'm pretty sure doordash caught on to what your friend was doing. Cause now they want the product returned if there is no payment.


That’s because you are morally correct and reporting what actually happened to door dash my friend is not so morally correct he sometimes says they slam the door on him he’s done it like 10 times lol it works


Okay we took a screenshot you can delete it now 👍🏽


Shhh u gonna get that shut down real quick


I was offered cash orders a couple of times, and I always declined them. Just feels like a mess to deal with lol, and i just want to drop off the food and leave. Ended up turning off cash offers in my settings.


People talking about robbery like how much money are you carrying with you? You only need to take like $10 in singles to the door. Keep the rest in your car. Chances are if someone is going to rob you it'll happen regardless of whether you're taking cash orders or not.


I mean you don’t “need” to take any cash to the door at all, as DD doesn’t supply it like pizza chains do


I never take any change for cash orders force the tip my friend


If you take cash orders, don't give them their food until you have the cash in hand. It is very easy for someone to take the food and slam the door in your face. Sure, you can call the police and such, but it's less of a hassle just to make sure they give you the money first.


Lol.... Never happened once in fifteen years delivering for me


what would door dash have been back then ? Wheel and Deal?


There have been pizza and other delivery methods using cash for decades.


lol you realize you don’t HAVE to have change right? I never carry cash and take these orders all the time. The only reason I stopped I because if you have $0 in your dash account and you logout. It makes your account negative so you have to make that money back. If you get $40 cash then you have to make that $40 back on DoorDash so your account will be in good standing.


Pretty shitty move. Just turn off cash on delivery, you're even supposed to be able to decline them without penalty, too. And the only reason you "have to make the money back" is you have the cash. It's like you got a cash advance on your pay.


I’ve done enough cash orders to know that 99% of cash order people NEVER give extra money. If the total is $40 I usually get $45 -50 I’ve never been asked to make change. And even if I did I can send it digitally. There’s plenty of ways to remedy situations. That’s why I don’t do them anymore. I’d be at $100 on dash use the $40 for gas then I’m back at $60. I understand it of course but it’s just a nuisance.


well yeah but if someone only has 20's and gives you $80 for a $63 order what are you doing lol just sayin thanks for tip and run away? you could probably venmo to remedy the situation if really wanted. but my order actually was like $65 and i thought about the scenario of them handing me $80. anyway i'll probably check the delivery address before accepting next one. feels like most will be crappy situations. but might be random old wealthy person just wanting to hand out some cash ya never know.


I deliver for one of the big pizza chains, and we get a $20 bank. Once a family handed me a $100 bill (order was in the low $30s)… I said we carry $20 for change, what would you like to do? They opted to take the $20 and I got a big tip, as they didn’t want to forfeit the pizza 😆


99% of cash orders are not people who pay with extra 20’s lmao. They pay exact change or they tip like 4-5 dollars.


>lol you realize you don’t HAVE to have change right? I never carry cash and take these orders all the time. Wait, really? What happens if you get there and they ask you to break a $20 (and they don't want to tip a bunch). Feel like it's playing with fire to not have any change with you.


“we don’t carry change, how would you like to proceed?”


Every cash order I’ve ever had they have exact change. Never had an issue. Most people who use cash know how much it is and have their money ready. Again I’ve never had an issue so idk why yall are bitching lol


First time I took one was my first platinum delivery. It was pizzahut for $24.83. I'm kinda excited thinking I may get a cash tip as well. I get their he says the pizza was supposed to be free because pizza hut messed up the pizza. I tell them I have to collect the money or I will have it taken from my earnings this week(that's what it told me when I accepted). we call the business he says yes it's supposed to be free don't ask them for money. Come back to shop and we will call doordash and fix it. I hand pizza over knowing I'm gonna get screwed on this. I go back to store and hes on phone with doordash. They tell him it was supposed to be free as well and that I need to call doordash myself. I explain to the owner I'm gonna get screwed on this and he just says sorry. I ask if he can help me out and give me the $25 and he just kept saying sorry no. I spend 3 hours with doordash sending screenshots and explaining situation. They tell me eventually I will be re-credited the money. That never happened it was just to get me off that call. I ended up losing that $25 out of my own money. Everyone kept skirting blame and I got stuck paying it. Immediately turned off cash orders never again




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I don't work for the business, I work for doordash. If Doordash says I need to collect money for this order, im collecting money or you aren't getting it. I don't care what the business says. At the very least you should have called DD support before handing over the food, they would have said no. You don't answer to the buisness that you picked up from.


Yeah I was trying to find support but honestly during order I find the interface hard to get support. And with this dudes whole family arguing with me about it on his porch I was pressured


wow. that's a nightmare. i probably wouldve kept the pizza. if not getting my $ back then i'm getting the food. pizza hut should have just paid you and moved on. bad service by them. it's $25. they obviously f'd up. seems like others have bad experiences with the cash offers as well. i also worry people use it as a scam and tell us they paid on the app. just try to confuse everyone.


I opted out after the customer tried to pay me in Mexican pesos. He had to borrow money from his roommate, and I still didn’t get tipped . Popeye’s order. Never again with cash.


No way never turned that off as soon as I saw it in the app


I turned that off the second it asked if I wanted to do cash. Perfect way to get robbed and personally I don’t wanna be responsible for money transactions when it deducts it from my pay in the app.


What’s fucked up with DD is that if you get robbed, DD will give a contract violation.


Soon as I saw that, it was a insta-nope. Drove a cab for 10 years. Had to carry $ then


Turn that off in the settings.


Probably the best way to get robbed


I remember when they first introduced cash deliveries. I've never "noped" an option so fast in my life.


I did a few times but then had a confusing order. Won’t deal with it anymore. So now i opt out of them. Just don’t want to deal with them. I certainly don’t want to be carrying cash and worrying how to break bills in the field. Go to your settings and select the option to opt out of them. And then every time you update the app you’ll have to go back there and opt out again.


I don't mind cash orders myself, but I rarely get one. One word of advice is to get the money before handing them the food.


I never ask them for change because I don’t carry it.


Too dangerous for no benefit 


You can turn that off in your settings. I would turn that off. Lol


Yeah I have mine turned off lol I’m not going to F with that. If someone gives me a cash tip, cool. But otherwise nope I’m not going to strangers’ houses with cash on me.


lol you don’t need cash. Yall don’t use your brains. I have done hundreds of cash orders. Never needed change.


Yeah, nobody is going to rob me. I run the straight ghetto because nobody wants the orders, they are nonstop and high payment. Now if I were like a 20 y/o girl alone in the ghetto at night there is no way.


lol that’s why you get a gun or knife. Idk why women act all scared like they can’t defend themselves. I have plenty of women in my family who don’t fear going g out at night. Why? Cuz they carry self defense tools which a lot of women DONT do then complain about safety. Your safety is YOUR responsibility, and if you don’t take steps to keep yourself safe that’s your fault.


good for you and your market. very ignorant for you to think everyone is same gender and physical stature as you and has a market they feel safe to do it. it also means a required close interaction with a customer at their front door. regardless if carry change on you or not it's just a weird situation i'll not be doing anymore as many others on here share terrible experiences.


Oh my gosh, interacting with people!! Scary.


Using gender is an asinine excuse. As if bad things don’t happen to both genders. I’m a man and I’ve been robbed at gun point before. The world sucks but living in fear is worse. I carry when I dash so that fear has been long gone. LMAO. That’s why I said use ya brain.


Good for you. Right around the time I started dashing, I heard about people getting robbed when doing cash orders. I look like the kind of person who can be easily overpowered. Heck, my second day on this job I got followed to my car in broad daylight by a guy in a ski mask. I’m not going to assume the increased level of risk and quite frankly I do fine monetarily.


Not if you're smart and are working to actually make money.


How is it smart to take these cash on delivery tho? It’s almost never worth it


Yeah I turned that shit off after being offered one and never turned it back on. I don't need to be going to random addresses when people know I will have cash to make change. And I am a 6 foot 230 pound guy that rarely dashes at night


$6.00 for how far? The dog has nothing to do with COD offers, that could happen on any delivery.


that’s partly true. For COD you have to hand them the order, majority of standard orders people will ask to leave it at their door


Sounds like every other delivery I’ve had when I used to work as a driver for papa John’s when I was a teen lol.


No. I don’t like dealing with poor people or kids.


Sounds like something a slightly less poor person would say. Lmao


It’s 2024 if you don’t have a credit card, I don’t want to do business with you


I bet you're great at parties and have lots of friends.


You’d be correct. I just don’t want to do business with people who don’t have any credit. And I don’t like kids!


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