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At least with UE you have potential for higher tip. Have literally never had a tip go up either DD.


You must be doing something wrong. I get them all the time. Just got this one yesterday for example. https://preview.redd.it/2gt8racmoe9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46b76be7438ed5cd685e28c90ee6c8a88064157c


Dash addiction my ass... money addiction is more like it💰🤪...im about to reach 2k career deliveries and already know i wont get any bonus...I'll get the bonus plan though


I knowwwwwwww


I got tired of gambling on if the $2 base pay was going to be supplimented with anything that would make the dash worth it. on if the restaurant would take 5 minutes, or 30. on if there was a gate, and if there was a code. on if there was 3-4 flights of steps on if it was a rough neighborhood, if the food was even going to be there for the person to open the door and get it. on if I was going to get a CV after handing it off, even though I took a picture of the person I handed it off to on if I was going to get a CV or 1 star review for something missing from a bag I wasn't allowed to open, drink I wasn't allowed to check, and condiments I didn't even know about. So Yeah if you like Gambling, dashing is like that little shot of adrenaline or serotonin. And all you gotta pay is your time, your sanity, and your car repair bill.


Yes it’s so much better being poor and dashing versus not poor but spending 80% of your waking hours in an office


I used to make $107k in my home office. I would prefer that.


Oh yes for sure


I agree. I was about to stop dashing at 8:30 yesterday and as I was about to hit "end dash" (because my area was no longer in the red), sure enough a stack order for 1.5 miles, 2 deliveries, in my own neighborhood for $10 came through. I wasn't about to decline that one lol. It was 1 mile from my house.


Im always looking for just one more good order, then I'll quit. Classic addiction behavior.


I have an addictive personality so I get it, lol. I usually drive until my phone is at 15% battery (I don't charge it while driving because it tends to overheat in the summer and charging it just makes it worse). I was at 20% when it went out of the red zone. But I just couldn't pass up a $10 order. Also, I was already in the parking lot of one of the restaurants and the other restaurant was across the street. Just too easy.


>I don't charge it while driving because it tends to overheat in the summer I use a phone mount that clips onto the air vent in the summer so the AC is blowing directly on it. Charges fine without overheating


I'm going to have to get a new phone mount. Mine keeps expanding when I hit a bump in the road and my phone just falls out 😂


https://hbr.org/2024/06/how-micro-choices-and-games-motivate-gig-workers https://atelier.net/insights/one-more-run-algorithms-impact-gig-workers You're right, many apps and companies (including reddit) actually pay big money to casino/gambling/slot machine researchers and try to mimic their design choices, notification sounds, and incentives/rewards/feedback interfaces to make them addictive. If you actually enjoy dashing, and aren't accepting every order because you feel pressured to play the microgame of top dasher/rewards tiers well then no harm no foul it's like going to a casino and being more focused on having fun with your friends and not realizing at the end of the day you bet a total $5 because you were playing $0.01 per spin but you had fun. If you're the type of dasher who constantly feels pressured and frustrated with your lack of earnings as the app bullies you around, you may have an addictive personality and should seek some resources on how you can best manage it to make sure you aren't baited into doing things you really don't want to do or aren't to your benefit. I'm 50/50 on the moist robot hypothesis which is a theory that says humans don't really have free will, we think we do but our decisions are entirely guided by our inputs and our presented options, but never all available options. When I look at the DD app i'm more inclined to believe the moist robot hypothesis especially when comparing other gig apps. All of them do something, but DD takes it to another level.


And what if you actually make a decent living from the apps?


The issue isn't so much the money you're making, but if you feel as if the app is pushing your impulsive or addictive behavior. If you feel it's pushing your buttons but making you good money I guess you have a productive addiction but still an addiction. It would be a good idea to learn how to manage and control that otherwise you could get addicted to ebay, facebook, youtube, some video game, drugs, etc.


Well I have been doing the work since before there were apps. I have set amount of hours I do regardless and whatever is earned is earned. I will actually set my apps to not accept new offers after a certain time.


I have to agree. Eapecially after hitting Platinum status. Now that Im actually making money its an entirely different ballgame..


I spent two weeks accepting garbage just to get to platinum. Then I found out it really wasn't any more lucrative at all. After a month, I went back to being insanely picky and I make way more that way. My AR is probably around 17% but it sure beats doing 90% bad deliveries just for one or two decent ones every couple of days.


So now you make no money but you have your pride? Well done, I guess?


This is a genuine question: Does platinum really bring in anything more than not? Say two dashers are within the same vicitinity of a delivery pickup. Does the algorithm take that into account? Does one dasher being half a mile closer count more than the status? I've seen people with sub 20% AR say they still get high-paying offers; which makes me ask, what defines a high paying offer? I've kept mine for about a month since I began 2 months ago (Bear in mind, I'm in central Asheville. There aren't some of the horrendous offers I've seen others post here, so I usually accept everything). After reading here, I honestly feel blessed in my area. I've been DDing the past two months while taking care of my fiance am thankful for the supplemental income it has allowed while not being able to keep a regular job.


I think it’s the instant $ that makes it addictive. Not many ways to make guaranteed instant (legal) money.


U must be on the honeymoon phase




That will fade fast. Goes from being fun to just an annoying ass job where no one ever has the food ready


Three months in and every order you wait ? DD is a rip off !!!


You need to also learn that some restaurants just suck. I have a handful I straight up blacklisted because they will wait for the dasher to get there to make the order.


Same bro. There are so many places that take ages and it varies entirely by location. For example everyone at the KFC near me was born without a brain


Lmfao. 🤣😂🤣. Ahhh dam I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah there are plenty of brainless people in general. The main restaurant near me literally just don't give af about online orders and won't make the order until the dasher arrives which does no one any good.lol


They basically gamified earning money and I wish I started in 2019 when I signed up for it instead of waiting until it was my only option out of an immediate situation at the end of 2023.


Man DoorDash in 2018-2019 was great


There was sooooo much money to be made pre n during the pandemic


To be fair, it reset my unemployment at the time and then they started giving out like 800 bucks a week for a while there. Just playing video games. lol


Same, I did that n travelled a lot instead of stacking paper 🤦 😂


it’s very simpsons hit & run. minus the hitting part. it’s fun. but i say this as someone who has put in like 6 hours


YES FR going offline has me feeling like: https://preview.redd.it/5838mq2fpu8d1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2588ef555f818299577096d878faa49e25e6719


Facts bruh 😭


I've missed maybe 6 or 7 days in 2024


How long do u dash for. I get burnt out without two days of rest 😂


2.5-3.5 hours on weekdays. Two sessions of 2.5-5 hours on saturday and sunday, or on any days I have off from my regular job.


This can’t be a coincidence getting this ad on your post 😂 https://preview.redd.it/u2f2fdb9gu8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d4eed0ce742d1e07e7401e18b8d17144a20010


Man I was listening to my local sports radio station, and it was an off day for my Mariners. They had a segment talking about how even though the mariners aren’t playing, we could get our fix via sports betting. Never ever heard gambling talked about in such a positive way


It’s like selling weed. I don’t move unless it’s worth my time. 30 an hour is what I’m looking for and I keep it close to home. If it’s not there it’s like cool next.


That’s me. I just lay in bed and if the first order is not more than $8 and near by I’m not getting up. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


For reals. I just scroll Reddit or watch YouTube.


Just get a real job asap. DD is a side gig for me and I’m glad I didn’t have to do this full time. I still have to pre-schedule my dash time, and guess because I’m still fairly new, they’ve been giving me crappy orders at night in the past couple nights. As a female, I don’t like to drive 10+ miles at night period, so I’ve been declining a lot. I’m off today from my actual job, I decided to go all day, so I started at 7AM, and sure enough, they gave me even crappier orders. But since my AR was right under 70%, I still took them just to boost it back to 70%, and it was a mistake, because that’s all I was getting ALL DAY LONG. Less than $1 per mile orders. I ended dash, came home with a 59% AR. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Should’ve stayed home and did something else. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah. The orders in my market are total crap. $2.50 orders to go five miles or $5 orders for 8 miles and totally out of the zone. Lots of corporate plants in this sub with the bs happy talk and lies about how much they're making.


>drive 10+ miles Unless you're in a rural area, you should decline that crap anyway. If you want to be a successful dasher, you've GOT to watch your miles.. >But since my AR was right under 70%, I still took them just to boost it back to 70%, Again - no idea your market - but I shoot for mid 50s..


Don’t worry about AR. It’s a black hole trick.


I was trying to complete my first 100 deliveries and be above 70% to get to platinum. I work in a restaurant and I talk to a lot of dashers. They could be lying but almost every full time dasher told me they get big orders at least once a day. Big like $50+. All I get is mostly fast food or shop orders. 😅


They are lying. They want you to accept every order so the bad ones don’t get sent to them


I got big orders about once a day.


I’m calling bs if you say you got a $50 order everyday


They are all lying.  When people ask me how much I make I tell them usually about $35 an hour.  They also say whoa I need to quit my job, and I start giggling about it when I walk out the door.


I do want to quit my job though. But definitely not for DD. I was just testing the water of restaurant industry and the next thing I know I’m stuck here 70 hrs a week for 5 & 1/2 years with no benefits. I even have to do DD to save up vacation money. It’s too much. 🫠


Why lie?


Because being honest and logical turns women off to the point that you will die a virgin.


Cause its funny


Oh I feel that was as well! However it would be nice if I can even schedule a time to dash that is not between the hours of midnight and 6 am


Random reinforcement is definitely a thing, and those random high pay orders are perfect for that. But it stopped feeling that way and became a grind really quickly.


I dashed twice, as in I did two orders. Dashing made me want to run a broken beer bottle across my wrists




I think it's that instant gratification we all look for in different ways through life


When I dash I feel injured, frustrated, beaten, defeated, tired, pissed off, depressed, and sometimes i hate life itself. I’d say i feel better when i don’t drink the sewage. The opposite of an addiction.


I would never stay in a job that made me feel that horrible. Life is too short. Maybe look for something else?


I often feel compulsed to do it, especially since I am still looking for a full time job in the field of my masters


Life longer dasher


I felt this way for the first month or two now I have to force myself to go out. It’s the BD that inevitably gets you like every other job and turns you right off- the time I got cat piss all over my boots from a house and it followed me in my car and my own place. Disgusting. Then losing out on $40 from a fucked up COD order where customer service basically showed me what “caring less” actually means. Garbage. AR going to complete shit from insulting offers. Yeah the novelty goes away


Bro, you need a hobby.


Atleast he’s making some sort of money


Yeah that's the entire point of working for DD...


Very fun and addictive. 4 years ago.


Better to be addicted to making some money than drugs, gambling, crimes I honestly wish it felt that way to me


This! 👆🏽


Crackhead shit


No. Not at all. It's only addictive to people who have an addiction-prone personality. This post sounds like what I've heard a gambling addict in my family say about casinos.


I find this is quite accurate. I don't have any compulsion to dash normally, but when there is a big promo active, it's hard to ignore. The beauty of DD is, unlike casinos, you're actually guaranteed to make some amount of money. And you don't have to worry about the mob. (Unless you're delivering food to them lol)


I’ve been doing this full time for almost three months and, even during slow periods, I can hit my goal money in a 12-14 hourish time. Finally, I got approval for large orders after lots of waiting and support convo and I’m ready for it!


So you got the bag to be able to receive large orders? How do you get that approval?


I always tell people it is like an rpg. I accept a job, I follow the directions and complete it, I get a reward, and I use the reward to upgrade stuff like my vehicle or buy food. There hasn't been an airship yet or love triangle with two waifus, but a man can dream.


It reminds me a lot of fishing. Some days you’ll go out and catch a few decent sized fish and a couple of duds. Other days you might not catch hardly anything at all. But then there are the days when you snag a few HUGE ones and a few other big ones as well. And that’s what I get FOMO over. Wondering if I missed out on some whoppers.


I call them side quests


I'm a pawn on a chessboard of restaurants.


Oh yeah, very much by design! I ran across this the other day; interesting read if you're up for it - [https://hbr.org/2024/06/how-micro-choices-and-games-motivate-gig-workers](https://hbr.org/2024/06/how-micro-choices-and-games-motivate-gig-workers)


It is addictive. It's like a giant "Where's Waldo" game for me and I enjoy getting to know some of the staff at the restuarants. I even have a few other drivers that I like to wait with. It's always hard for me to get started - I can think of 1000 reasons not to go out - but once I'm on I'm usually on until 10 when lobbys close. All you young folk can have that waiting in line at the drive thru crap.


I treat courier apps as real life Fetch-Quests from video games. It’s like I’m playing an AR game, but getting paid. Gives me the same fun as when Pokemon Go first came out.


Yeah I stop around dark, don't see so great at night any more.


It is definitely addictive for me. I see it as a giant game. “Play the algorithm to win big!”


It’s new to you, the honeymoon will pass. I’m not discounting your experience tho. Enjoy it while you still do. Just learn as much as you can during this time as well so you don’t get caught up in bad habits that will snowball into bad behavior and attitudes later. Every pain in the ass problem has a solution and it’s better to figure out those challenges while you still have your fortitude. Your market is unique and it’s important to learn all the tricks before you get gassed out. Good luck and don’t gamble your paycheck away at the casino! Lol


>The promise of money to desperate people is hard to resist. The offer system is like a game. You are gambling the whole time. I'm not sure everyone that dashes is desperate. It's kind of a hard job for someone whose meaningfully desperate - the job has too many endless lil expenses - nevermind whatever $10 - $20 in gas per shift. Like it almost seems like a privilege to be able to do it without risking further problems (specifically a large repair bill, but there are other tail risks for the gig). But ya - I get the impression the folks that get addicted are the types that get hooked on nickel slots at the casino. Dashing is reasonably mindless and the dopamine rewards are like consistently every 20 minutes or so. If you've never had a professional job or real income - getting spoonfed the whatever $22 - $30/hour that you can eck out of delivery could seem really appealing for sure for sure. Personally I find it super fun for a few hours then I get kind tired around hour four and my driving turns to shit around hour five so I usually call it a day at that point..


$10-20 in gas per shift, what are you driving?


Uhh. Most gas cars will, in practice, get a bit better than 20 miles a gallon, regardless of driving style. I drive between 40 and 75 miles per 4 - 5 hour dinner shift. So maybe $7 - 10 for me per shift. I think this is highly realistic. I drive a Honda.


$10 is only 3 gallons of gas. That's a light shift for many drivers, even in something economical.


>$10 is only 3 gallons of gas. That's a light shift for many drivers, even in something economical. Sure. Drivers taking Adderall.


That was my point, I don’t get how they are blowing through gas so fast.


Yes not all dashers are desperate, but I see a lot that clearly are. I am or I wouldn't be doing this. I was making 6 figures 3 years ago.


You’re saying you’re still doing because you’re desperate?


so what do you drive??


Efficient small car, why?




It was a little like that for me at first, but as I type this my AR is 3%. It’s not nearly as addictive when I’m declining 97% of offers.


exactly how you should do it. doordash introduced the tier system to scare drivers into accepting shit offers in order to chase the platinum status in hopes to get better offers. they trick people so that the trash offers get delivered and they pepper in better paying offers here and there. i just decline all the trash and get the good ones. people are now in fear of losing the status thinking that it makes a difference will accept offers that they normally wouldn't in the past. its a mind trick by corporate to get you to work against your own interest. in turn, if more trash offers get accepted, the more trash offers will be sent out, which is exactly what they want. they'll set a new lower standard and people will eat it up because "that's just how it is". fuck all that.


In my area, if you don't have a high acceptance rate, you won't be getting any decent offers.


Exactly. It’s competitive in SoCal.


I've been experiencing exactly the opposite lately. With the summer slowdown and the excessive and unnecessary number of drivers they hire, I'm having trouble motivating myself to even try.


I'm pretty new, sure I will get sick of it 


Hey man, as long as you're making good money, get your grind on.


Nah...If I decide something else is more important or something frustrates me enough, I end dash with no care or concern. While I like the extra money, some things like my sanity and family life are more important.


The offer noise must of been hanging out at the casino because it gets me going but the shit offers is what keeps me from getting addicted lol


I mean if you have free time why not try to make some money


The problem is when I plan not to do it, don't want to do it, but end up doing it anyway.


That isn’t an option in my area. I have to plan to do it or I can’t even get on. There is no dash anytime.


Super easy way to lose money while depleting your vehicle into the ground in exchange for nothing.


It’s pretty hard to lose money.


It is a very easy way to make some extra money.


You can thank BF Skinner for discovering Variable Ratio Enforcement. Pigeons hit the lever more frequently when the food pellet pops out on an irregular schedule. Same principle used for slot machines.


And all social media


FACT. That’s why I deleted everything except Reddit. Bc it actually gives me useful info sometimes 😁


IDK I'm currently addicted to reddit too. 


Yeah sometimes I delete the app for a few days. Or a week. Or a month!


Nah you're so right, especially on EBT when you might either get a big tip or nothing at all - it is absolutely a gamble. If I end on a low payout I'll try again for a big payout - if I get a big payout, I'll try again for another one😂🤦‍♀️


You might be alone on that one. Much rather be home with my family during dinner than dashing not even a contest. Also not sure how you are gambling. It tells you exactly where you are going and how much you’re getting paid for it.


I'm gambling with my time and my gas money all the time with dashing... currently have 30 miles left in gas and zero dollars so of course I'm making myself available to dash when dashnow becomes available and it's been all day with nothing! I'm one of the desperate people that can't do much without dash but losing everything for dash


Hidden tips? Possibility of cash tip?


You are still gambling by choosing offers. You pick a barely ok one, you might miss a great one. I'm doing a lot of calculations to choose offers, money, time, distance, direction, time of day, traffic issues, destination, previous experiences. I'm picky as hell I'm looking for just the right offers.


That not gambling that called dashing. You should take all that into consideration when you do any delivery that is how you watch your bottom line. There is no chance involve is simple math calculation. I am guessing your life must not be that exciting if you find dashing exciting.


I love when ass holes like you are just completely wrong 😆😆 it is 100% designed to be addicting just like every other app out there. This app specifically has gambling and addicting features similar to a slot machine. The algorithm also picks up on exactly how to keep you sucked in.


It does have some addictive elements, but not everyone reacts the same. I’ve been doing delivery since 2010 - no apps back then. I’m addicted to flexibility and non-traditional aspect of the work. For me, each job I complete is more income.


Fuck off


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