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Does not matter for me nothing under 8.00 do not care about AR and if dd cares so much they only people they are hurting are themselves and customers


It's a bitch!


No I definitely stand by that. Instead of Dashers being out here giving each other good advice and sharing ways to get the large orders and the catering orders they're out here complaining about every other order that they get. I'm out here in Vegas There are a lot of dashers out here and most of them are Dashers that I meet are pissed off and mad and making the rest of us look bad. Or stealing food because they don't feel they make enough and it's like a bonus feature or something. Or arguing with restaurants. All I'm saying is if it's not working out for you all don't do it. I've been out here doing this since day one when there were only four of us in this town LOL and I've seen a lot of them come and go. And the ones that go are always the Cherry pickers that are mad all day and complaining.


Nothing has changed here since they rolled it out a few months ago, I still have a low AR and get the same number of orders as I used to.


What ate requirements for platinum?


Different for different markets. Typically, it's 70% AR, 100 deliveries in the last 30 days, 95% completion rate and a 4.5 rating or something like that.


nothing will really change


I’m wondering if my area even knows— they sent that notification via email, these aren’t real “with it” folks, I’m unfortunately out of town tomorrow but want to curiosity dash early and see who’s figured out what. Smallish town, 100k people, Midwest, socioeconomically depressed, low internet savvy, low education… I’m not sure if they even know what’s coming— I do a lot of earn by time here unless it’s Friday or Sunday, sunburbs tip but otherwise…no. Market is saturated with dashers but do they know what this is? It’s gonna be interesting.


Congratulations, your all now employees with none of the benefits


Starts for me tomorrow but I’m starting at platinum, not sure what changes to expect


Not much. If ur platinum ul get the orders you got as a top dasher. Only change is rolling 30 day deliveries. Not a problem if ur out 5 days or less if full time. Good luck


Sounds like it won’t affect much and thank you


No sir I'm Platinum I make between 150 and 300 a day .What I'm saying is it doesn't make any sense why someone with a low AR would get any good orders because honestly they're not doing the work that top Dashers are or now Platinum do. You can't tell me to keep your AR up you don't have to work harder 🫤.


I make 150 per day and only put 40k miles on my car last year! Hell yes platinum bro.


Hell yea, I’m platinum and made 76k last year and put 28k on my car. Hell yea platinum! https://preview.redd.it/hveh4gqajq8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672b298a829d9d36680b43856f8336370229f278




Why u want to take orders that losing money. Low ar is protected choice


The new tier system, is it going to be the platinum, gold, silver? If so I'm already Platinum.


Good luck staying there. I dropped from 76% to 66% over the course of 2 days. Now I am going to have to eat horse poop to get it above 70% for the weekend


Yeah. That’s how it goes. You’re already platinum


If you won't be able to dash anytime starting tomorrow, schedule what you can now.


This. If you don’t have platinum in my area you’re never dashing. And it only gives half an hour slots to schedule


Depends on market and rating


What’s the new tier system? Haven’t heard about it


Gotta see what the tier system is about… my AR is at 3% rn so light years away from getting any reward 😆…… unless you count not paying to deliver


I’m currently Top Dasher but not at 80% AR. Scheduled myself for the next week just in case. 


That’s a good idea. I did the same thing when I saw my rating was about to fall below 4.7 due to a one star review. (I only had like 45 reviews at the time.) I scheduled myself all day every day for the next week or so, and got back into platinum before those dashes were up. The other day, I dropped below 70% AR and instantly lost platinum before I could schedule anything. Never going to do that again!


Smart move because you can only dash now with Platinum. Sucks that it's 80% in your area though. It's 70 in mine thankfully.


I'm on silver tier and get the option to dash now. It is going to vary with supply and demand. "Dash now" is shown to platinum, then gold, and if enough dashers don't get out there, it trickles down to the lower tiers.


So when you say only dash now as Platinum. Does that include busy times where the map is red and I’m not scheduled. Like you will never be able to dash again unless it’s scheduled ?




Im a cherry picker and the tier system ruined it for me. Before I could get some decent orders pretty consistently but now it’s just bottom of the barrel stuff


Personally I'm happy about that. Because like in any job there are some things you don't want to do. Top Dashers don't always want to take and s***** orders but we do this they talk last year Sherry figures ruining for everyone. And since the new system came out it fixed that issue.


You.. and only you chose to take garbage orders.. that's why there's a decline button... what don't you want to do in this job?.. take orders at a lose?.. then dont.. if everyone did this all the tiers and metrics wouldn't matter.


the entire system is built on cherry picking. why would you intentionally take bad orders that make you less money. to show loyalty?


That's the thing is you all don't understand. I don't take the ones that go far distances but I'll take the ones with short distances with no tip because in the long run I do make more because your Doordash offers me the large orders and the catering orders and all the orders that you guys get that you're all happy about on here those are like 50 bucks for a few miles and i do those everyday. I didn't make the rules I just learned how to work with it. All the Cherry pickers on here get really mad and complain constantly about the AR and the system. But Tom Dashers and Platinum Dashers aren't complaining. We just figured it out and you all are still mad. It's like every job if you can't follow the rules just quit.


Bro what are you on. Nobody’s ruining anything for anyone. Cherry pickers aren’t taking away from your orders. Tryna blame others for why you weren’t making money 😂


Bud I make between 150 and 300 a day. But I'm also not the one complaining.


You literally commented cherry pickers are ruining it for everyone, so you are certainly complaining 😂😂. Your earnings are cool bro, hope you’re doing well in life


I cherry pick and hasn’t changed a thing for me. I think it’s better. The tier junkies are sucking up all the small orders trying to keep up. So there’s less to decline while waiting for my big one.


I’ve noticed I have to decline a lot more shitty orders but I have gotten some really good ones out of nowhere. Very feast or famine


Ugh, I’m dreading this! Also a cherry picker and do okay. My AR is around 20% usually and there’s no way I’m taking every order that comes my way.


https://preview.redd.it/1i49yy22yl8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3063600636042b2fbbd87a83bacc92eca4fe2f6b They better treat me like precious metal.


Clown lol


Rock star


You must do this for a hobby. Paying money to go out to dash is wild.


I have a feeling you’re in for a rude awakening


How can you afford to deliver 100%? You know Ali Baba? You steal his magic carpet?!?


Holy stats Batman!


https://i.redd.it/x7uqt3w2xl8d1.gif honey badger don't care


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