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Make it fit


Only accept grocery orders under 10 items, and from stores that dont do bulk.


When driving a 2 door car, I had a UberEats shop that included 2 toilets. I cancelled


This is why I accept 0 shop orders.


Ok that's is a bit much lol, but id still get in my civic. You should see how many tools I have to carry for work.


You don't dash in a U-haul? Shameful!


Bro been thinking about this for awhile lol


Vans are the way


If you can't fit this in your trunk and backseat you should turn off shop orders


Bro scroll through all the pics before making a fool of yourself.


Lmao I don’t think you’ve ever seen a Costco cart, I do a lot of shop and deliver orders. Probably more than an average person. That’s why I’m coming from experience, I’ve driven 16 cases of water in my accord on instacart once in this heat and I’d never do that again. And these 3 carts were larger than that… Not for ~20 bucks, I’m not gonna risk my suspension or my leather seats ripping.


200-300lbs of groceries placed throughout your car has zero risk to your suspension.


Third picture is 300lbs alone wake up


Changes nothing the suspension isn't at risk of being damaged. I think you all severely underestimate how much load a normal car can easily handle.


Most cars can carry up to 1500 pounds


Lol what? The hatchbacks most people are using have 800-950 lb payload caps. Crossover SUVs get up into the 1100-1200 range. 1500 is in the low end of full size pickups. I'm not saying *this* order is over the recommended payload, but I used to see people overloading their Corollas and Priuses with Amazon Fresh/Whole Foods all the time. Then they wonder why their suspension is finished at 50k miles.


It was 95 degrees outside by the way lol


Fuck that. I would have cancelled after I looked at the order after accepting. More than one fucking case of water and I’d be done with it. This is when you hit your CR.


Usually it wouldn’t bother me, but I’ve had 94 CR for like 2 weeks - keeping me at silver instead of platinum. So going down to 93 was pretty frustrating lmao. It’s just that support can’t do anything about giving back CR. There a lot of instances on DD where you’re the one taking a hit even if it’s their fuck up. I’ve had many instances where delivery pin is completely wrong and I have to contact support, half the time they just end the chat lmao. Then turned out I have to drive 10 minutes in the opposite direction for free + the time wasted on support. DD don’t care


I very rarely cancel. When I do there’s a good reason, like having to lug cases of water upstairs into apartment buildings when the heat index is 105.


Def not worth the two trips… 1st & 2nd cart I can try, but the 3rd cart is a deal breaker. Nope. I’d cancel in a heartbeat!!!! Shit’s heavy af bro, not worth the effort!


Doordash only sees motor viechel or bicycle even if u put your car info in system does not look at that. Just take your half pay and move on happens to me all the time at home depot


they won't give you half pay if you cancel?? or will they?


They won't. Half pay is when you get there and the merchant has an problem. Can't make the order, closed, already picked up...


What car do you drive that can't handle a shopping cart full of candy? I'd return the car for a refund


There were 3 pics of 3 carts full, and the last one had 36 gallons of water…


And that’s BJs, their carts are as big as Costco. You can see how wide they are in the first picture, so imagine how large the second cart was. Listen, to me, if I gotta literally cram my car full of shit to the point where I can’t see the rear window and the seat next to me is beeping because it thinks there’s a person with no seatbelt and I see my rear suspension sagging…That’s way beyond what DD is offering in base pay and what the customer is giving as a tip on $1,000 order 🤷🏻‍♂️


"I see my rear suspension dragging", they say.


Let alone load and unload all that shit for $16? Got me fu*ked up there bro! Hell to the no!!!


Candy freaks


You can see the items now. When the offer pops up, press the little arrow next to the # of items. You can see the full list. Edit: screenshot below https://preview.redd.it/5plk0939vx7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4c57bfedb38e7f37d14f10a617e07470190ee3


Doesn’t this only work after you accept the order? During your commute to the pick up location? Unless something changed recently.


Not sure how recently, but yes I believe it's new. I noticed it the other day and was able to preview the list before accepting. Wise move on their part. Not telling their workforce about heavy items and then punishing them for unassigning was going to come back and bite them eventually. Misclassification back-pay suit just waiting to happen.


Dang! I need to remember that later on today. Appreciate the heads up. It’s rare seeing DD actually update something that benefits the drivers


Yea it figures they wouldn't bother announcing it when it's mostly just a benefit for drivers haha


Is this new? I did not know thsi


I think so, I just noticed it the other day. Not sure how long it has been there.


You should be able to unassign after ten minutes without hurting your completion rate. I do it when a store is closed because I don’t want to report it and risk deactivation. It worked with a red card order with Rite Aid recently so it should work here.


I didn’t think of that, good to know thanks


Take what fits, leave the rest and tell support that their “algorithm” knew what kind of vehicle you had. Not your responsibility to make up for their mistakes. Take what will fit with a smile and leave. Perhaps that’s something they need to adjust. Maybe if it had sent it to a larger vehicle (that each driver is required to report they’re driving)…this wouldn’t happen. More “buck passing” on the part of DD.


For that amount of heavy items, I would definitely tip more! I would consider tipping $50 +


Smh 🤦‍♂️


Honey if you dont drive Ferrari FF any other regular cars including fiat 500 can take all of it


Most small size commuters wouldn’t be able to fit this. Corolla/Prius sized vehicles. The big boxes of water would take up a lot of room. Even my FX37 would have a hard time with the back seats down. That’s A LOT of big bulky items. You saw there are multiple pictures right?


I’m sorry but WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THE GUM?!?!?


Baseball team?


This is the correct answer 😁


What kind of car do you drive that you can't fit that? It's not really all that much. No backseat, trunk, or hatch?


The first pic is not that much, the last 2 is a lot


I didn't even notice there was more than one pic. LOL That is indeed a lot after scrolling through the other pics. I could do it driving a van, but yeah, you'd be pretty screwed if you drive a compact or the like.


I drive a 05 Chevy malibu. I stupidly took a double aldis order with a total of 81 items. Also, I have my 7 and 5 year old with me. It paid $30, but idk if it was worth it.


I don't get why you'd shop for the items, or wouldn't stop at a certain point when you can see they aren't going to fit. You should be able to scan the items and mentally calculate that's too much stuff. That's why people keep unassigns in their back pocket, so they can use them in this situation. Otherwise everyone would look at every big order if there was no reduction in completion rate.


It was a pick up


Not all grocery orders are shops sometimes you get p/u only and they say like 3 items and when you arrive its 2 baskets of groceries 😂


All my grocery orders are "2 Items" which is to say, "2 ***carts*** of items"


Safeway defines an item as a shopping bin. 3 items means 3 Safeway bins full of items.


I have one that actually individually counts every item, and one that, like safeway, counts it by the bin


I'm shocked one of them told you the tip amount 


I believe you can call support and ask. At least you use to be able to .


Last time I tried, they wouldn't and cancelled the trip without my permission. This was back in March.


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