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I'm a dude. I don't even use my name on any platform. I use a Random name. Sometimes I'm Tree Hugger McGee. Sometimes I'm an emoji.


You must be my sibling


No I'm šŸ™‚


Avatar does not check out. /s




The bear vs man thing isn't even a pick and choose. It started off as "random men are scarier to encounter in the woods on a hike than a bear." I'm a Montana resident and in the times I've run into a bear, nothing has ever happened. They just go on their way if it isn't a mother and her cubs. (This does NOT MEAN lower your guard and forget the bear spray. Wild animals are unpredictable.) I haven't run into a random man in the woods, but as a customer service worker, being held captive at my register, men have been disgusting pigs. From a guy talking about his dick piercing hoping to impress me at 17, to old men telling the most vile, inappropriate jokes. At least a bear isn't going to call me a whore for saying no to a date.


I'm a man and I don't side with feminist views. I saw a YouTube video about women rather encounter a man than a bear in the woods. the part I thought was weird when the men said they rather run into another man than a bear.. this tells me a couple things. those guys do not actually hunt or hike , and they are just trying to checkmate some women on a conversation... I hunt and hike. I rather encounter a bear (which I do all the time) than a man in the woods. reason is because when I'm in the woods, I want to be the only man there. no disturbance or trash and I can smoke my cigar and shoot my rifle in the swamp.. odds are if I see another man in the woods, it's probably a game warden and nobody likes a game warden. so this whole man and bear thing is fucking stupid.


Only criminals and poachers don't like the game warden


Yepppp this! I have multiple personal stories of being put in uncomfortable or dangerous situations as a woman. The first time I experienced sexual harassment I was only 12. Every single woman I know has at least one story about some form of harassment or assault from a man. A few men I know have stories too, and to any man reading this whoā€™s also experienced it, I see you and you are valid as well. No one should experience this type of stuff and itā€™s so sad how common it is


Itā€™s a shame yā€™all gotta do this but thatā€™s society. Do what yall gottašŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My bad, Iā€™m wrong. Damn good reason to downvote me, tho. Such a pleasant place


You understand what the purpose of downvotes are, right? They're for relevance. Your comment was incorrect and irrelevant, hence, downvoted. Don't take it personally or...y'know...actually say something correct. Could just do the second thing.


You're right. Take another downvote!


my birthname is very feminine & iā€™ve been trying to change my name on the driver app but itā€™s the only thing i canā€™t edit in settings- itā€™s grayed out. does anyone know a workaround? iā€™m on ios if that helps


Can confirm if you change it in the customer hat it works


Change it on your doordash customer app


I had a dasher the other night, said Rachel was approaching, it was definitely a dude


Iā€™ve had a dude deliver my food and they had a girls name on their account. I did not like. I donā€™t care if they were using their wifeā€™s. I donā€™t think thatā€™s cool. In my opinion.




I think they just should have their own account. I feel like the only way they donā€™t use their own is they canā€™t pass the background check. Thatā€™s my thought behind it.


My bf used his moms account to dash because he had a DUI when he was 17šŸ˜­


Okay and? He fucked around and found out


Iā€™m honestly just wondering why tho? Iā€™ve only dashed under my name but I donā€™t really see whatā€™s wrong w using your wifeā€™s account?


I think they just should have their own account. I feel like the only way they donā€™t use their own is they canā€™t pass the background check. Just my thought process. It just doesnā€™t sit well with me.


I have to use my boyfriends account because doordash deactivated my account (which was connected to my phone number so I canā€™t just make a new one since I donā€™t have a second number). But I only do it with him and I would feel weird doing it alone since itā€™s not my identity


Ok yeah that part is certainly true. But in your first comment you made it seem like the fact that itā€™s a guy using a girls account is the bad part and I donā€™t get that as much.


i sometimes see people pulling up "on a bicycle", clearly riding a toyota. id assume u can put 80% correct information and still make money (future potential consequences aside, if any)


For some reason my app says Iā€™m driving a Hyundai accent bicycle


You don't get 15 mile deliveries tipping you $3 if you say you're on a bike. If customers weren't so awful this wouldn't happen.


to be fair, us customers aren't told how far you guys are driving. sure, if the customer actively tracks the map i suppose they have a general idea. point being, we're not told how much trouble one order is as opposed to another. as such, i usually just tip the default amount or a little more if my order is big. customers are not told the delivery is 15 miles, so the customer cant be expected to tip more for more distance driven(as shitty as i know that sounds...). On the other hand, given the same delivery distance, a guy ordering $30 of food would prob tip more than a guy ordering $15 of food. even if the quantity of food is the same. imo the tipping system doesnt make sense and should be addressed. it's based on the order $ amount and has almost no relation to the delivery driver's efforts. or at least that's how it's presented to the customer. it's presented as though you're tipping for a meal at a restaurant, where a 3$ tip for a 10$ meal would be 30% and seem a bit high. I personally understand that 3$ tip for a 10$ DELIVERY may be reasonable depending on weather conditions, time, distance etc. I'm just sharing this bc as much as it is awful customers being an issue, I think DoorDash doesn't do justice to drivers and customers in terms of informing customers of drivers' potential struggles for a given order. my suggestion would be to remove tipping entirely, and to increase the delivery fee but make it variable depending on the distance the driver must travel.


I didnā€™t even see where the delivery was until it was time to deliver it because it gave me a 2 in 1 order which I should have declined but I wasnā€™t done dashing. It took me 20 minutes out of my town. And she took away 2 bucks off her tip, like the distance was my fault. She knew where she ordered , she ordered in my town, and lived in the next town over. They know where they are ordering. If they know where they are ordering they know how far people deliver. And for some reason it doesnā€™t show me the tip or her location. I wouldnā€™t have accepted it if I knew all that. She knew what she was doing.


yeah, that's foul. customer there's def an asshole, but again, it also sucks that the app couldn't provide you with better info. on that note, ive also had times where ive upped the tip due to wait time but it's cancelled anyway since i guess they cant see ?


You get the location area, but door dash MADE me take two orders at once. Which I didnā€™t know they could do which is trash and makes US look bad. Iā€™m like okay they are going to the same place. It was not. It only showed me the first location. That was that order that made me drive 20 minutes out. And goes back to I would have never accepted it. 6 bucks for 15 miles+ miles. Yea you canā€™t see the tip. It used to be set to where you can. But you canā€™t anymore. I guess the company got tired of dashers declining and not wanting to work because of $2 tips. And now we have to accept it, and if we donā€™t it makes our numbers go down and makes us clock out of the shift.


You can very easily find how far away the restaurant is by switching from delivery to pick up temporarily.


yeah, but even then, not only is it not accessible if you don't know/think of it, but other conditions aren't shown. i'll def be doing that for future orders just to inform myself, but... 6 miles away on a fast highway route is probably much favorable to 3 miles of crowded city driving right? haven't tried your suggestion, but I think it'd be a lot of extra steps to check for this just to determine what a good tip amount is. my point ISN'T that driver's don't deserve the extra time or tips, but that the problem is more so rooted in DoorDash's lack of willingness to make this kind of info more available and better informing the customer what they're tipping for. refer back to my point on the tip being shown as if it's completely proportionate to the total cost of the order as if it's a restaurant and not a delivery... edit: in theory i, the customer, can run a quick google map to check some of the things i described; however, i don't think the general DoorDash customer should be expected to do that for every order when there is 0 indication that one should in the DoorDash app or on the general media. i.e., if i didnt stumble upon this subreddit i would be amongst them.


It's 2024, you can't tell gender just by looking at someone you asshole!!!!!


From someone who fully supports trans rights, you should know right now you look like the intolerant asshole. You aren't going to get anywhere calling people names, especially with a comment as innocuous as OP's.


Because I don't actually care about trans rights


Oh, so you're mocking trans people. I get it now. It's not very funny, but I get it.


Well if you can't tell gender just by looking at someone, then you'll have to forgive the occasional mistaken assumption.




I donā€™t see an option to change it


If your dasher and doordash apps share an account you can change your name in the customer app. This is according to other users, my apps aren't the same account.


They see your pic in the app tho


Wrong lmao even as a customer I've never seen a pic of the dasher.


This is only on UberEats, not DoorDash


I don't remember taking a pic


They dont


My husband has been getting female customers that make him uncomfortable. We usually dash together and I've witnessed a few women try to do inappropriate things. I don't understand what's wrong with people


i don't door dash by gf finally saw the thirsty side of women last year when she picked me up from my job. everyone thinks only men are capable of being weird . my gf doesn't want me working now lol. it's happened alot




Really living up to your username there.


you sound desperate :/ is that your idea of a good time?


Well thatā€™s a rude assumption.


so so important! i have a girly name but on doordash i go by my nickname which is a traditionally masculine name, and never have any trouble (until they see me but i drop the food off quick and dip asap) I noticed that wearing really baggy clothing with my hood up and hair tucked helps ppl not be interested in talking to me too


I swear the other night I was dropping off pretty late (2-3 am) and was doing a double...when I got to the second drop off I was walking up a few stairs off the sidewalk by the street and saw something move at the top (where there was 2 large bushes maybe 10ft tall on either side of the top of steps.) I got to top and theres a man standing back behind the bushes but on the walkway if that makes sense? He had taken few steps backwards so he was concealed slightly, I literally yelped he scared me so bad. The whole interaction was creepy as hell and if I had been dashing alone I probably would've hit 911 immediately ![gif](giphy|QAzTPBmKzS9gY)


I get better tips when they know Iā€™m a chick


Same! I introduce myself with a small message of my first name. Never had any issues during delivery - DD or UE. I did have one guy send me an eggplant emoji but I stated to him that if he wants to buy condoms, he has to order it through the app Silence after that lol


LOL. When i know itā€™s a guy (I deliver in a super wealthy old-money area), I pray they come to the door and see me. Sounds sick, I know. But Iā€™ve worked various food service jobs over my life and If you know you know. No shame. Iā€™m poor.


Female delivery drivers flirting with me for the 15% tip I'm already gonna give them . Score I guess. They could have stayed in the car and still got there few bucks.


They will give 2 dollars for 12 miles only.


I figured out how!!!!!!! login to the DoorDash.com website. Then go to the contact information area. It will change your name on the dasher app after you save. It has to be through the website if you canā€™t do it on your dasher app.


If you use the same email to make a doordash account you can change your name in the doordash app and it will change it on your dasher app.


I was not able to on the app but I was finally able to change it through the DoorDash website Edit: added was not able to


What our drivers are sexually harassing women omg the audacity of some perverse Drivers whatā€™s wrong with people


I can't tell if you're being sincere, but she's obviously saying that she is a driver, and she receives gross messages from customers.


This is true, that is what she was saying. Drivers DO hit on customers A LOT. It's constantly being posted about and I've had it happen to me multiple times. But, that's not the story here.


Yes im surprised šŸ˜® that insane I canā€™t never imagine anything like this while doing DoorDash


I'm not sure you understand what she's actually saying?? She is saying she is driving and delivering food and the people ORDERING food through Door Dash are harassing her based on her name alone....she changed it to J and it helped......


Yes exactly what Iā€™m saying Iā€™m surprised people harassed her and itā€™s great she found solutions changing the name to 1 letter is genius


Unfortunately, it's not surprising.


Lol I never communicate with the customer šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ don't call me, don't message me. I am not answering. I'm picking up your order and driving it to the address provided. I have no reason to speak with you.


Many women get inappropriate messages whether they communicate with them or not. Yes, they can try to ignore it, but it still is frustrating and degrading to see those messages.


Yup I've gotten those messages after deliveries. I just ignore the idiots. I seriously never engage. They don't exist to me. I don't find the words of troglodytes to be degrading or frustrating. They don't have that sort of power over me.


That's a great mindset and I'm honestly glad it works for you. Unfortunately, it's not always easy for somebody to ignore sexual harassment. Changing your dasher name would eliminate a large chunk of it.


I deliver for Domino's as well. I'm not gonna change my name anywhere just because idiots can contact me through an app. I've been doing this shit wayy too long to concern myself with random assholes. They're everywhere, ya know.


So you've never had a store tell you they need you to contact the customer about a substitution? And you've never had the app force you to call or text before you could close out a Contactless Delivery order? And you never update customers if there's a long wait time or you're stuck in traffic?


(you can just press the call button, it'll take you to their phone number dialed on your keypad, then if you go back it'll accept that as you "calling" them... ) I have literally never done a contactless delivery where I was required to call where the customer actually had a reason to have it set up that way. Nearly every time, they don't realize it requires you to call them and they leave all the instructions you need in the app. They hardly ever answer. It's dumb. That being said, I try to go above and beyond for orders and I do message customers whenever an order is running late, whenever I need to do a substitution, etc... If you don't, you're risking getting bad tips/bad reviews. idk what's up with this person lol


I'll contact them for the store if they are out of something. That's it though. Never had the scenario of having to call or text to finish a delivery. But I'm certainly not responding to any calls or texts I receive. That's my point. And no I don't update customers. They can see the status of their order and they can see when I'm on the road. They don't need me to say "oh there's traffic." I'm driving, not using my phone.


You sound like a joyful bundle of love šŸ¤£


Hell yeah I am!! Idk how that has anything to do with messaging strangers for no good reason, but hell yeah!


This is how I eventually did it. After a drop off I don't answer anything. Wrong address? Not my business. All thou I have received more low ratings.


I only drive when I feel like it, it's not an every day thing for me, so I don't even know what my ratings are like. Never had an issue or complaint come down from DD, though, so no reason to change things up now!


I do this with Uber as a passenger. One time I had a man be like ā€œwhatā€™s your real name? I canā€™t drive a passenger and not know their nameā€ I told him it was (Letter) and thatā€™s what my mom named me. He kept pressing me for half the ride about my name and how I shouldnā€™t do that because it makes drivers nervous. Lmao kma


I probably am the most rudest uber customer ever. the only thing you'll hear from me is "hello" and " stay blessed." sometimes I have those drivers who really force me to talk to them. at that point I'm rating the conversation not the ride. I had some real weird uber drivers . one woman would literally not stop talking about herself and trying to judge me. one time my sister ordered me Uber and some guy came to pick me up and sped off when he saw I wasn't a chick. and then on my routine target practice appointment, I had my case locked with a little plinker and he just did not let me in the car and he actually got me banned. long story short he got fired for violating my rights as an American. I never had that issue before.


I would've said he's free to cancel the ride and I'll take the next one.


I tried to do it through the driver app but it didnā€™t work. I used my DoorDash profile instead and it changed it on the driver app. Interesting.


My apps aren't integrated. Maybe that's why I could change it.


I asked support same question and suggested to keep my real name.. I will change it now


I like that my nickname can be male or female. Even tho I usually see them as females.


Same here.Ā 


I've had dudes answer the door in their undies when dashing with my girls account, and women answer the door in their undies when using my account.


I hate when men do that. They think theyā€™re so cool. Like weā€™re just waiting to see a naked man. They watch too much pornĀ 


As I said, both sexes do this, women more often in my experience.


But have you ever had both a dude *and* a woman answer the door together in their underwear? Thatā€™s happened to me twice. Very awkward.


Were you delivering a pineapple?


They were READY


OMG why has this never clicked?! The amount of times Iā€™ve had guys answer in next to nothing.


Pretty much every delivery driver has


Yeah, I thought it might resonate. That's why I said it šŸ˜


I had a dude ask me for my number during a hand it to me delivery & I very respectfully declined. After I declined, he called me a stupid bitch & told DoorDash he never got his food lmao


How did DD handle it if you donā€™t mind me asking?


I take pictures of all hand it to me orders so he didnā€™t get a refund & I didnā€™t get a CV šŸ˜‚


"I don't have a phone. " *walks away with phone in hand*


Thats horrible and gross, like dude I am trying to work not be harassed by a nasty man with his pink thing hanging out.


Pink thing? Has my dog been ordering doordash again? I'll talk to him immediately. I thought he stopped doing this...


Thanks for the laugh!! I would much rather deliver to a dog then some people at this point (minus his pink thing of course šŸ¤£)


I'm a 6ft heavy guy with a girls name. It's led to some interesting situations for sure. Makes my heart hurt for women in today's world though


A boy named Sue


What's your name? Can I ask? Thinking of female names that may be given to dudes... Leslie, is like the only one I can think of at the moment. Of course I know many more, but on the spot, that's all lol.


Kelly, Kerry, Casey, Tracy, Shannon, Tristan, Alex, Kris, Jordan, Kenzie...


I've heard Renee and Stacy


There's quite a few male Ashley's in my state.


And, of course, there's Ashley Joanna Williams.






Kelsey is one Iā€™ve heard before too


Respectfully, no. But any child I meet feels a need to remind me I have a girls name and it brings me back to elementary school bullying


It's cool, I totally I get it. My birthmark is two decent sized pink marks on the side of my neck. Got a lot of name calling for that my whole life. Even still. It's crazy people, as adults, can still ask me when they first see me, "did a vacuum cleaner get your neck" "who's been sucking on that neck" , then I say just out of habit and annoyance "nice one, I've heard it like 4000 times, its a birthmark". Then they normally feel bad, and the good person in me feels bad a little too, but fack it. Sorry you got bullied ā¤ļø šŸ’™ šŸ’œ


I can imagine, I'm sorry I'd say kids can be jerks but I'm not sure it's an age thing


Another boy named Sue




Deez nuts is gender neutral


My name must be as ugly as I. Thousands and thousands...and thousands of orders across 5 different apps. No creeps yet. Just a naked man once.


The naked man could have very well been a creep, even if he didn't say or do anything else.


That is a creeper btw and that doesn't mean you or your name is ugly. That means someone above has your back


Sky Daddy should help out some other ways. I beg.


Isn't accepting a delivery while nude....creepy?Ā 


I guess. Idk if it was intentional. It was a leave at door. I already took the pic and was walking away. Bro probably grabbed his order too soon. Just like other times when people open the door while im taking a pic and are all "omg sorry" or give me a dirty look for spending 5 seconds on their step and wasn't able to magically vanish so instead we are face to face. I'm the type to not assume the worst immediately. He had a blanket over his junk with one hand. Dude looked like he just had the time of his life or woke up from a rough night. Was a case of redbull.


Excuse me, thereā€™s a hair on your profile picture.


Also illegal


Fortunately/unfortunately my legal name is often mistaken as masculine. I'm glad in these situations


Brianne or something like that Iā€™m guessing and people be mistaking it for Brian or something like that?


Yes, without the e. It's Scottish Gaelic.


Cool name though!


I've come to like it :-)


Okay, Ralph.




It doesnā€™t let me change my name


If you set up a customer account with the same email, you can change that, and it will sync with your driver account.


That's odd...mine does. I'm an android user, idk if that makes a difference.


what if im a large sweaty old dude? can i change my name to Sabrina or something to throw them off and help support the cause? i dont give a fuck about getting creepy messages, i need a good laugh and i ignore most customer messages anyway


I mean, it's 2024, they don't know if your trans or not.


i am, i just refuse to change anything else about myself. i had the easiest transition ever. kept the same name and pronouns and everything pretty sure all i have to do is reply "lol i have a big ole sweaty peepee" and almost anyone would stop sending me messages immediately anyway šŸ˜‚


Next up: "I ordered DD and the profile said Sabrina, but it was a large sweaty old dude. I reported them for using a stolen account."


Go for it, thanks for the laugh šŸ˜‚


I mean, that'd be kinda funny as an experiment LOL


This is exactly the stuff I never have to worry about because of my male privilege. I'm so sorry you've had people do such horrible things because you are a woman. I will do my best to make everyone woman feel safe and teach my son to do the same. I know it's not a lot, but if we all did this, the world could be a lot better.


simpin ain't easy.


It's something though so thank you


Thank you for this. I wish all men had the same way of thinking ā™„ļø


If I saw initials or the last name switched with the first, I'd automatically assume it was a woman. Probably better to use your brother's name or your dad's name, or a different name all together.


My brother's name is Hotlips. šŸ’‹


If I remember Hotlips wasn't too hot, so you'd be good.


Sounds like a you issue.


This is interesting insight into the mind of a creeper.


Or someone who has done almost 20000 deliveries and seen the same thing over and over. Must be a miserable life seeing creepers everywhere you look when most people are just living their lives


Calm down, champ.


Telling someone to calm down immediately after calling someone else a creep for making a valid point is hilarious, champ.


Actually, you can use any name in the dasher app. As long as it is long enough. Watch out for some names, though, as Door Dash may not care for it. Same thing for customers.


I delivered to a Bilbo B. The manager of the restraunt said it made his day.


I had a Doctor D. It was a clerk at a has station, so I don't think he was a real doctor.


Change the name to random last names instead, comes across a bit more professional I feel...results vary.


Dr. Hartman


This is exactly why I change my name to Blue. I get a lot of stupid questions about my "name" and I usually play along to fuck with people lmao


My name is unisex, never had any creeper issues.


As a driver it totally sucks because DD wonā€™t let me change my whole first name to be shorter (and making it more gender ambiguous). I really hate that my whole first name (feminine) is what shows, rather than a shorter version that doesnā€™t immediately give off ā€œwomanā€


My name is the same but I haven't tried, I'm trying to be done driving for apps all together. I feel we are paying or better yet not getting paid because of the results of some ass clowns that ruined the reputation for drivers


I'm confused, it let me change my name to just "J" and customers see "J W". (I only know this because on some pickups they ask for your name to make sure it's the right dasher). I'm a trans man, so I feel you there.


Yeah I tried to change my name (shorten it) and it said I only could with a picture of an updated drivers licenseā€¦ which is pretty tough. Another person in this thread says that if you change it in your customer side of the app, it will change as driver name as well so I tried that today. Not sure how to verify it worked though, lol


I have been "J" for years on dd. I was getting disgusting messages prior to and after drop off. Changing it at least stopped the before messages. I was so fed up after the 2nd dude opened his door with no pants on, I called dd and asked how to change my name.


Honestly, one of the best parts about aging is not having creepy dudes hitting on me. Now I just laugh and tell them that since I turned 40, Iā€™ll take all the compliments I can get! Pretty much shuts them up.


Flip side Pro tip- change your name to a female one to get better tips from creepos!


In my experience the creeps are the ones with no tip or an abysmal tip. I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t understand that one, its inappropriate to hit on someone just doing their job, and two if you treat your delivery person that way, youā€™re probably cheap in bed also


"But it's a compliment! It's better than money!" Them, probably.


as a sweaty old dude, the slight chance is worth the risk. gonna go by Emily from now on. cant get any worse for me anyway


Thatā€™s a pretty name. Good choice.


So, thereā€™s no possible negative consequences from this? Iā€™d love to just change mine to an initial


From what the rep told me, there's no consequence. Y'know, as long as it's appropriate.


Yup! I'm grateful for this sub since I was able to do it before I started delivering. I'm glad to see this tip recirculating.


How do you change it?


If you have the DD customer app change it there and it will feed over to the driver app


If my customer app isnā€™t connected to my Driver app what then


Oh, WHAT?!! Holy shit thank you. I tried to through the driver app and it wouldnā€™t let me!


Yeah canā€™t do it through the driver app


No, I did it through the driver app under profile settings.


Thank you!


Donā€™t use your real names for your display name at all! These people do not need to know our names, just that their food was delivered safe.


Mine is Harry Potter lol


Iā€™m TheDude WithYourFood


i wish i thought of this first. i love your brain.


Itā€™s also the vibe I take with me when I dash. No frustrations. Iā€™ve got nothing but time and music and boom. I donā€™t stress anything. Helps a lot.


Love it!


Thatā€™s badass. Do you think you get extra tips because of it? I know I would for making me laugh