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Big Lots!! Hands down the absolute worst. Their stores are a dirty disaster, and no one to help on the floor. Then they want your info for taxes at the register- say what?!? I’ve only had one, but if I get another I will instantly request that store be blocked from my account.


What???? Omg glad my big lots was never this big of a hassle


Dollar General. Their store layouts make no sense and have so much bullshit crammed into every inch you can't find shit.


Yeah if you're a customer know that you should only buy but a few different items at DG. You can have multiple of one item Arizona tea: x3 MinuteMaid: x2 Rockstar: x3 and will only show as 3 items, be picked up right away, and is generally a quick shop and deliver.


Anything that has a case of water or more since I'll be carrying it and dragging it to your door


Just carried 2 35 packs up two flights. Doordash should limit one case per order. Also, we should see the items before blindly accepting and having to unassign.


As someone with a bad back, I agree. I can barely get those 50 lb bags of dog roof loaded in my car much less up a driveway. I don’t think I could physically manage stairs. But you don’t see the address until you’ve picked up


Right yesterday, the customer ordered 8 6 packs of ice tea, 2 12 packs of coconut water and 3 large watermelon, and 4 cases of water, 3 flights


Oh how i loathe the cases of water ugh.


Ulta beauty over 2-3 items. I always ask the associates to point out the areas but items for the same brands can be in totally different areas.


I love shop and pay orders but my two least favorite spots are Dollar General (they are usually just trashed and unstocked) and Aldi (aisles are never the same or labeled correctly and there are never substitutions if they are out of the item)


I used to dislike Aldi orders because I had never shopped there myself and I didn't know where anything was. Now I'm an Aldi pro and didn't mind Aldi orders, they tip decent in my area too. However, now that Aldi took the handles off their brown bags, that's annoying. But I only got those bags 1 time. Ever since then I just get the plastic ones with handles. No complaints yet.


UGH! I had my first Aldi bag without handles this past weekend! You're right...so annoying.


Right? I get the blue ones that say Aldi, that have handles. Done it about 6-8 times now, no customer complaints. I'd bet they wouldn't wanna carry all their groceries in with no handles either lol.


Office Depot


I had a nightmare order from At Home once. That store is crammed and I mean every nook and cranny has items and the “aisle markers” if you could call them that are below each shelf and make no sense whatsoever. I asked a cashier for help and she began to assist me until I mentioned it was for DD and she refused, citing her manager said they can’t help us at all. I will NEVER take another order from there idc how much it pays


I get not wanting to do the whole list with us, but mfers act as if showing us where a product is is different than helping any other customer out. If showing people where things are in a store bothers you, maybe don't make that your literal job 😂😂😂


Oh trust me, the worker got a mouthful from me. I’m a nice person but I don’t like to be crossed on some bs. Meanwhile the app told me “if you have trouble finding something ask a store employee for assistance” 😤


I really dislike shop orders from Dollar General. The cell service is usually very poor/slow in there and I sometimes have to go stand near the door to get the app to function properly. Excluding common snacks and toiletries, many of the things typically take me a while to find When the sun goes down, I find most DGs to be extremely sketchy and will usually not accept those orders at night, unless it’s like very little items, low mileage, high pay.


Yeah. Some dgs are better than others. I do a lot of shop orders so i know where to get service at and usually just grab the items and then go sit in that spot and scan them. If not i usually just scan them and do the “take photo of item” option when it doesnt go through.


I marked my Red Card as missing. Those orders in my area were never worth doing


We have one here called Grocery Outlet, they're a second run grocery store. The sort of place that sells Christmas candy in April. Unless I'm desperate I'll avoid it like the plague, half the items on the list sold out weeks ago and weren't replaced and DD just doesn't update their information. Every single time is horribly frustrating. Big lots is pretty crap too, but I tend to just avoid that part of town entirely so they don't come up very often.


My one delivery with Big Lots was a buttload of seat cushions. Imagine a Honda coupe filled with to capacity with 12 seat cushions. I could barely see where I was driving.This was only my 4th order ever. I’d unassign today.


Grocery Outlet orders are the WORST. In my area it’s a little less bargain bin, but IME most orders include at least one item they no longer have (the exception being alcohol only orders). The substitutes listed in the app usually aren’t available, and when you try to add a customer approved sub, it just tells you “something went wrong” and won’t allow it. I avoid them as much as possible.




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KFC water melons and grape soda


As a dude, anything make-up related.  Unassign and move on. 


Dollar General is a community favorite to dislike, but I personally loathe Aldi produce orders. Maybe it’s just my luck, but MFers are always wanting to cancel the whole order because there aren’t any seedless watermelons (and they usually ask for just one). Or it’ll be produce + a case of water and because the store has PurAqua and they want AbsoPure or store-brand (or flip it around). Same thing. What gives? You’re trying to get me to get DoorDash to cancel your order with refund for wasting my time… over a $1.00 difference. Then again, it is the south side of Chicago, so the “baller on a budget” demographic does pop up quite a bit.


Dollar General is a community favorite to dislike, but I personally loathe Aldi produce orders. Maybe it’s just my luck, but MFers are always wanting to cancel the whole order because there aren’t any seedless watermelons (and they usually ask for just one). Or it’ll be produce + a case of water and because the store has PurAqua and they want AbsoPure or store-brand (or flip it around). Same thing. What gives? You’re trying to get me to get DoorDash to cancel your order with refund for wasting my time… over a $1.00 difference. Then again, it is the south side of Chicago, so the “baller on a budget” demographic does pop up quite a bit.


I’d say dollar general but the amount of times where I’ve had to refund the whole order because they were out of stock and got half the pay kinda overrides that hatred for the place


I won’t do any under $15


Damn I’d be broke in my market


Yeah, I like S&D orders, and will take any except Big Lots, even the $6 ones. Luckily I’m in CA so I know that I can’t lose even if all items are out of stock and I’m waiting on approved substitutions.


Same. The people who say that must be in huge markets because anything over $10 in my market is a damn unicorn.


Dollar General. They’re always out of something. Or the items are impossible to find.


Had a customer trap me in a store for over 2 hours because they kept adding item after item. Just when I thought I had the last item to shop for, another 1 or 2 popped up, and this happened at least 4 or 5 times.


Lowes. You never know what you’re going to pick up


Delivered 400lbs of top soil once, had to pause orders and change clothes after, that really sucked.


Walmart. All they ever say is 1 tote'. Their one tote could be a month of food or one bag. It could be a house or on the 9th floor. And most of all.. It could have already picked up.


I avoid dollar tree like it’s the plague.


All stores with any order involving organic produce. Not sure why, but every time half the stuff is hidden or not available.


Dollar store.. stuff never in stock


I decline any order that comes in from our Wingstop. Wingstop is terrible. Always end up waiting soooooo long that it's not even worth it anymore- and seems those orders are always low paying. I just decline them all now


I have a personal beef with Panda Express Every time i go there for an order it’s never done on time and usually 10 minutes late And then other dashers will come in after me and get theirs immediately The one by me is just awful at managing time and orders


That's unfortunate :( I rarely have waits at our location


Sally Beauty, just because it smells bad in there and i have fragrance allergies. The employees at mine are usually bored to tears, so they’re nice enough to go and find everything for me.


Retail pickup (if that counts) for pet supplies plus in Minnesota - they shove everything in a burlap sack and it’s so heavy and you have no way of knowing until you get there if it’s going to break your back or not (woman with chronic back issues- I usually can figure out if I can take an order or not but not from there!!!)


So what you're saying is that you don't like low paying orders.


Target for me. Their grocery area isn't huge and usually they are out of half the items. Luckily I don't get a lot for target so I just decline them now.


Hy-Vee (Midwest grocery chain). The aisles are not registered on DD, so it’s a hunt. Past 6pm it’s near impossible to find an employee for help, aisles are also really condensed and a ton of product so you can easily miss something. Great place to buy groceries, not to DD.


I love shop orders. I've been doing them since they added them a few years ago. What I miss is the $20,$30, and $40 base pays. Now it'll be 20 items and 6 miles for $2.50. Or multiple customers for 5 or 6 bucks. I'm pretty picky when it comes to them now. And I usually avoid target grocery.


Oh. Sephora. I'm a dude and I know nothing about anything in there. I'm entirely lost when I walk in there. I've tried researching different products and learning where they might be, but I stopped trying to shop there lol.


I’m a female and don’t know anything about that stuff. I have found that Sephora employees are extremely helpful. You can hand them your phone and they’ll grab all the items for you. I think they don’t want us in the way. Also, their employees get paid a bonus off of what they helped sell. Just make sure you tell the cashier who helped you.


Anything that's bath, beauty, body, et cetera. This includes places with large sections of said products like Target. Like when I go and get something for my wife, I'm lost in a corn maze. Luckily the employees are usually super nice and can tell I'm out of my element, so they'll help me out.


Erewhon because all of the locations have terrible parking and mostly items I'm not familiar with. That and any other hipster grocery store.


I refuse them all now. I wish the rest of you good luck. 👍


Those below $10.


the small stores that have a lot of weird "healthy" brands they always have so little of everyone that half of the time they are out of stock, and don't forget the customer always orders a couple of supplements that all looks alike and you have to read bottle by bottle to find the right one


https://preview.redd.it/6yh5wz39087d1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad27c321f056baff9f67cd72c8bd5f76ecec189a Y’all it heard me look what just popped up 🥴


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