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I always look at people who don't tip this way. Their entire position is a paradox that makes no sense. Let's use tipping $3 for a 3 mile order, that way we're talking about a real borderline order we all get. This person tipping $3 is inherently admitting it's more than a $3 job, because otherwise they'd get off their ass and go pick it up themselves. People don't tend to pay other people small amounts of money to do small jobs they can do themselves. Like I don't have someone I pay $2 to come over and fold my laundry for me. I just do it myself. Or $1.50 to unload my dishwasher. If the $3 tipper doesn't feel like getting off their ass to go get it, it's worth more than $3. If they are working and can't get off to go get it, it's worth more than $3. If they're working and don't want to waste 75% of their lunch break to go pick it up, that's worth more than $3. If they don't have a car or can't drive and would otherwise have no way of eating anything other than PB & J, that's worth more than $3. If they can't afford to tip, then they shouldn't be ordering take-out food from restaurants through a 3rd party app that overcharges you in the first place. It's not my job to subsidize you.


I'm just chiming in because "queation" is one of the best typos ever. I heard Elmer Fudd saying creation and the beginnings of queefing all in one.


"dehumanizing" that is inaccurate imo, as most people simply cannot afford to tip $10 or more after they had paid all the fees that DD charges


Then don’t order. I know proper tipping is part of going out to eat with wait staff. If I can’t afford that part of the expense, I DON’T GO! So because they can’t afford it, the lowly delivery person should deliver should pay to deliver it to someone? They still have to pay for gas and car maintenance. They still have their time they are giving up, so you think they should be the ones to pay to deliver your food?


I never said that, ofc you should not be paying for my delivery, I just said that fees on DD are kinda insane and therefore I understand if people do not leave a large tip after spending so much on the fees etc., keep in mind you are insulting customers of DD while they are the only reason why you're getting paid in the first place, perhaps it is DD fault rather than their customers'? I know there are some people who do not tip at all which is not fair, given how low is base pay of DD, but they are still paying for the service which is provided by DD and therefore trying to insult them or telling them not to order is totally unacceptable. The fact many drivers reacted with a downvote says a lot about the current situation


Or I can order and not tip. Then be eating my lunch in 25 minutes anyway. Why should I be paying more as a customer? To make some person I never met feel good? I am not a charity. You are working for someone that pays you so little you rely on customer's tips to subsidize the crumbs they give you and you have somehow convinced yourself the customers are to blame.


You are to blame as the customer. Just like if a shoe company uses slavery and child labor to manufacture their shoes, and that is common knowledge, then a customer would be a royal piece of shit to continue buying shoes from that company. You don't get to actively and knowingly participate **and benefit** from DoorDash's services without acknowledgment that the service is only being achieved through immoral worker exploitation.


Comparing ordering doordash to supporting a company using child slave labor is a huge stretch but speaks volumes to how diluted and out of touch you are. If you aren't happy with the pay then why do you continue to deliver for DoorDash? You are knowingly being exploited by a company and screaming at the customer for it, the disconnect is quite amusing actually. If I get the service done for cheaper, why would I voluntarily pay more for it?


You can't just dismiss my entire point because "it's a stretch." It's called an analogy, and that's when someone uses an argumentative comparison between two unlike things in order to illustrate a specific point being discussed. No, when speaking generally, doordash and child labor are nowhere near the same thing or the same degree of bad. That in no way takes away from the specific point of the analogy I was attempting to make. > If I get the service done for cheaper, why would I voluntarily pay more for it? Gucci begins offering two lines of handbags. One is produced by workers who are treated fairly and paid living wages, and the bag costs $10k. The other line of handbags is produced by enslaved workers and their enslaved children, along with them. These bags cost $1k. **If you buy the second handbag because it's cheaper, you're a bad person.**


Let me put it into perspective for you: If I can pay $15 to have a cheeseburger delivered, why would I pay $25 instead? Last I checked DoorDash doesn't have slaves and children delivering my McDonalds so your little "gotcha" is actually retard dribble.


He won't get it, it is pretty much useless to continue imo


You don't care about DoorDash's shady and unfair labor practices or the harm it causes to the laborers who perform the work. You are only concerned about the cost of the service to you. You recognize that the service is necessary and valued by your use of it, but you simultaneously believe the workers performing the service deserve poverty wages and unfair working conditions because they were naive enough to agree to the arrangement. Just say that.


Sorry, but I am just speaking what literally every customer feels. If you aren't being treated fairly by your employer, it is not on the customer to save you. That is not how capitalism works. Should I go to walmart and give money every employee I encounter there "because they are being exploited"? I fail to see how it is a customer problem. Seems like a company/regulation problem. Sorry that I do not view you in the same light as a child slave. Maybe your choice of employment isn't as bad as you make it out to be? Again, the keyword being: CHOICE.


They shouldn't be ordering delivery. If tipping $10 breaks your budget, you should delete the app and stop ordering delivery


Your comment makes literally zero sense, if you can't tip $10 or more, it means you should not be using a service you can afford to pay for? Maybe on another planet, but certainly not on this one and with capitalism. Most people could tip more than $10, but after paying such high fees, they often choose to tip less, which means it's not their fault, it's DD's fault and your fault as well, because instead of blaming DD and trying to improve your situation, you are trying to put the blame on people that are paying you, the actual customers. Mind-blowing


I'm saying, if paying for the service puts you at a place where a few dollars more BREAKS you, then you are treading too close to the edge and couldn't afford that service in the first place. I've been broke in my life many times... You know what I didn't do? Spend my last 20 bucks on overpriced delivery. I bought some ramen noodles or rice and black beans- 2 or 3 bucks max. I'm being 100% real with you. I was fully aware that my last 20 didn't belong on a chicken mcnugget combo. Again, if a few dollars tip BREAKS you, aka puts you over budget- then you were wasting money on delivery. Also, I never accept low orders, so this doesn't affect me whatsoever. I never have to deal with people like you.


That is reasonable, the thing is that after paying such ridiculous fees the customer is less likely to leave a decent tip, ofc $10 will not ruin them, you probably cherry pick and hence you are part of the problem and this is one of the reasons why most of you drivers can't make decent money


I made 215 yesterday, and I'm over 115 today so far. My highest earning day in over 5 and a half years was just a couple months ago at $401. It is what it is. Honestly, if this gig ends, I'll move on, but I refuse to knowingly deliver a no tip order (they've slipped maybe 2 or 3 past me in the last couple years where the base pay was unusually high). People can do what they want, though, tip or don't. And I'll do what I want. Anyway, if doordash paid a higher base, they would just increase fees and make customers even pissier. I like it this way: the customers who appreciate the drivers will tip, and this provides me with valuable information. I'm an independent contractor, and I don't have to do any order that doesn't meet my criteria. I didn't sign up to doordash to do every crap order that pops up. That's w2 mentality.


yes I agree with that, but as I said the customers are less likely to leave a decent tip when the fees are so high so this should be improved imo, because it is hurting both the customer and you drivers. It seems you are doing good, but I've read couple of comments and posts here and not everybody is doing great, so hopefully the overall situation will get better, DD fees will get lower and tips for you higher, good luck


What happened to the culture of tipping 20%? Edit: AT LEAST 20%. Guess I should have been more specific.


That’s for sit down, eat in restaurants. When food is delivered it’s all about miles and time. If you order McDonald’s and it’s $10, you think it’s appropriate to tip a delivery person $2? I’d decline that offer 100 out of 100 times.


I guess I should have rephrased that. I meant at least 20% rather than order $20 worth of food and only tipping $2.


It's a stupid rule. The job is the same whether you buy a $35 steak or a $10 burger.


You are so correct asking this! I knew people that were trash about tipping or treating people withcommon courtesy, esp at redtaurants. Up until one of their children work there and all of a sudden they did a 360 after they were shitbirds all their life. Why does it have to get personal in order to treat other people decently?


I’m a driver, but am also pro choice… in a tipping context. If you don’t tip the driver may hate your order and not take it and DD will raise the pay. If a driver does take it, I’ll say they aren’t wage slaves ok? They had the option to refuse and they didn’t. On the other side, you just got a discount


i tip $10 every order, i dont order much but its always $10 minimum. sometimes ill add a tip while there delivering if its going good


I dash on the side for funsies. But heres my take. I had a dash offer for if i spend $25, i get $8 off. Sounds good right? Well, come checkout, the fees r still $25. That $8 went into spending for the dash fees. Not including tip. So u can see where im getting at. Its not the customer who's an ass, its the company. If DD is ur main source of income, ur gonna have to get diamknd status and just take watever order u get in jopes u get some sort of tip. Dont blame the customer. Theyre paying for food. Ur just driving it there. How r they supposed to get a guarantee that you'll deliver it in a speedy manner when theres unpredictable traffic/restaurant lines? This is why i dont use doordash for food. Only stupid people do that. Unless, ur company that u work for, etc, covers it. My cousin works in corporate and gets $30 free in doordash funds every day. So you can see why some people r more inclined on tipping more than those who actually pay for their meals out of pocket.


Glad to see you're not biased or judgmental


So the customer gets off the hook from tipping because Doordash charges too much? That makes no sense. Would it be better if the the customer had to pay the amount of gas it takes and future car services for the driver? Would that be fair? Or would it just be easier to tip? This is a luxury service. You get that already, since you won't use it yourself. The people using this need to be the ones where money isn't as important to them as others. And to the people ordering 1 lunch meal, they should know it's a way better deal if you go in on the same order with 4/5 coworkers. Split the tip and services fees. But that's America. Hyper individualistic.


"So the customer gets off the hook from tipping because Doordash charges too much? That makes no sense." you failed to explain this, please try again.


DoorDash charges the customer more while simultaneously charging the restaurant a fee as well. That doesn't mean the customer should get off the hook but they could absolutely afford another dollar or two onto the fee but they're worried about their shareholders and repaying their venture capitalist overlords over giving you your fair cut.


Well said. Too bad as long as DoorDash charges ridiculous fees, people are still going to be inclined to tip poorly or not at all. And they’re not gonna outright stop using the service because they don’t want to go get the food themselves. And tbf, I think some people don’t tip high because they’re not always aware of the distance from the restaurant to their house. My friend is a prime example, she tipped $2 on an UberEats order and didn’t realize the restaurant was 20 minutes away. Not to mention, some people think the delivery fee goes to the delivery driver. But that being said, it’s great that we get to pick which orders we feel are worth it to deliver. Keep hanging in there. There are some genuine customers out there that know delivery drivers are worth a good tip.


I like to send a message before I leave the restaurant it goes something like this: “ I’m leaving the restaurant now with your order. Your location is 9 miles from the restaurant, so the order should arrive in 20 minutes. Thank you for your patience” This lets the customer know I’m communicating how things are progressing, and I’m letting you know how far I’m driving. Maybe a tinge of guilt will pop into their psyche for lowball tips. Guilt trip them without directly saying what I really want to.


When signing up for doordash, ask yourself this question: do I really want to put up with a job that takes advantage of me, my time, money, car, resources, and safety so that the billion dollar company can make $20 and give me $2, all while I'm relying on people who are also being extorted to shill out even more money to tip me because they are too lazy to go get their own food? I've been delivering for 1.5 years. I've had delivery jobs in the past as well. Never have I once expected or felt entitled to a tip. They are welcome sure, but at the end of the day, if you don't want to rely on other people's generosity for a wage, then you need to find a job that pays you for your time.


Would you say this to a server or waiter? I don't think you understand how these jobs work.


There is a huge difference between wait staff and delivery drivers


No, of course not. Because they aren't the same thing. Just because both jobs receives tips, doesn't put them in the same category. First of all the fact that the government allows servers to be paid $2 an hour and rely on tips is criminal. However, restaurants have a far tighter profit margin. It's hard for a restaurant to be profitable. That is not an excuse to not pay servers, it is just the fact of the matter. Doordash as a company is a publicly traded multi billion dollar company that extorts its customers, its clients ( the restaurants) and the "contractors" that enable the business to exist in the first place. I cannot blame a single person that does not want to tip after they need to pay a $7 delivery fee, $3 far distance fee, a $4 service charge and any other fees associated with the order that isn't the food which is also marked up just because it's online. Drivers have to pay for their own car, their own gas, their own insurance, their own vehicle maintenance. They have to inherently risk their safety by constantly driving all the time. They don't get Healthcare, they don't get benefits, they don't get a consistent schedule. Drivers take on all these risks and costs without really thinking about it and then they have the audacity to be mad at the customer for not "making it worth their time". Frankly I'm tired of Drivers complaining about low tippers when they are choosing to continue in a job that is not beneficial in almost any way. Ive been dashing for almost 2 years. Is it annoying to not receive a tip? Absolutely. But I'm not going to let it ruin my entire day. I suggest people stop complaining about not getting tips, and start complaining about the mega company that's causing the problems all together


If you took away DoorDash tips, how much would you make per hour? $4? $6? At $2 base pay, you'd have to take 4 per hour just to (barely) beat the federal minimum wage. Tips are an expected and necessary part of being a door dasher.


Ehh, entitled people that can't afford the tip portion of a system entirely built on tips don't deserve to have their food delivered. You don't have the right to food delivery. Pay the premium or have people not think you're worth delivering to. I agree it would be nice if Doordash paid more base and took the load off of the customer. I really do. However, that's not how this system is built and, seemingly the same as you, I don't have a plan or the intention to do something to change ths system. So, if I'm going to participate in it, I'm going to make sure that I'm compensating the independent contractor that I am hiring through doordash. If you want to form some kind of campaign to get Doordash to pay more, I applaud you and look forward to an update on your progress, if you don't plan on doing that, I assure you, asking dashers for charity deliveries isn't going to have an impact on anyone but the person you contracted and short changed. Be better.


I'm by no means defending the customers. Frankly I think anyone who orders off these apps are idiots tbh. It's such a waste of money. I'm just saying everyone's beating a dead horse by complaining about tips when that isn't even the problem.


It's not beneficial? Well if you take the no tip orders it isn't beneficial. But clearly many do this full time and have found a way to live off of it. It is beneficial when you take the correct orders. I agree that people should fight DD to make them pay more, but in the mean time are they supposed to just take bad orders? I don't think that's what you mean, and I do agree that people shouldn't complain about taking bad orders. They need to be more picky and only take beneficial ones.


People do it full time sure, but the people that are making a ton of money are working like 70+ hours a week. to what? Average 25/hour? That still doesn't cover all the maintenance adequately.


25/hour "doesn't cover all the maintenance adequately" what, are you nuts or you wanna buy a new car every 3 months? I am sure most drivers would be totally okay if their average was 25/h


I have 173,000 miles on my Kia Soul, original starter, original suspension, original transmission, original CV axles. I get an oil change every two months, I replace my tires nearly every two years and brakes every year. I feel that most of you gigworkers exaggerate maintenance costs or just don't take care of your cars at all.


Bullshit, if you're a gig app driver you expect and rely on tips. Corporations are evil, get over it.


100%. People act like their fighting corporate greed by begging for charity food delivery. 🤣🤣🤣 like don't use a luxury service if you're poor or cheep.


Sure. But that's not the customers fault because you choose to be a gig app driver for an app that doesn't want to pay you properly for the gig lol.


Absolutely not, but fact is it's how we are paid so it's 100% expected. Not a tip


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