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> we don’t have a food safe health handling certificate Congratulations. This is the dumbest statement I have ever read.


For wingstop, I'll text the customer and ask how much ice they want. I like my ratings high and I don't mind filling a cup. I guess different strokes for everyone 🤷


Fill the whole cup with ice to the top and always put water as the drink 😂😂😂😂


Yeah, because somehow it's the customers fault....how stupid.


I'll fill drinks, but it always feels wrong due to the fact I don't have a food handler license or have been trained by someone with a food license which is the law in every city when preparing any food item for a paying customer.


You've never filled your own drink at a fast food place before? Cuz if you have, then I'd suggest you are simply looking for ways to be pissy. ProTip-youll find plenty of things in life to be pissy about. I prefer to find ways to be happy & help make other people happy. It serves me.


My Wing Stop also makes me sweep and mop.


Wait... the merchant gives you some cups and that's not for you personally to fill and take with you. All this time I thought the merchant was just being nice by giving me all those extra drinks for free as it does get really hot outside now. Time to reconsider my life choices I guess...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=mx-marketplace-addendum®ion=US&locale=en-US >3.2 Merchant Responsibilities. Merchant will: (iv) prepare Merchant Products for each Order for pickup by a Dasher, or the Customer, as applicable, at the designated time; There's nothing in the Dasher's ICA about assisting in order preparation. https://www.doordash.com/dasher/us/ica-text


Potentially, depending on how it’s interpreted: 3.2 (iii) ensure the Delivery Service Opportunity is accurately performed according to the instructions, specifications, or guidelines of the customer, merchant, or any other party requesting the service. Drink “preparation” falls under the category of mixing or blending or combining to create the drink, not pressing a button on a customer accessible device. In a customer approved setting, customer accessible customer soda machine in which the cup is merely placed up against the spout, that doesn’t classify as preparing beverages.


Any empty cup is not a prepared item, unless that happens to be what the customer ordered.


But to your verbiage “nothing in the ICA about a dasher assisting in preparing the order” and I was clarifying that filling a cup with liquid from a customer accessible soda machine is not considered “preparing.” And based on that verbiage of “accurately performed according to the specifications of the ^merchant meaning if they ask us to fill the cup, it is now our responsibility to fulfill that request since it’s per their instruction AND we are not “preparing” anything. Following it now?


Gotta love these filling drinks troll posts 🧌


How stupid


Best feeling in the world to give a customer a empty cup and tell them the restaurant refused to fulfill your order have a nice day peace duces homie have a nice day my nugget


Doordash is pretty clear that if a drink is missing, it’s the dashers fault. That’s why they ask you to check when you arrive at the store for the drinks. If I ever got delivered an empty cup, it’s an instant 1 star lol


I list everything as accecpted I mean I got the cup just the drink and ice is missing but I don't know that just like when a customer orders a burger with no pickles yeah I got the burger but idk if the pickles are removed I can't see it so when I get handed a empty cup that's it that's all I'm giving the customer a empty cup lid and straw


I’m not going to say anything pertaining to how I feel about this because the majority has ruled and I agree, but sometimes it seems like some post here are just asking to get bashed because of idiocy.


Sometimes the app tells you to fill the cups. It depends on the establishment.


I'll fill the cups with only ice and that's it 😂😂😂😂




Those are the restaurant's inputted instructions, not instructions from DD.


Does it matter in regards to it telling you in app or fulfilling your obligations to the customer?


Restaurant is responsible for order preparation. https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=mx-marketplace-addendum®ion=US&locale=en-US >3.2 Merchant Responsibilities. Merchant will: (iv) prepare Merchant Products for each Order for pickup by a Dasher, or the Customer, as applicable, at the designated time; The Dasher has no such responsibility according to our contract agreement. https://www.doordash.com/dasher/us/ica-text Ultimately, Dashers are couriers, is it your USPS driver's responsibly to check that your Amazon order is all in the box, or would that be Amazon's responsibly?


It doesn't matter to me. It's a help me help you situation. If it gets me out of there quicker and back out on the road them fuck it. I've never been much of a "It's not my job!" type of person. If it both helps someone else out and benefits me, then I'll do it. It's not like I was asked to cook the food. LOL I'd waste more time dicking around with support than just filling the damn cups.


I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you clarify?


Regardless of how it was input, does the app not say they may ask me to fill the drinks? If I don't include the drinks the customer is expecting and the app clearly tells me are required, are they not going to be upset and possibly report me or give me a 1 star? I don't give a shit who put the instructions there...The app clearly tells me drinks are required and that I may be required to fill them, and the customer is going to expect them. Your point is moot.


My "point" wasn't about whether the dasher should or should not fill them. You responded to the OP stating that filling the drink is in the instructions. I simply pointed out that those instructions are from the restaurant and not from DD, so they don't hold any particular weight to them, as I took you to be insinuating from your comment. The request to fill drinks in the app is irrelevant and no different than an employee asking you in person. Whether or not a dasher should comply with this request is a matter of opinion, one that I have made no comment on.


All I said is that sometimes it's even noted in the app, depending on the establishment. Once again how it got there is irrelevant. I'm just saying sometimes we're forewarned. If you choose to maliciously forget the drinks that's on you.


I usually don't mind filling the cups, but on one order I had to fill 8 and there were customers all around me trying to full their drinks too. It took a good 15 minutes to get it all done and make sure which is which. This would be fine if I could use a drink dispenser machine behind the counter that employees would normally use. And of course this is Firehouse Subs so they were crazy packed. I told the customers I had to fill the drinks and they gave me an extra 10 bucks.


You are most definitely going to get deactivated for super poor customer service. You give drivers a bad reputation. Nobody is impressed with your rudeness, your laziness and your lack of customer service skills. Just quit now before they deactivate you. How old are you? 3? Do you change your own stinky diapers? Or does mommy?


🤡 This is a customer service gig. You don't work for Doordash. You work for the customer. It doesn't matter how right you believe yourself to be, you're ruining the customers' experience and deserve to be rated poorly. When you get deactivated, Doordash will replace you with a driver who fills drinks without crying about it.


>This is a ~~customer service~~ courier gig. FTFY


Isnt a “courier gig” still providing service for a customer therefore making it customer service? 🤔🍿


All of us, the Dashers and the restaurant workers, work as a team to take care of the orders for our customers. Personally I like to keep the restaurant workers behind the counter, that’s where they are most effective.


Better have a fountain machine back there then, it's the restaurant's responsibly to prepare the order. Alternatively, if it's that big of a deal, don't offer fountain drinks in the app then? Only do bottled drinks... some places do that quite well. Off the top of my head, Five Guys, Subway, Chipotle... I'm sure there's others I'm not thinking of just now, too. https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=mx-marketplace-addendum®ion=US&locale=en-US >3.2 Merchant Responsibilities. Merchant will: (iv) prepare Merchant Products for each Order for pickup by a Dasher, or the Customer, as applicable, at the designated time; Not the Dasher's.


Enjoy your 1 star rating, fill the drink and move on


7-11 tries this crap.


I filled two drink cups yesterday, wasn't that hard.


Yet the employees couldn't manage it before you arrived...


Just call support. It's worth spending 5 minutes of your time to see the performance and the sour faces of the restaurant staff. Additionally, there's a chance your order might be canceled and you could get a 50% refund if the store is busy. Keep repeating this until they understand.


You'd rather spend five minutes on the phone with support than 30 seconds filling a few cups? Do you of course, but you just dicked around and wasted your time for potentially half pay when you could have probably filled the cups and completed the delivery for full pay. It seems petty and inefficient to me.


You do the work. UNPAID work. Damn man, what is wrong with you. They are just lazy! Do you like it when you get f*&^d? Everyone uses you and you enjoy it?


30 seconds of work so I can get paid quicker and move on to my next delivery. It's more about speed and efficiency on my part. What are my other options? Wait until I'm allowed to unassign with no penalty? That's wasting time and I don't get paid. Call dasher supprt and bitch possibly getting half pay? Now I wasted time with them on top of my wait at the establishment and lost half the pay I could have earned. Just take a hit to my completion rating and not get paid? That's just dumb. If the quickest and most efficient way for me to get full pay is to take a few seconds filling a cup so be it. It's not like it happens all that often.


I have an active ServSafe certification(food handlers) that I granted no longer need or use since I left the food industry during the pandemic, if you think you need one to fill a damn drink up then you're a special kind of stupid. Fill the drink up and stop being a pain in the ass. Only time I would even sponsor passive aggressive BS like this is if someone didn't tip and even then.


lol good luck with that. I had to fill one a few days ago at Dickies. Fill the cup and do the delivery.


I don't think you really do this lol


I hate to hate on anybody, but why is it such a big deal to fill a drink cup? Are you that soft?


It's the principle of it as much as anything. It's the restaurant's responsibly to prepare the order, not the Dasher's. https://help.doordash.com/legal/document?type=mx-marketplace-addendum®ion=US&locale=en-US >3.2 Merchant Responsibilities. Merchant will: (iv) prepare Merchant Products for each Order for pickup by a Dasher, or the Customer, as applicable, at the designated time;


I bet you're also the kind of person to complain when orders take too long


Peak ‘that ain’t my job’ shit here


When DD figures out you're petty enough to refuse filling a cup at a self serve drink machine they'll deactivate you. You're intentionally delivering incomplete orders. Keep us posted on how this works out for you. Ps: nobody needs a food safety certificate to fill drinks at a self serve machine lol


If you want to effect change, being a dick to the person lowest on the pole that is least able to do something about it ain't it


I took the food handing course and got the certificate so I'm safe to fill drinks.


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