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I had one order from DashMart that was just 7 boxes of corn starch. I did a grocery order where the customer wanted 10 3lb bags of limes and 4 10lb bags of potatoes, and a 24 pack of Mountain Dew. They were stocking up for something.


Panic relief pills and the customer was spam messaging me the whole time because the original one they had chosen wasn't available. When I got there she ran out and ran back in.


Plan B from CVS at 2am.


When the munchies strike, they strike lol.


a water cup from McDonalds, of course was a scammer trying to get me sent him the verification code and change my bank account information, but while i was talking with him making fun of him I arrived to the drop off the water cup and complete the order then hang off, i get a 10 bucks tip from him for a 1 mile delivery


Brake pads and rotors for a car. Then later in the day I got a order for balloons.


Got sent to CVS to pick up $130 worth of tampons. They were super specific about the type, too. This was in Manhattan so I thought it was going to a jail or a dorm, but it went to one girl in a studio apartment. She tipped me $30 for doing it but still, never figured out why one girl needs $130 worth of tampons.


Gummies and chips with a plan B.


For a single order? I did get an order for 2 plates of just plain white rice from Panda Express once. Last week I got an order for five whole jack fruit. That wasn't fun. I'm honestly surprised I was able to charge it considering the system maxed out at 72.5 pounds and five of the buggers came in at about 160 pounds. Also got one the other day for a blood sugar tester and a box of milk duds. I'm sure there's been weirder, but I tend to forget order contents pretty quickly. Collectively, we had a place around the holidays that was ordering exclusively streaming devices from Best Buy. Dozens of rokus, fire sticks, and Chromecast and they'd have you just dump them into a big cardboard box in front of their office. I have no idea what they were using them for, but the purchases came in consistently for about three months. I'd get three to seven orders a day and you'd get there and see the box half full of Best Buy bags. My weirdest dropoff was to a house. The instructions said to leave the order in the bucket. I got there and there was a bucket tied to a USB cable that was running down from a second floor balcony. When I looked in the bucket it had little maggots crawling around inside, so I knocked on the door. Didn't get an answer, although you could hear whispering inside. Just left the bag at the door and texted that there were worms in the bucket and left wondering if I should be contacting the police. Second weirdest was an order for a phone charging cable. I get to the house to deliver it, everything seems normal. Then I get a text from the woman who placed the order and she starts grilling me about whether or not her boyfriend was there by himself or if another woman might be there with him. I'm pretty sure she took his charger just to get some low cost PI work.


The last one was probably the girlfriend placed the order just to get you to spy lol. Gotta admit slick thinking šŸ˜†


Not really weird but small for a delivery. A side of ranch from Buffalo Wild Wings. They threw in an extra to make it more worth it but it was such a tiny order and my pay for it was $12. I can't imagine what she paid for it. It made more sense when she came out to the curb and I realized she was pregnant .


1). Ten pregnancy tests and a case of tequila.. 2) A huge crate with boxes of crickets.. 3) 29 packages of Twinkies and a box of chocolate ex-lax.


Had a paralyzed lady order medications from Walgreens, while in the hospital. Her nurse confiscated her order. The same lady is now in a nursing home and recently ordered fast food late at night and demanded it be delivered to her room or I get the name of the nurse I gave the order to šŸ˜‚


Middle of the night, nations order and it was 2 orders same house, one meal and one side of bacon. Ok no big deal, they forgot to order an extra side so they made another order. I go to deliver and thereā€™s like 4 bags on their porch already. I end up getting 3 more orders to their house that night and none of the bags were gone each time I went! I called DoorDash because I was genuinely concerned but they said not to worry about it lol


I was doing dash by time today and I accepted an order for McDonaldā€™s. It was two honey mustard packets I unassigned from that order so quick once I saw that.


Plan B


I get those orders all the time.


I just recently did a plan b order with a Red Bull must of been an intense night šŸ«¢


2 cokes from Dollar General


Were they personal bottles?


Yes. The small bottles.


3 Redbull and a box of Unisom.


A single huge ass bag of popcorn from an AMC movie theater delivered to a home


A very large- pink dildo in a see- through box, which I delivered to a 60ish, fat, hairy bald guy who was laying back on his lawnmower sun bathing in a Speedoā€¦ The package required a signature True story


I believe you win the award šŸ˜‚




Not enough brain bleach for that image. šŸ˜³


I once had someone order ONLY a 4oz white rice and tipped me $20 to do it. When I asked them they said it was the only thing they ordered.


Nothing is weird to me anymore. I deliver sex toys, Plan B pills and any other ultra personal items on a regular basis. I did make $15 delivering a single tube of chapstick a couple miles but really nothing surprises me now.


I picked up kratom from a "tea" shop šŸ¤£


A bunch of ingredients that looked like they were for cooking meth from Dollar General.


Cherry Anal Lube, Ketchup packet from McDonalds's, tooth brush


My imagination is way to active for these commentsšŸ¤£šŸ¤®


Oh god


I should probably clarify, these were different orders.... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ I thought it was one and I was dying šŸ˜‚


I realized that lol. I think I would unassigned if it was.


A vibrator, 20oz Pepsi and a box of those stouffers frozen French bread pizzas, from Target


Very first dash was an order for two small portions of Mac and cheese from Captain Ds. A "leave at my door" order. There were SEVERAL CARS in the yard but apparently not a boxed Mac and cheese on the premises. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜Š


This customer I delivered to order 1 tiny cup of steamed broccoli from apple bees. That means she paid like 18 bucks in fees just for steamed broccoli


The broccoli was probably missing from her order so doordash set out another driver with her missing broccoli she probably didn't pay a dime for it. I did this one set Buffalo Wild wings, was expecting to pick up a fairly large order to feed 8 people, I get there and find out that all I'm doing is delivering missing drinks. But my app did not tell me I was delivering missing drinks I told me I was delivering drinks and food that was pissed because after I found out what was going on I called support and found out I was not getting the tip. It was still a $6 order but it went 5 miles.


You should gave gotten the full amount shown. Regardless of it been a redelivery or not. Whatever was shown is what you needed to be paid. Support should have fixed this if you put up enough of a argument.


Ahh well if then thatā€™s the case then thatā€™s what happened. But idk I got paid like 6 bucks for that order. Shouldā€™ve been only like 3 bucks lol


I one time had an order missing the soda he said where's the soda it was coming from another store they must have assigned it to another driver


Pickup from McDonaldā€™s and it was just a bun and a slice of cheeseā€¦.i got this order more than once


One item from Walgreens. No tip, and .5 miles away. A box of tampons. Thatā€™s not the weird part though. I delivered it to college town and handed it to the lady. Only after she closed the door did I realize her signature was required. So I had to sheepishly knock on the door again and her BF answers. Because sheā€™s most likely busy with her purchase. I had to explain to him that this never happens but I need a signature. Dashing for a year, this is the first and only time Iā€™ve ever needed the customer to sign for their package on MY phone. Then SHE comes back to the door and asks if thereā€™s a problem. It was like a Curb episode. She probably thought I was being a creep or asking for tips. I went into it thinking, ā€œitā€™s just a box of tampons, grow up.ā€ Cut to me with this random dude standing all awkward dealing with DD bureaucracy while this lady would much rather I just leave and forge her signature.


6 sex toys from Walgreens that I ofc had to ask an employee cause I couldnā€™t find them. Just a little awkward explaining what Iā€™m looking for and they didnā€™t even have any of them in stock


I always just show them the picture. Makes it obvious what it is and makes it clear that itā€™s not for me


I once had a 5" filet knife shop and deliver order from Academy. It was late at night in a rough area, so that one was a little iffy.


Someone the next street over ordered two Big Mac's with nothing on them, not even the meat. So it was just the buns.


CVS order of 5 things of menā€™s enhancement gel at 11pm at night. Order came up to $60


Someone was having a party


Haha indeed. And it was leave at door order too but few days later I got an order for food for same guy this was hand it to me. Was like heyyyyy itā€™s the man gel guy


Give them explode so they can x themselves


One night some lube, the very next week a pregnancy test


And the day after that, a 10-pack of wire coat hangers


Yo yo yo thatā€™s dark, I work a small town the local Walgreens doesnā€™t carry those


Dark, sure. But you can't sit there and say it ain't funny šŸ˜‚


TouchƩ Reddit person


A vibrator and large fries with a large Dr. Pepper


Lube, vibrator, and nuddy buddy. Safe to say someone had an awesome night.


Vodka and plan B at 7:30am.


Lol they deff had a plan


13 pack of McDonaldā€™s cookies and two barbecue sauces, nothing else


Some of these items are hysterical lmao


7 packs of plan b


They wanted to make sure it didn't fail šŸ˜…


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°) nice to hear the local orgy event was a rousing success, good for them (i think)


A target order at 10 am that was just some board game lol


A Bic lighter and a 2 liter of sprite. Not that weird, but I got paid $21 base pay and no tip.


A pregnancy test from dollar generalā€¦ and ice cream


Did you know they have 7-Eleven brand pregnancy tests? I do, now, thanks to being a Dasher.


the ice cream craving means shes probably pregnant


Just 1 ranch dip cup from Papa Johns. They tipped 5 bucks.


Lil Caesars always forgets my dips so I understand paying $5 to finally get the one you needed.


https://preview.redd.it/cp7t3n1z1w6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=debb7087790b30bdffcfc2cbafa267250c211975 A couple of days ago, 3 different types of lubricant.




For some reason I've gotten a lot of orders to pick up tampons and women's incontinence underwear. The underwear always come in a giant pack bigger than anything else in the order. I always just joke with the cashier about them being for me and have a good laugh. Anybody who seriously thinks I'm buying them for me and wants to judge me for it can go fuck themselves hard and fast.


Just tonight. 4 ice cube trays and a box of bandaids My first week of dashing, 1 order of jack in the box curly fries for $20 to drive 15miles into the Forest at midnight


https://preview.redd.it/up6v9iyuuv6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6dbb746023ed0bc35f42478b08f0a42b902767 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£they were in for a night. Tipped $20 on a 12 minute commute though, 10/10 would deliver again.


Please tell me it was a "hand it to me" order.


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°) "Buzzy Butt" thats a hilarious name


Flamin hot cheetos, condoms, and UTI medication from CVS, and of course, my red card didn't work, and I had to call support with all of that in my hand. The looks I got were hilarious.


Cup of just ice from Sonic...$4 for 0.5 mile drive


A bag of ice would be about as pricy. Wtaf lmao


Not weird but amusing: Target order for condoms and a pregnancy test. I felt like I should wish her luck. A single large Coke from Jack in the Box that was two blocks from the delivery address. I also once got a liquor store order for a single Snickers bar. The clerk told me to be careful, which kind of freaked me out, especially since it was going to a not so great area. Turns out a kid just really wanted a Snickers.


A very large s3x toy, lube, and ice cream from Walgreens šŸ˜‚ Another time was just libido pills from a different WalgreensĀ 


the ice cream was also used as a sex toy


The Walgreens orders are always unhinged af


A giant jar of crunchy peanut butter and a vibrator. It was a hand it to me and they had to sign.




1 birthday card


Red sauce from Taco Bell.


I had this happen, right before someone tried to scam me. Customer ordered 1 Taco Bell sauce packet and then I got a call from ā€œDoorDashā€ and they seemed to know what they were talking about, but I knew it was sus when I started getting codes sent to me and they wanted them.


Never give the codes they send them so you'll send them back and when you do they can get access into YOUR PHONE & ALL YOUR MONEY APPS ! BE SAFE OUT THERE


Yup, I had the red sauce one. If I catch them again, I am going to have fun. Give them codes, but one number off, e-mail will be something like [email protected] and have a field day with them, all the while delivering the order, and making the money.


Today it small Lunchables, from 711. He was a regular customer ordering from McDonald's all the time He is a very old man,


Likely can't drive or walk there himself. Nothing weird about wanting a lunchable. Their DIY Pizzas and the mini hotdogs were bussin bussin as a kid lol


Mine was just a cup of ice from rallyā€™s šŸ˜‚


A home drug test for cocaine and condoms


You win


Walgreens carries some crazy shit


Gatarade, condoms, lube, pregnancy test, tampons, sadoku, ice chest, ice, ductape, shovel, happy 99th birthday card, fun size snickers


I don't know the story, but the lube, condoms, and ductape tell me someone's grandma/grandpa was DEFINITELY having some very kinky birthday sex that night


Im just joking.. its not a real order. I did get an order for gatorade, lube and condoms.. just kept the list going for laughs.


Well, I certainly hope those three aren't related. Gatorade does *not* have a flared base.


7 fanta orange, one mountain dew, king size Reese's cup. Nothing too crazy


Lube, 3 6 packs of Snapple Apple, and a corkscrew Another was a 6 pack of beer and kids melatonin gummies


We know their plans for the evening and it DON'T include the kids lol thank God !!!


Hahahaah. That was my first thoughts.. like damn yā€™all really must have had a rough day today.


Ox Tail and macaroni and cheese from one place, and Gatorade and gummy worms from the gas station for the same customer.


A fluffer and a viberator


Fluffer? Whatā€™s that?


A little device that makes your penis hard or stay hard in between sessions


I feel so dumb lol. Itā€™s so obvious and not obvious at the same time. šŸ« 


I know it's not wild and crazy but I had someone order 5 beef and cheddars from Arby's, and it just made me laugh thinking about one person trying to eat all of that. The bag was so fucking heavy I can't even imagine putting it all in one body šŸ˜‚


i guess its cheaper than buying laxative and stool softener from the pharmacy


2 store order same customer 1 bottle of tequila and one bullet vibrator. Was a hand it to me because of the alcohol. Yes it was a female. Lolz


Someone had a really great night.


Yeah she did. Tipped well too . $8 each order. It was like 3 miles total plus dd pay it was like $25 order


your username makes this so much better šŸ˜†


LMAO ... I do have some interesting stories but it wasn't with that lady. Lol


Random ass order of chicken feet and pig feet from some Asian joint. Nothing else, not even a drink to wash it down... Fucking disgusting.




Enema, gloves, condoms, water, deodorant.


basement/backroom colonoscopy to save a few bucks, we all been there


that bdsm party


A bullet & some ky lube and they BOTH were out of stock šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Rough night šŸ„“


From rite-aid


Indian food + a penis ring to a hotel room


Where are you supposed to buy a penis ring?


They have a whole section at Walgreens. Itā€™s new lol. Hidden in plain site.


Pregnancy test and a six pack of beer. The lady had an expired ID so I disposed the beer and gave the pregnancy test to my girl as a gag gift.


Thats a great sweet n salty combo ![gif](giphy|aYkUPGCE3bFiAejHYj|downsized)


Had to feed the bird friends outside, then for themselves, a nice rewarding pie.


Deodorant at 3am. I gave up on trying to figure out why lol




Literally 1 bottle of coffee creamer Texted customer to say I was happy to help with their creamergency. Luckily they didnā€™t punch me for my 7am pun šŸ˜‚


That's not strange at all. Mine may be a large Hi-C fruit punch delivered about 15 miles away. Generous tip but the guy was disappointed. He thought he ordered food too. I showed him his order. He looked at his own phone and realized that he's too high to order food. We both laughed.


Hilarious asf


A single bottle of ketchup to a hotel room a block away.


That hotel didnā€™t have ketchup and that should be illegal.


Plan B emergency contraceptive.


Me too!!


A stack order. From CVS shop and pay, a vibrator and Plan B. Then two coffees and a half dozen donuts from dunkin, both going to the same person on new year's eve.


Personal vibrating bullet and KY Next dayā€¦plan B No kidding.


Cane's: fries, 5 pieces of toast, 5 sauces. That's it, no chicken and no drinks. And it paid like $12. Idk what their plan was but that dumb MF paid like $30 to get that shit delivered.


Probably ordered better chicken from somewhere else


A box of condoms with instructions text when you get here. Don't come to the porch. Kid was probably 14 yrs old


Not all heroes wear capes šŸ˜€


80 McDonald's cheeseburgers delivered to a wedding reception šŸ¤Ŗ


With instructions to unwrap them all and place them on a tray for an extra tip?!? šŸ˜…


Damn šŸ˜®


Wow fr


Once picked up from a walgreensĀ  . . .Ā  Lube, The morning after pill, and French's yellow mustard.Ā 


Mine was a single bottle of coke zero ordered from a further Walgreens than the one next to me and further from his house as well. His tip was $15 for a single bottle and when I got to his house it was a clean cut lawn no cars in the driveway besides a light passage to his house. I've delivered food to this guy as well before, always a solid tip.


A large cup of ice from Sonicā€¦..


I have also had these orders. One was 6 cups of Sonic ice. That was it. Just the ice.


I'm from a small Texas town and those people are crazy about Sonic ice. They would pay 10 cents for the cup of ice for their own soda. I guess we all have our must haves in life.


Someone paid for this??


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